HTML5 Canvas, Having Trouble Running Multiple Animations At Once - javascript

I have written code that takes two arrays, both of which contain co-ordinates for a four-cornered shape (effectively a start frame and an end frame), a canvas ID and a time value. The function then calculates dX and dY of each corner and uses to create a timestamp. Then, on every requestAnimationFrame(), it calculates what the co-ordinates should be by using dX, dY, the old timestamp, a new timestamp and the time value from the function call. It looks like this:
function doAnim(cv, startFrame, endFrame, animTime)
this.canvas = document.getElementById(cv);
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
if(startFrame.length != endFrame.length)
return('Error: Keyframe arrays do not match in length');
this.animChange = new Array();
var a = startFrame[i];
var b = endFrame[i]
var c = b - a;
this.animChange[i] = c;
this.timerStart =;
function draw()
this.requestAnimationFrame(draw, cv);
this.currentFrame = new Array();
this.currentFrame[i] = startFrame[i]+(this.animChange[i]*((;
this.ctx.moveTo(endFrame[1], endFrame[2]);
this.ctx.lineTo(endFrame[3], endFrame[4]);
this.ctx.lineTo(endFrame[5], endFrame[6]);
this.ctx.lineTo(endFrame[7], endFrame[8]);
this.ctx.moveTo(this.currentFrame[1], this.currentFrame[2]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[3], this.currentFrame[4]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[5], this.currentFrame[6]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[7], this.currentFrame[8]);
The goal is to have multiple animations of objects happening at once. I took the whole co-ordinate approach because I want the objects to appear as if they are coming from the horizon, creating a fake 3D perspective effect (all objects' starting frames would be a single point at the center of the canvas), and I do not want to warp the objects' textures.
Well, it works great for a single animation, but if I try to start a new animation on a completely different canvas while the first one is running, then the first animation stops dead in its tracks.
As you can see from my JS, I've tried getting around this with gratuitous use of this (I do not fully understand how this works yet, and every explanation I've read has left me even more confused), but it has not worked. I also tried a horrific approach which stored all the functions' own variables in one global array (the first time the function runs, all the variables are put in entries 1-30, the second time they're put in 31-60, etc). Unsurprisingly, that did not work either.
Here is a JSFiddle so you can see this scenario for yourself and play with my code. I am officially out of ideas. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Like markE linked too, trying to call requestAnimationFrame multiple times won't work.
Instead you make multiple objects and then call some sort of function on them each frame.
I have created an example using your code:
var anim0frame1 = new Array();
anim0frame1[1] = 0;
anim0frame1[2] = 0;
anim0frame1[3] = 50;
anim0frame1[4] = 0;
anim0frame1[5] = 50;
anim0frame1[6] = 150;
anim0frame1[7] = 0;
anim0frame1[8] = 150;
var anim0frame2 = new Array();
anim0frame2[1] = 200;
anim0frame2[2] = 200;
anim0frame2[3] = 300;
anim0frame2[4] = 250;
anim0frame2[5] = 300;
anim0frame2[6] = 300;
anim0frame2[7] = 200;
anim0frame2[8] = 250;
//Call global
animations = [];
requestAnimationFrame( GlobalStep );
function GlobalStep(delta){
//Functions called by request animation frame have the new time as an argument
//so delta should be approximately the same as
//especially in realtime applications, which this is
//Check if we have any animation objects
if(animations.length > 0){
//Iterate through and call draw on all animations
for(var i=0; i<animations.length; i++){
//Basically we have it so if the draw function returns true we stop animating the object
//And remove it from the array, so have the draw function return true when animation is complete
animations[i].splice(i, 0);
//We removed an object from the array, so we decrement i
//And of course call requestAnimationFrame
requestAnimationFrame( GlobalStep );
function AnimationObject(cv, startFrame, endFrame, animTime){
//Add this object to the objects arrays
//We need to store start and end frame
this.startFrame = startFrame;
this.endFrame = endFrame;
this.animTime = animTime;
//Your code
this.canvas = document.getElementById(cv);
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
if (startFrame.length != endFrame.length) {
return ('Error: Keyframe arrays do not match in length');
this.animChange = new Array();
for (i = 1; i <= startFrame.length; i++) {
var a = startFrame[i];
var b = endFrame[i]
var c = b - a;
this.animChange[i] = c;
this.timerStart =;
//This adds a function to an object, but in such a way that every object shares the same function
//Imagine a kitchen, each object is a person, and this function is a spoon
//by defining this function in this manner Object.prototype.function_name = function(arguments){}
//We make it so one function definition is needed, essentially allowing all the people to share one spoon,
//the 'this' variable still refers to whichever object we call this method, and we save memory etc.
