How to I prevent the console from cheating in an HTML5 Game? - javascript

I have designed an HTML5 Game with a square that shoots at other squares. You have a certain amount of lives and gain a score. How do I prevent users from going into the console and doing something like this:
Code to Game
$(document).ready(function() {
var FPS = 60;
width = 300;
height = 400;
var gBackground = document.getElementById("canvas_background").getContext("2d");
var gPlayer = document.getElementById("canvas_player").getContext("2d");
var gEnemies = document.getElementById("canvas_enemies").getContext("2d");
var GUI = document.getElementById("canvas_ui").getContext("2d");
var bullets = [];
var enemies = [];
var shootTimer = 0;
var maxShootTimer = 15;
var score = 0;
var planetHealth = 50;
var gameState = "menu";
var Key = {
up: false,
down: false,
left: false,
right: false
var player = {
width: 16,
height: 16,
x: (width / 2) - 8,
speed: 3,
y: height - 20,
canShoot: true,
render: function() {
tick: function() {
if(Key.left && this.x > 0) this.x -= this.speed;
if(Key.right && this.x < width - 20) this.x += this.speed;
if( && this.canShoot) {
this.canShoot = false;
bullets.push(new Bullet(this.x,this.y - 4));
bullets.push(new Bullet(this.x + this.width,this.y - 4));
shootTimer = maxShootTimer;
stars = [];
addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
switch(keyCode) {
case 38: // up
Key.up = true;
case 40: // down
Key.down = true;
case 37: // left
Key.left = true;
case 39: // right
Key.right = true;
case 32: //spacebar = true;
}, false);
addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
switch(keyCode) {
case 38: // up
Key.up = false;
case 40: // down
Key.down = false;
case 37: // left
Key.left = false;
case 39: // right
Key.right = false;
case 32: //spacebar = false;
}, false);
function collision(obj1,obj2) {
return (
obj1.x < obj2.x+obj2.width &&
obj1.x + obj1.width > obj2.x &&
obj1.y < obj2.y+obj2.height &&
obj1.y + obj1.height > obj2.y
function Star(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.size = Math.random() * 2.5;
this.render = function() {
gBackground.fillStyle = "white";
this.tick = function() {
function createStars(amount) {
for(i=0;i<amount;i ++) {
stars.push(new Star(Math.random() * width, -5));
function initStars(amount) {
for(i=0;i<amount;i++) {
stars.push(new Star(Math.random()*width,Math.random()*height));
function Bullet(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = 2;
this.height = 12;
this.speed = 3;
this.render = function() {
gPlayer.fillStyle = "red";
this.tick = function() {
if(this.y < -this.height) {
var index = bullets.indexOf(this);
for(i in enemies) {
if(collision(this,enemies[i])) {
score = score + 50;
GUI.fillStyle ="white";
GUI.textBaseline = "top";
GUI.font = "bold 14px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("Score: " + score, 2,2);
GUI.fillText("Lives: " + planetHealth, 2,16);
var enemyIndex = enemies.indexOf(enemies[i]);
var bulletIndex = bullets.indexOf(this);
function Enemy(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = 16;
this.height = 16;
this.speed = 0.5;
this.render = function() {
gEnemies.fillStyle = "red";
this.tick = function() {
if(this.y > this.height + height) {
this.y = -this.height;
GUI.fillStyle ="white";
GUI.textBaseline = "top";
GUI.font = "bold 14px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("Score: " + score, 2,2);
GUI.fillText("Lives: " + planetHealth, 2,16);
this.y += this.speed;
for(x=0;x<8;x++) {
for(y=0;y<8;y++) {
enemies.push(new Enemy((x*24)+(width/2)-100,y*24));
function render() {
if(gameState == "play") {
for(i in stars) {
for(i in enemies) enemies[i].render();
for(i in bullets) bullets[i].render();
} else if(gameState == "gameOver") {
for(i in stars) {
GUI.fillStyle = "white";
GUI.font = "bold 24px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("You're a loser!", width / 2 - 100, height/2);
} else if(gameState == "gameWin") {
for(i in stars) {
GUI.fillStyle = "white";
GUI.font = "bold 24px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("You're a winner!", width / 2 - 100, height/2);
} else if(gameState == "menu") {
for(i in stars) {
GUI.fillStyle = "white";
GUI.font = "bold 24px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("Space Game!", width / 2 - 100, height/2);
GUI.font= "normal 16px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("Press space to start", width / 2 - 90, (height/2)+28);
if(gameState == "play") {
GUI.fillStyle ="white";
GUI.textBaseline = "top";
GUI.font = "bold 14px Tahoma";
GUI.fillText("Score: " + score, 2,2);
GUI.fillText("Lives: " + planetHealth, 2,16);
function tick() {
for(i in stars) stars[i].tick();
if(gameState == "play") {
if(planetHealth <= 0) gameState = "gameOver";
if(enemies.length <= 0) gameState = "gameWin";
for(i in enemies) enemies[i].tick();
for(i in bullets) bullets[i].tick();
if(shootTimer <= 0) player.canShoot = true;
} else if(gameState == "menu") {
if( {
gameState = "play";
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000/FPS );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Game </title>
canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
#canvas_background {
background: black;
<canvas id='canvas_background' width='300' height='400'></canvas>
<canvas id='canvas_player' width='300' height='400'></canvas>
<canvas id='canvas_enemies' width='300' height='400'></canvas>
<canvas id='canvas_ui' width='300' height='400'></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
<script src='game.js'></script>

You can't prevent a user from tampering with the console and the browser's dev tools gives you a lot of ways to take a peek anywhere in the code, even in closures as well as minified code.
