Callback NodeJS Javascript function from multithreaded C++ addon - javascript

I have a multithreaded C++ addon that does some background processing and I need to have it periodically callback to a Javascript function that I wrote in my NodeJS server.
I understand that this involves using uv_async_send(), since it needs to get executed in the main thread, but thus far I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.
Is there a simple example out there that I've missed?

Finally, this was not too difficult once I understood what the the uv_* functions do:
1) Expose a function in the addon to allow Node to set the Javascript cb that will be periodically called back to:
Callback* cbPeriodic; // keep cbPeriodic somewhere
NAN_METHOD(setPeriodicCb) {
cbPeriodic = new Callback(info[0].As<Function>());
2) Init UV with an uv_async_t instance and a function that will be executed in the main thread by UV when our worker thread calls uv_async_send()
uv_async_t async; // keep this instance around for as long as we might need to do the periodic callback
uv_loop_t* loop = uv_default_loop();
uv_async_init(loop, &async, asyncmsg);
void asyncmsg(uv_async_t* handle) {
// Called by UV in main thread after our worker thread calls uv_async_send()
// I.e. it's safe to callback to the CB we defined in node!
Nan::HandleScope scope;
v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
Local<Value> argv[] = { v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "Hello world") };
cbPeriodic->Call(1, argv);
3) Call uv_async_send from a worker thread, passing our async instance above, whenever we need to do the periodic callback
4) Finally, when we no longer need to execute the callback ever again, clean things up:
uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &async, NULL);
Since I wrote this answer I've run into other issues and finally learned some lessons about libuv. For completeness, you should understand:
Aside from uv_async_send, all libuv functions may only be called from the the main loop thread! (I had seen it mentioned that the others were not thread-safe, but this is too weak of a statement.) Even, for example, uv_async_init and uv_close must be called from the main loop thread.
If your uv_async_t instance is dynamically allocated, note that you may not free up memory until uv_close makes its callback to let you know that it is safe to do so.
auto async = new uv_async_t();
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)async, [](uv_handle_t* handle) {
delete handle;


eventemitter.emit method doesn't return in node js

I have a problem using eventemitter.emit method.
Basically this is what I want to do. I have a long running process (CPU bounded) that generates output objects, and since this is CPU bounded process i run it as a separate process using fork().
class Producer extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.on('MyEvent', this.produce);
produce(input) {
var output = longRunningProcess();
this.emit('MyEvent, output);
var producer = new Producer();
producer.emit('MyEvent', 0); // To kick off the execution
And once each output is generated, I want to send it to the parent process. And also use it to emit an event to produce another object and so on.
Now, the problem is that the process.send(output) doesn't seem to be executed. I can see the outputs being printed in the console one after one. But the parent doesn't seem to be receiving anything from the child process. In my understanding, nodejs event loop shouldn't pick up a new task until it finishes the current one and the stack is empty, but this is not the case here.
So can you guys help me with this?
Edit: Parent process code
this.producer = ChildProcess.fork('.path/to/produer.js'silent: true });
this.producer.on('message', (data) => {
this.miningProcess.send({ type: "StopMining", body: 0 });
It looks to me like you may be starving the event loop (never giving it any cycles to processing incoming events) which can wreck the ability to process networking, even outbound networking. I'd suggest that you start the next iteration only after the process.send() has completed.
class Producer extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.on('MyEvent', this.produce.bind(this));
produce(input) {
let output = longRunningProcess();
process.send(output, () => {
// When the send finishes, start the next iteration
// This should allow the node.js event queue to process things
this.emit('MyEvent, output);
var producer = new Producer();
producer.emit('MyEvent', 0); // To kick off the execution
Other comments of note:
You need this.produce.bind(this) on your event handler instead of just this.produce to make sure the right this value is set when that function is called.
Keep in mind that eventEmitter.emit() is synchronous. It does not allow the event queue to process events and eventEmitter events do not go through the event queue.
This code assumes that the process.send() callback is called asynchronously and gives the event loop enough chances to process any events that are waiting. It also makes sure the interprocess message is completely sent before you start the next CPU intensive iteration which will temporarily block the event queue processing again. This way, you are sure the whole communication is done before blocking the event queue again.
You probably could have made things work with an appropriately places setTimeout() to kick off the next iteration, but I think it's more reliable to make sure the interprocess messaging is done before kicking off the next iteration.
FYI, if you're not using the EventEmitter you derive from for anything other than is shown here, then it isn't really needed. You could just call methods on your object directly rather than using EventEmitter events.

How to avoid race conditions when assigning custom methods to WebSocket?

