Node-Webkit: Window object become broken after changing location - javascript

I'm using node-webkit 0.13.4.
When I open second window with and change its location to completely another url (with different domain than previous), I have broken second window object and can't do anything with second screen including changing location one more time.
That's how I open window and save instance of new window.
_initSecondWindow: function(){
this.gui = window.require('nw.gui');'view/second_window.html', {}, _.bind(function (newWin) {
this.secondWindow = newWin;
}, this));
Then I change location of second window
if (channel == 1){ this.secondWindow.window.location.replace('/view/second_window.html');
var url = '';
this.secondWindow.window.location.href = url;
Note that we have two different domains (second_window.html and and load them one by one many times.
At first time when loaded second_window.html I change location to normally. at second time when I'm changing location from to second_window.html all is fine too. But when I change url from second_window.html to at second time this.secondWindow.window is broken and have empty location object
When I located on and change not url, but change get parameter "channel" all is fine


How do I navigate to and enter a search text using the chrome console?

Below is my code.
It is resulting in unexpected behaviour.
It navigates to but it does not fill in the text field. Also, I have noticed that the console get cleared after navigating to a new webpage.
window.location = "";
window.onload = function(){
var editSearch = document.getElementById("sb_form_q");
editSearch.value = "Quux";
You are binding the onload function to the existing window object.
When the browser loads the new page, it will make a new window object which won't have your property set on it.
JavaScript run in one page (even when you are running it through developer tools) can't persist variables onto a different page.
(Storage mechanisms like localStorage and cookies are available, but you would need code in the subsequent page to look for them).
JavaScript is only valid for the current page you are on. When you are executing code from DevTools console, you are executing code on that page itself. So, when you navigate to another page using window.location you loose the onload handler you have defined.
To add handlers to a different page, it must be connected to your page (the parent) in some way, like an iframe or a popup.
ifrm = document.getElementById('frame');
ifrm.src = '';
ifrm.contentWindow.onload = function () {
// do something here with
// ifrm.contentWindow.document.getElementById('form')
As #Quentin said.
But you can do another way like ..
var keyword = "Quux";
window.location = ""+keyword;

Javascript: How to make sure returns same window, if already opened

I am working on a web based application, in which I have to open popup window. I am using method to open the popup, like this:, "popupWin");
where url contains the URL I would like my popup window to navigate to. Now, the problem is, if I execute from multiple tabs (with same or different URLs), at least on Chrome, it might / might not give you the same window which was opened earlier. This behaviour is inconsistent, I mean, either it should get me fresh window every time, or it should get me previously opened window every time.
I need to persist the same popup window for entire domain. How can I do that?
Well looks like there is a direction to go or at least to give it a try.
It fully remains on localStorage which gives you ability to share the knowledge across your tabs within a single domain.
The code I give below does not work yet (it is only a direction), so don't expect too much from running it as it is.
What it does: it saves the popups by the url in a localStorage and when you try to open a new one with the same url it won't do that. If you don't want to distinguish them by URL it is even simpler: store boolean in a localStorage instead of an object.
What it does not do but should:
it should listen to the popup onunload (close) event and reset the localStorage information accordingly. Best for you here is just to set your localStorage boolean value to false
it should listen to the current tab onunload (reload, close) event and also reset something according to Your logic. As I understand the best for you would be just check whether this tab is the last one from your domain (you can also do this using localStorage, e.g. on every new tab adding its identifier, e.g. creation timestamp and destroying it on tab close) and if it is set your localStorage boolean value to false.
This, I think, would be enough to solve the problem. And finally a small piece of code:
// get the localstorage url map
function getOpenPopups() {
var obj = localStorage.getItem('mypopups');
return obj ? JSON.parse(obj) : {};
// set the localstorage url map
function setOpenPopups(object) {
localStorage.setItem('mypopups', JSON.stringify(object))
// open the popup
function popup(url, title) {
var popups = getOpenPopups();
// check whether popup with this url is already open
// if not then set it and open the popup
if (!popups[url]) {
popups[url] = true;
return'abc', 'cde');
else {
return false;
From w3c documentation we can see that returns a reference to the newly created window, or null if the call failed. That means we can keep it in memory and check for closed flag of that window.
var newWindow ='/some/path', 'TestWindow');
// ...
if (!newWindow.closed) {
Keep in mind that if window with following name exists, page will be loaded in the same window without opening new one.
Other variants of name parameter like _blank, _self, _top, _parent you can find in official docs too.

