Javascript RegExp - it include space and brackets around - javascript

Bit of a noob to regexp
Please check out my attempt.
I want to isolate numbers that do not have hyphen or other characters around them apart from brackets - and then place quotes around these digits
so far I have - [^a-z-0-9](\d+)[^0-9-a-z]
match group of digits - that does not start or end with numbers or charachters
It is currently matching (1, 2) instead of say 1 and 2
(0-hyphen-number) OR
(123 no hyphen) OR
(no hyphen 2) OR
(no 3 hyphen) OR
(no -4- hyphen) OR
(no -5 hyphen) OR
(no 6- hyphen) OR
(blah 0987 hyp1hen) OR
(blah -4321 hyp-2hen) OR
(blah -1234- hyp3-hen)
Expected ouput :)
(0-hyphen-number) OR
("123" no hyphen) OR
(no hyphen "2") OR
(no "3" hyphen) OR
(no -4- hycphen) OR
(no -5 hyphden) OR
(no 6- hyphen) OR
(blah "0987" hyp1hen) OR
(blah -4321 hyp-2hen) OR
(blah -1234- hyp3-hen)

Your regex is close enough. You should however put - either at end or at beginning or character class.
You should capture all groups and replace them as follows.
Regex: ([^a-z0-9-])(\d+)([^0-9a-z-])
Replacement to do: Replace with $1"$2"$3
Regex101 Demo

do not have hyphen or other characters around them apart from brackets
You should take note that your original regex [^a-z-0-9](\d+)[^0-9-a-z]
matches any punctuation around the digits.
So, ,888+ and ,888] or *888} will match.
But what you're probably looking for is something like this
which only allows whitespace boundary or parenth's boundary.
Change [\s()] to [\s(] or [\s}] to suite your needs.
Modification: To get possibly whitespace separated numbers as well.
| [\s()]
( # (1 start)
(?: \s* \d )*
) # (1 end)
| $

By the time I loaded Regex101, it already had this working regex: [^a-z-0-9](\d+)[^0-9-a-z]
FYI (for everyone confused), in earlier revisions of the post, the regex was ^a-z-0-9[^0-9-a-z]. Another user edited the post to reflect what they saw in the demo.


Match a Particular set of string with regex

I am trying to match a particular set of strings with a regex
1- #1 – .75 Gallon $16.99
2- #2 –1.6 Gallon $36.99
This is what I tried to figure out with many attempts but still it doesn't seems to work
console.log(/^#\d\s+–\s+[0-9]*\.[0-9]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$/.test('#2 – 1.6 Gallon $36.99'))
console.log(/^#\d\s+–\s+[0-9]*\.[0-9]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+$/.test('#1 – .75 Gallon $16.99'))
I have gone through each part individually but I don't know where I am making mistake ,any help would be really appreciated.
You should allow any (even zero) amount of whitespaces around the hyphen, and you need to match a dollar symbol instead of a colon:
See the regex demo.
I also added a ? quantifier after \. to match integers.
^ - start of string
# - a # char
\d - a digit
\s*–\s* - a hyphen wrapped with zero or more whitespaces
\d*\.?\d+ - an integer or float like value: zero or more digits, an optional . and then one or more digits
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
[a-zA-Z]+ - one or more letters
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
\$ - a $ char
\d*\.?\d+ - an integer or float like value
$ - end of string.

Negative lookbehind in javascript

I am using the following regex:
Url 1:
Url 2:
Url 3:
The intention is to match Url 1 & 3 completely, but not Url 2, but it doesn't seem to work.
By checking the following answers:
Javascript regex negative look-behind,
Regex: match everything but,
I believe a negative lookbehind would work, but am unable to figure out what the regex for that would be.
Any help with it would be greatly appreciated!
The (?!(download$)) part by itself isn't doing the right thing here since it fails the match if there is download and end of string immediately to the right of the last / matched. You need to actually match the last subpart with a consuming pattern to actually match the filename.
You may use
See the regex demo. If you need to match the whole string, add ^ anchor at the start of the pattern. s may be also made optional with ? after it.
https:\/\/ - a https:// substring
(dev-|stag-)? - an optional dev- or stag- substring
(assets|images) - either assets or images substring
\.server\.io\/v - a substring
\d - any digit
\/file\/ - a /file/ substring
(.*?) - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible
\/ - a /
(?!download$) - there must not be a download substring followed with the end of string position immediately to the right of the current location
[^\/]+ - 1 or more chars other than /, as many as possible
$ - end of string.
Note that [\d] is less readable than \d, and you need to escape . symbols in the pattern if you want to match literal dot chars.

