Ruby on Rails reset value back to null - javascript

Following were my view:
<div class="col-xs-3">
<%=, get_advance_booking.collect {|p| [ p[:require_booking], p[:require_booking] ] }, {include_blank: false} , :class => 'form-control') %>
<div class="col-xs-3">
<%= f.text_field :require_days, :class => 'form-control advance-booking', :placeholder => 'How many days?', :disabled=>true%>
And here is my application_helper.rb
def get_advance_booking
ret = [{:require_booking => 'Yes'},{:require_booking => 'No'}]
Following were my product.rb model
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
enum require_booking: {
No: 0,
Yes: 1
Now the Issues is if I select an option of Yes the text field will be enabled and user can enter value. In edit mode, if I select an option No how can I set the text field value back to NULL and save to db? Currently, even though I set the value NO I still get my previously set value. Thanks!!

You only can do that with javascript changing the value field of select.
Supose that your code generate the following html:
<input type="select" value="Yes"></input>
<input type="text" value="EditValue"></input>
For solve this question you need a javascript(jQuery) code like this:
$("input[type='select']").change(function() {
$("input[type='text']").val(' '); });

Actually, you cant assign Null value to the form input. You can set it to be empty '' . But that wouldn't not be helpful in your case. The possible solution for you is to disable the field when 'No' is selected. Disabled input value would not be submitted in form. So the base case would be handled.
But if you are updating than you can handle it on the backend. You can add before filter.
before_filter: check_for_require_days
def check_for_require_days
params.merge!(require_days: nil) unless params[:require_days].present?
This would check if the value is disabled than it would not be in the form params so it would set it to null.

Just add :onchange => "$('#product_require_days').val('')" to your "require_booking" select
<%=, get_advance_booking.collect {|p| [ p[:require_booking], p[:require_booking] ] }, {include_blank: false} , :class => 'form-control'), :onchange => "$('#product_require_days').val('')" %>


Add a new form based on another form's data?

I have a dropdown menu that allows the user to select a time period (ie: January 2018, 1st Trimester, Summer 2018, etc.). At the very bottom there's an option labelled "Other". How can I make it so that if the user selects "Other", and text-input form appears beneath that so that they can elaborate on what "Other" means? Here's my current code:
Time Period:
<% if f.object.award.add_period? %>
<div class="time_period_<%= %>" id="otherBoolID">
<%= :time_period, Award::TimePeriods, {:include_blank => true}, { :class => "date_dropdown"} %>
<% end %>
<div id="boolID" <%= "hidden" %>>
<%= f.input :time_period, :label => false, placeholder: "Other (please specify)", :input_html => { :class => 'awardform' } %>
$('#otherBoolID').change(function () {
var x = document.getElementById('otherBoolID').value;
if (x == "Other") {
document.getElementById('boolID').style.display = 'visible';
Any idea what's going wrong? Currently the "other" form is hidden on page load, but doesn't become visible if you select "Other" in the dropdown menu. If it's worth mentioning, I'm working with a ruby on rails framework.
Could the issue be that the id="otherBoolID" is on the <div> rather than <select> tag?

How can I update the message inside the data-confirmation attribute using Jquery?

I have a polymorphic association with Resources & Flags in my rails app. Each Resource can be Flagged by a user.
On the Resource Edit Page, an Admin can delete multiple flags associated with each Resource via Jquery. (This works fine)
I am then trying to display the total number of flags remaining in an alert message using the data-confirmation attribute before a user updates a Resource.
For Example:
<%= f.submit "Update Resource", data: { confirm: "Reminder: You have #{#flaggable.flags.count} flag alerts remaining." } %>
For some reason, my jquery updates the entire div button VS the variable inside the data-confirmation attribute.
How can I directly target the variable inside the data-confirmation attribute using Jquery?
class Resource
belongs_to :district
has_many :flags, as: :flaggable, :dependent => :destroy
class Flag
belongs_to :flaggable, polymorphic: true
Resource Controller
#edit page
def edit
#district = District.find_by_abbreviation(params[:district_id])
#resource = #district.resources.find(params[:id])
#flaggable = #resource
#flags = #flaggable.flags.all
edit.html.erb - Resource Edit Page
###Renders all flags & allows a user to delete flags via Javascript.
<div id="flags">
<%= render :partial => "flags/flag", :collection => #flags %>
###Resource Form
<%= simple_form_for ([#district, #district_resource]) do |f| %>
<div id="counter>
###How can I directly target the variable inside my alert message/data-confirm?
<%= f.submit "Update Resource", data: { confirm: "Reminder: You have #{#flaggable.flags.count} flag alerts remaining." } %>
<% end %>
_flag.html.erb (partial)
<div id="<%= dom_id(flag) %>" class="flag">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">
<%= link_to '×'.html_safe, [#flaggable, flag], method: :delete, remote: true %>
<b>Flag Alert: </b> <%= flag.message %>
###This works and removes flags
$('#flags #<%= dom_id(#flag) %>').remove();
###This doesn't update the actual data-confirm attribute message
newFlagCount = $('#flags .flag').size();
$("#counter input[data-confirm]").data("Reminder: You have #{#flaggable.flags.count} flag alerts remaining.");
Well, $("#counter") is selecting the <div id="counter"> div and .html() is changing the entire div content. So, your code is doing exactly what you are asking it to do. You should target the submit button inside your "counter" div and change the data-confirm attribute's text.
$("#counter input[data-confirm]").data("Reminder: You have #{#flaggable.flags.count} flag alerts remaining.");
Please note, that if you are changing the number of flags using javascript, the variable in the text will be the original value (#flaggable.flags.count). You would need to regex the digit in your attribute text and change it using javascript.
put your JSON into a variable, then assign it into the element attribute:
var data = { confirm: "Reminder: You have #{#flaggable.flags.count} flag alerts remaining." }
$("#counter input").attr("data-confirm",data.confirm);
Combined the answer below to solve the problem. Thanks everyone.
newFlagCount = $('#flags .flag').length;
var data = { confirm: "Reminder: You have " + newFlagCount + " flag alerts remaining." }
$("#counter input[data-confirm]").data('confirm', data.confirm)

