Javascript: parse json to list - javascript

I am new to javascript, sorry for silly question and possible duplicate. Please suggest me efficient way of parsing json. I would like to fetch list of strings Maktg:

We have a JSON:
Lest convert string JSON into more useful JavaScript object:
The JSON.parse() method parses a string as JSON, optionally
transforming the value produced by parsing.
jsonStr = '{"d":{"results":[{"Maktg":"BATTERY","W":"1000","IS":"","IM":"","IW":"","__metadata":{"type":"s","uri":"https://some_url"},"IMaktg":"","Matnr":"0001","Stlan":"1"}]}}';
jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr),
results = jsonObj.d.results;
for (var i in results) {
and etc...

Try this:
var jsonArray = yourJSON.d.results;
var results = [];

Please try to get output with JSON.parse like this.
var getData = JSON.parse(data);


Adding nested arrays in JSON file using node.js

I am fairly new to Javascript and nodejs. I would like a JSON file (results.json) that takes the format of something similar to this:
Starts off as:
then eventually becomes something like this with nested arrays:
"task":[ ["task1","task2"], ["task3", "task4"] ]
I want to push to the "task" array a new list of tasks (always of size 2) everytime something is done (in my case when a form is submitted with a button-press).
So for example, after another "action", the JSON file will look something like this:
"task":[ ["task1","task2"], ["task3", "task4"] , ["task5", "task6"] ]
NOTE: "task(1,2,...,6) was just used as an example, these will be other strings corresponding to the form submission.
This is what I have so far in my server-side file:
var fs = require('fs')"/addtask", function(req, res) {
fs.readFile('results.json', function (err, data) {
var json = JSON.parse(data)
var newTask1 = req.body.newtask1
var newTask2 = req.body.newtask2
fs.writeFile("results.json", JSON.stringify(json))
Please do correct me if my syntax is wrong or if my idea of how a JSON file works is wrong.
Just push the data as an array
var resObj= {
var newTask1 = "task1";
var newTask2 = "task2";

AJAX - Parse JSON object returned in JQUERY

I stucked a little bit in here>
My php script returns this JSON (in variable response) (encoded array with json_encode) :
I hope this is valid JSON object ...
Then here is JavaScript function which should get this string and process it - load to ELEMENT "id" a content of "link".
function jLinks(idchapter)
var url = 'ajax_loadlinks.php';
var data = {
idchapter : idchapter
$.post(url,data, function(response)
var obj = JSON.parse(response);
for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i+1)
It is not throwing any error in browser or console, but elements are not updated at all.
I quess my parsing and accessing data is wrong somehow, but I have no idea how to debug.
As your string is an object not array, so you need $.each method to loop over each key of object.
var obj ={
"1": {
"id": "pvv001",
"tooltip": "tip1",
"link": "http:\/\/domain\/file1.html"
"2": {
"id": "pvv002",
"tooltip": "tip2",
"link": "http:\/\/domain\/file2.html"
please try this
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

aAccessing key values in JSON

I have a JSON response like this. I want to access the rollbacktoken key. How should I do it ?
I have tried:
var a = JSON.stringify(query.pages.revisions.rollbacktoken);
figured it out
var json = JSON.parse(data);
var json = JSON.parse(data);

Looping through a json object in javascript

I am trying to look through an object, but based on the structure I do not know how to get to the data.
"text":"test text",
"document_name": [
"text":"Some more images",
"document_name": [
The loop I am attempting in jQuery
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
$(obj).each(function(index, note) {
console.log(note.text + note.user_name + note.date_created);
It is returning undefined. What am I doing wrong?
Try like this
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
for(var n in obj){
var note = obj[n]
console.log(note.text + note.user_name + note.date_created);
To loop through a json object just use a for loop.
The way you are doing it will return errors because it is trying to select that json object from the page which does not exist.
Sample code:
var obj = $.parseJSON(data); //assuming `data` is a string
for(index in obj) {
var note = obj[index];
console.log(note.text + note.user_name + note.date_created);
its a little better to do it like this:
$.each(obj, function ( index, note ) {
console.log( note.text + note.user_name + note.date_created );
this should give you what you need
Working Demo: or for document
Issue is parseJson on the object which is Json.
in the demo above the var obj = $.parseJSON(data); returns null, if I use data it will work.
Hope this helps ;)
var data = {
"text":"test text",
"document_name": [
"text":"Some more images",
"document_name": [
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
$.each(data,function(index, note) {
alert(note.text + note.user_name + note.date_created);

How to read JSON array in jQuery

I am using jQuery .load() function to load the results from server and append it in my html:
function (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
// parseJSON(responseText);
In my controller I tried converting my jagged array from the model into a json object and then send it to the client:
public JsonResult GetInformation(string class, int min){
var stdObj = new Student();
string[][] information = stdObj.GetInformation(class, min);
return Json(information, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And after this when I check the response through console.log(responseText);
I have a jSon like string in the following format:
["92"," Title-2",""],
["90"," Title-3",""],
["89"," Title-4",""],
["89"," Title-5",""],
I am not sure if this a proper jSon, as from what I learn jSon is in name: value pairs, but here there are only values, considering this how can I read this string/array and print in following manner:
This just a representation(pseudo code) of how I required it to be handled:
for(int 1=0; i<response.length();i++){
// $("#content").html('<h1>39</h1>'+'<p>Title-1</p>'+'<span></span>');
Use var dataArray = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
If your response array is
myArray =
["92"," Title-2",""],
["90"," Title-3",""],
["89"," Title-4",""],
["89"," Title-5",""],
you can use
for(int i=0; i<myArray.length();i++)
You need to use getJSON()
$.getJSON('Get/Information?class=Arts&min=1', function (response) {
$.each(response, function(idx, rec){
$.getJSON('Get/Information', { class: "Arts", min: 1 })
.done(function( json ) {
$.each(json , function(i, v) {
var id = v[0]; // etc
Refer to getJSON

