Ember action preventing checkbox value from setting - javascript

In my ember application I would like to render a set of checkboxes dynamically via a loop and disable any unselected checkboxes if 2 of the checkboxes have been checked.
I am having problems with setting a value to 'true' when a checkbox is selected that has a change action. For the following example checkbox.value does not get set when the checkbox is selected.
{{ input type="checkbox" disabled=checkbox.disabled checked=checkbox.value change=(action "disableCheckboxes" val)}} {{checkbox.label}}
However when I remove the action it does get set:
{{ input type="checkbox" disabled=checkbox.disabled checked=checkbox.value}} {{checkbox.label}}
Full example on JSFiddle
How can I set the value while still running the action? Or is the a better way to disable the unchecked checkbox when 2 have already been selected?

Well, first you can use an action. Checkout this ember-twiddle.
But I would recommend to directly bind your value to your target object. See here.
The idea is basically to wrap your array and calculate the isDisabled in the wrapping:
boxArr: Ember.computed('boxes.#each.value', {
get() {
let disableOthers = Ember.get(this, 'boxes').filterBy('value', true).get('length') >= 2;
return Ember.get(this, 'boxes').map(origin => {
return {
disabled: disableOthers && !origin.value,
Then you can just use it in your template:
{{#each boxArr as |box|}}
{{input type="checkbox" disabled=box.disabled checked=box.origin.value}} {{box.origin.id}}
A third way to archive is with a helper. You can just have a computed property saying if all checkboxes with value=false should be disabled, and then use an and and not helper to set disabled=(and disableFalseCheckboxes (not box.value). Checkout ember-truth-helpers for that.


How to two-way bind a checkbox using Angular?

I currently have an accordion with a bunch of options in the form of checkboxes. The user can select the checkboxes as expected however, I want to already have some of those checkboxes checked depending on certain conditions. The issue is sometimes that is determined after the page has loaded. Below are simplified examples to demonstrate my code (my code is for work and would not be able to share due to confidentiality issues).
My HTML looks like this:
<div class="row">
<div "ngFor="let value of filteredPeople" >
<input type="checkbox" (click)="selectPeople(value)" [checked]="checkedPeople.get(value)">
{{ value }}
My Javascript:
public checkPeople() {
this.selectedPeople.forEach(element => {
this.checkedPeople.set(element, true);
To explain some variables and methods:
filterPeople - a string array of all possible people
checkedPeople - a map with a KVP of string (the people) and boolean (whether or not their checkbox is checked)
selectedPeople - a string array of people whose checkboxes I want already checked
selectPeople - checks the corresponding checkbox when user clicks on it
checkPeople - a method called when I want the specific checkboxes checked (these specific checkboxes change based on other factors so I cannot hard code it)
For some reason my checkPeople method does not seem to select the expected checkboxes, I am not sure why but I have a feeling it is to do with the fact that I have used "[checked]" in the HTML and that it should be something else. Can someone clarify the issue for me and help me identify a fix? (Note: as the title suggests, I am using Angular)
I have just debugged my code and added breakpoints, the checkedPeople map has the correct mapping of people to true for each of the elements in selectedPeople which shows that the checkPeople method is working as expected. Therefore the issue must be with the [checked] attribute if I'm not mistaken. I cannot see why it wouldn't work though.
You should use [ngModel]="checkedPeople.get(value)"
instead of [checked]="checkedPeople.get(value)"
to initialize the checkbox and
(change)="checkUncheckPeople(value, $event)"
to update the value when you check or uncheck it, where
checkUncheckPeople(value, e) {
this.checkedPeople.set(value, e.target.value);
So, in conclusion, your HTML input element will be:
(change)="checkUncheckPeople(value, $event)"
If you choose to use an object instead of a map then you can also directly use
to two-way bind the variable

ko binding for checkbox: change 'checked' attr from code not change the observable field

I have checkbox at html that is binding to observable-field (field of breeze entity).
<input id="chk1" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: data().isBirthday"/>
The binding works well from the tow sides:
When I write at code:
the checkbox become checked.
and when I write at code
the checkbox become unchecked.
And when I choose the checkbox by clicking with mouse - the observable field gets value of true. (Or when I unchecked by mouse - it gets value of false).
sometime, I need to change the checked attribute of the checkbox by code, specifically by retrive checkbox with jquery.
(I cannot do it by the observable field becouse of any reasons).
I do:
var control = $('#chk1')[0];
control.checked = false;
but this not change the value of the binded observable-field. It continue holding true value.
I tried to triiger the change event:
It didn't help.
So, what should I do?
Here is an example:
Can we see the html code?
Try $('#chk1').prop("checked", false);

How can I keep ng-model in sync with a select element after ng-options removes the selected option

