Multiple file uploading using javascript, jquery plugins - javascript

I'm developing a website in which i have to upload files to the server. There are many file upload controls out there but none of them has served my purpose, that is I want to upload lets say 1000 files but I want to do it in chunks of 200 files so that server calls are minimum. In the above explained scenario 5 calls would be made to the server. I have look into the Plupload and Dropzone each of them make a separate call to the server i.e. 10 files 10 server calls. Is there any file upload control that serves this purpose or any option in the above mentioned controls that I can make use of?

look into Fineuploader, and perhaps use Amazon S3 as a server-side solution


Html 5 file upload and how to send a file from a browser to backend

I've seen a few tutorials of how to use Html5 File API such as this for file uploading. What I want is a few pointers of how to send all that from a browser to backend and process it there to actually upload files. In those tutorials it's not shown.
The backend language doesn't matter.
And I don't want to use an external js library, only pure javascript.

File upload with AWS and javascript

Is there a file select library, similar to drop zone, that just manages the file selection process and lets me control how the files are uploaded? It seems to me, unless I have missed something - most of these libraries require you to identify a server side file that will handle the upload. Currently, my set up is such that files are sent to my server and then to S3 - which is far less efficient than sending them directly to AWS via the javascript API.
I like how dropzone lets me select files from multiple directories - adding to the list of files to upload on the fly.

Upload files using angularjs without php script

just want to ask if it is possible to upload files (images, docs, pdf, etc.) using angularjs without actually using php script, instead all file uploads will use angularjs or javascript codes?. With this method i will be able to lessen the server load. Thanks
That is not possible.
AngularJS is solely a frontend framework. In order to upload something, you need to communicate with a server.

XHR2 - Downloading Files from Web Server

Is it possible to download files with the help of AJAX requests via XHR2? I am able to upload files to the sever, but I can not find a way to download them.
PHP Version 5.4.12
Apache/2.4.4 (Win64) PHP/5.4.12
I need to find a solution to be able to download very large files (up to 4GB). To save server memory, the files need to be downloaded in chunks. I need to monitor download progress too, to provide feedback especially on large files.
I have tried many things, but nothing works well. I run our PHP memory, it takes very long to start the download, I can not monitor the progress, cURL is very slow, x-sendfile provides no download progress, or I can not run two PHP scripts at once(when one sends the data and the other monitors the progress.)

How to locate all images in a directory using jQuery

I'm developing an application which runs on a localhost server.! In this application I do ajax calls and get items from a local h2 DB! Using the response I create dynamic elements using jQuery. The elements use an item image as background and the requirement is that I should get the images from a local folder. ( The folder is created when the server is first started and the images are synchronized from a main server over the intranet. ) The folder hierarchy is shown below.
zharaimages/ -----
[item id]/-----
The image can contain any name for it but will be a jpg. How can I read the file system using jQuery to get the necessary image file when the item is dynamically loaded. I thought of this method but for that I can only read a file with a static name. I want to write a method where the image name can be anything.
clone.css('background-image','c:/zharaimages/' + items[i].itemId + '/image.jpg');
Any ideas or plugins are welcome.
Thank you.
This is a deployable application which uses an embedded jetty server. The folders are in the same computer as the application is!
Unfortunately a big NOOOOOO...
javaScripts cannot read or write files on users' computers (File API - not currently supported by many browsers - allows files to be read by scripts if the user specifically chooses to allow it),
though they can cause the browser to load remote pages and resources like scripts or images, which the browser may choose to cache locally.
They cannot create files on the server (except by communicating with a server side script that creates files for them).
You have to make a server request(many ways...) for the resources.
I'm not sure weather its possible with HTML5 or not
jQuery runs on the browser.
The files are on the server.
The only way that jQuery can read the files on the server is if it makes an AJAX call to the server, and your web server enumerates them.

