questions about how to make a star wars kind of game [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am making a star wars game with HTML, CSS and JS. It should look a little bit like this game:
Now I want to make it like a kind of game in which you have to shoot at enemy ships. for these ships I want to use this image:
Now her this is my questions:
How can I make it look like the ship in this image is getting closer to you? So that it appears in the distance really small and gets closer to you and becomes bigger, so that it looks like it is flying towards you?
I tried to use z-index but that did not work.
Also pls don't mind the code for I have been working on it for a long time and it finally works the way I want it to, but if it is a hinder in any further progress feel free to tell me what I need to add/change/remove or whatsoever.
Also I have been looking around on the internet how I could possibly make something like a star wars game but for example on this site the obly thing I could find related to star wars was how to make the crawling introduction but that is not what I am looking for:)
Number.prototype.clamp = function(min, max) {
'use strict';
return Math.max(min, Math.min(this, max));
var url = document.location.href;
var n = parseInt((url.indexOf('n=') != -1) ? url.substring(url.indexOf('n=') + 2, ((url.substring(url.indexOf('n=') + 2, url.length)).indexOf('&') != -1) ? url.indexOf('n=') + 2 + (url.substring(url.indexOf('n=') + 2, url.length)).indexOf('&') : url.length) : 512 * 4);
var star = new Array(n);
var hyperspace = 0;
var lol = {} = 'starfield'; = {
w: 1,
h: 1
lol.zr = 256;
lol.timer = 0;
lol.spd = 1;
lol.rid = false;
lol.cvs = false;
lol.ctx = false;
lol.util = {
isboolean: function(v) {
if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
return true;
return false;
isstring: function(v) {
if (typeof v === 'string') {
return true;
return false;
isobject: function(v) {
if (typeof v === 'object') {
return true;
return false;
isfunction: function(v) {
if (typeof v === 'function') {
return true;
return false;
isempty: function(obj) {
if (window.Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0) {
return true;
return false;
isffx: function() {
return (/firefox/i).test(window.navigator.userAgent);
copy: function(v) {
return v.slice(0);
clone: function(v) {
return Object.create({
x: v.x,
y: v.y,
z: v.z
sign: function(v) {
v = parseFloat(Number(v).toFixed(1));
if (v === 0) {
return ' ';
if (v < 0) {
return '';
if (v > 0) {
return '+';
random: function(n) {
var i = 0,
type, start, len, rnd = '';
while (i < n) {
type = Math.round(Math.random() * 2);
if (type === 0) {
start = 48;
len = 10;
} else {
start = (Math.round(Math.random() * 2) % 2 === 0) ? 65 : 97;
len = 26;
rnd += String.fromCharCode(start + Math.floor(Math.random() * len));
i += 1;
return rnd;
interpolate: function(from, to, n, i) {
return from + (to - from) / n * i;
time: function() {
return (new Date()).getTime();
lol.i = function(id) {
return window.document.getElementById(String(id));
lol.el = function(el) {
return window.document.createElement(String(el));
}; = function(txt) {
return window.document.createTextNode(String(txt));
function $r(parent, child) {
function $t(name) {
return document.getElementsByTagName(name);
function $c(code) {
return String.fromCharCode(code);
function $h(value) {
return ('0' + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value))).toString(16)).slice(-2);
function _i(id, value) {
$t('div')[id].innerHTML += value;
function _h(value) {
return !hires ? value : Math.round(value / 2);
function get_screen_size() {
var w = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var h = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
return Array(w, h);
lol.init = function() {
window.addEventListener('resize', lol.resize, false);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', lol.mouse.move, false);
var e = lol.util.isffx() ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel';
window.addEventListener(e, lol.mouse.wheel, false);
window.addEventListener('keypress', lol.key, false);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
star[i] = new Array(5);
star[i][0] = Math.random() * lol.w * 3 - lol.x * 3;
star[i][1] = Math.random() * lol.h * 3 - lol.y * 3;
star[i][2] = Math.round(Math.random() * lol.z);
star[i][3] = lol.x;
star[i][4] = lol.y;
lol.viewport = function() {
var el = lol.el('div'); =; = 'absolute';
lol.cvs = lol.el('canvas'); = + '-viewport'; = 'absolute';
lol.ctx = lol.cvs.getContext('2d');
lol.resize = function() {
var w = window.innerWidth,
h = window.innerHeight,
el = lol.i(;
lol.w = (w + - w % /;
lol.w += lol.w % 2;
lol.h = (h + - h % /;
lol.h += lol.h % 2;
lol.x = Math.round(w / 2);
lol.y = Math.round(h / 2);
lol.z = (w + h) / 2;
lol.r = 1 / lol.z;
el.width = lol.w *;
el.height = lol.h *;
lol.cvs.width = lol.w *;
lol.cvs.height = lol.h *; = '#000';
lol.mouse.o = {
x: lol.x,
y: lol.y
lol.anim = {
update: function() {
var c;
lol.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
if (hyperspace === 1) {
lol.spd = lol.spd * 1.015;
lol.zr = lol.zr * 0.99;
c = Math.round(lol.spd * 4);
lol.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + c + ',' + c + ',' + c + ',0.5)';
if (lol.spd > 64) {
lol.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
lol.spd = 16;
lol.zr = 256;
hyperspace = 2;
if (hyperspace === 2) {
if (lol.spd > 1) {
lol.spd *= 0.99;
} else {
lol.spd = 1;
hyperspace = 0;
lol.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, lol.w, lol.h);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var test = true,
x2 = star[i][3],
y2 = star[i][4];
star[i][0] += lol.mouse.p.x * 0.1;
if (star[i][0] > lol.x * 3) {
star[i][0] -= lol.w * 3;
test = false;
if (star[i][0] < -lol.x * 3) {
star[i][0] += lol.w * 3;
test = false;
star[i][1] += lol.mouse.p.y * 0.1;
if (star[i][1] > lol.y * 3) {
star[i][1] -= lol.h * 3;
test = false;
if (star[i][1] < -lol.y * 3) {
star[i][1] += lol.h * 3;
test = false;
star[i][2] -= lol.spd;
if (star[i][2] > lol.z) {
star[i][2] -= lol.z;
test = false;
if (star[i][2] < 0) {
star[i][2] += lol.z;
test = false;
star[i][3] = lol.x + (star[i][0] / star[i][2]) * lol.zr;
star[i][4] = lol.y + (star[i][1] / star[i][2]) * lol.zr;
if (test) {
c = 1 - lol.r * star[i][2];
lol.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + c + ')';
lol.ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + (c / 4) + ')';
lol.ctx.lineWidth = (1 - lol.r * star[i][2]) * 1.5;
lol.ctx.moveTo(x2, y2);
lol.ctx.lineTo(star[i][3], star[i][4]);
lol.ctx.rect(star[i][3] - 0.75, star[i][4] - 0.75, 1.5, 1.5);
lol.rid = window.requestAnimationFrame(lol.anim.update);
start: function() {
stop: function() {
lol.rid = false;
pause: function() {
lol.anim[lol.rid ? 'stop' : 'start']();
lol.mouse = {
p: {
x: 0,
y: 0
o: {
x: 0,
y: 0
click: false,
move: function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
lol.mouse.p.x = ((e.pageX - lol.mouse.o.x) / window.innerWidth) * 256;
lol.mouse.p.y = ((e.pageY - lol.mouse.o.y) / window.innerHeight) * 256;
wheel: function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
var delta = e.wheelDelta / 120;
lol.spd -= delta * 0.1;
lol.key = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 13:
case 32:
hyperspace = 1;
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: -1
#footer {
text-align: center;
background-color: black;
color: white;
#div {
background-color: black;
text-align: center;
<footer id="footer">Galaxy Defender
<br>Mohan Bloxs</br>


setTimeout not working client side on landing page

Good Afternoon, I am trying to have a loading animation for the pages on my site, but the client-side setTimeout function is not working. I have the same function on a test page with no bootstrap and no other scripts and it works, but once I put the script on my landing page it doesn't wait. I have console logged in setTimeout and it does log properly so it's firing, I just don't know why the page isn't waiting. I am using the EJS template engine.
