Is there any way to simulate command line interaction in browser javascript? - javascript

I don't have a lot of hope for this one, but I have to ask. I am hoping, for didactic purposes, to come up with some means by which a student could load a simple javascript program into a browser, and have it interact with them in the old-fashioned command line manner, where it prints a line and then reads a line of input. This works fine if you use prompt(), but the fact that it creates popups is aesthetically annoying, and today's browsers cheerfully volunteer to stifle the scripts which overuse it. The problem is, prompt() appears to be the only way browser Javascript has of actually pausing a script to wait for input. If we avoid it, that throws us immediately into having to deal with a real-time GUI event input model.
I've been looking for a way to fake it -- to set up some kind of environment in which it is possible for a Javascript method to wait for input and then return when it's given. The best possibility I've got so far is to connect it to a Java applet, but the java applet brand is kind of poisoned now and I doubt people would want to install the plugin. Could there be another way? Worker threads? A browser add-on? Some server-side trick? Does anyone have an idea?
This question is now years old... I wonder if the addition of promises and async/await to Javascript makes this any more possible now?
...I sort of got it to work. If the read-eval-print loop is in an async function and uses await for the line that reads input, you can indeed make an old fashioned linear read-eval-print loop in an event-driven browser environment. But I don't think you can make the main thread wait on input without an async function, except with the grandfathered prompt method (which they're now getting ready to deprecate).

The technical term for what you want is a REPL: a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop. There are many REPLs out there.
The Best Browser-Based Solution
Use Google Chrome's inbuilt console! It's a Javascript REPL that can also let you interact with a web page. You can access it by using Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows and Unix inside Chrome, or the equivalent command on a Mac (Google it!).
To load a file and play with it, all your students need to do is create a directory structure like this:
|--> index.html
|--> javascript.js
make sure index.html has a script tag that points to javascript.js, and then open index.html with Chrome. Voila! You have loaded a Javascript file, and can now play around with it in Chrome.
It's the best solution because you get the full power of the DOM, can do REPL stuff, and is virtually painless - everyone uses Chrome, and your students can even go home and mess around with it completely.
A Browser-Based Alternative
Rather than reinvent the wheel, you can also use
It's a browser-based Javascript REPL website that supports inserting an arbitrary Javascript program, and interacting with its contents. This is the closest you'll probably get to meeting your requirements - it'll be unable to interact with the DOM (obviously), but it'll more than work.
Non-Browser-Based Alternative
If the requirement for a web-based solution can be relaxed, simply using Node.js' inbuilt REPL on a terminal can be more than sufficient.
You could install Node on your lab's computers, and have people play with Javascript in that capacity. There'll be no DOM, but you could certainly have them write functions and algorithms to solve simple problems. Plus, it'd be a good way to introduce them to the fact that Javascript is no longer client-side-bound.
The fact that you'll be interacting with Javascript in an actual terminal, rather than an emulated one in the browser, is another neat bonus.
If I've Misunderstood...
Some of the question comments make it sound like you want a way to be able to interact with terminal utilities using Javascript from a browser. If that is the case, this is impossible.
There is no way for Javascript to evaluate, parse or do anything on the command line that isn't written using Javascript. You cannot expect the equivalent of a bash ls using a browser-based solution - that's because browsers don't have access to your underlying filesystem, which is a good thing. You cannot run sed, awk, grep, etc. for the same reason - Unix utilities are inaccessible to a browser. There are ways to run Unix utilities using Node, of course, but then you will be teaching them how to use Node, rather than how to play with the Unix console.
If all you want, however, is a way to SSH from a browser into a common environment, there are certainly browser-based ways to do that. FireSSH is a Firefox plugin (now also ported to Chrome) that lets people SSH into a common server. They can then do ls, vim, etc. and have it run in the server, with the results piped back to their browser screen. You'll have to think carefully about security in this case, of course, but I think simply giving people user permissions for this server should more than suffice.
Note that FireSSH doesn't use Javascript to parse or do anything - all it is doing is relaying commands you type to a server, having the server execute those commands remotely, and then piping the results back to your screen.
Alternatives to Prompt
I added this after understanding OP's requirements in more detail.
This is a question that has been asked before. I am fond of library solutions, and in 2013, iocream.js was developed for just this sort of browser functionality. You can embed it in a page, and use the jin function to assign values.
If going with a Node.js solution, by far the best approach is to make use of the prompt library. I personally find it very useful for embedding within Node.js applications.
SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's C++-based Javascript engine, and supports a function called readline(). Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a mainstream browser implementation.


