How to add plugin and using some external module/file on RT - javascript

I'm having node.js application/module which is working OK with plug-in concept ,i.e.
My module is acting like proxy with additional capabilities such as adding new functionality to the out-of-the-box functionality(methods).
To do this you need to do the following:
clone my application
create new folder which is called extenders(inside my app)
In this folder you should provide two files
extend.js with your logic as functions/methods
extend.json which define your API (to know which file to invoke)
Note: the JS & JSON file name must be identical
for example lets assume that this is your extend.json file
"extenders": [
"path": "run",
"fn": "runFn"
In this case when the user put in the browser the following link
Im invoking the runFn function (which exist in the extend.js file)with its logic and this is working as expected (under the hood I read the json & js files and invoke the function like extender[fnName](req, res));
Now I want to support the use case of adding external extender via code
for example that the user will do something like
var myModule = require('myModule');
so when my module will run it search weather there is new external extenders exist with all configuration and if so refer to it in RT (to the js&json files).
My questions are:
I need to find when my module is starting who is register to my module and then do my logic on this module , how it can be done in node?
2.if there is other solution in node please let me know.

You could implement initialization function in your api to give freedom to module users. For example.
var yourModule = require('yourModule').init({
extenders: [
"path": "run",
"fn": "runFn"
Or as MattW wrote you can implement it like an express middleware, so module users could use it with their own server. For example:
var yourModule = require('yourModule').init({
extenders: [
"path": "run",
"fn": "runFn"
app = require('express')();
Look at webpack-dev-server, webpack-dev-middleware like another example. Hope there's some similarity with your task. Webpack also deals with fs and configs. They've just splitted middleware and standalone server to separate modules. And there's no "working code", because we need your module's code, to talk about wrapper, which would depend on yourModule implementation. Just some thoughts.

If i'm not wrong understanding your problem maybe this approach can help you.
I think you could list your extenders in an ACL like JSON which not only include the path or the fnName, but the file_to_js path or any other property you need, like if it's active or security parameters.
extenders: [
"path": "run",
"fn": "runFn",
"file": "file_path"
"api-key": true,
"active": true
Then you can preload your modules reading ACL json and let them cached ready for extend.
var Router = {
extenders: {},
init: function () {
this.extenders = {};
loadExtenderFiles: function () {
var key, extender;
// Iterate extender files
for (key in ACL_JSON) {
// extender load logic
extender = ACL_JSON[key];
if ( {
this.extenders[extender.fn] = require(extender.file);
// this fn should allow you to Router.extend() anywhere during the request process
extend: function (fn, request, response) {
// Parse request/response to match your extender module pattern
// extender process logic
this.extenders[fn](request, response);
module.exports = Router;
So Router.init() should do the cache work on server init;
Router.extend() should resolve your api request or extend one being processed.
Hope it helps you!

I believe a simple router should satisfy your requirements:
var userModule = require('userModule');
router.use('/run', function (req, res, next) {
return next(userModule(req));