/* 1 */
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).on('load', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
/* 2.
Loading animation javascript */
! function (a, b) {
"use strict";
function c(a) {
a = a || {};
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
var c = arguments[b];
if (c)
for (var d in c) c.hasOwnProperty(d) && ("object" == typeof c[d] ? deepExtend(a[d], c[d]) : a[d] = c[d])
return a
function d(d, g) {
function h() {
if (y) {
r = b.createElement("canvas"), r.className = "pg-canvas", = "block", d.insertBefore(r, d.firstChild), s = r.getContext("2d"), i();
for (var c = Math.round(r.width * r.height / g.density), e = 0; c > e; e++) {
var f = new n;
f.setStackPos(e), z.push(f)
a.addEventListener("resize", function () {
}, !1), b.addEventListener("mousemove", function (a) {
A = a.pageX, B = a.pageY
}, !1), D && !C && a.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function () {
F = Math.min(Math.max(-event.beta, -30), 30), E = Math.min(Math.max(-event.gamma, -30), 30)
}, !0), j(), q("onInit")
function i() {
r.width = d.offsetWidth, r.height = d.offsetHeight, s.fillStyle = g.dotColor, s.strokeStyle = g.lineColor, s.lineWidth = g.lineWidth
function j() {
if (y) {
u = a.innerWidth, v = a.innerHeight, s.clearRect(0, 0, r.width, r.height);
for (var b = 0; b < z.length; b++) z[b].updatePosition();
for (var b = 0; b < z.length; b++) z[b].draw();
G || (t = requestAnimationFrame(j))
function k() {
for (var a = d.offsetWidth, b = d.offsetHeight, c = z.length - 1; c >= 0; c--)(z[c].position.x > a || z[c].position.y > b) && z.splice(c, 1);
var e = Math.round(r.width * r.height / g.density);
if (e > z.length)
for (; e > z.length;) {
var f = new n;
} else e < z.length && z.splice(e);
for (c = z.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) z[c].setStackPos(c)
function l() {
G = !0
function m() {
G = !1, j()
function n() {
switch (this.stackPos, = !0, this.layer = Math.ceil(3 * Math.random()), this.parallaxOffsetX = 0, this.parallaxOffsetY = 0, this.position = {
x: Math.ceil(Math.random() * r.width),
y: Math.ceil(Math.random() * r.height)
}, this.speed = {}, g.directionX) {
case "left":
this.speed.x = +(-g.maxSpeedX + Math.random() * g.maxSpeedX - g.minSpeedX).toFixed(2);
case "right":
this.speed.x = +(Math.random() * g.maxSpeedX + g.minSpeedX).toFixed(2);
this.speed.x = +(-g.maxSpeedX / 2 + Math.random() * g.maxSpeedX).toFixed(2), this.speed.x += this.speed.x > 0 ? g.minSpeedX : -g.minSpeedX
switch (g.directionY) {
case "up":
this.speed.y = +(-g.maxSpeedY + Math.random() * g.maxSpeedY - g.minSpeedY).toFixed(2);
case "down":
this.speed.y = +(Math.random() * g.maxSpeedY + g.minSpeedY).toFixed(2);
this.speed.y = +(-g.maxSpeedY / 2 + Math.random() * g.maxSpeedY).toFixed(2), this.speed.x += this.speed.y > 0 ? g.minSpeedY : -g.minSpeedY
function o(a, b) {
return b ? void (g[a] = b) : g[a]
function p() {
console.log("destroy"), r.parentNode.removeChild(r), q("onDestroy"), f && f(d).removeData("plugin_" + e)
function q(a) {
void 0 !== g[a] && g[a].call(d)
var r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y = !!b.createElement("canvas").getContext,
z = [],
A = 0,
B = 0,
C = !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|mobi|tablet|opera mini|nexus 7)/i),
D = !!a.DeviceOrientationEvent,
E = 0,
F = 0,
G = !1;
return g = c({}, a[e].defaults, g), n.prototype.draw = function () {
s.beginPath(), s.arc(this.position.x + this.parallaxOffsetX, this.position.y + this.parallaxOffsetY, g.particleRadius / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), s.closePath(), s.fill(), s.beginPath();
for (var a = z.length - 1; a > this.stackPos; a--) {
var b = z[a],
c = this.position.x - b.position.x,
d = this.position.y - b.position.y,
e = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d).toFixed(2);
e < g.proximity && (s.moveTo(this.position.x + this.parallaxOffsetX, this.position.y + this.parallaxOffsetY), g.curvedLines ? s.quadraticCurveTo(Math.max(b.position.x, b.position.x), Math.min(b.position.y, b.position.y), b.position.x + b.parallaxOffsetX, b.position.y + b.parallaxOffsetY) : s.lineTo(b.position.x + b.parallaxOffsetX, b.position.y + b.parallaxOffsetY))
s.stroke(), s.closePath()
}, n.prototype.updatePosition = function () {
if (g.parallax) {
if (D && !C) {
var a = (u - 0) / 60;
w = (E - -30) * a + 0;
var b = (v - 0) / 60;
x = (F - -30) * b + 0
} else w = A, x = B;
this.parallaxTargX = (w - u / 2) / (g.parallaxMultiplier * this.layer), this.parallaxOffsetX += (this.parallaxTargX - this.parallaxOffsetX) / 10, this.parallaxTargY = (x - v / 2) / (g.parallaxMultiplier * this.layer), this.parallaxOffsetY += (this.parallaxTargY - this.parallaxOffsetY) / 10
var c = d.offsetWidth,
e = d.offsetHeight;
switch (g.directionX) {
case "left":
this.position.x + this.speed.x + this.parallaxOffsetX < 0 && (this.position.x = c - this.parallaxOffsetX);
case "right":
this.position.x + this.speed.x + this.parallaxOffsetX > c && (this.position.x = 0 - this.parallaxOffsetX);
(this.position.x + this.speed.x + this.parallaxOffsetX > c || this.position.x + this.speed.x + this.parallaxOffsetX < 0) && (this.speed.x = -this.speed.x)
switch (g.directionY) {
case "up":
this.position.y + this.speed.y + this.parallaxOffsetY < 0 && (this.position.y = e - this.parallaxOffsetY);
case "down":
this.position.y + this.speed.y + this.parallaxOffsetY > e && (this.position.y = 0 - this.parallaxOffsetY);
(this.position.y + this.speed.y + this.parallaxOffsetY > e || this.position.y + this.speed.y + this.parallaxOffsetY < 0) && (this.speed.y = -this.speed.y)
this.position.x += this.speed.x, this.position.y += this.speed.y
}, n.prototype.setStackPos = function (a) {
this.stackPos = a
}, h(), {
option: o,
destroy: p,
start: m,
pause: l
var e = "particleground",
f = a.jQuery;
a[e] = function (a, b) {
return new d(a, b)
}, a[e].defaults = {
minSpeedX: .1,
maxSpeedX: .7,
minSpeedY: .1,
maxSpeedY: .7,
directionX: "center",
directionY: "center",
density: 1e4,
dotColor: "#666666",
lineColor: "#666666",
particleRadius: 7,
lineWidth: 1,
curvedLines: !1,
proximity: 100,
parallax: !0,
parallaxMultiplier: 5,
onInit: function () { },
onDestroy: function () { }
}, f && (f.fn[e] = function (a) {
if ("string" == typeof arguments[0]) {
var b, c = arguments[0],
g =, 1);
return this.each(function () {, "plugin_" + e) && "function" == typeof, "plugin_" + e)[c] && (b =, "plugin_" + e)[c].apply(this, g))
}), void 0 !== b ? b : this
return "object" != typeof a && a ? void 0 : this.each(function () {, "plugin_" + e) ||, "plugin_" + e, new d(this, a))
}(window, document),
* requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
* #see:
* #see:
* #license: MIT license
function () {
for (var a = 0, b = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], c = 0; c < b.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++c) window.requestAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[b[c] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (b) {