When I look at tutorials/documentation about WebSockets I find code like this:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8765/dlt");
ws.onopen = () => {
// do some very important stuff after connection has been established
But what about race conditions here? Are there somehow avoided in JavaScript?
For example this code (which just assigns onopen after the connection has been opened) will fail:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8765/dlt");
setTimeout(() => {
ws.onopen = () => {
// do some very important stuff after connection has been established
console.log("onopen"); /// <== won't be called
}, 100);
Can I be sure that the assignment has been done before the connection get's established?
(I tried to extend WebSocket with a custom onopen() method but this doesn't seem to work)
class MyWebSocket extends WebSocket {
onopen() {
/// do some very important stuff after connection has been established
You should have a read about javascript's event loop:
If you look at the section about Run-to-completion, you get this useful explanation:
Each message is processed completely before any other message is processed. This offers some nice properties when reasoning about your program, including the fact that whenever a function runs, it cannot be pre-empted and will run entirely before any other code runs (and can modify data the function manipulates). This differs from C, for instance, where if a function runs in a thread, it may be stopped at any point by the runtime system to run some other code in another thread.
So in your example, the assignment to ws.onopen must be completed before the websocket does anything asynchronous in nature. By putting your assignment inside setTimeout, you are moving it outside of the currently running context, and so it may not be executed before it is required by the websocket.
You should rest assured that the example is ok. The Javascript event loop will finish the current task before assuming any other tasks. This means that 1) the WebSocket cannot open the connection (async operation) before the onopen event, 2) the onopen event handler will be called during the following cycles.
Setting the timeout on the other hand will complicate matters, because the events will be called in some order after the current task. This means that that the WebSocket has chance to open the connection before the handler has been set.