titanium, save the state of last viewed window

I am wondering if there is a function for saving the last viewed window when a user quits the application, so when they go into the app again, it goes to the last viewed page, instead of restarting. I have looked at Ti.App.Properties but haven't really found what I was looking for. Can anyone point me in the right direction, or if this is even possible.
Ti.App.Properties is the way to go.
If you are just looking to save which window the user was on, simply save the current window that the user is on every time the window changes.
If you want to save the current state, as your title suggests, you will also want to create a javascript object that holds all the data on the page, do JSON.stringify(object) and then save that string in a property as well.
There is an example of code you can use to manage the state of the last opened window :
// Windows types
var TYPE_HOME = 'HomeWindow',
TYPE_BLUE = 'BlueWindow';
// Properties' keys
var PROPERTY_LAST_OPENED_WIN = 'lastOpenedWindow';
// open the last opened window
var win = openLastWindow();
// Uncomment to open the blue window
// Then, comment and reopen the app => the blue window will be opened
// Save the last window configuration
function setLastWindow(params) {
Ti.App.Properties.setString(PROPERTY_LAST_OPENED_WIN, JSON.stringify(params));
// Create and open the last window opened
// (the function you have to call when you re-open the app)
function openLastWindow() {
var params = JSON.parse(Ti.App.Properties.getString(PROPERTY_LAST_OPENED_WIN, '{}'));
switch (params.type) {
case TYPE_HOME: return createAndOpenHomeWindow();
case TYPE_BLUE: return createAndOpenBlueWindow();
default : return createAndOpenHomeWindow();
// Create a window with the given params AND
// save this window as last opened window
function createAndOpenWindow(params) {
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(params);
return win;
// Create windows of type "HomeWindow"
function createAndOpenHomeWindow() {
return createAndOpenWindow({type:TYPE_HOME, backgroundColor:'#FF0000'});
// Create windows of type "BlueWindow"
function createAndOpenBlueWindow() {
return createAndOpenWindow({type:TYPE_BLUE, backgroundColor:'#0000FF'});
This code creates and opens the last window opened thanks to the openLastWindow function.
The first time you open the app, the Home one will be opened (the red).
By uncommenting this line :
you will open the BlueWindow the next time you run the app.
Then, re-comment this line. The blue window will be opened (since it is the last opened).
Hope this helps !

unique id for window/tab using javascript

For example,
consider the following, a browser gets open first with single tab then a unique id should assign for the opened tab, the tabId should persist across any number of pages redirects happen on the tab ( tabId should be there till the tab gets close), like that any new tab open means also it should have unique Id in same manner.
1. No extensions
2. Not using property
3. can use html5 features like localStorage, sessionStorage etc...
I need to associate tabIds with tabs got opened by the time, if any action or navigations(redirects) of pages happen under particular tab, then I need to get alert of tabId of the tab.
I am need of this in very critical time slot, plz anybody have any logic or idea on this? I would like to appreciate in advance...
You could use this function to always get a different id (accross a given domain) :
function getNewId() {
var lastId = localStorage['lastId'] || '0';
var newId = parseInt(lastId, 10) + 1;
localStorage['lastId'] = newId;
return newId;

How can I get the time a particular window is open?

I have a simple user survey form in which there is one section where the user needs to click on a link, read the page inside the link and then come back to continue the form. Currently, I have a parent HTML page from which I am providing a link to open a child web page in a different window/tab.
How can I obtain the time the user spent on the child window/tab?
listen to the user's click by something like
$('a').on('click', function(){
var d = new Date();
var curr_time = d.getTime();
//save in cookie1
and now in the other html page where the user is the same thing but only on window's unload
var d1 = new Date();
var curr_time1 = d1.getTime();
//save in cookie2
save this also....
then when s/he comes back I mean on its onfocus you can subtract the values of these 2 cookies and divide by 1000 to get seconds as these time will be in milliseconds.
(cookie1 -cookie2)/1000 seconds //if the cookie thing is used
Does the user leave the page by clicking on the link, or is the second page displayed inside the first one? In the first case, you'll have to use a cookie to store the click time, in the second case, use a variable. Time can be retrieved using new Date().
Record the time of window open
Open the page in a named window
Set a timeinteval function (on original page) to check the location.href of the named window of say 1000 ms
if changed (to a finished/thankyou page) or not existing user must have finished reading
You should set a cookie or an DOM storage value while the page-to-read is open. In that page:
var isFocused = true; // just opened
var secondsLookedupon = 0; // eventually init with a saved value
window.onblur = function(){ isFocused=false; }; // use addEventHandler and co
window.onfocus = function(){ isFocused=true; }; // use addEventHandler and co
if (!isFocused) {
secondsLookedupon++; = secondsLookedupon; // set a cookie in some way
window.sessionStorage.setItem("name", secondsLookedupon); // or use DOM storage
}, 1000);
and from the survey form page you can read that value from the cookie or domstorage whenever you need.