var c = (new Date).getTime(),
d = Math.max(0, 16 - (c - a)),
e = window.setTimeout(function () {
b(c + d)
}, d);
return a = c + d, e
}), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (a) {
particleground(document.getElementById('particles-foreground'), {
dotColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)',
lineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
minSpeedX: 0.3,
maxSpeedX: 0.6,
minSpeedY: 0.3,
maxSpeedY: 0.6,
density: 50000, // One particle every n pixels
curvedLines: false,
proximity: 250, // How close two dots need to be before they join
parallaxMultiplier: 10, // Lower the number is more extreme parallax
particleRadius: 4, // Dot size
particleground(document.getElementById('particles-background'), {
dotColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
lineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
minSpeedX: 0.075,
maxSpeedX: 0.15,
minSpeedY: 0.075,
maxSpeedY: 0.15,
density: 30000, // One particle every n pixels
curvedLines: false,
proximity: 20, // How close two dots need to be before they join
parallaxMultiplier: 20, // Lower the number is more extreme parallax
particleRadius: 2, // Dot size
p {
background: lightgray;
margin: 0
p::before {
content: "Placeholder for: "
#loader {
background: black;
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p><%- include('layouts/head'); -%></p>
<p><%- include('layouts/index/index-style'); -%> </p>
<p><%- include('layouts/index/google-analytics'); -%></p>
<div id="loader">
<div id="particles-background" class="vertical-centered-box"></div>
<div id="particles-foreground" class="vertical-centered-box"></div>
<div class="vertical-centered-box">
<div class="content">
<div class="loader-circle"></div>
<div class="loader-line-mask">
<div class="loader-line"></div>
<p><%- include('layouts/payment/paymentCanceled-svg'); -%></p>
<div id="page" class="container">
(page content is located within this container using bootstrap)
<p><%- include('layouts/footer'); -%></p>
<p><%- include('layouts/scripts'); -%></p>
I found that setTimeout was not the function I was looking for because my app was not waiting for the page to load. I instead used the below and it worked!
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState !== "complete") {
document.querySelector("body").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.querySelector("#loader").style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
document.querySelector("#loader").style.display = "none";
document.querySelector("body").style.visibility = "visible";

How do I make lava drops damage the character?

I am building a JavaScript game, based on Mario.
I have already implemented "physics" for lava, so when the character would fall into it, they would lose 1 life. What I am trying to achieve is that lava drops would act the same, so on contact they would hurt the character and make it respawn at the start of the area / level.
The code can be found here and seen below:
// This is only a demo code //
var LEVELS = [
[" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" xxx ",
" xx!xx ",
" x!!!x ",
" xx!xx ",
" x xvx ",
" x x",
" x x",
" x x",
" x x",
" x x",
" x # xxxxx o x",
" xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx",
" x x ",
" x!!!!!x ",
" x!!!!!x ",
" xxxxxxx ",
" "]
var life = 3;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
function Vector(x, y) {
this.x = x; this.y = y;
} = function(other) {
return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
Vector.prototype.times = function(scale) {
return new Vector(this.x * scale, this.y * scale);
// Note: uppercase words are used that means constructor are values
var actorchars = {
"#": Player,
"o": Coin,
"|": Lava,
"v": Lava
function Player(pos) {
this.pos = Vector(0, -.5));
this.size = new Vector(.5, 1);
this.speed = new Vector(0, 0);
Player.prototype.type = "player";
function Lava(pos, ch) {
this.pos = pos;
this.size = new Vector(1, 1);
if (ch === "|")
this.speed = new Vector(0, 2);
else if (ch === 'v'){
this.speed = new Vector(0, 3);
this.repeatPos = pos;
Lava.prototype.type = "Lava";
function Coin(pos) {
this.basePos = this.pos = pos;
this.size = new Vector(.6, .6);
// take a look back
this.wobble = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
Coin.prototype.type = "coin";
Level.prototype.isFinished = function() {
return this.status !== null && this.finishDelay < 0;
function Level(plan) {
this.width = plan[0].length;
this.height = plan.length;
this.grid = [];
this.actors = [];
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
var line = plan[y], gridLine = [];
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
var ch = line[x], fieldType = null;
var Actor = actorchars[ch];
if (Actor)
this.actors.push(new Actor(new Vector(x, y), ch));
else if (ch === "x")
fieldType = "wall";
else if (ch === "!")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "|")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "v"){
fieldType = "lava";
this.player = this.actors.filter(function(actor) {
return actor.type === "player";
this.status = this.finishDelay = null;
function element(name, className) {
var elem = document.createElement(name);
if(className) elem.className = className;
return elem;
function DOMDisplay(parent, level) {
this.wrap = parent.appendChild(element("div", "game"));
this.level = level;
this.actorLayer = null;
var scale = 15;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawBackground = function() {
var table = element("table", "background"); = this.level.width * scale + "px"; = this.level.height * scale + "px";
this.level.grid.forEach(function(row) {
var rowElement = table.appendChild(element("tr")); = scale + "px";
row.forEach(function(type) {
rowElement.appendChild(element("td", type));
return table;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawActors = function() {
var wrap = element("div");
this.level.actors.forEach(function(actor) {
var rect = wrap.appendChild(element("div", "actor " + actor.type)); = actor.size.x * scale + "px"; = actor.size.y * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.x * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.y * scale + "px";
return wrap;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawFrame = function() {
if (this.actorLayer)
this.actorLayer = this.wrap.appendChild(this.drawActors());
this.wrap.className = "game " + (this.level.status || "");
// clear it later
DOMDisplay.prototype.scrollPlayerIntoView = function() {
var width = this.wrap.clientWidth;
var height = this.wrap.clientHeight;
var margin = width / 3;
// The viewport
var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft, right = left + width;
var top = this.wrap.scrollTop, bottom = top + height;