createDeployment() with Kubernetes JavaScript client

I am trying to create a deployment or replicaSet with the Kubernetes Javascript client. The Kubernetes javascript client documentation is virtually non-existent.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Assuming that by:
you are referring to: createNamespacedDeployment()
You can use below code snippet to create a Deployment using Javascript client library:
const k8s = require('#kubernetes/client-node');
const kc = new k8s.KubeConfig();
const k8sApi = kc.makeApiClient(k8s.AppsV1Api); // <-- notice the AppsV1Api
// Definition of the deployment
var amazingDeployment = {
metadata: {
name: 'nginx-deployment'
spec: {
selector: {
matchLabels: {
app: 'nginx'
replicas: 3,
template: {
metadata: {
labels: {
app: 'nginx'
spec: {
containers: [
name: 'nginx',
image: 'nginx'
} ]
// Sending the request to the API
k8sApi.createNamespacedDeployment('default', amazingDeployment).then(
(response) => {
console.log('Yay! \nYou spawned: ' +;
(err) => {
console.log('Oh no. Something went wrong :(');
// console.log(err) <-- Get the full output!
This code assumes that you have your ~/.kube/config already configured!
Running this code for the first time with:
$ node deploy.js
should output:
You spawned: nginx-deployment
You can check if the Deployment exists by:
$ kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment
nginx-deployment 3/3 3 3 6m57s
Running this code once again will output (deployment already exists!):
Oh no. Something went wrong :(
Additional resources: Kubernetes-client: Javascript
Be careful when you try to deploy a different kinds of resources such as deployment or service.
You need to correctly specify the API version.
const k8sApi = kc.makeApiClient(k8s.AppsV1Api) or (k8s.CoreV1Api) for namespace and etc.
First, you create a kube config object and then create the associated API type. I.e,
import k8s from '#kubernetes/client-node';
const kubeConfig = new k8s.KubeConfig();
kubeConfig.loadFromCluster(); // Or whatever method you choose
const api = kubeConfig.makeApiClient(k8s.CoreV1Api); // Or whatever API
// you'd like to
// use.
const namespace = 'default';
const manifest = new k8s.V1ConfigMap();
// ... additional manifest setup code...
await api.createNamespacedConfigMap(namespace, manifest);
This is the gist of it. If you'd like, I recently created a library with the intention of simplifying interactions with the kubernetes javascript api and it can be found here:
If it doesn't help you directly, perhaps it can serve as an example of how to interact with the API. I hope that helps!
Also, make sure the application executing this code has the necessary permissions (i.e, the K8s Role, RoleBinding and ServiceAccount configs) necessary to perform the actions you're attempting. Otherwise, it'll error out.

Webpack: How can I create a loader for "webpack" which takes an array of dependencies?

For example, I use AMD definition in my project, and use "webpack" for project building. It's possible to create some loader which will take a dependencies in array format?
'mySuperLoader![./path/dependency-1, ./path/dependency-2, ...]'
function() {
// ... some logic here
Project example: gitHub
If you want to port the load-plugin's behavior to webpack, you need to do this:
1. Create a custom resolver
This is because mySuperLoader![./path/dependency-1, ./path/dependency-2, ...] does not point to a single file. When webpack tries to load a file, it first:
resolves the file path
loads the file content
matches and resolves all loaders
passes the file content to the loader chain
Since [./path/dependency-1, ./path/dependency-2, ...] is not a proper file path, there is some work to do. It is even not a proper JSON.
So, our first goal is to turn this into mySuperLoader!some/random/file?["./path/dependency-1", "./path/dependency-2", ...]. This is usually done by creating a custom resolver:
// webpack.config.js
var customResolverPlugin = {
apply: function (resolver) {
resolver.plugin("resolve", function (context, request) {
const matchLoadRequest = /^\[(.+)]$/.exec(request.path);
if (matchLoadRequest) {
request.query = '?' + JSON.stringify(
.split(", ")
request.path = __filename;
module.exports = {
plugins: [
apply: function (compiler) {
Notice request.path = __filename;? We just need to give webpack an existing file so that it does not throw an error. We will generate all the content anyway. Probably not the most elegant solution, but it works.
2. Create our own load-loader (yeah!)
// loadLoader.js
const path = require("path");
function loadLoader() {
return JSON.parse(this.request.match(/\?(.+?)$/)[1])
.map(module =>
`exports['${path.basename(module, '.js')}'] = require('${module}');`
module.exports = loadLoader;
This loader parses the request's query we have re-written with our custom resolver and creates a CommonJS module that looks like this
exports['dependency-1'] = require('path/to/dependency-1');
exports['dependency-2'] = require('path/to/dependency-2');
3. Alias our own load-loader
// webpack.config.js
resolveLoader: {
alias: {
load: require.resolve('./loadLoader.js')
4. Configure root
Since /path/to/dependency-1 is root-relative, we need to add the root to the webpack config
// webpack.config.js
resolve: {
root: '/absolute/path/to/root' // usually just __dirname
This is neither a beautiful nor an ideal solution, but should work as a makeshift until you've ported your modules.
I don't think that you should use a loader for that. Why don't you just write:
It accomplishes the same thing, is much more expressive and requires no extra code/loader/hack/configuration.
If you're still not satisfied, you might be interested in webpack contexts which allow you to require a bulk of files that match a given filter. So, if you write
require("./template/" + name + ".jade");
webpack includes all modules that could be accessed by this expression without accessing parent directories. It's basically the same like writing
You can also create contexts manually like this
var myRequire = require.context(
"./template", // search inside this directory
false, // false excludes sub-directories
/\.jade$/ // use this regex to filter files
var table = myRequire("./table.jade");