JavaScript regular expression ignore case exception (Invalid group)

I have the following Regular expression :
I tested the expression in and it works.
But in javascript, it dosen't work.
After doing a search, it turned out that the problem is that javascript doesn't accept regex ignore case ?i.
What's the best solution to remedy this problem.
Any help, i'll appreciate it, thanks !
JavaScript regex engine does not support inline modifier groups. You may use a i modifier in the JS regex and remove unnecessary non-capturing groups to reduce your regex to
var rx = /(?:fbx|fo)\d+|(?:09|0[1-5])\s?(?:\d{2}\s?){4}(?:#freeadsl)?/i;
See the regex demo. The /i at the end makes the letters in the pattern match both lower- and uppercase letters.
(?:fbx|fo)\d+ - fbx or fo substring followed with 1+ digits
| - or
(?:09|0[1-5]) - 09 substring or 0 followed with 1 to 5 digit.
\s? - an optional (1 or 0) whitespaces
(?:\d{2}\s?){4} - 4 occurrences of:
\d{2} - 2 digits
\s? - an optional (1 or 0) whitespaces
(?:#freeadsl)? - an optional #freeadsl substring.

Regex to match digits only if not followed or proceeded by letters in Javascript

I would like to match digits but not when they are within words (in JavaScript).
The following should match:
1.5-4 (matches 1.5 & 4 separately)
(1+3) (matches 1 & 3 separately)
The following should NOT match:
I thought I could solve with with a negative lookahead, like so: (?![A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+[\.|\,]?[0-9]?) but it does not work.
How can I best solve this? Thanks.
I would like to match digits but not when they are within words.
You can use look arounds in your regex:
\b is for word boundary
RegEx Demo
2021 update:
Since lookbehind support has grown considerably, it makes sense to use a lookbehind based solution:
/(?<![a-z])\d*[.,]?\d+(?![a-z])/gi # ASCII only
/(?<!\p{L})\p{N}*[.,]?\p{N}+(?!\p{L})/giu # Unicode-aware
See the regex demo. Please track the lookbehind and Unicode property class support here.
(?<![a-z]) - no ASCII letter (or any Unicode letter if \p{L} is used) allowed immediately to the left of the current location
(?![a-z]) - no ASCII letter (or any Unicode letter if \p{L} is used) allowed immediately to the right of the current location.
Original answer
In order to match any standalone integer or float numbers with dot or comma as decimal separator you need
See the regex demo. The point here is that you cannot use a word boundary \b before a . since it will invalidate all matches like .55 (only 55 will be matched).
(?:\b\d+[,.]|\B[.,])? - either of the two alternatives:
\b\d+[,.] - a word boundary (there must be a non-word char before or start of string), then 1+ digits, and then a . or ,
| - or
\B[.,] - a position other than word boundary (only a non-word char or start of string) and then a . or ,
\d+ - 1+ digits
\b - a word boundary.
const regex = /(?:\b\d+[,.]|\B[.,])?\d+\b/g;
const str = `.455 and ,445 44,5345 435.54 4444
If you need to also add support for the exponent use:
Try This
var pattern= /([\d.]+)/;

JS regex to match a username with specific special characters and no consecutive spaces

I am pretty new to this reg ex world. Struck up with small task regarding Regex.
Before posting new question I have gone thru some answers which am able to understand but couldnt crack the solution for my problem
Appreciate your help on this.
My Scenario is:
Validating the Username base on below criteria
1- First character has to be a-zA-Z0-9_# (either of two special characters(_#) or alphanumeric)
2 - The rest can be any letters, any numbers and -#_ (either of three special characters and alphanumeric).
3 - BUT no consecutive spaces between words.
4- Max size should be 30 characters
my username might contain multiple words seperated by single space..for the first word only _# alphanumeric are allowed and for the second word onwards it can contain _-#aphanumeric
Need to ignore the Trailing spaces at the end of the username
Examples are: #test, _test, #test123, 123#, test_-#, test -test1, #test -_#test etc...
Appreciate your help on this..
Here you go:
^(?!.*[ ]{2,})[\w#][-#\w]{0,29}$
See it working on
Condition 3 is ambigouus though as you're not allowing spaces anyway. \w is a shortcut for [a-zA-Z_], (?!...) is called a neg. lookahead.
Broken down this says:
^ # start of string
(?!.*[ ]{2,}) # neg. lookahead, no consecutive spaces
[\w#] # condition 1
[-#\w]{0,29} # condition 2 and 4
$ # end of string
This might work ^(?=.{1,30}$)(?!.*[ ]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9_#]+(?:[ ][a-zA-Z0-9_#-]+)*$
Note - the check for no consecutive spaces (?! .* [ ]{2} ) is not really
necessary since the regex body only allows a single space between words.
It is left in for posterity, take it out if you want.
^ # BOS
(?= .{1,30} $ ) # Min 1 character, max 30
(?! .* [ ]{2} ) # No consecutive spaces (not really necessary here)
[a-zA-Z0-9_#]+ # First word only
(?: # Optional other words
[ ]
$ # EOS

