how to get text to disappear after few seconds - javascript

Hi guys I am building my game right now and trying to get some text to disappear after a few seconds. I am using Phaser and I am not to sure how to do this.
Currently I have: - 3, this.startInstructions3, this);
My text appears on the page fine:
if (!this.rockmodel.countLiving()) { * 3, this.levelIncrease, this);
var startInstructions3 = 'NEXT LEVEL! ';
this.gametext3 = Asteroid.add.text(,, startInstructions3, lifefont3.thefont3);
this.gametext3.align = 'center';
this.gametext3.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
Then when I go back to my levelIncrease function i have :
if (this.rockcount < rocksincoming.max) {
this.rockcount += rocksincoming.astup;
} * 3, this.startInstructions3, this);
endofgame: function () {
My question is, is it like -3 or is there a set thing you can do in Phaser like duration or something like that? I can't seem to find anything about it.

There's actually an official example that covers this scenario for you.
Your would actually remove an event, not add a removal event. For example, if you had an event that looped and wanted to remove that event, you would use
So you want to add an event that triggers after three seconds, so something like the following, instead of your line: - 3, this.nameOfFunctionToHideText, this);
Where nameOfFunctionToHideText (or whatever new function you create) would be the one that would remove the text.


Current slide number of total in Vue Slick Carousel

I am trying to make current number and total number of slides using vue-slick-carousel.
This is what I tried so far.
<VueSlickCarousel ref="carousel">
<div>1 <button tabindex="-1">11</button></div>
<div>2 <button tabindex="-1">22</button></div>
<div>3 <button tabindex="-1">33</button></div>
<div>4<button tabindex="-1">44</button></div>
methods: {
customPaging: function (slider, i) {
var slideNumber = i + 1,
totalSlides = slider.slideCount;
return (
'<a class="custom-dot" role="button" title="' + slideNumber + ' of ' + totalSlides + '"><span class="string">' + slideNumber + '</span></a>'
But this is not working.
And this is vue-slick-carousel API url below.
What do i need to fixed the code to show a current slide number and total slide.
ex) "3/10"
I had the same problem recently.
This probably comes late, but to whom it may still concern:
If you want to display current page numbers instead of the default dots, there is an example at the bottom of this VueSlickCarousel documentation page and you should be good.
If you want to display the current page number only once anywhere on your page, I found a solution that worked for me:
this.$refs solution did not work for me, but this was likely due to v-if that I was using to render the <VueSlickCarousel>.
v-if and this.$refs don't like each other very much - see also Vue.js refs are undefined, even though this.$refs shows they're there.
Eventually I tried looking at the events that the children emitted in Vue Devtools and I found this afterChange event.
The afterChange event is fired each time you move your carousel to the next page (regardless of whether you drag-slide or click the arrow) and contains a very useful param - the current page index. In my case, this param starts at 0 and for each change it is incremented or decremented by 3 - that is because my carrousel settings are set to slidesToScroll : 3.
So my solution was to:
Add event listener like this:
<VueSlickCarousel #afterChange="afterPageChange">
Create the sliderPageIndex in your data with the initial value 0.
data() {
return {
sliderPageIndex: 0;
Create the afterPageChange in methods: {}.
methods: {
afterPageChange(page) {
this.sliderPageIndex = page;
Create the currentPage in computed: {} with some additional logic to compensate for the abovementioned slidesToScroll setting and for the sliderPageIndex starting at 0, like this:
computed: {
currentPage() {
// always display 1 if page index is 0
if (this.sliderPageIndex == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
// compensate for slidesToScroll settings and compensate the shift by 1
return this.sliderPageIndex / this.carouselSettings.slidesToScroll + 1;
Now you should have access to the currentPage computed property and can use it anywhere in your <template>.
When it comes to the totalPages, I compute it from the length of the picture array that I send to the carousel instead of taking it from the carousel directly. Here, I also compensate for carouselSettings - if this requires further explanation, let me know.
You can read more about the VueSlickCarousel events here.
Hope this will be of use to someone! :)
Cheers and have a nice day.

Add event listener to element after DOMContentLoaded

I have some trouble with adding event listener to element after DOM updating.
I have some page, that sort two lists and save the stage.
I can move elements between this lists by d&d and by clicking special button. And it work fine for me.
But, I have to save stage of this lists, and after reloading I have to extract stage, so I write code below.
function saveFriendsLists(e) {
var vkFriends = document.querySelector('.b--friends-from-vk .js--friends-container').innerHTML;
var choosenFriends = document.querySelector('.b--friends-choosen .js--friends-container').innerHTML;
localStorage.setItem('vkFriends', vkFriends);
localStorage.setItem('choosenFriends', choosenFriends);
function loadFriensListFromStorage() {
document.querySelector('.b--friends-from-vk .js--friends-container').innerHTML = localStorage.vkFriends;
document.querySelector('.b--friends-choosen .js--friends-container').innerHTML = localStorage.choosenFriends;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadFriensListFromStorage);
But after adding this, the preview functionality like D&D doesn't work. And I can't provide you valid jsfidle because, as I can understand, localStoradge reason or something.
When I tried to move my addEventListener to loadFriensListFromStorage function, like this:
function loadFriensListFromStorage() {
document.querySelector('.b--friends-from-vk .js--friends-container').innerHTML = localStorage.vkFriends;
document.querySelector('.b--friends-choosen .js--friends-container').innerHTML = localStorage.choosenFriends;
[], function(friend) {
friend.addEventListener('dragstart', handleDragStart, false);
But that doesn't have any effect.
How can I fix this issue? Thx.