var player = this.level.player;
var center =
if (center.x < left + margin)
this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x - margin;
else if (center.x > right - margin)
this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x + margin - width;
if (center.y < top + margin)
this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y - margin;
else if (center.y > bottom - margin)
this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y + margin - height;
DOMDisplay.prototype.clear = function() {
Level.prototype.obstacleAt = function(pos, size) {
var xStart = Math.floor(pos.x);
var xEnd = Math.ceil(pos.x + size.x);
var yStart = Math.floor(pos.y);
var yEnd = Math.ceil(pos.y + size.y);
if (xStart < 0 || xEnd > this.width || yStart < 0)
return "wall";
if (yEnd > this.height)
return "lava";
for (var y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++) {
for (var x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
var fieldType = this.grid[y][x];
if (fieldType) return fieldType;
Level.prototype.actorAt = function(actor) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.actors.length; i++) {
var other = this.actors[i];
if (other != actor &&
actor.pos.x + actor.size.x > other.pos.x &&
actor.pos.x < other.pos.x + other.size.x &&
actor.pos.y + actor.size.y > other.pos.y &&
actor.pos.y < other.pos.y + other.size.y)
return other;
var maxStep = 0.05;
Level.prototype.animate = function(step, keys) {
if (this.status !== null)
this.finishDelay -= step;
while (step > 0) {
var thisStep = Math.min(step, maxStep);
this.actors.forEach(function(actor) {
actor.act(thisStep, this, keys);
}, this);
step -= thisStep;
Lava.prototype.act = function(step, level) {
var newPos =;
if (!level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size))
this.pos = newPos;
else if (this.repeatPos)
this.pos = this.repeatPos;
this.speed = this.speed.times(-1);
var wobbleSpeed = 8, wobbleDist = 0.07;
Coin.prototype.act = function(step) {
this.wobble += step * wobbleSpeed;
var wobblePos = Math.sin(this.wobble) * wobbleDist;
this.pos = Vector(0, wobblePos));
var playerXSpeed = 10;
Player.prototype.moveX = function(step, level, keys) {
this.speed.x = 0;
if (keys.left) this.speed.x -= playerXSpeed;
if (keys.right) this.speed.x += playerXSpeed;
var motion = new Vector(this.speed.x * step, 0);
var newPos =;
var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
if (obstacle)
this.pos = newPos;
var gravity = 30;
var jumpSpeed = 17;
Player.prototype.moveY = function(step, level, keys) {
this.speed.y += step * gravity;
var motion = new Vector(0, this.speed.y * step);
var newPos =;
var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
if (obstacle) {
if (keys.up && this.speed.y > 0)
this.speed.y = -jumpSpeed;
this.speed.y = 0;
} else {
this.pos = newPos;
Player.prototype.act = function(step, level, keys) {
this.moveX(step, level, keys);
this.moveY(step, level, keys);
var otherActor = level.actorAt(this);
if (otherActor)
level.playerTouched(otherActor.type, otherActor);
// Losing animation
if (level.status == "lost") {
this.pos.y += step;
this.size.y -= step;
Level.prototype.playerTouched = function(type, actor) {
if (type == "lava" && this.status === null) {
this.status = "lost";
life -= 1;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
if(life < 0) {
sessionStorage.setItem("reloading", "true");
this.finishDelay = 1;
} else if (type == "coin") {
this.actors = this.actors.filter(function(other) {
return other != actor;
if (!this.actors.some(function(actor) {
return actor.type == "coin";
})) {
life += 1;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
this.status = "won";
this.finishDelay = 1;
var arrowCodes = {37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right"};
function trackKeys(codes) {
var pressed = Object.create(null);
function handler(event) {
if (codes.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) {
var down = event.type == "keydown";
pressed[codes[event.keyCode]] = down;
addEventListener("keydown", handler);
addEventListener("keyup", handler);
return pressed;
function runAnimation(frameFunc) {
var lastTime = null;
function frame(time) {
var stop = false;
if (lastTime !== null) {
var timeStep = Math.min(time - lastTime, 100) / 1000;
stop = frameFunc(timeStep) === false;
lastTime = time;
if (!stop)
var arrows = trackKeys(arrowCodes);
function runLevel(level, Display, andThen) {
var display = new Display(document.body, level);
runAnimation(function(step) {
level.animate(step, arrows);
if (level.isFinished()) {
if (andThen)
return false;
var lives = function() {
ctx.font = "20px Courier";
ctx.fontFamily = "monospace";
ctx.fillStyle = "#666";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillText("Lives left: " + life, 10, 10);
function runGame(plans, Display) {
function startLevel(n) {
runLevel(new Level(plans[n]), Display, function(status) {
if (status == "lost") {
} else if (n < plans.length - 1)
startLevel(n + 1);
alert("You win!");
runGame(LEVELS, DOMDisplay);
body {
background: #222;
h2 {
color: #666;
font-family: monospace;
text-align: center;
.background {
table-layout: fixed;
border-spacing: 0;
.background td {
padding: 0;
.lava, .actor {
background: #e55;
.wall {
background: #444;
border: solid 3px #333;
box-sizing: content-box;
.actor {
position: absolute;
.coin {
background: #e2e838;
border-radius: 50%;
.player {
background: #335699;
box-shadow: none;
.lost .player {
background: #a04040;
.won .player {
background: green;
.game {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
#life {
font = 20px;
font-family: monospace;
color: #666;
text-align: left;
baseline: top;
margin-left: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
<h2>Simple JavaScript Game</h2>
<div id="life"></div>
So just a quick explanation, the following elements act as:
"x" represents a wall
"#" acts as a character
"!", "v" act as lava
"o" is a coin, which finishes the level by being collected
Current code:
Level.prototype.playerTouched = function(type, actor) {
if (type == "lava" && this.status === null) {
The problem is that you use different types for the "lava pool" and "lava drops".
The last one type is 'Lava' and not 'lava' as the first. So if you want to keep it that way is as simple as that:
Level.prototype.playerTouched = function(type, actor) {
if ((type == "lava" || type == "Lava") && this.status === null) {
With regards,
Chris Karanikas.

Points are being incorrectly counted

I have another question about game creation, that I already reached out for.
As I continued developing the game and tried to implement point counter I have encountered another issue.
It seems that sometimes the points are being counter instead of +1 to +2 or even +3.
I am suspecting incorrect placement of the code-part expo += 1 as it would (probably) get looped 2 (or multiple) times instead of once, but frankly, I am not sure.