Is there an alternative to JavaScript for writing client-side web application code?

I want to program my xhtml Web Applications without javascript.
What are the alternatives for creating interactive xhtml web applications?
Perhaps java applets which do the tasks of javascript?
Or is there another way?
Thanks for any help!
Javascript is hard to debug, is dynamically typed, strange OOP, could be replaced by any other language when that language will be cut to work at a browser.
I would also like some typesafety in my code what can discover many bugs before running the code.
--EDIT 2--
Have a look at
So for now there is no real alternative to javascript what is as flexible, widespread and applicable.
What i think is applicable are frameworks/tools who compile one language to another like GWT or coffescript.
Thank you for the detailed answers. The reason for my question was, that web development is getting more complex every day. I prefer languages like Java for stable error outlining and type safety. JavaScript on the other hand is (in my opinion) mysterious in its ways and hard to debug (browser incompatibilities, silent errors, unintuitive operands, dynamic typing,....). I developed Websites with JS for years now and it feels horrible to me due to such debugging problems and code management. Yet the libraries are quite powerful and ease much of the work.
To have an interactive site you need something that can execute code on the client machine.
This is (at the moment) usually JavaScript. In the past this would have also included Flash or Silverlight (both of which are now on the wane).
JavaScript has a big advantage in that it can easily manipulate the HTML elements directly. While it is possible to do that with Silverlight it's not as easy as Silverlight is designed primarily to build self-contained objects.
Google Web Toolkit GWT lets you write java code which compiles to client-side xhtml+javascript. It relinquishes the page-based standard web approach for a more desktop-like interaction (if I remember correctly the API is somewhat similar to many desktop windowing toolkits).
You may (but don't have to) also develop the (java) server logic and have some client-server communication baked in for you by the compiler.
Have a look at
Some JavaScript alternatives:
Java applets
This is not a recommendation, just a list.
If you're really that allergic to JavaScript, there are a number of frameworks that let you write server-side code which generates the JS for you, as other answers mention.
Check out Google Dart - it has reached 1.0 recently, and has started standardization process few days ago (ECMA TC52). It also compatible with currently available browser via highly optimizing dart2js translator, so you can start using it right now :). Much more sane language than JavaScript, IMO.
More can find more information on the official page here: (tools, documentation, sample code, tutorials), and there is also nice introductory video on the YouTube:
As well as applets you have Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, shortly Chrome NACL. None of these interact with the HTML DOM as seamlessly as JavaScript though.
One thing you can do is simply have the server-side code do all of the processing. You limit yourself to having only CSS available for interactivity, but you can still do just about everything by loading a new page.
If you're considering java applets, then I guess it's necessary to mention Flash and Silverlight (*).
Of course, there are "interactive" web applications that don't use javascript... they use postback. But I don't think this is what you mean.
If you want to target just Internet Explorer, you can use VBScript (Microsoft's proprietary javascript) or even ActiveX. But I doubt that's what you mean, too.
So the onus is on you to answer — why not javascript?
(*) I guess.
I'd be very interested to know what your reasons are for not wanting to use Javascript? The answer to that question will make a big difference to how your question should be answered.
The Javascript language is actually quite powerful. Yes, it does have some quirks, but so do all other languages. A lot of the perceived "problems" with Javascript development in the browser are actually people having issues with the DOM rather than Javascript itself. The DOM, on the other hand is where a lot of the shortcomings and the cross browser issues crop up.
If this is where your problems lie, then you may be better off using a Javascript library such as JQuery, which abstracts away a lot of the direct access to the DOM, and resolves a lot of the cross-browser issues.
If you're using the latest browsers, a lot of the simple effects that previously required Javascript can now be done using CSS. drop-down menus, tabsets, fading, rotation and transition effects. All of this can be done with CSS. However most of them are quite new, and not available in all browsers currently in common use, so you would be better off sticking to Javascript for at least some of them for the time being. Even when they are ready for mainstream use, you'll still need some Javascript to hook them all together.
If you do really have a burning desire to develop using a language other than Javascript, then as you already pointed out, there are other options for programming on the web, such as Java applets. There's also ActiveX controls, Flash and Silverlight, and a few others. However none of them are universally available to all users in the way that Javascript is.
All of them require browser plug-ins of one sort or another, and all of them have issues with users who don't want to install them or corporate environments that don't allow them to be installed. In the case of technologies like ActiveX, they may only be available on certain browsers and operating systems, and (again like ActiveX) they often have security issues.
The only real reason that most of these other technologies existed in the first place was to fill a gap in the capabilities of the browsers at the time. All of these capability issues have now been resolved -- with HTML5 and related technologies driven by Javascript, Flash and Silverlight have been rendered obsolete; ActiveX controls were considered obsolete long ago; and when was the last time you saw a Java applet in mainstream use?
The bottom line is that the browser world is moving very rapidly away from any client-side code other than Javascript, and there are very good reasons for that.
Use pyjamas (google it), you can write normal python code and have it compiled as javascript so you get the best of both worlds, the power and expressiveness of python and the ubiquity of javascript.
Also keep an eye on the Falcon project by Adobe, it's an experimental compiler which translates actionscript 3 (a very powerful language compared to plain javascript) and the flex framework to javascript.
You can also try GWT by Google, where java is used as the client side building code (and yes, it also gets compiled to native javascript).
If it runs on the client's computer and can modify the DOM, it can work. JavaScript is the most widely supported so it'll work out-of-the-box for many people.
Basically, anything which functions like JavaScript can replace it.
Flash can perform basically everything that JavaScript can (graphically, but it can't modify the DOM), but if the user doesn't have Flash Player installed, you're out of luck.
Java can also work, but the same concept applies: if the user doesn't have JRE (or a similar machine)
Silverlight is similar to Flash, but much less supported (I can barely get it to work on my Linux box)
Just curious: why are you looking to replace JavaScript with something else?
This may seem inane, but I actually like using jQuery much better than JavaScript. It makes event handling and Ajax very simple.

