Can AngularJS save/write file to server without any server side technology? - javascript

I would like to know if AngularJS can save some file without need of NodeJS, PHP, Java or similar server side technology. Just pure JavaScript. I have seen many examples of AngularJS upload scripts. But it did not fully understood if AngularJS alone can do it. In those examples, files seem to be uploaded as blob, and then represented automaticly in browser when upload occurs. But that file or image is never saved on server, I mean on the disc of the server. I would like to achieve that.
I have checked this links:
File Upload using AngularJS
AngularJS: how to implement a simple file upload with multipart form?
But seems or mentioned blob technique is used, or it is some server side technology involved. I would like to have upload script where I would not have to worry about server-side handling, so if possible, upload would be done all via AngularJS/JavaScript.
So can it be done, with pure AngularJS/JavaScript?
I would appreciate the example..really don't know how to do this?

AngularJS is client side code only. By it self it has no power over the server from which it served. After the code is sent to your browser it has no connection or reference to the server side environment.
So the short answer is no.
The long answer is that you need a script/program running on your server which can handle the file input from a request. That request can be simple multi-part upload or a two way web socket connection, but anyway you need a logic which handles on the server side the request. Because Node.js server is written in JavaScript, you can write a full JavaScript implementation of file upload, but that's no longer just a simple AngularJS code.


Write PDF files from Web-App to USB-Stick

I am concerned with the feasibility of this:
On a pre-configured machine I will have a Web-Application pre-installed, next to an Apache-Suite. So client and server are the same!
In this Web-Application Users can drag and drop PDF-Files to an USB-Icon.
Then the Web-App should write the dropped PDF to an attached USB-Stick.
I have never done something like this (writing to USB), so I am fairly insecure.
And I am well aware of the browser-restrictions concerning JavaScript and Filesystem-Access, but...
after researching a bit I found out, that there might be some possible and
relevant (I'm a Web-Platform-Guy) solutions to this:
Make a "Chrome App" with USB-Permission (does this really work?)
Use PHP to find the USB and then write to it (how would that work under Windows?)
Use some Flash as middle man (not preferred)
Now I'd like to know:
Has anyone some good experience with before mentioned possibilities?
Has anybody ever done something similar? Did it work? Which path did you choose?
How would I know which drive the USB is mounted, and how would I get sure?
What other possible solutions to this problem are there?
You have a website ('client-side' user interface) and a back-end server ('server-side') running on the same machine. This gives you 2 options:
Client-side: Download a file through the browser via HTTP GET and let the user choose where they save it.
Server-side: Build your USB interactions into the back-end (Node.js) code, as #mcgraphix suggests.
Interacting with the USB on the server-side provides the most flexibility. Furthermore, there are a number of libraries that you can leverage. Head to and consider, among others, the following Node.js server-side packages:
With the server-side approach, initiate a Webservice request when the user completes the drag & drop action on the client, and implement the USB interaction within the server (Express.js or similar) method which services the request.
If the letter of the stick is known then writing a file from PHP will be simple
file_put_contents( 'E:\\folder\\file.pdf', $data );
You can read a list of drives into a dropdown and allow a user to select a default drive to write to
Your question is more an architecture question than a code specific question.
Your web app (if you insist on a web app) should have two major components, a server side component that can be given arbitrary commands, and a client side component (javascript using XMLHttpRequest) that can make requests to the server side component to execute said arbitrary commands.
So your server side component, the component that serves your web page should have some server side code that can write your pdf to the file system, it should probably generate the pdf file as well rather than doing that on the web browser.
Which technology you use is up to you, whether that's PHP, .Net, Node.js etc...
The general gist is you want a server side framework that deals with HTTP requests, in your case probably a post request from the client side containing the encoded pdf, and responds accordingly. Bind a particular http route to trigger your save logic.
Your http post request to the server will contain your payload which is the pdf file to a particular path, e.g. http://localhost/savepdf that whichever technology stack http listens to (you'll need to configure that)
Your server side component should read the incoming data, decode it as appropriate then make a file system request to write the received payload to disk.

Is it Possible to Connect Arduino through the EthernetShield to Read a Text File?