The code can be found here or below:
var LEVELS = [
[" x x",
" xx x",
" xxx x x",
" xx!xx x ox",
" x!!!x x xx",
" xx!xx x x",
" x xvx x x",
" x xx x",
" x x x",
" x x x",
" x x xx",
" x x",
" x # xxxxx o x",
" xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
" x x ",
" x!!!!!x ",
" x!!!!!x ",
" xxxxxxx ",
" "],
var life = 3;
var expo = 0;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
function Vector(x, y) {
this.x = x; this.y = y;
} = function(other) {
return new Vector(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
Vector.prototype.times = function(scale) {
return new Vector(this.x * scale, this.y * scale);
// Note: uppercase words are used that means constructor are values
var actorchars = {
"#": Player,
"o": Coin,
"=": Lava,
"|": Lava,
"v": Lava,
"#": Lava
function Player(pos) {
this.pos = Vector(0, -.5));
this.size = new Vector(.5, 1);
this.speed = new Vector(0, 0);
Player.prototype.type = "player";
function Lava(pos, ch) {
this.pos = pos;
this.size = new Vector(1, 1);
if (ch === "=")
this.speed = new Vector(2, 0);
else if (ch === '|')
this.speed = new Vector(0, 2);
else if (ch === 'v'){
this.speed = new Vector(0, 5); // new Vector(0, 3);
this.repeatPos = pos;
} else if (ch === '#'){
this.speed = new Vector(0, 10);
Lava.prototype.type = "lava"
//Lava.prototype.type = "Lava";
function Coin(pos) {
this.basePos = this.pos = pos;
this.size = new Vector(.6, .6);
// take a look back
this.wobble = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
Coin.prototype.type = "coin";
Level.prototype.isFinished = function() {
return this.status !== null && this.finishDelay < 0;
function Level(plan) {
this.width = plan[0].length;
this.height = plan.length;
this.grid = [];
this.actors = [];
for (var y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
var line = plan[y], gridLine = [];
for (var x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
var ch = line[x], fieldType = null;
var Actor = actorchars[ch];
if (Actor)
this.actors.push(new Actor(new Vector(x, y), ch));
else if (ch === "x")
fieldType = "wall";
else if (ch === "!")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "|")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "=")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "#")
fieldType = "lava";
else if (ch === "v"){
fieldType = "lava";
this.player = this.actors.filter(function(actor) {
return actor.type === "player";
this.status = this.finishDelay = null;
function element(name, className) {
var elem = document.createElement(name);
if(className) elem.className = className;
return elem;
function DOMDisplay(parent, level) {
this.wrap = parent.appendChild(element("div", "game"));
this.level = level;
this.actorLayer = null;
var scale = 15;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawBackground = function() {
var table = element("table", "background"); = this.level.width * scale + "px"; = this.level.height * scale + "px";
this.level.grid.forEach(function(row) {
var rowElement = table.appendChild(element("tr")); = scale + "px";
row.forEach(function(type) {
rowElement.appendChild(element("td", type));
return table;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawActors = function() {
var wrap = element("div");
this.level.actors.forEach(function(actor) {
var rect = wrap.appendChild(element("div", "actor " + actor.type)); = actor.size.x * scale + "px"; = actor.size.y * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.x * scale + "px"; = actor.pos.y * scale + "px";
return wrap;
DOMDisplay.prototype.drawFrame = function() {
if (this.actorLayer)
this.actorLayer = this.wrap.appendChild(this.drawActors());
this.wrap.className = "game " + (this.level.status || "");
// clear it later
DOMDisplay.prototype.scrollPlayerIntoView = function() {
var width = this.wrap.clientWidth;
var height = this.wrap.clientHeight;
var margin = width / 3;
// The viewport
var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft, right = left + width;
var top = this.wrap.scrollTop, bottom = top + height;
var player = this.level.player;
var center =
if (center.x < left + margin)
this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x - margin;
else if (center.x > right - margin)
this.wrap.scrollLeft = center.x + margin - width;
if (center.y < top + margin)
this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y - margin;
else if (center.y > bottom - margin)
this.wrap.scrollTop = center.y + margin - height;
DOMDisplay.prototype.clear = function() {
Level.prototype.obstacleAt = function(pos, size) {
var xStart = Math.floor(pos.x);
var xEnd = Math.ceil(pos.x + size.x);
var yStart = Math.floor(pos.y);
var yEnd = Math.ceil(pos.y + size.y);
if (xStart < 0 || xEnd > this.width || yStart < 0)
return "wall";
if (yEnd > this.height)
return "lava";
for (var y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++) {
for (var x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++) {
var fieldType = this.grid[y][x];
if (fieldType) return fieldType;
Level.prototype.actorAt = function(actor) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.actors.length; i++) {
var other = this.actors[i];
if (other != actor &&
actor.pos.x + actor.size.x > other.pos.x &&
actor.pos.x < other.pos.x + other.size.x &&
actor.pos.y + actor.size.y > other.pos.y &&
actor.pos.y < other.pos.y + other.size.y)
return other;
var maxStep = 0.05;
Level.prototype.animate = function(step, keys) {
if (this.status !== null)
this.finishDelay -= step;
while (step > 0) {
var thisStep = Math.min(step, maxStep);
this.actors.forEach(function(actor) {
actor.act(thisStep, this, keys);
}, this);
step -= thisStep;
Lava.prototype.act = function(step, level) {
var newPos =;
if (!level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size))
this.pos = newPos;
else if (this.repeatPos)
this.pos = this.repeatPos;
this.speed = this.speed.times(-1);
var wobbleSpeed = 8, wobbleDist = 0.07;
Coin.prototype.act = function(step) {
this.wobble += step * wobbleSpeed;
var wobblePos = Math.sin(this.wobble) * wobbleDist;
this.pos = Vector(0, wobblePos));
var playerXSpeed = 10;
Player.prototype.moveX = function(step, level, keys) {
this.speed.x = 0;
if (keys.left) this.speed.x -= playerXSpeed;
if (keys.right) this.speed.x += playerXSpeed;
var motion = new Vector(this.speed.x * step, 0);
var newPos =;
var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
if (obstacle)
this.pos = newPos;
var gravity = 30;
var jumpSpeed = 17;
Player.prototype.moveY = function(step, level, keys) {
this.speed.y += step * gravity;
var motion = new Vector(0, this.speed.y * step);
var newPos =;
var obstacle = level.obstacleAt(newPos, this.size);
if (obstacle) {
if (keys.up && this.speed.y > 0)
this.speed.y = -jumpSpeed;
this.speed.y = 0;
} else {
this.pos = newPos;
Player.prototype.act = function(step, level, keys) {
this.moveX(step, level, keys);
this.moveY(step, level, keys);
var otherActor = level.actorAt(this);
if (otherActor)
level.playerTouched(otherActor.type, otherActor);
// Losing animation
if (level.status == "lost") {
this.pos.y += step;
this.size.y -= step;
Level.prototype.playerTouched = function(type, actor) {
//if (type == "lava" || type == "Lava" && this.status === null) { //DOESN'T SEEM TO WORK, FIND OUT WHY MASS DAMAGE
if (type == "lava" && this.status === null) {
this.status = "lost";
life -= 1;
expo = 0;
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
if(life < 0) {
sessionStorage.setItem("reloading", "true");
this.finishDelay = 1;
} else if (type == "coin") {
this.actors = this.actors.filter(function(other) {
return other != actor;
if (!this.actors.some(function(actor) {
console.log("coin picked up")
expo += 1;
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
return actor.type == "coin";
})) {
life += 1;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
this.status = "won";
this.finishDelay = 1;
var arrowCodes = {37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right"};
function trackKeys(codes) {
var pressed = Object.create(null);
function handler(event) {
if (codes.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) {
var down = event.type == "keydown";
pressed[codes[event.keyCode]] = down;
addEventListener("keydown", handler);
addEventListener("keyup", handler);
return pressed;
function runAnimation(frameFunc) {
var lastTime = null;
function frame(time) {
var stop = false;
if (lastTime !== null) {
var timeStep = Math.min(time - lastTime, 100) / 1000;
stop = frameFunc(timeStep) === false;
lastTime = time;
if (!stop)
var arrows = trackKeys(arrowCodes);
function runLevel(level, Display, andThen) {
var display = new Display(document.body, level);
runAnimation(function(step) {
level.animate(step, arrows);
if (level.isFinished()) {
if (andThen)
return false;
var lives = function() {
ctx.font = "20px Courier";
ctx.fontFamily = "monospace";
ctx.fillStyle = "#666";
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillText("Lives left: " + life, 10, 10);
function runGame(plans, Display) {
function startLevel(n) {
runLevel(new Level(plans[n]), Display, function(status) {
if (status == "lost") {
} else if (n < plans.length - 1)
startLevel(n + 1);
alert("You win!");
function restart() {
sessionStorage.setItem("reloading", "true");
runGame(LEVELS, DOMDisplay);
body {
background: #222;
h2 {
color: #666;
font-family: monospace;
text-align: center;
.background {
table-layout: fixed;
border-spacing: 0;
.background td {
padding: 0;
.lava, .actor {
background: #e55;
.wall {
background: #444;
border: solid 3px #333;
box-sizing: content-box;
.actor {
position: absolute;
.coin {
background: #e2e838;
border-radius: 50%;
.player {
background: #335699;
box-shadow: none;
.lost .player {
background: #a04040;
.won .player {
background: green;
.game {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
#life, #expo {
font = 20px;
font-family: monospace;
color: #666;
text-align: left;
baseline: top;
margin-left: 30px;
font-weight: bold;
input {
margin-left: 30px;
float: right;
position: relative;
top: -30px;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Simple JavaScript Game</h2>
<div id="life"></div>
<div id="expo"></div>
<input type="button" onclick="restart()" value="Restart"/>
I have already tried some options and quite interesting, was that if I removed all "lava sources" as variants or/and all collisions of those, the counter would work as it should.