How to write own browser for the Android, without re-inventing the wheel?

I really don't want to write an entire browser from scratch but the answers I received so far, regarding the ability to access rendered Javascript OUTPUT in existing WebView, lead me to believe that this is the ONLY way for me to accomplish that.
How do I write my own NON-VISUAL web browser for the Android, without re-inventing the wheel?
Having never developed for Android, I'm afraid I'd be of limited help, so take this with a grain of salt.
I see three options, the hard way writing from scratch (re-inventing the wheel)
A second option which combines existing tools with a minimal wrapper written by yourself, for which the basic components you would need are:
A DOM Parser
JavaScript engine (e.g. V8)
The last option would be to go the way of NVDA. And it might be worth working with them directly on something like this.
I'm not familiar enough with the inner-workings of NVDA to speak on their methods specifically, however it is a rather successful project and a working model of what your trying to do, albeit on a different platform.
How do I write my own NON-VISUAL web browser for the Android, without re-inventing the wheel?
Screen readers for Windows computers, like Jaws, rely on what the browser shows them.

Executing JavaScript with Python without X

I want to parse a html-page that unfortunately requires JavaScript to show any content. In order to do so I use a small python-script that pulls the html-code of the page, but after that I have to execute the JavaScript in a DOM-context which seems pretty hard.
To make it even harder I want to use it in a server environment that has no X11-server.
Note: I already read about but it seems to need a X-server.
You can simulate a browser environment using EnvJS. However, in order to make use of it, you will have to embed some kind of JavaScript runtime (e.g. Rhino) in your program (or spawn one as an external process).
You could try using Xvfb to have a fake frame buffer, so you won't need to run X11 (though it may be a dependency of Xvfb on your system). Most rendering engines don't have a headless mode, so something like Xvfb is necessary to run them. I used this technique successfully using XULRunner to navigate web pages, though not from python.
I'm still trying to figure this out myself, so take my answer with a grain of salt.
So far, I found, which describes the use and the quirks of Pywebkitgtk by someone who has similar needs to what we do.
Later, however, the writer of that blogpost discovered that he can't get it to work with Xvbf, so he hunted some more and found a Qt webkit (possibly in Qt itself, if I understand correctly) Apparently it's a much better solution than PywebkitGTK.
Naturally, I'll be looking into the other solutions offered here--but I wanted to bring up the Qt solution, because to me, it seems the most likely candidate for what I want to do...and if not, then perhaps it will be for someone else, looking for an answer to this question! :-)
I use VNC or Xvfb for this purpose, combined with Firefox. After experimenting with the two, I settled on XTightVNC. We use it to create screenshots on demand for various test purposes. It's nice to use one of these because you're executing it in an actual browser, same as a user would be (though most users probably won't be using the same OS as your server).
The handy thing about using VNC is that you can connect remotely to set up and test the browser when needed.
This might help:

