Google Calendar Custom Button - javascript

we're using Google Apps heavily in my company. Now there is a new requirement to set specific settings (prefilled event name, rooms selected, ...) for the event automatically on creation.
This possibility should be available for all users in the company. So I asked myself (and now you also) if there is the possibility to add a custom button to the calendar app? This button could use the e.g. javascript API to create the new event with the prefilled information.
If this is not possible what other ideas do you have?
thanks & regards,

Most Calendar App customisation a these days exist as Chrome extensions/plugins (other browsers are available) However, there is a way to install sidebar type tools via hosted XML. This XML can in turn host simple or elaborate web apps.
If you are looking for a button anywhere n the Google Calendar UI other than a sidebar then the browser plugin would be your only option.


Implement a customized Google Calendar with React Js?

My website currently runs a react-big-calendar Calendar with data I manually manage with graphql / Apollo
I decided to use Google Calendar for data management using the Google Calendar API instead of managing everything on my own database.
However, I was wondering if there was a way to directly include a custom Google Calendar ( the UI I mean ) in my website, so the Front-End part would be also managed by Google Calendar ( can be in an iframe, or a Google Component directly, if such a thing exists ).
This way I would leave most of the calendar front/back end logic to Google only, instead of having to call the Google API everytime I do a change on my react-big-calendar.
I say custom, because I would still need to edit some component, such as the pop-up opening when you want to create an event:
Most of the information have no use for me, and I would like to add others. I would also like to get rid of "search for people" or the create button on the sidebar, as an exemple.
Is there a way to include such a customized Google Calendar in my website? Or do I need to keep using my own react-big-calendar with data from the Google Calendar API?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately what you want cannot be achieved as Calendar doesn’t offer the possibility of editing/modifying any of its content.
Hence, the only available options in this situation are:
to embed it as explained in this article here;
make use of the Calendar API and build your own interface for it, just like you mentioned above.

Can I access the Google Calendar API *directly* from javascript running in an HTML page?

I want to get started with the Google Calendar API and my idea was to just setup a simple HTML site I can directly open in the browser.
From this site I want to for example create an event in Google Calendar.
Is this possible (and how), or can I only access the Google Calendar API from a server?
Thanks in advance!
It's possible, but not so well supported by google. If you have a quick look at google developers, you'll find what you need. Including a quickstart and how to insert an event.
Also mind the authorizations you'll need calendar instead of calendar.readonly

Routing and navigation in Office taskpanes

I have a mean-stack site with angular-ui-router, now I want to code an Office add-in with a server and a part of its functionality, and interact with Office.
I have seen add-in commands, which permits of going to certain pages from ribbon buttons. But could anyone tell me what should be the best tool to implement navigation (as well as going back & forward) inside the task pane (like ui-view and ui-router for a web site).
For example, how should we implement the navbar and the navigation in the following taskpane?
Additionally, I have seen some add-ins can launch 2 taskpanes (by 2 ribbon buttons in the same group) at the same time. We can switch between 2 taskpanes, and we can also show them side by side at the same time.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
For independent taskpanes, you can specify an unique TaskpaneId for each Action defined in your manifest. See the manifest Action documentation for details. Note that this isn't supported by Outlook.
The UX you're referencing is using two different types of control elements. In this case there are several Button controls and a Menu control (the drop-down).
All of the above are defined within your add-in's manifest file. For working examples of add-in commands there is an Office Add-in Commands Sample available on GitHub. There are several add-in samples included in this repo, each with their own manifest (for example, the Word manifest).
For routing/navigation it's good to use angular router, so that the application will behave as a single page application.
Regarding navigation through dialogue windows opened by ribbon buttons or interaction among them is not possible till now in my knowledge. Each button should call different modules.

I need help creating a Windows 7 Gadget

I need to create a Windows 7 Gadget (or Widget) as a mini project. I know how to create a basic HelloWorld gadget (including the xml manifest and the html page), but I do not know how to make a complex one.
My company uses a bug tracking software (say, XYZ). My widget needs to be able to access and display data from XYZ regarding bugs, given a bug ID, or other search criteria.
I currently have the APPGUID and server name for XYZ.
Please help. I do not know where to start.
If your bug tracking software (XYZ) is a web application then you need to use its web service or you need to scrape the site to access the data regarding the bugs. You can simply scrape the site using the Simple HTML DOM.
Example can be seen in PHP Simple HTML DOM Scrape External URL
To download the library the link is
Then you can scrape and display the data as the normal HTML code.
OR you have to use the web service provided by the XYZ application.

Customize 'share' message in Google Chrome

I want my website to enable people to share their score via instant messengers.
So there is this nifty feature where you can share websites in Google Chrome on Android
with other people (on the screenshot it says 'Teilen'):
Right now all it does is for example messages people on whatsapp the title of the webpage and its URL, so I wondered if I could somehow customize this behavior.
So, is it possible?
Also, is there a way to trigger this share functionality via javascript?
It is not possible to influence this directly from a website, but there are two things you can do.
Change url to highscore specific score
As soon as the user get's a new score use the history API .replaceState function to change the URL to a URL that for others will load a page with his highscore. And set window.title to what you want the title to be (though make sure this is something sensible for the player as well).
Triggering the share dialog from code is not possible.
Cordova (+crosswalk)
If you really wish to trigger the share dialog from code you would have to bundle your application as a native application using Cordova (and crosswalk if it's a game). There are next various plugins that expose the share dialog from Javascript.

