How to create a truly hidden variable in Javascript - javascript

I am trying to build a puzzle game using HTML & JS. This is going to be a standalone HTML page. There isn't going to be a server side for this application.
Obviously, the game has an answer which the application will create at start time. Now, I wish to make this variable completely hidden i.e., not just hidden from user's view but also inaccessible to the user, even if he tries to read the page through Chrome's Developer Tools or such debug tools.
I'm looking for a solution using HTML5, JS ECMAScript 5+ & jQuery.
I remember reading something about Native HTML code (used for HTML File elements) which cannot be rendered/read even through Dev Tools. Is this any help?
Is there any way or strategy to achieve this?
NOTE: I am aware of <input type="hidden">. But that doesn't serve my purpose.
EDIT: As part of the game, the user makes attempts and the application needs to validate the user's input against this somehow-user-hidden answer variable. At this point, I believe there is no solution that's going to be completely airtight in the given constraints. Hence, I'm pursuing this from an academic interest. Does anyone have any other answers ?

Prehash your answer, hard code that into your page.
Then, when they submit their answer, run through whatever hashing pattern you did before hand, and compare the result.
It could theoretically be brute forced, of course.... if you had a few hundred years.
Javascript implementations of:
An example would be:
Pattern: SHA-1(SHA-1(SHA-1(answer + salt)))
Salt: 982qx17wef7ddsbtxaewnsdufs (make something up, load it as an input type='hidden')
Result: (load it as an input type='hidden')
Request the answer
If SHA-1(SHA-1(SHA-1(attempt + salt))) === Result, they got it correct

Your can hash your values using MD5.


Selector interpreted as HTML on my website. Can an attacker easily exploit this?

I have a website that is only accessible via https.
It does not load any content from other sources. So all content is on the local webserver.
Using the Retire.js Chrome plugin I get a warning that the jquery 1.8.3 I included is vulnerable to 'Selector interpreted as HTML'
(jQuery bug 11290)
I am trying to motivate for a quick upgrade, but I need something more concrete information to motivate the upgrade to the powers that be.
My question are :
Given the above, should I be worried ?
Can this result in a XSS type attack ?
What the bug is telling you is that jQuery may mis-identify a selector containing a < as being an HTML fragment instead, and try to parse and create the relevant elements.
So the vulnerability, such as it is, is that a cleverly-crafted selector, if then passed into jQuery, could define a script tag that then executes arbitrary script code in the context of the page, potentially taking private information from the page and sending it to someone with malicious (or merely prurient) intent.
This is largely only useful if User A can write a selector that will later be given to jQuery in User B's session, letting User A steal information from User B's page. (It really doesn't matter if a user can "tricky" jQuery this way on their own page; they can do far worse things from the console, or with "save as".)
So: If nothing in your code lets users provide selectors that will be saved and then retrieved by other users and passed to jQuery, I wouldn't be all that worried. If it does (with or without the fix to the bug), I'd examine those selector strings really carefully. I say "with or without the bug" because if you didn't filter what the users typed at all, they could still just provide an HTML fragment where the first non-whitespace character is <, which would still cause jQuery to parse it as an HTML fragment.
As the author of Retire.js let me shed some light on this. There are two weaknesses in older versions of jQuery, but those are not vulnerabilities by themselves. It depends on how jQuery is used. Two examples abusing the bugs are shown here:
The two examples are:
$("#<img src=x onerror=...>")
$("element[attribute='<img src=x onerror=...>'")
Typically this becomes a problem if you do something like:
This was a fairly common pattern for many web sites, when single page web sites started to occur.
So this becomes a problem if and only if you put untrusted user data inside the jQuery selector function.
And yes the end result is XSS, if the site is in fact vulnerable. https will not protect you against these kinds of flaws.

Degrees of JS vulnerability

Never trust the client. It's my coding mantra. All javascript can, with enough effort, be overwritten or compromised. The thing I want to understand is how.
Let's say I wrote a function checkStep() for a game - each time the player moves one space, it polls the server to check for any events: HP regeneration, enter random battle, move to next map, etc. I asked myself "self, how would I go about rewriting or disabling this function?" Research turned up some conflicting results. Some sources say functions can be directly redefined from the console, others say it would be a much more involved process.
My question is this: what would a player have to do to rewrite or disable my checkStep() function? Can they simply redefine it from the console? Would they have to rip, modify, and re-host my code? How would you do it?
Please note, I'm not asking how to make this function secure.
The first person to leave an answer/comment along the lines of "you
can try minifying it, but it still wont be secure" or "put in some
server-side checks" is getting bludgeoned with a semicolon, as an
example to the rest.
You could use a web debugging proxy like Fiddler to do this for your local machine. Programs like this allow you to intercept content you download and fiddle with it. So you could write a new version of the function, then use the program to replace it with your version when the file is downloaded from the server. Then, for your local machine, the code would run with the new function in place. The web session manipulation page on the Fiddler site has a few more details.
There is no reason to use any Javascript or browser a even.
If a normal user can use their browser to play the game then any user can use any program to communicate with the server and send it anything they want. The server is not able to know if someone is using a browser to connect to it or not.
This applies to anything. A game server doesn't know if the user is connecting to it through the official game client. Since the official game is closed source it would be easy to fall into trusting it even though it is possible to reverse engineer the protocols used and use anything to connect to the server.
Complex things like creating a malicious game client, or using a proxy to alter content before it makes it to the browser are technically valid points, however that seems like a lot of effort for something which is very simple to do.
var checkStep = function() {
... // your original function
// later on
checkStep = function() {
It is perfectly valid in JavaScript to change what function a variable holds. Any function you define can be redefined on the client side. This can be done by other script files loaded by the browser which use conflicting variable names, scripts injected via XSS, or by the user bringing up the console.