NodeJS function getting interrupted by socketio event

I'm seeing some strange behavior in my nodejs game server in which there appears to be concurrency. This is strange because Nodejs is supposed to run in one thread as it doesn't use any concurrency. The problem is that I have an update function that's repeatedly called using setImmediate(). In this function I am using an array in two places. However, this same array is also modified when the "disconnect" event fires (which is when the client disconnects from the server). So it so happens that when the timing aligns so that the disconnect event fires AFTER the first place in which the array is accessed in the update function but BEFORE the second place, the array is modified and so the server crashes when the array is attempted to be accessed in the second place.
Here's some code that might make this picture clear:
function update(){
for(var i = 0; i < gameWorlds.length; i++){
console.log("GAMEWORLDS LENGTH BEFORE: " + gameWorlds.length);
NetworkManager.sendToClient(gameWorlds[i].id, "gameupdate", gameWorlds[i].getState());
console.log("GAMEWORLDS LENGTH AFTER: " + gameWorlds.length);
//in the NetworkManager module, the disconnect event handler:
socket.on("disconnect", function(){
for(var a = 0; a < sockets.length; a++){
if(sockets[a].id ==={
sockets.splice(a, 1);
console.log("Client " + + " DISCONNECTED!");
//also in the NetworkManager module, the sendToClient function:
function sendToClient(clientId, messageName, data){
for(var i = 0; i < sockets.length; i++){
if(sockets[i].id === clientId){
sockets[i].emit(messageName, data);
//in the main module (the same one as the update function), the listener
//function that's called in the disconnect event handler:
function networkEventsListener(eventType, eventObject){
if(eventType === "disconnect"){
for(var i = 0; i < gameWorlds.length; i++){
if(gameWorlds[i].id === eventObject){
gameWorlds.splice(i, 1);
console.log("GAME WORLD DELETED");
Now, I have a socketio event listener set up for when the client disconnects in which an element in the array is deleted. When this event occurs RIGHT in between the first and second places the array is accessed (as shown above), my server crashes. Either threads are being used or my function is stopped to let the event handler execute and then my function is resumed. Either way, I don't want this to be happening. Thank you!
EDIT 1: I edited the code to incorporate the console logs I have in my code. The reason why I am saying my loop is getting interrupted is because of the fact that the second console log outputs a length of 0 while the first console log outputs it greater than 0. Also, there is another console log in the disconnect event handler which FIRES in between the two console logs in my update function. This means that my function is getting interrupted.
EDIT 2: Thank you for all your replies I really appreciate it. I think there's been some confusion regarding:
1. The fact that no one has acknowledged how the console logs are appearing. In my previous edit, I changed the code to reflect how I am logging to see the problem. The issue is that in the disconnect event handler, I have a console log which is happening in between the two console logs in the loop. I.e. the disconnect event handler executes BEFORE the second console log is reached in the loop. Unless I am confused about the implementation of the console log function, the logs should be happening in the correct order (that is that the two console logs in the loop should always occur before any other console log in the rest of the program due to the ASYNC nature as most of you have stated.) But this is not the case, which leads me to believe something strange is happening.
2. None of the code inside the loop is changing the array. In a lot of your replies, you assume that there is code which actually modifies the array INSIDE the loop, which is not the case. The only code that modifies the array is code OUTISDE of the loop, which is why it's very strange that the first part of the loop in which the array is accessed doesn't crash but the second part does, even though the code in between DOESN'T change the array.
EDIT 3: Ok so a lot of the replies have been asking for the COMPLETE code. I have update the code with all the relevant REAL code.
Javascript in node.js is single threaded. A given thread of execution in Javascript will NOT be interrupted by a disconnect event. That physically can't happen. node.js is event driven. When the disconnect event happens, an event will be put into the Javascript event queue and ONLY when your current thread of execution is done will Javascript grab the next event out of the event queue and call the callback associated with it.
You don't show enough of your real code to know for sure, but what could be happening is if you have asynchronous operations, then when you start an async operation and register a callback for its completion, then you are finishing that Javascript thread of execution and it is merely a race to see which async event happens next (the completion of this specific async operation or the disconnect event from the disconnect). That is indeterminate and those events can happen in any order. So, if you have async code in the code in question, then the disconnect event can get processed while that code is waiting for a completion of an async event.
That is the type of race conditions that you have to be aware of in node.js programming. Anytime your logic goes asynchronous, then other things can get processed in node.js while your code is waiting for the asynchronous callback that signals the operation is complete.
What exactly to do about this depends entirely upon the exact situation and we would need to see and understand your real code (not pseudo code) to know which option to best recommend to you. FYI, this is one of the reasons we can always help you better if you show us your real code, not just pseudo code.
Here are some of the techniques that can be used when you are operating with async operations on a shared data structure that could be changed by other async code:
Make a copy of the data you want to process so no other code has access to your copy so it can't be modified by any other code. This might be making a copy of an array or it might be just using a closure to capture an index locally so the index can't be impacted by other code.
Use a flag to protect a data structure that is in the middle of being modified and train all other code to respect that flag. How exactly to do this depends upon the specific data. I have code in a Raspberry Pi node.js app that regularly saves data to disk and is subject to a race condition where other event driven code may want to update that data while I'm in the middle of using async I/O to write it to disk. Because the data is potentially large and the memory of the system not so large, I can't make a copy of the data as suggested in the first point. So, I used a flag to indicate that I'm in the middle of writing the data to disk and any code that wishes to modify the data while this flag is set, adds its operations to a queue rather than directly modifies the data. Then, when I'm done writing the data to disk, the code checks the queue to see if any pending operations need to be carried out to modify the data. And, since the data is represented by an object and all operations on the data are carried out by methods on the object, this is all made transparent to the code using the data or trying to modify the data.
Put the data in an actual database that has concurrency features and controls built into it so that it can make atomic changes to the data or data can be locked for brief periods of time or data can be fetched or updated in a safe way. Databases have lots of possible strategies for dealing with this since it happens with them a lot.
Make all accesses to the data be asynchronous so if some other async operation is in the middle of modifying the data, then other unsafe attempts to access the data can "block" until the original operation is done. This is one technique that databases use. You do, of course, have to watch out for deadlocks or for error paths where the flags or locks aren't cleared.
Some new comments based on your posting of more code:
This code is just wrong:
//in the main module (the same one as the update function), the listener
//function that's called in the disconnect event handler:
function networkEventsListener(eventType, eventObject){
if(eventType === "disconnect"){
for(var i = 0; i < gameWorlds.length; i++){
if(gameWorlds[i].id === eventObject){
gameWorlds.splice(i, 1);
console.log("GAME WORLD DELETED");
When you call .splice() in the middle of a for loop on the array you are iterating, it causes you to miss an item in the array you are iterating. I don't know if this has anything to do with your issue, but it is wrong. One simple way to avoid this issue it to iterate the array backwards. Then calling .splice() will not influence the position of any of the array elements that you have not yet iterated and you won't miss anything in the array.
Same issue in the for loop in your disconnect handler. If you only ever expect one array element to match in your iteration, then you can break right after the splice() and this will avoid this issue and you won't have to iterate backwards.
Two things I think you should change to fix the problem.
1) don't modify the length of the array when disconnect occurs but instead make a value that is falsey. A boolean or a one and zero scenario
2) add logic in the form of an if statement to check if the value is falsey for player two. That way you'll know they disconnected and don't deserve to have anything because they're lame and couldn't watch the loser screen.
That should fix the issue and you can. Decide what to do if they're to lazy to stay and watch the winning losing ceremony of your game.
var gameWorld = [ ];
function update(){ // some code } is async and is pushed to the event loop.
function disconnect(){ // some code } is also async and gets pushed to the event loop.
Even though update() is running on the call stack it's waiting for the event loop and it doesn't mean that it'll complete it's execution before the next tick occurs. gameWorld is outside both scopes it can be modified in the middle of update(). So when update() tries to access the array again it's different then when it started.
disconnect() is called before update() finishes and modifies the array on the event loop nexttick() thus by the time the code for update() gets to second player bam the array is messed up.
Even if you have an event listener, execution should not just stop mid function. When the event occurs, node will push the event callback on to the stack. Then when node finishes executing the current function it will start processing the other requests on the stack. You can't be sure of the order things will execute, but you can be sure that things will not get interrupted mid execution.
If your doWhatever function is async then the problem may be occurring because when node finally gets around to servicing the requests on the stack the loop has already finished, therefore everytime doWhatever is called it is being called with the same index (whatever its last value was.)
If you want to call async functions from a loop then you should wrap them in a function to preserve the arguments.
function doWhateverWrapper(index){
function update(){
for(var i = 0; i < theArray.length; i++){
//first place the array is accessed
....more code.....
//second place the array is accessed