But... you could make it harder.
First, you could do it like Facebook and just print a big red warning in the console saying "You shouldn't be here". We're essentially just scaring off the user, really.
Another option is to wrap the code in a closure, that way it's not exposed in the global scope. This avoids direct manipulation via the console.
// all code in here
Making it a bit harder is to use a minifier and an obfuscator.
The main purpose of a minifier is to shave file size by renaming names and rewriting code in a shorter way. The side effect is that the code becomes hard to read as most of the time it won't have any resemblance to your original code. It's worse without a source map and may take hours to trace and understand.
An obfuscator rewrites your code in a way that it still runs the same, just written in a different and often non-readable way. They even go as far as encoding the rewritten code in base64. For those who don't know what base64 is, they're good as gone.
Again, we're just making your code a bit harder to reach, fending off wannabe "hackers".
A more fool-proof way would be to just validate off-page, like on the server and use a variety of methods to determine tampered data. Games like speed typing impose a max score at a certain length of time since we all know we can't type a million words a second. Some games involve data analysis, if the data looks out of the ordinary.

You don't. If your game is entirely client-side, then you can't really stop players from cheating. You could make it more difficult with code obfuscation or taking variables out of the global scope, but that won't stop people who really want to cheat.
If players are connecting to a server for multiplayer or whatever you could implement server-side checks, since the users won't be able to touch that code.

You're running your code on the main scope of the Javascript, which is window.
When you create a global varable, this variable is scoped in the window object.
For that reason you can do this:
var a = 1;
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(window.a); // 1
It's very easy to avoid this, using the famous IIFE, which stands for Immediately Invoked Function Expression. You can read it at MDN.
Is just do this:
(function() {
// put all your code inside here
When you do this, all the variable decladed inside that function, will be contained to the scope of that function.
But be aware, you can't prevent user cheating the game, you can only make it harder.


Canvas: Drag and Drop Images

so I am relatively new to javascript. As a school project, we have to code a game with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
So I want to make a cheap recreate of the game Sort or 'Splode' from New Super Mario Bros Ds.
I already programmed the random spawning of the bombs and animated the movement of the bombs. If they are too long in the middle sector (where they spawn) the explode.
But I didn't program the explosion yet. I want to program the drag and drop first. I just want to drag and drop a bomb. As simple as that, the rest I could do myself I guess.
I searched for a tutorial and found this webpage:
I sort of recreated this in my game, but it is not working...
Sorry for my bad code. Could someone please explain to me how to do that?
enter image description here
<!DOCTYPE html>
canvas {
border:7px solid #000;
border-radius: 5px;
display: inline;
background-image: url("img/background.jpg");
background-size: cover;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
class GraphObj {
constructor(x, y, w, h, c, x_vel, y_vel, t, d) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.c = c;
this.x_vel = x_vel;
this.y_vel = y_vel;
this.t = t;
this.d = d;
info() {
return "\ngraphical object: x="+this.x + ", y="+this.y+", w="+this.w+", h="+this.h+", h="+this.c;
// Declaration of Lists
var bList = null; // List of Bombs
var xlist = null;
var ylist = null;
var ref_time=0; // Reference Time
var lives = 10;
var score = 0;
var dragok = false;
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
function drawGrid(ele,ctx){ // declaration of a new function
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.fillStyle = "#ff9999";
ctx.fillStyle = "#60615a";
ctx.fillRect(2* (ele.width/3),0,ele.width/3,ele.height)
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.setLineDash([25, 15]);
ctx.moveTo(ele.width/3 +1,0);
ctx.lineTo(ele.width/3 +1, ele.height);
ctx.moveTo(2*(ele.width/3 -1),0);
ctx.lineTo(2*(ele.width/3 - 1), ele.height);
ctx.lineWidth = 10;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#f5f242";
function drawAll()
var ele = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = ele.getContext("2d");
ele.width = ele.width; // clear everything!
