How to use js code to forward reactjs-router? - javascript

when u seem to require forward in reactjs we used to put a Link or button ,and then consumer click it ,then the page reload corresponding path of router . Now,I want the page turn to other path of router when I request a post and the status of response is 200. It can't use a link or button ,could reactjs use code to do this? like : CertainComponent.setPath(otherPath); CertainComponent.turn;
My English is poor , it may be not clear to delive the function which i want to do.

I think you want to use this.context.router.push('/users/12')

First of all the component you are using has to be a container, which means you have to create it with connect() so it has access on store and dispatch:
let MyComponent = ({ dispatch, store }) => {
export default connect()(MyComponent)
And this depends how you named the router key on your store when you combined the routing reducer from redux-router on your store.
There is also another alternative, where you could do
import { hashHistory } from 'react-router';


can we set a specific route to show insted of an dynamic route in nextjs?

I am developing a nextjs project and I have a page that has dynamic routing, something like this :
.../user/[id]/[another id]
I want to set a unique route for every user. but assuming the nextjs default routing system, it seems I have to create a single page for every user.
I wonder if there is any way to set a specific route like '/john' for every user that represent the same page for the route: .../user/[id]/[another id]
can anyone help me with this?
You can just create a page in the /pages or /src/pages directory like this:
then you can read this value in your component as :
const UserComponent = ({user})=>{
return <p>{user}</p>
UserComponent.getInitialProps = (ctx) => {
return { user: ctx.query.user }
export default UserComponent;

Nextjs - first level dynamic route

I want to have user profiles in my app at .How do I do it? creating a new folder in /pages will create a new URL section like /user/:username which I don't want.
Just name your file inside pages as [username].js
Creating a dynamic route
You can create a dynamic route by putting the filename in brackets. For instance:
Notice how the dynamic route can be at any level. It doesn't simply need to be at the root of the pages folder, and it doesn't need to be the last level of the url either. Also notice that you can name the dynamic route anything you want. You're not restricted to just using [id] or [slug].
In your case, use pages/[username].js
Accessing the route name
If you create a dynamic route at pages/posts/[slug].js, any page at will lead to that page. However, you likely want different content on each page (i.e., that the user is on, not For this, you need to access the contents of the route.
Inside the page
You can use the router to get the name of the route.
// pages/posts/[slug].js
import { router } from 'next/router'
export default function PostPage() {
const router = useRouter()
const slug = router.query.slug // "slug" because that was the name of the file
return <>{/* page contents */} </>
So on page, the variable slug will be slug-of-the-post.
If you used [id].js, use instead.
Using the server-side functions, the process is very similar.
// pages/posts/[slug].js
// bottom of the file
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const slug = context.params.slug
return {
props: {},
By the way, I'd also recommend checking out the docs if you haven't already:

Vue.JS - Both 'history' and 'abstract' router?

I am creating a VueJS app in which the user fills out a 5-step form.
These steps are routed to /step-1 through /step-5 in the Vue Router. However, I would like the site to return to the index page (/) when refreshing the page.
I could use abstract mode for this – but the result page is generated from the following url: /result/:userid in which I need the state to be history in order to be able to get the userid from the URL (and then do a post request to the server).
I also want this URL to be accessible even after finishing the form, so abstract here is not an option unfortunately.
So – is it possible to use both modes? Refresh the page to index.html when refreshing the form-pages, but then use history mode to render the result?
You cannot do this. It is either history or abstract but not both. Having said this, there are a couple of things you can do.
Approach 1: Use history mode with steps as query params
So instead of having routes like /step-1 or /step-2, use then as part of query params. So you will have routes like:
Index route:,
Result route:
Approach 2: Use abstract mode with higher order component
Here, you will have a router with abstract but it will only serve as a state router and won't help with any browser URL manipulation.
Build a higher order component like AppComponent where you will have your own regular expressions to determine the route. It would look like:
// Should match route /result/:userId
const IS_RESULT = new RegExp('/result/(\\d+)$');
// User RegExp groups
const IS_STEP = new RegExp('/step-(\\d+)$');
export default class AppComponent extends Vue {
// Use Vue.js created hook
created() {
const path = window.location.pathname;
// Top level routing of the application
if (IS_STEP.test(path)) {
// Do something. You are in step-1/step-2/etc.
} if (IS_RESULT.test(path)) {
// Do something. You are in /result/:userId
// Get userId
const groups = IS_RESULT.exec(path);
const userId = groups[1];
} else {
// Goto Error page
throw new Error('Unknown route');
Approach 3: Use Multi-page SPA
Here, you will create two single page application. The first app will have routes /step-1, /step-2, etc. You will use abstract mode for this. The second application will have /result/:userId route with history mode.
In this architecture, when a user is on step-5, instead of pushing a new state to the router, you will use HTML5 history API to change the router and then cause a forced page refresh. Also, there are other ways you achieve this.
You can simply have a redirect in native javascript where you call it window.location.href('') and it will do a full refresh.

React - Change URL for modal that can be open everywhere

I'm new in React and I was asked to implement this feature in an App mostly done. So, I don't want to destroy everything.
I have a modal containing components login/register/activation/password-recovery/password-reset according the situation. This modal can appear on every single public page. It's possible to navigate in the modal from login to register, from login to password-recovery, from password-reset to login.
We can access to the modal from a link in he header and from other links through the site. The modal appears with an animated transition.
I was asked to change the URL according to the modal content displayed.
The URLs must be:
The page behind the modal should remains even if the URL was[...] or the homepage should be displayed by default behind the modal on direct URL access/refresh.
I found many pieces for this puzzle on the web, but pieces don't seem to fit together. I just want to know the best way to achieve this task.
I don't have convincing code to show right now.
If that can help, it's a React-Redux App using JSX on NodeJS server.
if your component is rendered via Router you can use history.push(), else you can wrap your component with withRouter from react-router-dom and then use history.push(),
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'
const myComponent = () => {
// by this history is going to be available from props in this component
export default withROuter(myComponent)
if neither of then was not working , you still have location object from window of browser left , try that....
Maybe the 'history' library can help you easily
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
const history = createHistory()
history.listen((location, action) => {
// location is an object like window.location
console.log(action, location.pathname, location.state)

Refresh / Reload ember route from a component

I have a component, that's actually a modal dialog.
When I am done with that dialog and press the "Ok" button, I want to stay on the stay page from where I opened that dialog.
Which isn't difficult.
But the problem is that the dialog changes the data (I am getting data through a REST call) so I need to refresh the route that I already am on to reflect the data changes.
Since, I am calling it from a component, I don't have Route so can't call route.refresh().
I tried to get the router:
this.set('router', Ember.getOwner(this).lookup('router:main'));
and did transition to the same page:
But since the route hasn't changed (I only opened a dialog), transitionTo doesn't get triggered!
Is there a way I can force trigger transitionTo or refresh the page that I am on?
Thank you!
First, you can easily get the current route name by injecting the routing service to the component.
Then, you can get the current route instance and apply its refresh method:
// app/components/a-component.js
import Component from "ember-component";
import service from "ember-service/inject";
import getOwner from "ember-owner/get";
export default Component.extend({
routing: service("-routing"),
actions: {
refresh() {
const currentRouteName = this.get("routing.currentRouteName");
const currentRouteInstance = getOwner(this).lookup(`route:${currentRouteName}`);
For this, define refreshCurrentRoute method in nearest route or in application route file.
From your component, you need to call refreshCurrentRoute action. either you can use ember-route-action-helper or by passing the closure action.

