grunt-run remove console colors - javascript

I have a small grunt task to clean my coverage folders, then run my tests like so :
grunt.registerTask('test', [
The run task itself looks like so :
options: {},
test: {
cmd: 'npm',
args: [
Note: this is using grunt-run task -
These tasks do their job just fine, however when run through the grunt task the color is removed from the tests in the console. When I just run npm test, the color is there. I am wondering if there is any way to get around this? After googling a bit, I tried adding to the run task:
options: {
'no-color': false
but this seemed to do nothing. Is there any way to enable the color here? Thanks!

Try using colors in grunt.log if coloring in tests is in your control.,
var grunt = require("grunt");
grunt.log.writeln("Test failure !"["red"]);
grunt.log.writeln("5 tests failed !"["red"].bold);

I have this same problem and resolve it by configurate grunt task with additional arguments: "--colors"
uiTests: {
cmd: "node",
args: [


Configuration of stylelint in Gruntfile

I'm trying to create a separate task called stylelint because for reasons I do not want it to be part of the postcss task.
In the gruntfile I'm writing:
stylelint: {
options: {},
src: './assets/css/precss/**'
When I run grunt stylelint it lints my code but when it finds an issue then I get Warning: Task "stylelint:src" failed. Use --force to continue.
Am I omitting something?
You should use grunt-stylelint rather than PostCSS as it supports the native stylelint format reporters. Your Gruntfile config should then look something like this:
stylelint: {
css: {
options: {
configFile: '.stylelintrc',
format: 'css'
src: [ 'assets/*.css' ]
I just realised that this is not possible. You have to run grunt with --force

Grunt switch task between dev and prod

I have a grunt file I am trying to see if I can split so I can call something like grunt build:dev or grunt build:prod.
Right now the task looks like this -
grunt.registerTask('build', "Building all needed files.", [
And I am wondering if there is a way to split this task like you can with configs with a key of dev and prod, where the task list for prod it slight different than dev. Sort of similiar to how you might do it with tha configs like
return {
dev: {
prod: {
Is something like this possible? To be clear, I am asking if I can get away with registering both these in a single task.
You may be able to use a multitask.
build: {
dev: ['task1', 'task2', 'task3'],
prod: ['taskA', 'taskB', 'taskC']
grunt.registerMultiTask('build', 'Building...', function() {;
Then you can do grunt build:dev or grunt build:prod
Note: If you just do grunt build, it will iterate through all of the properties, so it would run both dev tasks and prod tasks.

Grunt - Queueing a task to run after a previous task completes

I looked at the official Grunt documentation for creating tasks here
I have two tasks that I want to do, but the second one cannot run until after the first one completes. That's because the second task takes the output from the first task and uses it to create new output.
To break it down
My project involves Bootstrap, so it has a lot of unused code. My first objective is to remove the unused code with uncss. I would then take the output from this new css file and minify it with cssmin.
Here was the exact example from gruntjs
grunt.registerTask('foo', 'My "foo" task.', function() {
// Enqueue "bar" and "baz" tasks, to run after "foo" finishes, in-order.'bar', 'baz');
// Or:['bar', 'baz']);
I tried to apply this to my code here
grunt.registerTask('default', 'uncss', function() {'cssmin');
This means that when grunt is entered, the default is to run the uncss task first, wait for it to complete, then run the cssmin task. However I got this output
Running "default" task
Running "cssmin:css" (cssmin) task
1 file created. 3.38kb -> 2.27kb
Done, without errors
Here is my initConfig
uncss: {
dist: {
files: {
'directory/assets/stylesheets/tidy.css': ['directory/*.html', 'directory/views/*.html']
cssmin: {
css: {
files: {
'directory/assets/stylesheets/styles.min.css': ['directory/assets/stylesheets/styles.css']
In other words, I have two stylesheets in my folder. One contains the custom styles I created, and another contains Bootstrap minified. By running uncss, I will get a new css file named tidy.css.
The cssmin task is supposed to look for this tidy.css file and minify it resulting in a new styles.min.css file.
I can get this to work, but I have to manually run one task and then run another one. How can I automate this to have them run in sequence
first, best practice is to use npm package to load all tasks automatically:
// Load grunt tasks automatically
here are two grunt tasks:
one: {
wake up...
two: {
dress up...
and here is how you run one after the other
grunt.registerTask('oneThenOther', [
You're close. When registering your alias task pass an array of tasks in the sequence you desire instead of a single task.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uncss', 'cssmin']);
Alternatively, the sequence can be specified via the CLI:
> grunt uncss cssmin
It turns out part of the problem was I was specifying the wrong file under cssmin.
Changing my cssmin config to
cssmin: {
css: {
files: {
'directory/assets/stylesheets/styles.min.css': ['directory/assets/stylesheets/tidy.css']
and then registering the tasks in an array solved it
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uncss', 'cssmin']);
Note that the tasks must be specified in that order.