AnimationObject.prototype.draw = function(newTime){
//I added this to start frame so we get what we stored earlier
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.currentFrame = new Array();
for (i = 1; i <= this.startFrame.length; i++) {
this.currentFrame[i] = this.startFrame[i] + (this.animChange[i] * ((newTime - this.timerStart) / this.animTime));
if ((newTime - this.timerStart) >= this.animTime) {
this.ctx.moveTo(this.endFrame[1], this.endFrame[2]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.endFrame[3], this.endFrame[4]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.endFrame[5], this.endFrame[6]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.endFrame[7], this.endFrame[8]);
} else {
this.ctx.moveTo(this.currentFrame[1], this.currentFrame[2]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[3], this.currentFrame[4]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[5], this.currentFrame[6]);
this.ctx.lineTo(this.currentFrame[7], this.currentFrame[8]);
Everytime you press the button a new object is added and simply overwrites previous ones for each frame, you should implement your program so that it checks if a specific animation has already started, you could also use the builtin mechanism to stop animation when complete (read the comments in the code)
You also need to change the on button click code
<button onclick="new AnimationObject('canvas1', anim0frame1, anim0frame2, 3000);">
Lastly if you have further questions feel free to contact me


pass a function with its values "locked"

Say I have a queue class that's executing a series of functions I've already declared:
class DrawQueue{
this.sequence = [];
//throw exception here if not a function
execFunctions = ()=>{
let intvl = setInterval(
const fn = this.sequence.shift();
//clear interval & return here if not a function;
Now I want to pass it a series of functions that have some values calculated inside them:
//I have a single count variable here but the code I'm running is being generated by a user who might have any number of variables that are being updated
let count = 0;
let counterDiv = document.querySelector('#counter')
let dq = new DrawQueue(1000);
function startCount(){ //call when window's loaded
let countFn=(()=>
let innerFn= function(){
let str = (function(){
return count.toString()
//imagine that any number of count variables might be being updated somewhere in the function
Right now this immediately sets the counter div to 10, and then keeps setting it to 10 ten more times. But I want to assign the str variable's value before I pass the functions. So the first function I pass sets the counter to 1, then 2 and so on.
I was trying to set the let str= function(... using an iife, but that didn't work.
One solution that I know would work is to make the whole function a string and then run it with eval but I really do not want to use eval unless I absolutely have to.
Is there any other way to pass these functions with certain variables already "locked in", meaning they're assigned before the function is placed in the queue?
UPDATE: To clarify, this is just a simplified version of a more complex example. In the actual example, the code is dynamically generated by another user, so in addition to 'count' any number of other values might need to be evaluated. So passing the count variable, as several good answers have suggested, is not going to work.
FURTHER CLARIFICATION: What I'm saying above is that because the user could be generating any number of variables that will be updated as the code runs, I can't pass those variables as arguments. (imagine there might be a count2, count3...countn and I don't know how many or where they'll be used or updated in the code.
FURTHER UPDATE: so a commenter wants to see the code in which this applies so here goes. It is an application using Blockly and P5 play, where users will be making code with blocks to move a sprite. So the code for the blocks might be something like this (yes this code is really ugly because it's just a test, but you asked to see it):
function moveForward(sprite){
let dir = ship.rotation* (Math.PI / 180);
let deltaX = Math.cos(dir)*5;
let deltaY = Math.sin(dir)*5;
let newX = ship.position.x + deltaX;
let newY = ship.position.y + deltaY;
function moveBackward(sprite){
let dir = ship.rotation* (Math.PI / 180);
let deltaX = Math.cos(dir)*5;
let deltaY = Math.sin(dir)*5;
let newX = ship.position.x - deltaX;
let newY = ship.position.y - deltaY;
function turnLeft(sprite){
let newDir=ship.rotation-90;
function turnRight(sprite){
let newDir=ship.rotation+90;
There will be any number of other sprites, each with 20 or so properties that could be updated.