drawGrid(ele,ctx); // call the function ...
var bombb = document.getElementById("bombb");
var bombr = document.getElementById("bombr");
var bombr_step = document.getElementById("bombr_step");
var bombb_step = document.getElementById("bombb_step");
var bombw = document.getElementById("bombw");
// draw bombs
for (var i=0; i<bList.length; i++)
var o = bList[i];
if(o.c == 0 && o.t != 8 && o.t != 10 ){
ctx.drawImage(bombr, o.x,o.y,o.w,o.h);
draggable: true;
if(o.c == 1 && o.t != 8 && o.t != 10 ){
ctx.drawImage(bombb, o.x,o.y,o.w,o.h);
draggable: true;
if(o.c == 2 && o.t != 8 && o.t != 10 ){
ctx.drawImage(bombr_step, o.x,o.y,o.w,o.h);
draggable: true;
if(o.c == 3 && o.t != 8 && o.t != 10 ){
ctx.drawImage(bombb_step, o.x,o.y,o.w,o.h);
draggable: true;
if(o.t == 10 || o.t == 8){
ctx.drawImage(bombw, o.x,o.y,o.w,o.h);
draggable: true;
// draw lives
ctx.font = "normal small-caps 70px Minecraft";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillText(+lives, ele.width - 105, 70);
// draw score
ctx.font = "normal small-caps 70px Minecraft";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillText(+score, 20, 70);
function positionCheck(i, ele){
if(bList[i].x < ele.width/3){
bList[i].x_vel = bList[i].x_vel * (-1);
else if(bList[i].x > 2*(ele.width/3) -64){
bList[i].x_vel = bList[i].x_vel * (-1);
else if(bList[i].y < 0){
bList[i].y_vel = bList[i].y_vel * (-1);
else if(bList[i].y > ele.height -64){
bList[i].y_vel = bList[i].y_vel * (-1);
function animateStep(){
for(var i = 0;i < bList.length; i++){
if(bList[i].c == 0){
bList[i].c = 2;
else if(bList[i].c == 1){
bList[i].c = 3;
else if(bList[i].c == 2){
bList[i].c = 0;
else if(bList[i].c == 3){
bList[i].c = 1;
else if(bList[i].t == 8){
bList[i].c = 4;
else if(bList[i].t == 10){
bList[i].c = 4;
function functimer(){
var ele = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
// create new bomb every s
if ( - ref_time >= 1000)
// random number between 0 and ele.width
var pos_x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ele.width/3 - 64)) + (ele.width/3 +1);
//random height
var pos_y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ele.height - 70) -1);
//random color
var color = Math.round(Math.random());
//random x velocity
var x_vel = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2) * (Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1);
//random y velocity
var y_vel = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2) * (Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1);
var t = 0;
var o = new GraphObj(pos_x,pos_y,64,64, color, x_vel, y_vel, t); // create new bomb
ref_time =;
var xlist = null;
xlist = new Array();
var ylist = null;
ylist = new Array();
// move bombs
for (var i=0; i<bList.length; i++)
bList[i].y += bList[i].y_vel;
bList[i].x += bList[i].x_vel;
positionCheck(i, ele);
requestAnimationFrame(functimer); // draw everything BEFORE screen update
function myMove(i,e){
if(dragok == true){
bList[i].x = e.pageX - c.offsetLeft;
bList[i].y = e.pageY - c.offsetTop;
function myDown(e){
for(var i = 0; i < bList.lenght; i++){
if(e.pageX < bList[i].x + 64 + c.offsetLeft && e.pageX > bList[i].x + c.offsetLeft && e.pageY < bList[i].y + 64 + c.offsetTop && e.pageY > bList[i].y + c.offsetTop){
bList[i].x = e.pageX - c.offsetLeft;
bList[i].y = e.pageY - c.offsetTop;
bList[i].x_vele = 0;
bList[i].y_vel = 0;
dragok = true;
c.onmousemove = myMove(i,e);
function myUp(){
dragok = false;
function start() {
// create lists
bList = new Array();
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
c.onmousedown = myDown;
c.onmouseup = myUp;
var xlist = null;
xlist = new Array();
var ylist = null;
ylist = new Array();
requestAnimationFrame(functimer); // draw everything BEFORE screen update
<body onload="start()">
<img id="bombb" src="img/bombb.png" alt="x" style="display: none;">
<img id="bombr" src="img/bombr.png" alt="y" style="display: none;">
<img id="bombr_step" src="img/bombr_step1.png" alt="y" style="display: none;">
<img id="bombb_step" src="img/bombb_step.png" alt="y" style="display: none;">
<img id="bombw" src="img/bombw.png" alt="y" style="display: none;">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="1000" height="600"></canvas>
This is not a total answer because I do not know exactly what is required when dragging a bomb, but here are a few places to make changes to help further debugging:
the canvas element 'c' is declared in two places so when it comes to be used on mousedown etc it is undefined, the one with more local scope having been set up in the start function. I suggest removing the 'var' before the use of c in the start function so you pick up the one that has global scope.