Using require with relative paths

We have a rather big set of end-to-end tests on Protractor. We are following the Page Object pattern which helps us to keep our tests clean and modular. We also have a set of helper functions which help us to follow the DRY principle.
The Problem:
A single spec may require multiple page objects and helper modules. For instance:
"use strict";
var helpers = require("./../../helpers/helpers.js");
var localStoragePage = require("./../../helpers/localStorage.js");
var sessionStoragePage = require("./../../helpers/sessionStorage.js");
var loginPage = require("./../../po/login.po.js");
var headerPage = require("./../../po/header.po.js");
var queuePage = require("./../../po/queue.po.js");
describe("Login functionality", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// ...
You can see that we have that directory traversal in every require statement: ./../... This is because we have a specs directory where we keep the specs and multiple directories inside grouped by application functionality under test.
The Question:
What is the canonical way to approach the relative path problem in Protractor?
In other words, we'd like to avoid traversing the tree, going up to import modules. It would be much cleaner to go down from the base application directory instead.
Attempts and thoughts:
There is a great article about approaching this problem: Better local require() paths for Node.js, but I'm not sure which of the options is a recommended one when developing tests with Protractor.
We've also tried to use require.main to construct the path, but it points to the node_modules/protractor directory instead of our application directory.
I had the same problem and I ended up with the following solution.
In my Protractor config file I have a variable which stores a path to a base folder of my e2e tests. Also, Protractor config provides the onPrepare callback, where you can use a variable called global to create global variables for your tests. You define them as a properties of that global variable and use the same way you use globals browser or element in tests. I've used it to create custom global require functions to load different types of entities:
// __dirname retuns a path of this particular config file
// assuming that protractor.conf.js is in the root of the project
var basePath = __dirname + '/test/e2e/';
// /path/to/project/test/e2e/
exports.config = {
onPrepare: function () {
// "relativePath" - path, relative to "basePath" variable
// If your entity files have suffixes - you can also keep them here
// not to mention them in test files every time
global.requirePO = function (relativePath) {
return require(basePath + 'po/' + relativePath + '.po.js');
global.requireHelper = function (relativePath) {
return require(basePath + 'helpers/' + relativePath + '.js');
And then you can use these global utility methods in your test files right away:
"use strict";
var localStorageHelper = requireHelper('localStorage');
// /path/to/project/test/e2e/helpers/localStorage.js
var loginPage = requirePO('login');
// /path/to/project/test/e2e/po/login.po.js
var productShowPage = requirePO('product/show');
// /path/to/project/test/e2e/po/product/show.po.js
describe("Login functionality", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// ...
We've been facing the same issue and decided to turn all page object and helper files into node packages. Requiring them in tests is now as easy as var Header = require('header-po'). Another benefit of converting to packages is that you can use proper versioning.
Here is a simple example:
'use strict';
var Header = function () {
this.goHome = function () {
$('#logo a').click();
module.exports = Header;
"name": "header-po",
"version": "0.1.1",
"description": "Header page object",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {}
"name": "e2e-test-framework",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Test framework",
"dependencies": {
"jasmine": "^2.1.1",
"header-po": "./page-objects/header-po/",
'use strict';
var Header = require('header-po');
var header = new Header();
describe('Header Test', function () {
it('clicking logo in header bar should open homepage', function () {
browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/testpage');
I have had the same issue. Did similar solution to Michael Radionov's, but not setting a global function, but setting a property to protractor itself.
onPrepare: function() {
protractor.basePath = __dirname;
describe('test', function() {
I think the method we use where I work might be a good solution for you. I have posted a brief example of how we handle everything. It's pretty nice b/c you can just call the page object functions in any spec file and you don't need to use require in the spec.
Call a node module from another module without using require() everywhere
All answers seem to be more of workarounds
The actual working solution would be this:
install module alias
add this to your package.json
"_moduleAliases": {
"#protractor": "protractor/_protractor",
"#tmp": "protractor/.tmp_files",
"#test_data": "protractor/.tmp_files/test_data",
"#custom_implementation": "protractor/custom_implementation",
add this as very first line of your protractor config
use it anywhere in the project like so
const params = require('#test_data/parameters');
const customImplementation require('#custom_implementation')
// etc