Now if I just put all these functions in a row, the sprite will just immediately jump to where the code would put it. Because, you know, normally we want computers to do things as fast as they can.
But since this is made for teaching, I want the user to see the canvas updating step by step, with a delay between each redraw. That means every sprite will have its x and y coordinates, along with color and rotation and a bunch of other things, change slowly.
So the purpose of the DrawQueue to execute the drawing update steps slowly with a setInterval and update the canvas at any interval I want. I can't just run every single command with a setInterval because there could be logic or loops in there. The only thing I want to go in the interval is the updates to the canvas, anything else can happen as fast as it wants.
So imagine the four functions I provided above, along with any number of other functions and modifications to the properties of any number of other sprites or properties of the canvas.
The problem you have is the value is not stored at the time you make the function. It is just a reference to a variable that you are updating. So when it calls, it is reading that variable.
You would need to pass it into the method so you can store the state of the variable at that moment in time.
let count = 0;
let counterDiv = document.querySelector('#counter')
let dq = new DrawQueue(1000);
function startCount(){ //call when window's loaded
let countFn=((count)=> . // <-- reference it here
let innerFn= function(){
let str = (function(){
return count.toString()
countFn(count++); // <-- update it here
By the time the innerFn is actually called, the count variable has already increased to its final value.
To give each innerFn instance its own value for count, you could bind it as function argument:
let innerFn = function(count) { //<--- argument
let str = (function(){
return count.toString()
}.bind(null, count); // pass the global count into a bound argument
NB: make sure to check in your class that fn is defined (as the array will become empty at some point).
class DrawQueue{
this.sequence = [];
//throw exception here if not a function
let intvl = setInterval(
const fn = this.sequence.shift();
//clear interval & return here if not a function
if (fn);
let count = 0;
let counterDiv = document.querySelector('#counter')
let dq = new DrawQueue(1000);
function startCount(){ //call when window's loaded
let countFn=(()=>
let innerFn= function(count){
let str = (function(){
return count.toString()
}.bind(null, count);
window.onload = startCount;
<div id="counter"></div>
Even better would be to avoid a reference to a global variable, and pass count to the countFn function as parameter:
let counterDiv = document.querySelector('#counter')
let dq = new DrawQueue(1000);
function startCount(){ //call when window's loaded
let countFn=((count)=> // local variable
let innerFn= function(){
let str = (function(){
return count.toString()
for(let count = 0; count<10; count++){ // local variable
countFn(count); // pass it
In your question's update you speak of more variables. In that case, pass an object around, which can have many properties, possibly even managed completely by the user-provided code:
let counterDiv = document.querySelector('#counter')
let dq = new DrawQueue(1000);
function startCount(){ //call when window's loaded
let countFn=((state)=> // local variable with count property
let innerFn= function(){
let str = (function(){
return state.count.toString()
for(let count = 0; count<10; count++){ // local variable
const state = {};
state.count = count;
countFn(state); // pass it
Depending on your expectations you should either use the same state object or create new state variables (within the loop, or even deeper in the execution context). This all depends on how you want the system to behave.