Sandboxed Javascript Execution in an Internet Explorer Extension (BHO)

Firefox has the Sandbox and evalInSandbox(). Chrome has sandboxed execution in their content scripts (they call it isolated execution). I'm looking for the same thing in an IE browser extension.
I can load a javascript file, then call evalScript(), but the code executes in the same environment as javascript that exists on the page. I need a way to run my library (which includes and is based on jQuery) in an sandboxed/isolated environment, but still allow it to modify the DOM as if it were running on the page.
Jint looks promising, but cannot currently evaluate jQuery. (They can parse it.)
How can I do this?
Looks like you are in a pickle with this one.
Some Microsoft people say that IE doesn't offer this functionality
Some who say they have been able to pull this off hold it close and protect it as their secret sauce
"Professional" IE extension shops, when contacted about building what you are talking about turn down the job
I really wish I had better news but it looks like it might take a small miracle to accomplish what you are looking for... or maybe a lot of money. : )
Your best bet is probably going to be finding one of the few who claim they have been able to do it and pay them a lot to share the secret or reconsider why you really want what you want and see if you can't accomplish it another way.
You might find it worthwhile looking at the Microsoft Web Sandbox at the Live Labs:
Although it's more fully fledged and related to mashups and the like it might point you in the right direction.
Thing you are looking for is ActiveScript engine (
I can`t find any usefull links now, MSDN contains only interfaces definition (
Try to Google "Active Scripting" (not "Action scripting"!)
You need to implement interface IActiveScriptHost in your extension, create an object of «JScript», call SetSite and pass your host object, then you can load your js code into this engine and run it.
This technique is a quite difficult due to lack of documentation about it.
If you are still interested in this, I can send you some examples in C++/ATL.
Can you elaborate on your goals a bit?
I don't think you've clearly defined what you're trying to accomplish. If your code has the ability to modify the page's DOM, then it effectively is executing in the context of the page. It can create new script blocks to perform any unsafe or unreliable action that it could accomplish were it operating in the same execution environment.
IE doesn't offer a feature to do what you're asking, and I'm not convinced that the Firefox and Chrome features work the way that you expect that they do.

Executing JavaScript to Render HTML for Server-Side Caching

There are lots of widgets provided by sites that are effectively bits of JavaScript that generate HTML through DOM manipulation or document.write(). Rather than slow the browser down even more with additional requests and trust yet another provider to be fast, reliable and not change the widget output, I want to execute* the JavaScript to generate the rendered HTML, and then save that HTML source.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
Things I've looked into that seem unworkable or way too difficult:
The Links Browser (not lynx!)
Headless use of Xvfb plus Firefox plus Greasemonkey (yikes)
The all-Java browser toolkit Cobra (the best bet!)
Any ideas?
** Obviously you can't really execute the JavaScript completely, as it doesn't necessarily have an exit path, but you get the idea.
Wikipedia's "Server-side JavaScript" article lists numerous implementations, many of which are based on Mozilla's Rhino JavaScript-to-Java converter, or its cousin SpiderMonkey (the same engine as found in Firefox and other Gecko-based browsers). In particular, something simple like mod_js for Apache may suit your needs.
If you're just using plain JS, Rhino should do the trick. But if the JS code is actually calling DOM methods and so on, you're going to need a full-blown browser. Crowbar might help you.
Is this really going to make things faster for users without causing compatibility issues?
There's John Resig's project Bringing the Browser to the Server: "browser/DOM environment, written in JavaScript, that runs on top of Rhino; capable of running jQuery, Prototype, and MochiKit (at the very least)."