Another level, that might get some ideas about my findings, found here.
I will really appreciate any help, Thanks
I would like to mess with the existing code as minimal as possible, if not, I will have to scrap the code and redo most of it (at least that's the only option I saw).
OK, so it seems that what fixed my issue was incorrect placement of the following sentences:
expo += 1;
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
The placement of code before:
else if (type == "coin") {
this.actors = this.actors.filter(function(other) {
return other != actor;
if (!this.actors.some(function(actor) {
console.log("coin picked up")
expo += 1;
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
return actor.type == "coin";
})) {
life += 1;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
this.status = "won";
this.finishDelay = 1;
The correct placement of the code:
else if (type == "coin") {
expo += 1;
document.getElementById("expo").innerHTML = ("Points: " + expo);
this.actors = this.actors.filter(function(other) {
return other != actor;
if (!this.actors.some(function(actor) {
console.log("coin picked up")
return actor.type == "coin";
})) {
life += 1;
document.getElementById("life").innerHTML = ("Lives left: " + life);
this.status = "won";
this.finishDelay = 1;

Tic Tac Toe javascript not working with board larger then 3x3

I've been trying to work out this simple javascript tic tac toe game. I'm trying to make the board size a variable and number needed in a row a variable. I've created a global variable for board size and number in a row. However it doesn't seem to be working. It makes the board the size I want but only a few of the squares will actually result in a 'Win'. Could someone please help me out ;).
Here is an image of one of the issues:
I imagine the error occurs here:
function checkWinner(mArr) {
var winner = [false, ""];
for (var i = 0; i < mArr.length; i++) {
var hor = [],
ver = [],
diag = [];
if (mArr[i][3] !== "") {
if (i % 3 === 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
hor.push([mArr[i + j][3], i + j]);
if (hor.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(hor);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
//vertical && diag/anti diag
if (i < 3) {
for (var j = 0; j + i < mArr.length; j += 3) {
ver.push([mArr[i + j][3], i + j]);
if (ver.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(ver);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
if (i !== 1) {
for (var z = 0; z + i < mArr.length - i; z += (4 - i)) {
diag.push([mArr[i + z][3], i + z]);
if (diag.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(diag);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
return winner;
Here is the entire .js
(function () {
var bsize = 5;
var numinrow = 3;
function Board(id, c, r) {
if (this instanceof Board) {
this.CANVAS = document.getElementById(id);
this.CTX = this.CANVAS.getContext("2d");
this.WIDTH = this.CANVAS.width || 0;
this.HEIGHT = this.CANVAS.height || 0;
this.COLS = c || bsize;
this.ROWS = r || bsize;
this.TILEWIDTH = (this.WIDTH / this.COLS);
this.moveCount = 0;
this.board = this.gameBoard(this.TILEWIDTH, this.COLS, this.ROWS);
this.CANVAS.addEventListener('selectstart', function (e) {
return false;
}, false);
this.winner = [false, ""];
this.boardDisabled = false;
} else {
return new Board(id, c, r);
Board.prototype.draw = function () {
var ctx = this.CTX;
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#168dd9";
// Draw column dividers
for (var i = 1; i <= this.COLS - 1; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(this.TILEWIDTH * i, 0);
ctx.lineTo(this.TILEWIDTH * i, this.HEIGHT);
//Draw horizontal dividers
for (var i = 1; i <= this.ROWS - 1; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(0, this.TILEWIDTH * i);
ctx.lineTo(this.WIDTH, this.TILEWIDTH * i);
Board.prototype.gameBoard = function (t, c, r) {
var b = [],
count = 0;
// Create gameboard array with the following data:
// [x pos, y pos, tile count, empty string for move symbol (x or o)]
for (var y = 0; y < r; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < c; x++) {
b.push([x * t, y * t, count++, ""]);
return b;
Board.prototype.updateScore = function () {
if (supports_html5_storage()) {
var p = sessionStorage.score || {
"score_x": 0,
"score_o": 0,
"score_tie": 0
w = "score_" + (this.winner[1][0] || "tie");
if (sessionStorage.score) {
p = JSON.parse(p);
p[w] ++;
sessionStorage.score = JSON.stringify(p);
Board.prototype.updateScoreBoard = function () {
if (supports_html5_storage()) {
var p = sessionStorage.score ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.score) : {
"score_x": 0,
"score_o": 0,
"score_tie": 0
for (var s in p) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
document.getElementById(s).innerHTML = p[s];
Board.prototype.reset = function (x) {
var timer = x || 4000;
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, timer);
Board.prototype.resetScore = function () {
if (supports_html5_storage()) {
Board.prototype.move = function (coor) {
var width = this.TILEWIDTH,
ctx = this.CTX,
board = this.board,
blen = board.length;
//Loop through and find tile that click was detected on
for (var i = 0; i < blen; i++) {
if (coor.x > board[i][0] && coor.y > board[i][1] && coor.x < board[i][0] + width && coor.y < board[i][1] + width) {
var x = board[i][0],
y = board[i][1],
validTile = board[i][3] === "";
if (validTile) {
if (this.moveCount++ % 2 === 1) {
moveO(x, y, width, ctx);
board[i][3] = "o";
} else {
moveX(x, y, width, ctx);
board[i][3] = "x";
//Check board for winner if move count is 5 or more
if (this.moveCount > 4) {
this.winner = checkWinner(board);
var w = this.winner,
winner = w[0],
shape = w[1][0],
boardDisabled = this.boardDisabled;
//If there is a winner, redraw winning tiles in red
if (winner && !boardDisabled) {
if (shape === "o") {
for (var j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
moveO(board[w[j][1]][0], board[w[j][1]]
[1], width, ctx, "red", 5);
} else {
for (var j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
moveX(board[w[j][1]][0], board[w[j][1]]
[1], width, ctx, "red", 5);
if ((winner || this.moveCount === board.length) && !boardDisabled) {
if (!winner) {
//If tie, redraw all moves in red
for (var j = 0; j < board.length; j++) {
if (board[j][3] === "o") {
moveO(board[j][0], board[j][1], width, ctx, "red", 5);
} else {
moveX(board[j][0], board[j][1], width, ctx, "red", 5);
this.boardDisabled = true;
function checkWinner(mArr) {
var winner = [false, ""];
for (var i = 0; i < mArr.length; i++) {
var hor = [],
ver = [],
diag = [];
if (mArr[i][3] !== "") {
if (i % 3 === 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
hor.push([mArr[i + j][3], i + j]);
if (hor.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(hor);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
//vertical && diag/anti diag
if (i < 3) {
for (var j = 0; j + i < mArr.length; j += 3) {
ver.push([mArr[i + j][3], i + j]);
if (ver.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(ver);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
if (i !== 1) {
for (var z = 0; z + i < mArr.length - i; z += (4 - i)) {
diag.push([mArr[i + z][3], i + z]);
if (diag.length === numinrow) {
winner = isWinner(diag);
if (winner[0]) {
return winner;
return winner;
function isWinner(arr) {
var w = arr[0][0] && arr[0][0] === arr[arr.length - 1][0] ? [true].concat(arr) : [false, ""];
return w;
function moveO(x, y, r, ctx, fill, lineW) {
var x = x + r / 2,
y = y + r / 2,
r = r / 2 - (r * 0.15);
ctx.lineWidth = lineW || 3;
ctx.strokeStyle = fill || "#333";
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function moveX(x, y, w, ctx, fill, lineW) {
var pad = w * 0.15,
lineCoor = [
[x + pad, y + pad], //line 1 start
[x + w - pad, y + w - pad] //line 1 end
[x + pad, y + w - pad], //line 2 start
[x + w - pad, y + pad] //line 2 end
ctx.lineWidth = lineW || 3;
ctx.strokeStyle = fill || "#333";
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(lineCoor[i][0][0], lineCoor[i][0][1]);
ctx.lineTo(lineCoor[i][1][0], lineCoor[i][1][1]);
function clickTouch(e) {
var coor = b.CANVAS.relMouseCoords(e);
if (!b.winner[0]) {
function clickTouchReset(e) {
var target =;