In general, go through the code seeing where things are defined and if that is in the best position - look at the scope of all variables. The code in this respect is almost OK, for example you understand you cant draw an img on a canvas until it is downloaded, but a few things could do with tidying up.
There is a misspelling of 'length' (lenght) which means a function won't work.
In general use your browser's dev tools console to ensure you do not have anything undeclared or looking like null etc. Such Javascript errors will show there. Also use console.log at strategic points to make sure you understand the flow of the logic. Starting with console.log('at function xxx') at the beginning of the main functions might be useful. You can then see the order in which mousedown/up might happen on a bomb for example.
If you could describe further what should happen when a bomb is dragged that would be useful. Just for completeness here I reiterate what I said in a comment that the bombs are going to be treated like rectangles - so obscuring bombs behind them from the point of view of dragging - that may or may not matter to your application. There is a way round it if it is important, but it's probably better to get the basics sorted out first.

Load and move different images with the keyboard arrows in JavaScript

What I would like to to do is the following:
When I press the left arrow only marioleft is drawn.
When the right arrow is pressed it only draws marioright.
The problem is that both images are loaded at the same time, and they also move at the same time. I would like the 2 to move with the right key. What is wrong with my code?
I thought that I should put a condition on the load function, but I do not know how to do that.
What type of condition should I use?
if (), if else, switch ... and how do I use them?
var vp = document.getElementById("villa_mario");
var paper = vp.getContext("2d");
document.addEventListener("keydown", moveMario);
var x = 250;
var y = 250;
var keys = {
UP: 38,
DOWN: 40,
LEFT: 37,
var background = {
url: "tile.png",
loadOK: false
var marioright = {
url: "mario_right.png",
loadOK: false
var marioleft = {
url: "mario_left.png",
loadOK: false
background.imagen = new Image();
background.imagen.src = background.url;
background.imagen.addEventListener("load", loadBackground);
marioright.imagen = new Image();
marioright.imagen.src = marioright.url;
marioright.imagen.addEventListener("load", loadMarioright);
marioleft.imagen = new Image();
marioleft.imagen.src = marioleft.url;
marioleft.imagen.addEventListener("load", loadMarioleft);
function loadBackground()
background.loadOK = true
function loadMarioright()
marioright.loadOK = true
function loadMarioleft()
marioleft.loadOK = true
function paint()
paper.drawImage(background.imagen, 0, 0);
paper.drawImage(marioright.imagen, x, y);
paper.drawImage(marioleft.imagen, x, y);
function moveMario(evento)
var movement = 5;
case keys.RIGHT:
loadMarioright(x, y, x + movement, y, paper);
x = x + movement;
case keys.LEFT:
loadMarioleft(x, y, x - movement, y, paper);
x = x - movement;
console.log("other key");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Villa Mario</title>
<canvas id="villa_mario" width="500" height="500">
<script src="mario.js"></script>
You have to set false to 'loadOk' variable.