Calling V8 function causes access violation

I have a global event manager, allowing you to listen with lambdas to string event names.
// somewhere in the ModuleScript class
Event->Listen("WindowResize", [=]{
// ...
Now, I want to register to events from JavaScript, too. Therefore, I wrote this callback.
v8::Handle<v8::Value> ModuleScript::jsOn(const v8::Arguments& args)
// get pointer to class since we're in a static method
ModuleScript *module = (ModuleScript*)HelperScript::Unwrap(args.Data());
// get event name we want to register to from arguments
if(args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsString())
return v8::Undefined();
string name = *v8::String::Utf8Value(args[0]);
// get callback function from arguments
if(args.Length() < 2 || !args[1]->IsFunction())
return v8::Undefined();
v8::Handle<v8::Function> callback =
// register event on global event manager
module->Event->Listen(name, [=]{
// create persistent handle so that function stays valid
// maybe this doesn't work, I don't know
v8::Persistent<v8::Function> function =
v8::Persistent<v8::Function>::New(args.GetIsolate(), callback);
// execute callback function
// causes the access violation
function->Call(function, 0, NULL);
return v8::Undefined();
When the event is triggered, the application crashes with a access violation. My thoughts are that either the function object isn't valid at this time anymore, or it is a JavaScript scope issue. But I couldn't figure it out.
What causes the access violation and how to overcome it?
I believe there are several potential issues here.
First, you're not using a persistent handle to hold the JavaScript function after ModuleScript::jsOn() terminates. By the time your event handler is invoked, the function might be gone. Consider making callback a persistent handle.
Second, your event handler needs to enter an appropriate V8 context before calling the JavaScript function. Depending on your architecture, explicitly locking and entering the V8 isolate may be required as well.
Third (and this may not be an issue in your specific scenario), you need to manage the lifetime of the V8 isolate. If your event manager fires events on background threads, you have to make sure your event handler somehow prevents the isolate from being disposed from another thread. Unfortunately this is one area where the V8 API doesn't provide much help.
Fourth, to prevent a leak, your event handler should dispose the persistent function handle after invoking the function.
Good luck!

How to synchronize access to private members of a javascript object

I have a Javascript object created as follows:
var ccStatTracker = (function (){
return {
modifyCCMap: function (){
// Code which takes following actions:
// - adds/removes keys.
// - modifies arrays stored as values against the keys in the map.
I have a DHTMLXGrid component which displays grid in the form of rows and columns.
When I edit any cell in the grid, "onEditCell" event is called.
Now, I want to call ccStatTracker.modifyCCMap() from an event handler function attached to "onEditCell" event. As I go on modifying the cells, this event will be called asynchronously which will in turn call a function "modifyCCMap" which will modify private member "CCMap" of my Javascript object. So the latest state of my CCMap as seen by two calls might be different right? So what is the best way to handle this? Is there something as "Synchronized" in Javascript as in Java?
Please help me as it will determine the approach we want to take for implementing this.
JavaScript is single-threaded (web-workers aside for a moment), nothing happens asynchronously (or everything for that matter) - all code: event handlers, timeouts, callbacks, etc. - run in the same thread, one after another.
Thus you don't need any synchronization in JavaScript. Any given piece of code in JavaScript is guaranteed to be executed by only a single thread. How cool is that?
See also
JavaScript equivalent of SwingUtilities.invokeLater()
"atomic" operation desturbed by asynchronous ajax callbacks
Are there any atomic javascript operations to deal with Ajax's asynchronous nature?
how is async programming (promises) implemented in javascript? isn't javascript a ui-threaded environment?