if (target === "resetScore" && confirm("Are you sure you want to reset the score?")) {
} else if (target === "resetGame") {
// Initialize Game
var b = new Board("game", bsize, bsize),
resetcon = document.getElementById("reset");
//Add event listeners for click or touch
window.addEventListener("click", clickTouch, false);
window.addEventListener("touchstart", clickTouch, false);
resetcon.addEventListener("click", clickTouchReset, false);
resetcon.addEventListener("touchstart", clickTouchReset, false);
Get Mouse click coordinates within canvas
Modified to include touch events
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.relMouseCoords = function (event) {
var totalOffsetX = 0,
totalOffsetY = 0,
canvasX = 0,
canvasY = 0,
touch = event.touches,
currentElement = this;
do {
totalOffsetX += currentElement.offsetLeft;
totalOffsetY += currentElement.offsetTop;
while (currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent)
canvasX = (touch ? touch[0].pageX : event.pageX) - totalOffsetX;
canvasY = (touch ? touch[0].pageY : event.pageY) - totalOffsetY;
canvasX = Math.round(canvasX * (this.width / this.offsetWidth));
canvasY = Math.round(canvasY * (this.height / this.offsetHeight));
return {
x: canvasX,
y: canvasY
function supports_html5_storage() {
try {
return 'sessionStorage' in window && window.sessionStorage !== null;
} catch (e) {
return false;

adding autoplay to jquery.roundabout

I have a site I am working on that uses the roundabout from and I would like to make it so it auto plays, I have had a look on their website and can not work out where I need to add the relevant auto play code!
Here is the jquery.roundabout.js code:
// creates a default shape to be used for pathing
roundabout_shape: {
def: 'lazySusan',
lazySusan: function(r, a, t) {
return {
x: Math.sin(r + a),
y: (Math.sin(r + 3*Math.PI/2 + a) / 8) * t,
z: (Math.cos(r + a) + 1) / 2,
scale: (Math.sin(r + Math.PI/2 + a) / 2) + 0.5
jQuery.fn.roundabout = function() {
var options = (typeof arguments[0] != 'object') ? {} : arguments[0];
// set options and fill in defaults
options = {
bearing: (typeof options.bearing == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.bearing % 360.0),
tilt: (typeof options.tilt == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.tilt),
minZ: (typeof options.minZ == 'undefined') ? 100 : parseInt(options.minZ, 10),
maxZ: (typeof options.maxZ == 'undefined') ? 400 : parseInt(options.maxZ, 10),
minOpacity: (typeof options.minOpacity == 'undefined') ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minOpacity),
maxOpacity: (typeof options.maxOpacity == 'undefined') ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxOpacity),
minScale: (typeof options.minScale == 'undefined') ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minScale),
maxScale: (typeof options.maxScale == 'undefined') ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxScale),
duration: (typeof options.duration == 'undefined') ? 600 : parseInt(options.duration, 10),
btnNext: options.btnNext || null,
btnPrev: options.btnPrev || null,
easing: options.easing || 'swing',
clickToFocus: (options.clickToFocus !== false),
focusBearing: (typeof options.focusBearing == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.focusBearing % 360.0),
shape: options.shape || 'lazySusan',
debug: options.debug || false,
childSelector: options.childSelector || 'li',
startingChild: (typeof options.startingChild == 'undefined') ? null : parseInt(options.startingChild, 10),
reflect: (typeof options.reflect == 'undefined' || options.reflect === false) ? false : true
// assign things
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this);
var period = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 / ref.children(options.childSelector).length);
var startingBearing = (options.startingChild === null) ? options.bearing : options.startingChild * period;
// set starting styles
.css('padding', 0)
.css('position', 'relative')
.css('z-index', options.minZ);
// set starting options'roundabout', {
'bearing': startingBearing,
'tilt': options.tilt,
'minZ': options.minZ,
'maxZ': options.maxZ,
'minOpacity': options.minOpacity,
'maxOpacity': options.maxOpacity,
'minScale': options.minScale,
'maxScale': options.maxScale,
'duration': options.duration,
'easing': options.easing,
'clickToFocus': options.clickToFocus,
'focusBearing': options.focusBearing,
'animating': 0,
'childInFocus': -1,
'shape': options.shape,
'period': period,
'debug': options.debug,
'childSelector': options.childSelector,
'reflect': options.reflect
// bind click events
if (options.clickToFocus === true) {
ref.children(options.childSelector).each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).click(function(e) {
var degrees = (options.reflect === true) ? 360.0 - (period * i) : period * i;
degrees = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(degrees);
if (!jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(ref, degrees)) {
if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
return false;
// bind next buttons
if (options.btnNext) {
jQuery(options.btnNext).bind('click.roundabout', function(e) {
if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
return false;
// bind previous buttons
if (options.btnPrev) {
jQuery(options.btnPrev).bind('click.roundabout', function(e) {
if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
return false;
// start children
// callback once ready
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_startChildren = function() {
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this);
var data ='roundabout');
var children = ref.children(data.childSelector);
children.each(function(i) {
var degrees = (data.reflect === true) ? 360.0 - (data.period * i) : data.period * i;
// apply classes and css first
.css('position', 'absolute');
// then measure
jQuery(this).data('roundabout', {
'startWidth': jQuery(this).width(),
'startHeight': jQuery(this).height(),
'startFontSize': parseInt(jQuery(this).css('font-size'), 10),
'degrees': degrees
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_setTilt = function(newTilt) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data('roundabout').tilt = newTilt;
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_setBearing = function(newBearing) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data('roundabout').bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(newBearing % 360, 2);
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustBearing = function(delta) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
if (delta !== 0) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data('roundabout').bearing = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + delta;
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustTilt = function(delta) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
if (delta !== 0) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data('roundabout').tilt = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(jQuery(this).roundabout_get('tilt') + delta);
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToBearing = function(bearing) {
bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(bearing);
var currentTime = new Date();
var duration = (typeof arguments[1] == 'undefined') ? null : arguments[1];
var easingType = (typeof arguments[2] == 'undefined') ? null : arguments[2];
var passedData = (typeof arguments[3] !== 'object') ? null : arguments[3];
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout'), timer, easingFn, newBearing;
var thisDuration = (duration === null) ? data.duration : duration;
var thisEasingType = (easingType !== null) ? easingType : data.easing || 'swing';
if (passedData === null) {
passedData = {
timerStart: currentTime,
start: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
totalTime: thisDuration
timer = currentTime - passedData.timerStart;
if (timer < thisDuration) {
data.animating = 1;
if (typeof jQuery.easing.def == 'string') {
easingFn = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType] || jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def];
newBearing = easingFn(null, timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);