Update the loadMarioright(),loadMarioleft() functions as follows.
function loadMarioright()
marioright.loadOK = true;
marioleft.loadOK = false;
function loadMarioleft()
marioleft.loadOK = true;
marioright.loadOK = false;
Ragu bathi is right in that you need to toggle loadOK off in order to make it load correctly, but I would suggest removing the extra complication of having toggles on every image by forcing it to only draw one Mario every time you paint. The way you control it this time is by just selecting which image you want to use.
var marioToDraw = marioright;
function paint() {
if(background.loadOK) {
paper.drawImage(background.imagen, 0, 0);
//draw the selected Mario
paper.drawImage(marioToDraw.imagen, x, y);
//inside the switch statement
switch(evento.keyCode) {
case keys.RIGHT:
marioToDraw = marioright;
x = x + movement;
case keys.LEFT:
marioToDraw = marioleft;
x = x - movement;
console.log("A different key was pressed!");

rotating SVG rect around its center using vanilla JavaScript

This is not a duplicate of the other question.
I found this talking about rotation about the center using XML, tried to implement the same using vanilla JavaScript like rotate(45, 60, 60) but did not work with me.
The approach worked with me is the one in the snippet below, but found the rect not rotating exactly around its center, and it is moving little bit, the rect should start rotating upon the first click, and should stop at the second click, which is going fine with me.
Any idea, why the item is moving, and how can I fix it.
var NS="";
var SVG=function(el){
return document.createElementNS(NS,el);
var svg = SVG("svg");
class myRect {
constructor(x,y,h,w,fill) {
this.SVGObj= SVG('rect'); // document.createElementNS(NS,"rect");
self = this.SVGObj;
Object.defineProperty(myRect.prototype, "node", {
get: function(){ return this.SVGObj;}
Object.defineProperty(myRect.prototype, "CenterPoint", {
get: function(){
var self = this.SVGObj;
self.bbox = self.getBoundingClientRect(); // returned only after the item is drawn
self.Pc = {
x: self.bbox.left + self.bbox.width/2,
y: + self.bbox.height/2
return self.Pc;
myRect.prototype.handleEvent= function(evt){
self =; // this returns the `rect` element
this.cntr = this.CenterPoint; // backup the origional center point Pc
this.r =5;
switch (evt.type){
case "click":
if (typeof self.moving == 'undefined' || self.moving == false) self.moving = true;
else self.moving = false;
if(self.moving == true){
self.move = setInterval(()=>this.animate(),100);
myRect.prototype.step = function(x,y) {
return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(x,y));
myRect.prototype.rotate = function(r) {
return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix().rotate(r));
myRect.prototype.animate = function() {
self = this.SVGObj;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var x = Math.random() * 100,
y = Math.random() * 300;
var r= new myRect(x,y,10,10,'#'+Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random()).toString(16));
I found the issue to be calculating the center point of the rect using the self.getBoundingClientRect() there is always 4px extra in each side, which means 8px extra in the width and 8px extra in the height, as well as both x and y are shifted by 4 px, I found this talking about the same, but neither setting self.setAttribute("display", "block"); or = "block"; worked with me.
So, now I've one of 2 options, either:
Find a solution of the extra 4px in each side (i.e. 4px shifting of both x and y, and total 8px extra in both width and height),
or calculating the mid-point using:
self.Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
The second option (the other way of calculating the mid-point worked fine with me, as it is rect but if other shape is used, it is not the same way, I'll look for universal way to find the mid-point whatever the object is, i.e. looking for the first option, which is solving the self.getBoundingClientRect() issue.