SailsJS custom config files

I am aware I can create a custom file inside the config directory and reference the variables from within that
module.exports.myconfig = {
foo: 'bar'
But I need to write to these variables too and have them saved. In previous projects I have done this with JSON config files and used PHP to write to them.
Is there any way of doing this with Sails or should I just create some JSON files to pull and push my config vars?
There's no mechanism built in to Sails for persisting configuration variables. However, in the latest build of Sails there is a lower event you can listen for which indicates that Sails is exiting. You could catch this and persist your data then. For example, in your /config/bootstrap.js, something like:
var fs = require('fs');
module.exports = function(cb) {
sails.on('lower', function persistConfig() {
'module.exports = ' + JSON.stringify(sails.config.myconfig));
// ... other bootstrap stuff ...
return cb();

requireJS an entire folder

Is it possible to "require" an entire folder using requireJS.
For example, I have a behaviors folder with a ton of behavior js files. I'd really like to be able to simply use require(['behaviors/*'], function() {...}); to load everything in that folder rather than having to keep that list up to date. Once compressed and optimized I'd have all those files lump together, but for development it's easier to work with them individually.
javascript in browser has no filesystem access and so it can't scan a directory for files. If you are building your app in a scripting language like php or ruby you could write a script that scans the directory and adds the file names to the require() call.
I don't know if I can recommend this approach anymore. I think the more explicit way to do this is by manually "requiring"/"exporting" the functionality you need. The exception I think is if you have a "namespace" of files that you want exported see below "Babel and ES6 Module Import Declarations (export-namespace-from) or see below "Babel and ES6 Module Import Declarations.
These solutions also assume that you have a meaningful file structure - where file names become part of that "require" * definition.
However, if you still need to do this there are a few existing tools and methods that might provide the behavior that you're looking for.
Possible Solutions
Babel and ES6 Module Import Declarations (plugin-export-namespace-from)
Have a setup that is ES6 compliant.
You need to update your .babelrc file to include babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from.
Use export namespace plugin by writing syntax like the following:
export * from './common/a'; // export const a = false;
export * from './common/b'; // export const b = true;
import { a, b } from './common';
console.log(a); // false
console.log(b); // true
Babel and ES6 Module Import Declarations (plugin-wildcard)
Have a setup that is ES6 compliant.
You need to update your .babelrc file to include babel-plugin-wildcard.
Use wildcard namespace plugin by writing syntax like the following:
import { a, b } from './common/*'; // imports './common/a.js' and './common/b.js'
console.log(a); // false
console.log(b); // true
RequireJS (Now Outdated)
Download and install require-wild npm install require-wild
Configure the declaration as follows
requireWild: {
app: {
// Input files to look for wildcards (require|define)
src: ["./**/*.js"],
// Output file contains generated namespace modules
dest: "./namespaces.js",
// Load your require config file used to find baseUrl - optional
options: { requireConfigFile: "./main.js" }
grunt.registerTask('default', ['requireWild']);
Then run the grunt task. Your file will be generated. Modify your setup to load namespaces.js
require(['namespaces'], function () { ... });
This now allows modules under src to use dependencies glob pattern matching.
require(['behaviors/**/*'], function (behaviors) { }
I know this is old, but I'd like to share my solution:
For this solution you need JQuery
1) Create a bash script that will list all the js files in
"MyDirectory/", and save it to "directoryContents.txt":
#Find all the files in that directory...
for file in $( find MyDirectory/ -type f -name "*.js" )
fileClean=${file%.js} #Must remove .js from the end!
echo -n "$fileClean " >> MyDirectory/directoryContents.txt
File will look like this:
MyDirectory/FirstJavascriptFile MyDirectory/SecondJavascriptFile
Problem with my script! Puts an extra " " at the end, that messes things up! Make sure to remove the excess space at the end of directoryContents.txt