I'm new to Arduino and am trying to connect it to the internet using an EthernetShield. Before I buy the EthernetShield, I want to make sure I will be able to execute the necessary steps with it. Is it possible to use Javascript to write to a text file stored on the server (containing binary data), connect to said server/file address with Arduino, and then use Text Finder (Arduino's) to read the file's binary data and perform the necessary commands? If so, what are the steps (if it diverges from this basic outline)?
It seems fairly straight forward, but through my own research, I am unsure if text files can be written and stored in that fashion, and if the Arduino can read this file type. I'm also aware that the conventional way entails PHP and mySQL, both of which I am fairly unfamiliar with.
Arduino can read text file. I suggest you use XMl or json instead of text file.
I am sharing a link of code for my final year btech project "Controlling devices using internet".
(ofcourse this can be done easily by using arduino+ethernet as server but the problem with this is you need port forward the router in order to access server from outside the local network Port forwarding is little risk as per security aspects.)
I used apache server (for testing I installed in my laptop, later I used hosting sites) and Arduino+Ethernet Shield as client. Arduino sends HTTP request to server for XML file after getting, it parses the XMl and control the devices. I used PHP for creating UI and updating XML file....
I hope this may be useful

Hiding Parse javascript SDK files and blocking client from running js

I'm working on a Parse web app and have run into some problems using the backbone.js based client side javascript sdk. I noticed the way I have things set up, the client can view all of my source code by simply using the dev tools to view source files and can also run code against the database (within the limits of the ACL's I've set). I've started working on rebuilding the app in cloud code using the Express.js module Parse provides so that all of my code is stored server side, but I was wondering how those using client side frameworks get around this obvious problem.
That's the issue with client-side code. Assume any code you send to the client is hacked, broken, and tampered with.
With JavaScript, your best bet is to use either Cloud Code and send AJAX or streaming data calls to the server, retrieve the data from the server at runtime (not super secure, but would fool some people), or accept that your code is vulnerable.
I typically work with frameworks in the MVC format, so I only expose a limited subset of the actual model via a REST API. I use both a client-side framework and a server-side framework. Any thing sensitive goes on the server.

Upload files from mobile on server using jquery

I have a mobile application which needs the user to attach some files from his mobile and upload it on the server.
Is there a way to upload files on the server from mobile using JQUERY/JAVASCRIPT ?
I found many doin it with PHP/ASP.NET-c#...but my need is HTML with JAVASCRIPT/JQUERY...!!
FURTHER INFO ON MY APP (Kindly neglect it if not needed):
I have my front-end in HTML/CSS..I have a WCF service running on my server that does the communication with the database..I use the WCF service by making ajax calls from my client side..
I achieved all the other operations such as insert/delete/update/retrieve data from DB using these services only..
I was wondering if there is any possibility to do the "upload files on the server" task also using these webservices...but didnt get any idea about it !!!
Here is another question exactly precise to my need !! File upload service using WCF along with jquery(AJAX) and html client
Sorry if i m wrong anywhere..This stuff is totally new to me and so i need all your guidance..
To save an uploaded file, you need an server side script (PHP, ASP e.g.) to move the uploaded file from the servers tmp directory, to your desired location.
Maybe can you edit your serves configuration so it writes the uploaded files automatic to your desired location, but I wouldn't suggest that due to security reasons.
Is this a native application? If it's just a website then you'll struggle as safari on iPhone doesn't support file uploads. If it's a phonegap application you could maybe hook into the file API...
Ok some of the points worth mentioning.
When you wanted to upload file to server you have to POST file with multipart content type of the form. For this you might need to write WCF service on server end accordingly. I am not having good experience of WCF but this post should help may be
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
HTML5 file API and XHR Level 2 specification you can upload files to server. As they are new features and JS and DOM involved yes you can consum and do it in JQuery as well as long as your browser is supporting them.
With these things i am not sure if there should be any issue while uploading files to the server.

With JavaScript is it possible to Read/Write from/to a file on the server

I have a series of JSON Objects I want to save locally on my server. I am attempting to avoid any server-side script like PHP as required per demand of whats being built. I know its a security risk, but that in this case is not a particular worry. So that said is it possible to actually write to a file and or get its contents via javascript with or without the help of a lib such as jquery?
I should mention I am attempting to avoid ActiveX as I know this is an IE only feature and the software we are developing is planned to be Cross Browser supported
So that said is it possible to actually write to a file and or get its contents via javascript with or without the help of a lib such as jquery?
Nope. You will need something running on server side that can receive your JavaScript input and write it to the server.
Internet Explorer's proprietary file writing functionality is for writing local (client-side) files only.
You can read a file using ajax, but without a server side language you cannot write a file to the server.
No. Javascript runs on the client. You need server-side code to access the server's file system.
Client-side JavaScript can only send data to a server, there's no way for it to tell the server what to do with the data.
To save data to a file or db on a server, you'll require a server-side script of some sort (could be server-side JS with Node.js). If all you need is persistent data, you could store some JSON strings in localStorage or in cookies as needed. They wouldn't be shareable that way though.
Yes, you can use AJAX requests in JavaScript without using jQuery. However, jQuery will save you an ungodly amount of time and cross-browser testing.
But, as others have already said, you can't write server files without server code.