I have a select element with an ng-model and ng-options on it. ng-options makes the possible selections dynamic however I have noticed that when ng-options updates the options ng-model is not also getting updated. For example if the select element has the value of "foo" selected then the ng-options model is updated and "foo" is no longer an option the selector updates to blank but ng-model still shows "foo" as its value. I would expect that ng-model would update as well to equal null. The only thing I can think of is to add a watch on items but that seems kind of lame. What is the best way to get ng-model to stay in sync with the select element in this scenario?
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<p>Selected Item: {{foo}}</p>
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="item.val as item.label for item in items">
<option value="">Select Something</option>
<button ng-click="remove()">Remove Second Item Option</button>
Here is the jsfiddle to illustrate the issue. http://jsfiddle.net/dberringer/m2rm8Lh6/2/
Note: I'm aware I could manually update the foo value with the delete method. This method is just to illustrate the issue.
Thanks for your feedback.
Update: I fixed a typo where referred to ng-options as ng-select.
change the button like
<button ng-click="remove(2)">Remove Second Item Option</button>
change the remove function
$scope.remove = function(removeIndex) {
if($scope.foo == removeIndex) {
$scope.foo = null;
here is the Demo Fiddle
Reason is,
ng-change is not going to trigger when,
if the model is changed programmatically and not by a change to the input value, check the Doc here
so u are not changing the select value by changing the select box instead do it using a button (programmatically) so angular will not trigger the change event on the select element and then angular doesn't know model is changed ,this might be the reason.
then what u need to do is change model value manually as $scope.foo = null;
I think angular didn't check that, once the ngOptions value changes, angular didn't do a check to see if the ngModel is exists in ngOptions.
line 21371:
self.databound = $attrs.ngModel;
line 21828 - 21840:
return function (scope, element, attr) {
var selectCtrlName = '$selectController',
parent = element.parent(),
selectCtrl = parent.data(selectCtrlName) ||
parent.parent().data(selectCtrlName); // in case we are in optgroup
if (selectCtrl && selectCtrl.databound) {
// For some reason Opera defaults to true and if not overridden this messes up the repeater.
// We don't want the view to drive the initialization of the model anyway.
element.prop('selected', false);
} else {
selectCtrl = nullSelectCtrl;
You can see above code checks which option should be selected when generated the options, but i can't find a reverse check when ngOptions got updated.

Programmatically unchecking checkbox does not update angular model

I am using the following code to programmatically uncheck a checkbox:
Here is the checkbox that is bound to an Angular model:
<input id="someid" ng-model="model.property" type="checkbox" value="true">
I can see that the checkbox is indeed unchecking. Why is the Angular model property not also updating (changing from true to false) and how can I obtain this desired behavior? I can update the model and have the checkbox update no problem.
If you are using Angular, it's expected that you don't manipulate the DOM this way.
You have to change the angular model variable, and let Angular make the DOM changes.
Study the ToDo List example at
Tip: I think you really don't need jQuery anymore!
The Angular code you need:
$scope.model.property = false;
Your use of jQuery is breaking anglers binding to the DOM. If you need to uncheck something change the value on the model that is bound to the checkbox:
$scope.model = { isChecked: true };
bound to:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="model.isChecked">
to "uncheck":
$scope.model.isChecked = false;
No need for jQuery.

Knockout - Checking checkboxes according to observableArray

So I have a list of schedules that I need to display for a user and show which schedules he or she is currently on and give them the possibility to jump on and off said schedules.
My viewmodel looks like this
self = this;
self.shifts = ko.observableArray();
self.selectedShifts = ko.observableArray();
//I populate self.shifts here with a WEB API call
//Run through each shift and check if current user is on it and set checked / not checked value for checkbox
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.shifts(), function(shift) {
//Clear array
//Populate array with all users on the shift
self.usersOnShift = ko.observableArray(WEB API CALL HERE);
var userInShift = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.usersOnShift(), function(user) {
if (selectedUserId == user.ID) {
return true;
if (userInShift) {
My HTML looks like this
<div class="simple_overlay" id="shiftOverlay">
<div class="details">
<div data-bind="foreach: shifts">
<div><span class="staff-initials" data-bind="text:wardName"> </span><input type="checkbox" data-bind="value: ID, checked: $root.selectedShifts"/> </div>
I can see that the value of the checkboxes are set correctly to the ID of the corresponding shifts. However a shift that I know the user in question is on is not checked and I know that the selectedShifts observableArray contains the value.
Somehow the "checked: $root.selectedShifts" call / check is not working but I know that it contains the right value. What am I doing wrong?
The problem is that your value is an integer, but when bound to the checkbox element, it becomes a string. When the checked binding tries to find the value in the array, it doesn't find a match because it uses strict equality for comparison and (2 === "2") is false.
The simplest way to work around this problem is to convert your values to string when you add them to the array:
self.selectedShifts.push("" + shift.ID);
Of course this means that your model has to change, and that might not be a great solution. I came up with a custom binding, checkedInArray that replaces checked and supports any type of value. You can learn about it, see it in action, and use it like this:
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checkedInArray: {value: ID, array: $root.selectedShifts }" />
In Knockout 2.3.0 (which is still in development) there will be a new binding, checkedValue, that will allow you use any type of value with the checked binding. Using that version, you could update your HTML to use checkedValue:
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checkedValue: ID, checked: $root.selectedShifts"/>
Is shift.ID an observable property? If it is, then you need to add it to the array like this:
Otherwise you're just adding the whole observable to the array, and not the value.