Here we go…
Some code for documentation here:
let SVG = ((root) => {
let ns = root.getAttribute('xmlns');
return {
e (tag) {
return document.createElementNS(ns, tag);
add (e) {
return root.appendChild(e)
matrix () {
return root.createSVGMatrix();
transform () {
return root.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(this.matrix());
class Rectangle {
constructor (x,y,w,h) {
this.node = SVG.add(SVG.e('rect'));
this.node.x.baseVal.value = x;
this.node.y.baseVal.value = y;
this.node.width.baseVal.value = w;
this.node.height.baseVal.value = h;
rotate (gamma, x, y) {
let t = this.node.transform.baseVal.getItem(0),
m1 = SVG.matrix().translate(-x, -y),
m2 = SVG.matrix().rotate(gamma),
m3 = SVG.matrix().translate(x, y),
mtr = t.matrix.multiply(m3).multiply(m2).multiply(m1);
Thanks #Philipp,
Solving catching the SVG center can be done, by either of the following ways:
Using .getBoundingClientRect() and adjusting the dimentions considering 4px are extra in each side, so the resulted numbers to be adjusted as:
BoxC = self.getBoundingClientRect();
Pc = {
x: (BoxC.left - 4) + (BoxC.width - 8)/2,
y: ( - 4) + (BoxC.height - 8)/2
or by:
Catching the .(x/y).baseVal.value as:
Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
Below a full running code:
let ns="";
var root = document.createElementNS(ns, "svg");'100%';'100%'; = 'green';
//let SVG = function() {}; // let SVG = new Object(); //let SVG = {};
class SVG {};
SVG.matrix = (()=> { return root.createSVGMatrix(); });
SVG.transform = (()=> { return root.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(SVG.matrix()); });
SVG.translate = ((x,y)=> { return SVG.matrix().translate(x,y) });
SVG.rotate = ((r)=> { return SVG.matrix().rotate(r); });
class Rectangle {
constructor (x,y,w,h,fill) {
this.node = document.createElementNS(ns, 'rect');
self = this.node;
self.x.baseVal.value = x;
self.y.baseVal.value = y;
self.width.baseVal.value = w;
self.height.baseVal.value = h;;
self.transform.baseVal.initialize(SVG.transform()); // to generate transform list
this.transform = self.transform.baseVal.getItem(0), // to be able to read the matrix
Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "draw", {
get: function(){ return this.node;}
Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "CenterPoint", {
get: function(){
var self = this.node;
self.bbox = self.getBoundingClientRect(); // There is 4px shift in each side
self.bboxC = {
x: (self.bbox.left - 4) + (self.bbox.width - 8)/2,
y: ( - 4) + (self.bbox.height - 8)/2
// another option is:
self.Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
return self.bboxC;
// return self.Pc; // will give same output of bboxC
Rectangle.prototype.animate = function () {
let move01 = SVG.translate(this.CenterPoint.x,this.CenterPoint.y),
move02 = SVG.rotate(10),
move03 = SVG.translate(-this.CenterPoint.x,-this.CenterPoint.y);
movement = this.transform.matrix.multiply(move01).multiply(move02).multiply(move03);
Rectangle.prototype.handleEvent= function(evt){
self =; // this returns the `rect` element
switch (evt.type){
case "click":
if (typeof self.moving == 'undefined' || self.moving == false) self.moving = true;
else self.moving = false;
if(self.moving == true){
self.move = setInterval(()=>this.animate(),100);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var x = Math.random() * 100,
y = Math.random() * 300;
var r= new Rectangle(x,y,10,10,'#'+Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random()).toString(16));

Phaser P2 physics. How to kill a bullet(sprite) in a group on collision with another collision group

I'm quite new to javaScript and programing in general and i'm trying to make a one vs one 2D tank game using Phaser API.
I have been stuck for the past two days trying to figure out how to kill a single bullet that hits the other tank. I did manage to get it to work using the arcade physics and by using the Phaser example tank game. But i can't seem to convert my knowlegde so far and apply it to the P2 physics which i am currently using and would like to stick to.
This is the tank constructor which i use to create two tanks, each tank holds its individual bulletGroup named bullets, at the far bottom i have a function called shoot which reset a bullet and make it fly towards the target (this particular function is mostly taken from the phaser tank example)
var tank = function(playerIndex, startX, startY, facing, keyLeft, keyRight, keyUp, keyDown, keyTLeft, keyTRight, keyShoot) {
this.playerIndex = playerIndex.toString();;
this.facing = facing;
this.fireRate = 200;
this.nextFire = 0; = 100;
this.isAlive = true;
this.bodyTurnSpeed = 2;
this.turretTurnSpeed = 2;
this.currentSpeed = 0;
this.maxSpeed = 50;
this.keyLeft = keyLeft;
this.keyRight = keyRight;
this.keyUp = keyUp;
this.keyDown = keyDown;
this.keyTLeft = keyTLeft;
this.keyTRight = keyTRight;
this.keyShoot = keyShoot;
this.create = function() {
if (this.playerIndex === "1") {
this.tankBody = game.add.sprite(startX, startY, "body_player_one");
this.tankTurret = game.add.sprite(startX, startY, "turret_player_one");
} else if (this.playerIndex === "2") {
this.tankBody = game.add.sprite(startX, startY, "body_player_two");
this.tankTurret = game.add.sprite(startX, startY, "turret_player_two");
this.tankBody.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
this.tankTurret.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