Simple template engine for user-edited files

I am using nodeJS (server) and Dojo (client). I am writing a system that should allow users to create user-defined messages (they could be text-only email or SMS). I want to give a lot of flexibility. I would like to:
Pass the users a number of variables
Give the user a Web form
Allow the user to cycle through the data in the variables, print it, etc
The result of the script execution is a text file
This could even be used to allow them to create invoices. However, at this stage I am more focused on text.
I am thinking of allowing straight Javascript, and then eval() whatever they wrote in it. But... I am not sure.
What's the best practice solution for such a problem?
Don't use eval, read the following for why.
Why is using the JavaScript eval function a bad idea?
For JavaScript templating see the following list.

Run inputted text as javascript in a javascript application?

My goal is to write a javascript application that will take text as an input and compile/run that text as code.
For example, say the JS application has a light that can turn red or green. The user inputted text could be lightRed(); to turn it red, and lightGreen(); to turn it green. I think the standard way to solve this kind of issue is to implement some kind of lexer/parser, like what Jison does.
However, I'm fairly new to JS programming and that seems like a daunting task - especially when I later plan to add more complex functionality to it like if/else statements. So I was wondering if it was possible to have the inputted text treated as javascript, essentially using the browser's ability to process javascript. So the javascript application will have a light, and it will have functions called lightRed() and lightGreen(). Text inputted to the javascript will be treated as javascript, so writing lightRed() as text will directly execute the lightRed() function in the application. Is this possible? Would this be more complicated than just using something like Jison? Thanks!
The easiest way to compile the inputted JavaScript would be to use the eval function. This will evaluate and execute any code passed in as a string.
Be aware though that this does give the user the potential to execute any code that he wants without restriction, so think carefully before allowing this.
To help mitigate any security risk, you could execute the code in the global scope, as shown in this answer, preventing the code from accessing any of your local variables, and this would be just like if the user ran the code from their browser's developer console.
More Secure Example:
More Secure JSFiddle
eval() will evaluate a string expression as JavaScript. Most people (including myself) will warn you about security holes; but if you think about it, the user could open up the javascript console and type and run all the same code.. So go for it :)

What software/webapp can I use to edit HTML pages?

Ok, my question's not as broad as it seems, to summarize 8 months effort on my part:
I create chunks of re-usable, extensible XHTML which degrades gracefully and is all kinds of awesome. Most of my code chunks are provided a Javascript interaction layer, and are styled with CSS. I set to work pulling my code chunks into Dreamweaver as 'Snippets' but they're unintelligent chunks of text. Also, once inserted, my beautiful code chunks get mangled by the non-techies who are the ones actually using Dreamweaver.
Also, because they're unintelligent snippets, I have a line of Javascript which configures the code chunks when initialised - see this post for further detail on my approach. But currently I have to replicate a single code chunk as many times as there are configuration options (so each 'snippet' may only differ from another of the same type by ONE config value). This is incredibly lame, it works, but its lame and time-consuming for me to re-deploy a bunch of snippets and hard for my team to remember all the variations.
So I have a series of requirements, to my mind, as the most likely things to solve in any system I put my chunks into:
The inserted code is not modified at insertion time, by the system
The code to be inserted needs to allow config options
I'd be overjoyed if, once inserted, the only editable parts are text nodes
Copy and pasting these whole objects
A clean interface from which to choose from my range of code chunks
It's a serious list of requirements I presume, much searching led me to Kompoze and its 'Smart widgets' which, according to a random post from 2004, suggests XUL files can be created and extensions can be made which sounds vaguely like what I want. The text editor itself was less prone to destruction, when compared to Dreamweaver.
So yeah, I've chased too many rabbits on this one, keen as for a solution whether Software+extension, or Webapp.
Btw, it did occur to me to investigate a highly customised TinyMCE instance, but I don't know feasible that is, and unless there's some sweet backend available, I'm stuck with local editing of files for now - not even on a web server...
To my mind the best answer to this question will solve most of the above, and provide some general workflow advice alongside the suggestion(s).
I would go with a solution based around the excellent markItUp! editor. It's very simple to extend it to cope with the requirements you have. You can add sophisticated logic, and it's nice and shiny.
I'd probably combine it with Jeditable for the inline node editing, and build the whole thing on top of Django, for ease and convenience. Completely customisable, surprisingly easy to work with, portable and cross-platform, and easy to set-up for off-line use. Oh, and all free and open-source.
What do you think of this approach:
<div class="thing">
<elements... />
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<span id="thing' + thingNo + '"></span>')
new Thing().init({ id:'thing'+thingNo; });
thingNo += 1;
Of course, you'll have to change Thing().init so that it would initialize the parent (instead of current) node.
Have you considered server-side includes where the directive is either a generated page or a shell command? E.g.:
<!--#include virtual="./activePage.aspx?withParam1=something&param2=somethingelse" -->
<!--#exec cmd="shellCommand -withParams" -->
You can reuse the same page or command, and provide parameters specific to each usage in each XHTML page.