Javascript - element.addEventListener() returns "Uncaught TypeError"

For context, I am trying to code a memory game where you have to pair two of the same colored circles until the whole board is complete. I've called it Match-Two. Here is the code that I'll reference from:
class Circle {
constructor(element, circleColor){
this.elem = element;
this.color = circleColor;
var frequency = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var num;
var hue = new Array(8);
var circle = new Array(16);
hue[0] = "#0039ff";
hue[1] = "#ff0000";
hue[2] = "#43ff00";
hue[3] = "#fffa00";
hue[4] = "#7405b5";
hue[5] = "#ff9d00";
hue[6] = "#ff00c3";
hue[7] = "#00fff6";
onload = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++){
circle[i] = new Circle(document.getElementById("circle" + i));
while(circle[i].color === undefined){
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8);
if(frequency[num] != 2){
circle[i].color = hue[num];
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', function(){
function main(circle){ = circle.color;
So in this code I create a class of Circle and I create an array of Circle objects which is identified as 'circle'. When the page is loaded, I give each circle object an element reference from my html document (There are 16 circles and they each have an id of circle0, circle1, circle2.. etc. Then there's a small algorithm to ensure there are only two of each color in the matrix so they all have a matching pair. In each iteration of the for loop, I add an event listener to each circle. If the circle is clicked, I want it to change to its color which is stored in color[i].color. However, when I click the circles all it returns is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'elem' of undefined
at main (script.js:39)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (script.js:31)
Which is referencing: = circle.color;
So I put some console.log() functions in to see what was going on:
if(frequency[num] != 2){
circle[i].color = hue[num];
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', function(){
And this spits out exactly what I expect:
script.js:31 #ff9d00
script.js:30 div data-brackets-id=​"11" class=​"circle" id=​"circle1" /div
script.js:31 #ff9d00
script.js:30 div data-brackets-id=​"12" class=​"circle" id=​"circle2" /div
script.js:31 #0039ff
script.js:30 div data-brackets-id=​"13" class=​"circle" id=​"circle3" /div
script.js:31 #0039ff
So it returns the element reference and the color of the circle. So then I try putting the "circle[i] = circle[i].color" into the event listener and I get the same issue as before...
if(frequency[num] != 2){
circle[i].color = hue[num];
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', function(){
circle[i] = circle[i].color
Circles without their colors. The console log statements are on the right-hand side with their specific colors as well...
So I gave up and decided to write that exact line of code outside the event listener to see if that works, and it changed all the circle's colors to their specific color...
if(frequency[num] != 2){
circle[i].color = hue[num];
circle[i] = circle[i].color;
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', function(){
circle[i] = circle[i].color
The circles with their specific colors...
There is some problem the event listener not being able to pass the object of a Circle or something... I don't know please help :(
Your problem boils down to the way JS treats var variables - they sort of "leak" into the global scope.
Consider the event listener that you've attached:
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', function(){
So, whenever the listener gets triggered, it calls main() function and passes circle[i] into it. But since i is the variable that's leaked outside of the supposed scope, it always has the value of 16 - the value assigned to it during the last iteration of the for loop. That's why the main() function tries to access a style property of undefined - it's the value of circle[16] that was passed into it.
Here's a couple of ways to fix it:
If you can use ES6 let variables:
Use let i instead of var i in your for loop:
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
If not, a classic way with function closure:
function createListener(j) {
return function () {
// and use it in your 'for' loop later:
circle[i].elem.addEventListener('click', createListener(i));
Here's a useful topic that provides more techniques to avoid this: JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example

Smooth Animation in HTML5 Canvas [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
get a smooth animation for a canvas game
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
So I was creating a game on the canvas in HTML and Javascript. I wanted to make some kind of flappy bird-ish game but when I press a key, the animation of the player looks really stuttering. Take a look:
body {
overflow: hidden;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Style.css"/>
<body onload="startgame()">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
function startgame() {
var c = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var x = 900;
var y = 300;
var w = 25;
var h = 500;
var yperson = 20;
var xperson = 200;
document.addEventListener("keydown", function() {
yperson -= 150;
function updateperson() {
yperson = yperson;
setInterval(createobject, 10);
function createobject() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
x -= 1;
yperson += 0.5;
yperson *= 1.003;
ctx.fillStyle = "#009999";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
if (x <= 50) {
if (yperson < 280 && xperson === x-30) {
x -= 1;
} else if (yperson > 280){
x += 1;
I want it to have a smooth animation up. I have seen some people saying it should be done with requestanimationframe but I don't know how to use it.
Thanks in advance.
For full details see MDN window.requestAnimationFrame
As the previous answer is lacking some information, here is annotated example of the basic usage.
// A flag to indicate that the animation is over
var stop = false; // when true the animation will stop
// define main loop update
// the callback that is the main loop
// the browser treats this function as special in terms of display items including
// the canvas, and all DOM items.