this.tankBody.body.immovable = false;
this.tankBody.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.tankBody.body.debug = false;
this.tankBody.body.fixedRotation = true;
this.tankBody.body.mass = 50;
// this.tankBody.body.kinematic = true;
this.bullets =;
this.bullets.enableBody = true;
this.bullets.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
this.bullets.createMultiple(100, 'bullet', 0, false);
this.bullets.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);
this.bullets.setAll('anchor.y', 0.5);
this.bullets.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
this.bullets.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
switch (this.facing) {
case "left":
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(-90);
this.tankTurret.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(-90);
case "right":
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(90);
this.tankTurret.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(90);
case "up":
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(0);
this.tankTurret.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(0);
case "down":
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(180);
this.tankTurret.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(180);
this.update = function() {
if (this.isAlive) {
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyLeft)) {
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation -= Phaser.Math.degToRad(this.bodyTurnSpeed);
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyRight)) {
this.tankBody.rotation = this.tankBody.body.rotation += Phaser.Math.degToRad(this.bodyTurnSpeed);;
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyUp)) {
} else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyDown)) {
} else this.tankBody.body.setZeroVelocity();
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyTLeft)) {
this.tankTurret.rotation -= Phaser.Math.degToRad(this.turretTurnSpeed);
} else if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyTRight)) {
this.tankTurret.rotation += Phaser.Math.degToRad(this.turretTurnSpeed);
if (game.input.keyboard.isDown(this.keyShoot)) {
this.tankTurret.x = this.tankBody.x;
this.tankTurret.y = this.tankBody.y;
} else {
this.shoot = function() {
if ( > this.nextFire && this.bullets.countDead() > 0) {
this.nextFire = + this.fireRate;
var bullet = this.bullets.getFirstExists(false);
bullet.reset(this.tankTurret.x + this.tankTurret.width / 2 * Math.cos(this.tankTurret.rotation - Phaser.Math.degToRad(90)),
this.tankTurret.y + this.tankTurret.width / 2 * Math.sin(this.tankTurret.rotation - Phaser.Math.degToRad(90)));
bullet.body.rotation = this.tankTurret.rotation;
bullet.body.mass = 100;
This is where i assign collisionGroups and make them collide with eachother,
everything here is working as intended but the bullets do not dissapear
function create() {
game.add.sprite(0, 0, "background_one");
//creating the collisiongroups
var bulletsCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
var playerOneCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
var playerTwoCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
var wallCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
//sets the objects to collide with gamestage borders (prevent objects from moving out of bounds)
//creating players, each player holds its own bulletgroup
//creates the tiles (mouseclick to place)
//sets sprites to different collisiongroups
for (var i = 0; i < player_one.bullets.children.length; i++) //player_one bullets
for (var i = 0; i < player_two.bullets.children.length; i++) //player_two bullets
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.children.length; i++) //tiles
//makes the collisiongroups collide with eachother
player_one.tankBody.body.collides([playerTwoCollisionGroup, wallCollisionGroup, bulletsCollisionGroup]);
player_two.tankBody.body.collides([playerOneCollisionGroup, wallCollisionGroup, bulletsCollisionGroup]);
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.children.length; i++) //tiles with everything
tiles.children[i].body.collides([playerOneCollisionGroup, playerTwoCollisionGroup, bulletsCollisionGroup]);
for (var i = 0; i < player_one.bullets.children.length; i++) //player_one bullets with everything
player_one.bullets.children[i].body.collides(playerTwoCollisionGroup, function() {
}, this);
for (var i = 0; i < player_two.bullets.children.length; i++) //player_two bullets with everything
player_two.bullets.children[i].body.collides(playerOneCollisionGroup, function() {
}, this);
this is the function i tried to use for callback on collision with a tank, it seems to work in arcade physics with overlap
function bulletHitPlayerOne(tank, bullet) {
bullet.kill() -= 20;
if ( <= 0) {
tank.isAlive = false;
and this is how i tried to implement the function above to my collisionHandler
for (var i = 0; i < player_two.bullets.children.length; i++) {
player_two.bullets.children[i].body.collides(playerOneCollisionGroup, bulletHitPlayerOne, this);
Now, I've tried a various of different ways to solve this problem but im completely stuck, I'm begining to think that i can't kill a sprite in a group with the P2 physics enabled (but then again why wouldn't it work?)
I did seacrh and tried to read as much documentations as possible but with this particular problem i seem to be alone :)
Thank you for your time!
Something like this should work.