pass selected drop down value as params in rails link_to

I have a select tag which populates list of department names, When I select a value from drop down, I need to display an edit link below (link_to) and append the selected value of dropdown as id params.(I am not using form for this single select tag since I dont need to save value in my databse). How this could be possible. Please help. I am using rails2.3
I tried like the below but it didn't work.
Select A Dept
<%=select :select_dept, :dept,{|dept| [dept.full_name,]},{:prompt => "#{t('select_a_batch')}"} %>
<%= link_to "Display", {:controller => "user", :action => "display_value", :id => $('#select_dept').val() } ,:class => "button" %>
Gopal is on the right track.
Give the link an id so you can pick it out
<%= link_to 'Display", {:controller ...}, :class => 'button', :id => 'display_link' %>
Hide it with CSS by default
#display_link { display:none; }
#display_link.showing { display:block; }
Then in javascript, do something like
$('#select_dept').on('change', function(ev) {
var deptId = $(this).find(':selected').val();
var newPath = '/users/' + deptId + '/display_value';
$('#display_link').attr('href', newPath);
This will not set things up on page load, but you could run the same function you've passed as the change callback on page load to set things up (assuming one of the items might be selected on load).

How to make Drop Down List, if model is created based on Single Table Inheritance on Ruby on Rails 4

I want to have form which shown fields based on the Type of Publications you select. I have used Single Table Inheritance (according to this [link] to create Publication model (base model), and subclasses (book_chapter, book_whole, conference_article, journal_article). Fields of Publications model are as follows: type, author, title, year, publication, volume, issue, page, keywords, abstract, publisher, placeofpublication, editor, seriestitle, seriesvolume, seriesissue, issn, isbn, area, url, doi.
So, based on the Type that will be chosen (for instance book_chapter), I want to have particular fields of Publications.
I handled to create dropdown list with types, but when select the type and create publications the Type record do not saved on database. This is the code for type dropdown
<%= f.label :type, :class => 'control-label' %>
<div class="controls">
<%= f.collection_select :type, Publication.order(:type), :id, :type, include_blank: true, :class => 'text_field' %>
Are you sure type is permited as an accessible param in your controller
def publication_params
Are you sure the values for your options in the select are the right ones ?
Why is your collection_select containing :id
<%= f.collection_select :type, Publication.order(:type), :id, :type, include_blank: true, :class => 'text_field' %>
instead of :type
<%= f.collection_select :type, Publication.order(:type), :type, :type, include_blank: true, :class => 'text_field' %>
Regarding your second question, the answer will rely on a javascript / client side implementation.
Using jQuery you would implement something like this
# JS ($=jQuery)
# assuming your type select has id='type_select'
# assuming your fields inside your form have class 'field'
current_type = $(;
if($.inArray($(el).attr('id'), form_fields_for(current_type)){
var form_fields_for= function(type){
{ book_chapter: [field1_id, field2_id, field3_id, field4_id],
book_whole: [field1_id, field2_id],
conference_article: [field1_id],
journal_article: [field1_id, field2_id, field3_id, field4_id, field5_id]
Another solution would be to set specific classes for each fields for each of your types:
If we take the same assumptions as above, you would have rails to show a form like this:
# pseudocode (html form)
field1 class='book_chapter book_whole conference_article journal_article'
field2 class='book_chapter book_whole journal_article'
field3 class='book_chapter journal_article'
And then you would hide or show these specific classes
# JS ($=jQuery)
current_type = $(;
$('.' + current_type).show();

clear input after search

I have a search box on my site. The search works well. I'd like the search field to clear after you submit a search. I have it working to clear onclick but the onsubmit doesn't work. It is definitely submitting a search because I can see the results.
<script type="text/javascript">
function clearDefault(el) {
if (el.defaultValue==el.value) el.value = ""
function clearText(thefield){
if (thefield.defaultValue==thefield.value)
thefield.value = ""
<%= form_tag guidelines_path, :class => 'navbar-search pull-right', :onSubmit=>"clearText(this)",:method => :get do %>
<%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :class => 'search-query', :placeholder=>"Search", :ONFOCUS=>"clearDefault(this)" %> <% end %
Th onsubmit isn't an event of a text field but rather the form it belongs to. If you move your onsubmit attribute to the form, it should clear it.
Rather than pass the field as a parameter, why not just fetch the field by it's class? So using jquery:
function clearText(){
search = $('.search-query');
if (search.defaultValue==search.value)
search.value = ""
If you can't use jQuery for some reason you could try and assign the form field an ID and use document.getElementById() instead?