grunt jasmine-node tests are running twice

I set up grunt to run node.js jasmine tests. For some reason, with this config, the results always show double the tests.
Here is my config:
I'm using jasmine-node which plugs into grunt.
var myModule = require('../src/myModule.js');
describe('test', function(){
it('works', function(done){
}, 100);
module.exports = function(grunt) {
jasmine_node: {
options: {
forceExit: true
all: ['spec/']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jasmine_node']);
This results in two tests running rather than one.
> grunt
Running "jasmine_node:all" (jasmine_node) task
Finished in 0.216 seconds
2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped
I was able to reproduce the behavior. This is what seems to be happening:
The task looks in the specified folder (spec in your case) for files with spec in the name.
Then it looks again in every folder in the whole project for files with spec in the name.
What it ends up with is 2 overlapping sets of test files to run.
My first attempt at trying to coerce it into more logical behavior was to set specNameMatcher: null (default is 'spec'), and leave the folder set to 'spec/'. This results in no tests being run, since apparently both conditions (name and folder) must be met for files in the specified folder. You get the same problem if specNameMatcher is left at the default value, but the files in the folder don't have 'spec' in the name.
What does work is to set the folder (or 'test set' or whatever you want to call it) to []:
jasmine_node: {
options: {
forceExit: true
all: []
The catch is that if you have any other files somewhere else in the project with 'spec' in the name, they'll be mistaken for tests by jasmine.
I would consider this behavior a bug, and it should probably be reported via the project's github issues page.
This grunt plugin ( ) seems to be dead ( ).
Maybe it is a better to switch to ?
The jasmine-node project is pretty old. The latest commit is from July of 2014. The grunt-jasmine-node plugin appears to be active, but running against something that is going stale seems a little pointless IMHO.
To test CommonJS modules using Jasmine I'd recommend using Karma along with the
karma-jasmine and karma-commonjs plugins. I got your example working with the following files:
"private": "true",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-jasmine-node": "^0.3.1",
"grunt-karma": "^0.10.1",
"jasmine-core": "^2.3.4",
"karma": "^0.12.31",
"karma-commonjs": "0.0.13",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.3.5",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "^0.1.4"
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '.',
frameworks: ['jasmine', 'commonjs'],
files: [{
pattern: 'src/**/*.js'
}, {
pattern: 'spec/**/*.js'
preprocessors: {
'src/**/*.js': ['commonjs'],
'spec/**/*.js': ['commonjs']
reporters: ['progress'],
browsers: ['PhantomJS']
Gruntfile.js (optional if you still want to use grunt)
module.exports = function(grunt) {
karma: {
unit: {
configFile: 'karma.conf.js',
options: {
singleRun: true
grunt.registerTask('default', ['karma:unit']);
You should also install the karma command line runner globally, just like you probably did with grunt. npm install -g karma-cli
From your command line you can start karma by typing karma start. It will run the tests and then watch your files and re-run them on every save. (VERY NICE)
Alternatively you can run karma start --single-run to have it just run your tests once and exit. If you also updated your Gruntfile you can also just run grunt to run the tests once.
The current up voted answer isn't the solution. You simply modify the expression that's going to match your tests. The answer is as follows:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
jasmine_node: {
options: {
forceExit: true
all: ['spec/*spec.js']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jasmine_node']);
Here you can see that 'all' is set to *'spec/spec.js'. This will search for all tests.
Secondly, just because a project hasn't had a recently commit, doesn't mean it's "old". jasmine-node is simply stable.
I have the same issue using grunt-jasmine-node, and as aeryaguzov points out, that project is no longer maintained. Switching to grunt-jasmine-node-new solves the issue for me.
grunt-jasmine-node-new is a fork of grunt-jasmine-node that is actively maintained, and can be found here:

Tests result as successful, although errors are found during Tests

I have set up my test environment as described here with QunitJS + PhantomJS + GruntJS:
Everything works fine, but I have the problem that, my Grunt Task finishes without errors, although errors are found. This is crucial for my build process. Due to the Test results the build either fails or succeeds. But in my case the build always succeeds. Any Ideas why grunt doesn't exit with failure when errors found?
qunit Task of the grunt file:
module.exports = {
services: {
options: {
urls: [
timeout: 20000,
force: true
gui: {
options: {
urls: [
timeout: 20000,
force: true
Please consider that I cant upload more info due to confidental issues.
You are asking 'why does Grunt continue and when the tests fail?' The answer is 'because you are asking it to'.
The force option controls whether the QUnit task fails if there are failing tests. Setting it to true as you have done tells Grunt to continue even if there are failing tests. Try setting it to false, or removing it altogether as false is the default.