} else {
newBearing = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType]((timer / passedData.totalTime), timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);
ref.roundabout_setBearing(newBearing, function() { ref.roundabout_animateToBearing(bearing, thisDuration, thisEasingType, passedData); });
} else {
bearing = (bearing < 0) ? bearing + 360 : bearing % 360;
data.animating = 0;
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToDelta = function(delta) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToBearing(delta, duration, easing);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToChild = function(childPos) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout');
if (data.childInFocus !== childPos && data.animating === 0) {
var child = jQuery(ref.children(data.childSelector)[childPos]);
ref.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus('roundabout').degrees, duration, easing);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild = function(passedArgs, which) {
var duration = passedArgs[0], easing = passedArgs[1];
this.each(function(i) {
var data = jQuery(this).data('roundabout');
var bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 - jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)));
var period = data.period, j = 0, range;
var reflect = data.reflect;
var length = jQuery(this).children(data.childSelector).length;
bearing = (reflect === true) ? bearing % 360.0 : bearing;
if (data.animating === 0) {
// if we're not reflecting and we're moving to next or
// we are reflecting and we're moving previous
if ((reflect === false && which === 'next') || (reflect === true && which !== 'next')) {
bearing = (bearing === 0) ? 360 : bearing;
// counterclockwise
while (true && j < length) {
range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
range.upper = (j == length - 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper; // adjust for javascript being bad at floats
if (bearing <= range.upper && bearing > range.lower) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing - range.lower, duration, easing);
} else {
// clockwise
while (true) {
range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
range.upper = (j == length - 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper; // adjust for javascript being bad at floats
if (bearing >= range.lower && bearing < range.upper) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing - range.upper, duration, easing);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNextChild = function() {
return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'next');
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToPreviousChild = function() {
return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'previous');
// moves a given angle to the focus by the shortest means possible
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus = function(target) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
var delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) - target;
delta = (Math.abs(360.0 - delta) < Math.abs(0.0 - delta)) ? 360.0 - delta : 0.0 - delta;
delta = (delta > 180) ? -(360.0 - delta) : delta;
if (delta !== 0) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(delta, duration, easing);
return this;
jQuery.fn.roundabout_updateChildPositions = function() {
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout');
var inFocus = -1;
var info = {
bearing: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
tilt: data.tilt,
stage: { width: Math.floor(ref.width() * 0.9), height: Math.floor(ref.height() * 0.9) },
animating: data.animating,
inFocus: data.childInFocus,
focusBearingRad: jQuery.roundabout_degToRad(data.focusBearing),
shape: jQuery.roundabout_shape[data.shape] || jQuery.roundabout_shape[jQuery.roundabout_shape.def]
info.midStage = { width: info.stage.width / 2, height: info.stage.height / 2 };
info.nudge = { width: info.midStage.width + info.stage.width * 0.05, height: info.midStage.height + info.stage.height * 0.05 };
info.zValues = { min: data.minZ, max: data.maxZ, diff: data.maxZ - data.minZ };
info.opacity = { min: data.minOpacity, max: data.maxOpacity, diff: data.maxOpacity - data.minOpacity };
info.scale = { min: data.minScale, max: data.maxScale, diff: data.maxScale - data.minScale };
// update child positions
ref.children(data.childSelector).each(function(i) {
if (jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition(jQuery(this), ref, info, i) && info.animating === 0) {
inFocus = i;
} else {
// update status of who is in focus
if (inFocus !== info.inFocus) {
jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, info.inFocus, 'blur');
if (inFocus !== -1) {
jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, inFocus, 'focus');
data.childInFocus = inFocus;
return this;
jQuery.roundabout_getBearing = function(el) {
return jQuery.roundabout_toFloat('roundabout').bearing) % 360;
jQuery.roundabout_degToRad = function(degrees) {
return (degrees % 360.0) * Math.PI / 180.0;
jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus = function(el, target) {
return (jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(el) % 360 === (target % 360));
jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent = function(el, child, eventType) {
return (child < 0) ? this : jQuery(el.children('roundabout').childSelector)[child]).trigger(eventType);
jQuery.roundabout_toFloat = function(number) {
number = Math.round(parseFloat(number) * 1000) / 1000;
return parseFloat(number.toFixed(2));
jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition = function(child, container, info, childPos) {
var ref = jQuery(child), data ='roundabout'), out = [];
var rad = jQuery.roundabout_degToRad((360.0 -'roundabout').degrees) + info.bearing);
// adjust radians to be between 0 and Math.PI * 2
while (rad < 0) {
rad = rad + Math.PI * 2;
while (rad > Math.PI * 2) {
rad = rad - Math.PI * 2;
var factors = info.shape(rad, info.focusBearingRad, info.tilt); // obj with x, y, z, and scale values
// correct
factors.scale = (factors.scale > 1) ? 1 : factors.scale;
factors.adjustedScale = (info.scale.min + (info.scale.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(4);
factors.width = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startWidth).toFixed(4);
factors.height = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startHeight).toFixed(4);
// alter item
.css('left', ((factors.x * info.midStage.width + info.nudge.width) - factors.width / 2.0).toFixed(1) + 'px')
.css('top', ((factors.y * info.midStage.height + info.nudge.height) - factors.height / 2.0).toFixed(1) + 'px')
.css('width', factors.width + 'px')
.css('height', factors.height + 'px')
.css('opacity', (info.opacity.min + (info.opacity.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(2))
.css('z-index', Math.round(info.zValues.min + (info.zValues.diff * factors.z)))
.css('font-size', (factors.adjustedScale * data.startFontSize).toFixed(2) + 'px')
.attr('current-scale', factors.adjustedScale);
if ('roundabout').debug === true) {
out.push('<div style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; padding: 2px; width: ' + ref.css('width') + '; background-color: #ffc;">');
out.push('<strong style="font-size: 12px; white-space: nowrap;">Child ' + childPos + '</strong><br />');
out.push('<strong>left:</strong> ' + ref.css('left') + '<br /><strong>top:</strong> ' + ref.css('top') + '<br />');
out.push('<strong>width:</strong> ' + ref.css('width') + '<br /><strong>opacity:</strong> ' + ref.css('opacity') + '<br />');
out.push('<strong>z-index:</strong> ' + ref.css('z-index') + '<br /><strong>font-size:</strong> ' + ref.css('font-size') + '<br />');
out.push('<strong>scale:</strong> ' + ref.attr('current-scale'));
return jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(container,'roundabout').degrees);
Many thanks in advance for any help and advice.
The source you posted doesn't seem to be the latest version of Roundabout.
I just tried with the latest version, and it works perfectly:
$(document).ready(function() {
autoplay: true,
autoplayDuration: 1000,
autoplayPauseOnHover: true
See for an example.
Download the latest version from GitHub.