Hiding points in HighCharts on click

I got a HighChart with several 2 series.
Now I want certain points in series 1 to be disabled when I click a link.
This is my code so far:
$('.remove').click(function () {
var chart = $('#plot').highcharts(),
series = chart.series[0];
if ( {
The problem is, that after removing this point, [0] changes to another value and after clicking it again, it goes on and on with deleting.
I just want the points to disappear, this is possible with visible:
visible Since 1.2.0 Read only. The series' visibility state as set by, series.hide(), or the initial configuration.
But I just don't manage to implement it the right way in my onClick event.
If I understand you well, you need to keep "place" where the point was? If yes, you can try to use point.update() function and set null value.
I solved clicks on a link to delete points like this:
$('.remove').click(function () {
var series = chart.series[0];
var id = $(this).data('id');
if ( {
// disable point in graph
// delete used tablerow
And I managed to expulse points onClick on the graph with an event, it's working like this:
series: [{
name: 'time',
data: data: [[1, 129386],[2, 123966],[3, 123162],[4, 123245],[5, 124314],[6, 123946],[7, 124156],[8, 123367],[9, 124460],[10, 123366],[11, 123182],[12, 123915],[13, 124627],[14, 123142],[15, 124044],[16, 124346],[17, 123156],[18, 124356],[19, 123511],[20, 124239],[21, 123252],[22, 125169],[23, 125027],[24, 123508],[25, 124065],[26, 122719],[27, 124199],[28, 122968],[29, 124132],[30, 124052],[31, 124383],[32, 123265],[33, 124083],[34, 123855],[35, 124284],[36, 123719],[37, 123213],[38, 124245],[39, 123079],[40, 123721]],
events: {
// if point gets clicked, it'll be deleted
click: function(event) {
var pointId = event.point.x;
$('#hidden-elements').append(pointId + ", ");
y: null
// deleting the table row
Since it was hard to find solutions, I hope this will help some people with it.
This page was really helpful, too.

JScrollPane Plugin - Reinitialize on Collapse

I'm trying to get JScrollPane to reinitialize on expand/collapse of my accordion found here. You can demo the accordion by clicking on one of the parents (Stone Tiles, Stone Sinks, Stone Wall Clading, etc).
Right now I set it as a click event using the following JQuery...
var pane = $('.menuwrap')
var api ='jsp');
var i = 1;
$("ul#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").click(function() {
It seems to work when you click the parent the second time, but not the first. I have no idea why but I went into trying to edit the JS for the accordion so that I can add this function when the collapse is complete (as opposed to trying to do this click workaround). The collapse JS can be viewed here.
I tried to add the JS for the reinitialize function here, but I think I'm not doing something properly.
May you point me in the right direction?
The api.reinitialise() is working properly. What is happening is that it updates the size when you click, and at this moment the element is not expanded yet. You may notice that if you expand, colapse and expand again the same section, nothing happens. But if you expand one and then click another one, the ScrollPane will adjust to the size of the first expanded element.
You can solve this with events: place $(this).trigger('colapseComplete') when the colapse ends. Then you can use:
//Listening to the colapseComplete event we triggered above
$("#widget-collapscat-5-top > li.collapsing").on('colapseComplete', function() {
Maybe you can alter the addExpandCollapse function to call the reinitialise function at the end of each of its click actions this way :
function addExpandCollapse(id, expandSym, collapseSym, accordion) {
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand').live('click', function() {
if (accordion==1) {
var theDiv = jQuery(this).parent().parent().find('span.collapse').parent().find('div');
createCookie(theDiv.attr('id'), 0, 7);
jQuery('#' + id + ' .expand .sym').html(expandSym);
expandCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // HERE
return false;
jQuery('#' + id + ' .collapse').live('click', function() {
collapseCat(this, expandSym, collapseSym);
api.reinitialise(); // and HERE
return false;
and to be on a safer side, make sure you have the var api ='jsp'); line before the above piece of code anywhere in the file.

More control when doing animations in Dashcode/Dashboard?

Recently I am giving another shot to Dashcode ;)
It's great. Is just I think is not well documented.
I have a stackLayout object with only two views in it, and a couple of buttons that interchange the views with a transition.(views show data of a large array, list)
Animations and transitions work perfect. The problem is, when I press a button while animating the animation starts again and it looks ugly (If I had n views for a datasource array of length n this should't be a problem, but this is not my case).
I want to disable buttons while animation is taking place.
Is there any callback, delegate, or any way I can get a notification when the animation is finished?
This is what I have done:
function _changeView(transitionDirection, newIndex){
//Create transition
var newTransition = new Transition(Transition.SWAP_TYPE, 0.9, Transition.EASE_TIMING);
newTransition.direction = transitionDirection;
//I only have two views. I use currentView's id to calculate not current view id and change text inside of it.
var stackLayout = document.getElementById('stackLayout').object;//stackLayout object
var nextViewId = (stackLayout.getCurrentView().id == 'view1')? '2':'1'; //
//change the text in the view that is going to appear
document.getElementById('text'+nextViewId).innerHTML = list[curIndex];
stackLayout.setCurrentViewWithTransition('view'+ nextViewId, newTransition, false);
function goPrevious(event)
if(curIndex < 0){
curIndex = list.length-1;
_changeView(Transition.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTION, curIndex);
function goNext(event)
if(curIndex >list.length - 1){
curIndex = 0;
_changeView(Transition.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_DIRECTION, curIndex);
Eventually found the answer to this. Here's how I did it:
document.getElementById('stackLayout').object.endTransitionCallback=function(stackLayout, oldView, newView) {
//PUT CODE HERE USING stackLayout, oldView, newView to show params
In fact you can find all the stackLayout methods and properties in the StackLayout.js file in your project!!
Hope this helps