2) Then in your Client side JS code:
do a "GET" request to retrieve the text file
For each entry (split by the space), 'require' that file:
$.get( "MyDirectory/directoryContents.txt", {}, function( data ) {
var allJsFilesInFolder = data.split(" ");
for(var a=0; a<allJsFilesInFolder.length; a++)
require([allJsFilesInFolder[a]], function(jsConfig)
//Done loading this one file
}, "text");
I was having a problem with this code not finishing before my other code, so Here's my extended answer:
define([''], function() {
return {
createTestMenu: function()
//Here ALL those files you need are loaded!
loadAllJSFiles: function(callback)
$.get( "MyDirectory/directoryContents.txt", {}, function( data ) {
var allJsFilesInFolder = data.split(" ");
var currentFileNum = 0;
for(var a=0; a<allJsFilesInFolder.length; a++)
require([allJsFilesInFolder[a]], function(jsConfig)
//If it's the last file that needs to be loaded, run the callback.
if (currentFileNum==allJsFilesInFolder.length)
console.log("Done loading all configuration files.");
if (typeof callback != "undefined"){callback();}
}, "text");
What I ended up doing was everytime my Node server boots, it will run the bash script, populating directoryContents.txt. Then My client side just reads directoryContents.txt for the list of files, and requires each in that list.
Hope this helps!
There isn't really a way to do this conceptually on the fly (that I know of).
There's a few work arounds though:
Use grunt and concat and then just require that behemoth...I know, kinda sucky.
What I think is a better solution... use a require hierarchy like so:
require('/js/controllers/init', function(ctrls){
ctrls(app, globals);
// /js/controllers/init.js
define('js/controllers/index', 'js/controllers/posts', function(index, posts){
return function protagonist(app, globals){
var indexModule = index(app, globals);
var indexModule = posts(app, globals);
return app || someModule;
// /js/controllers/index.js
define('js/controllers/index', 'js/controllers/posts', function(index, posts){
return function protagonist(app, globals){
function method1(){}
function method2(){}
return {
m1: method1,
m2: method2
Note that "protagonist" function. That allows you to initialize modules before their use, so now you can pass in a 'sandbox' -- in this case app and globals.
Realistically, you wouldn't have /js/controllers/index.js... It should probably be something like /js/controllers/index/main.js or /js/controllers/index/init.js so that there is a directory adjacent to (sibling of) /js/controllers/init.js called "index". This will make your modules scalable to a given interface -- you can simply swap modules out and keep your interface the same.
Hope this helps! Happy coding!
I wrote a library to solve this problem. Eventually someone else came along and improved my library, here it is:
You can use my lib with Gulp or whatever - it generates metadata for your project and RequireJS can use that metadata to require the desired files from the filesystem.
Using this lib will produce a RequireJS module that looks something like this:
return {
"templates/dashboardTemplate.ejs": arguments[0],
"templates/fluxCartTemplate.ejs": arguments[1],
"templates/footerTemplate.ejs": arguments[2],
"templates/getAllTemplate.ejs": arguments[3],
"templates/headerTemplate.ejs": arguments[4],
"templates/homeTemplate.ejs": arguments[5],
"templates/indexTemplate.ejs": arguments[6],
"templates/jobsTemplate.ejs": arguments[7],
"templates/loginTemplate.ejs": arguments[8],
"templates/overviewTemplate.ejs": arguments[9],
"templates/pictureTemplate.ejs": arguments[10],
"templates/portalTemplate.ejs": arguments[11],
"templates/registeredUsersTemplate.ejs": arguments[12],
"templates/userProfileTemplate.ejs": arguments[13]
You can then require modules in your front-end like so:
var footerView = require("app/js/jsx/standardViews/footerView");
however, as you can see this is too verbose, so the magic way is like so:
name the dependency above as allViews!
now you can do:
var allViews = require('allViews');
var footerView = allViews['standardViews/footerView'];
There are two advantages to requiring directories whole:
(1) in production, with the r.js optimizer, you can point to one dependency (module A) and it can then easily trace all of A's dependencies that represent a entire directory
(2) in development, you can require whole directories up front and then use synchronous syntax to require dependencies because you know they have already been loaded
enjoy "RequireJS-Metagen"