Game.prototype = {
create: function(){
var bulletsCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
var playerOneCollisionGroup = game.physics.p2.createCollisionGroup();
this.bullets =;
this.bullets.enableBody = true;
this.bullets.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.P2JS;
this.bullets.createMultiple(100, 'bullet', 0, false);
this.bullets.setAll('anchor.x', 0.5);
this.bullets.setAll('anchor.y', 0.5);
this.bullets.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
this.bullets.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
player.body.collides(bulletsCollisionGroup, this.hit, this);
hit: function(player,bullet){
Bear in mind that player will collide with the bullet and it will change velocity, acceleration and other properties before the bullet is killed. You may want to use onBeginContact or maybe BroadphaseCallback

Creating a bouncing box animation on canvas

I need to create an animation of dropping box, which supposed to bounce 10 times when it reaches a certain Y point on canvas, each time twice lower that the previous. So I have the animation of the dropping box, but I can't make the bounce work. Here are the functions that I wrote:
function dropBox(y, width, height) {
var img_box = new Image();
img_box.src = 'images/gift_box_small.png';
var box_y_pos = y;
box_y_pos = y-img_box.naturalHeight;
img_box.onload = function(){;
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img_box, (width/2)-(img_box.naturalWidth/2), box_y_pos);
box_y_pos += 3;
var box_bottom_position = box_y_pos - img_box.naturalHeight;
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {dropBox(box_y_pos, width, height)},24);
bounceBox(img_box, box_y_pos, box_y_pos, (height/2)-(img_box.naturalHeight/2), "up");
function bounceBox(img, img_final_pos, y, midway_pos, direction){
var midway = midway_pos;
var direction = direction;
var img_y_pos = y;
img.onload = function(){;
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img, (docWidth/2)-(img.naturalWidth/2), img_y_pos);
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
//going up
img_y_pos -= 3;
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {bounceBox(img, img_final_pos, img_y_pos, midway_pos, "up")},24);
} else {
img_y_pos += 3;
midway = Math.floor(midway /= 2);
midway += 1;
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {bounceBox(img, img_final_pos, img_y_pos, midway_pos, "down")},24);
} else {
//going down
if(img_y_pos < img_final_pos){
img_y_pos += 3;
var loopTimer = setTimeout(function() {bounceBox(img, img_final_pos, img_y_pos, midway_pos, "down")},24);
Why isn't it working and how can I make it work?
To avoid getting a headache, you've better handle the animation within a single function called with a setInterval.
And keep all animation-related data in one object.
So the code below does not exactly what you want, but should get you started :
Setup :
var canvas_overlay, ctx_overlay, docWidth, docHeight;
var img_box = new Image();
img_box.src = '';
var mustBeReadyCount = 2; // must load image and window
img_box.onload = launchWhenReady;
window.onload = launchWhenReady;
var animationStep = '';
var boxAnimationData = {
animationStep: '',
y: 0,
maxY: 0,
bounceCount: 6,
direction: -1,
bounceHeight: 0
function launchWhenReady() {
if (mustBeReadyCount) return;
docWidth = window.innerWidth;
docHeight = window.innerHeight;
canvas_overlay = document.getElementById('canvas_overlay');
ctx_overlay = canvas_overlay.getContext('2d');
resizeCanvas(docWidth, docHeight);
boxAnimationData.animationStep = 'falling';
boxAnimationData.bounceHeight = docHeight / 2 - img_box.height;
setInterval(animateBox, 30);
More interesting code is here :
function animateBox() {
if (boxAnimationData.animationStep == 'falling') dropBox();
else if (boxAnimationData.animationStep == 'bouncing') bounceBox();
function dropBox() {
ctx_overlay.clearRect(0, 0, docWidth, docHeight);
boxAnimationData.y += 3;
if (boxAnimationData.y + img_box.height > docHeight) {
boxAnimationData.animationStep = 'bouncing';
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img_box, (docWidth / 2) - (img_box.width / 2), boxAnimationData.y);
function bounceBox() {
ctx_overlay.clearRect(0, 0, docWidth, docHeight);
boxAnimationData.y += boxAnimationData.direction * 3;
if (boxAnimationData.y + img_box.height > docHeight) {
// reached floor ? swap direction
boxAnimationData.direction *= -1;
// and reduce jump height
boxAnimationData.bounceHeight *= 3 / 2;
if (!boxAnimationData.bounceCount) boxAnimationData.animationStep = '';
} else if (boxAnimationData.y < boxAnimationData.bounceHeight) {
boxAnimationData.direction *= -1;
ctx_overlay.drawImage(img_box, (docWidth / 2) - (img_box.width / 2), boxAnimationData.y);