// It will ensure that any changes you make to the page are synced to the display
function update(time){ // time is the time since load in millisecond 1/1000th
// time is high precision and gives the time down to
// microseconds (1/1,000,000) as fraction 0.001 is one microsecond
// you can stop the animation by simply not calling the request
// so if the flag stop is true stop the animation
requestAnimationFrame(update); // request the next frame
requestAnimationFrame(update); // request the very first frame
// or you can start it with a direct call. But you will have to add the time
The update function will be called up to 60 times a second. If the code can not keep up (ie it take more than 1/60th of a second to render) then the update function will wait for the next frame effectively reducing the frame rate to 1/30. It will continue skipping frames if the render is slow.
Because you can not control the frame rate you can do the following to slow the animation down to a required frame rate.
const FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 30; // Valid values are 60,30,20,15,10
// set the mim time to render the next frame
const FRAME_MIN_TIME = (1000/60) * (60 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) - (1000/60) * 0.5;
var lastFrameTime = 0; // the last frame time
function update(time){
if(time-lastFrameTime < FRAME_MIN_TIME){ //skip the frame if the call is to early
return; // return as there is nothing to do
lastFrameTime = time; // remember the time of the rendered frame
// render the frame
If you change the focus to a another tab the browser will no longer call the request until focus is returned to the tab.
Like other timer events the call requestAnimationFrame returns a ID that can be used to cancel the callback event
var id = requestAnimationFrame(update);
// to cancel
You can actually call requestAnimationFrame more than once per frame. As long as all the requests can render within the 1/60th of a second they all will by synced and presented to the display at the same time. But you must be careful because they can come out of sync if the rendering time is too long.
RequestAnimationFrame prevents flickering (displaying the canvas when the rendering is not complete) by double buffering changes. Syncs to the display hardware and prevents shearing (caused when the display is updated midway through a frame and the top half of the display shows the old frame and bottom the new frame). There are more benefits depending on the browser.
This is how I set up my games:
var update = function(modifier) {
// update all the object properties
// multiply values that depend on time (like speeds) by modifier
var render = function() {
// draw everything
var main = function() {
var now =;
var change = now - then;
update(change/1000); // update based on frame rate, change in milliseconds/second
then = now;
requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame;
var then =;
requestAnimationFrame tells the browser to execute the loop based on the frame rate. Personally, I don't understand how it works, although if someone here did I'd be very interested in knowing more. setInterval allows you to set how quickly you want the loop to run, but the optimal rate will depend on the browser.
The "then" and "now" variables are for determining how long has passed since the last execution of the loop. This value can be passed to the update function and used for calculations that depend on the frame rate, although sometimes you don't need it and can just use:
var update = function() {
// if using that variation just ignore then and now and call:
//in your main
Although using then and now is better.

Loop object method

i'm trying to call an objects methods at the same time with a loop.
I would create a game with a group of enemies that are move at the same time.
I create an object "Warrior"
function Warrior(x, y) {
// Coordinates x, y
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.character = $('<div class="enemy"></div>');
// Inserting the div inside #map
// assigning x and y parameters
marginLeft: x + 'px',
marginTop: y + 'px'
// walk method that move the div
this.walk = function() {
// Moving div 10px to the right
this.character.css('left', "+=10");
var enemies = new Array();
enemies[0] = new Warrior(0, 0);
enemies[1] = new Warrior(10, 20);
enemies[2] = new Warrior(60, 80);
for(var i=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
setInterval(function(){enemies[i].walk()}, 1000);
I've created an array "enemies"
and I tried to call walk() methods at the same time
But nothing it happens. I would like that the divs are moving at the same time!
Based on this question
You might want to pass a parameter by value to setInterval:
for(var i=0;i<enemies.length;i++) {
function(index){ //<-- accept parameter here
}, 1000, i); //<-- pass i here
If you do not pass the parameter, x variable changes while loop is running, thus all the functions will be called having x = 2 (because you have 3 elements in your array)
You have two major problems where:
CSS does not allow programmatic modification in the way that javascript does. You modify values in javascript, and then set them in CSS:
this.walk = function() {
var current = parseInt(this.character.css('left')),
stepped = current + 10;
this.character.css('left', stepped);
Your loop creates a closure on var i which is only declared once, so the same value will be shared across the functions. You can either have the function take a parameter, and provide it in the setInterval call:
setInterval(function(index) { /* ... */}, 1000, i);
or you can put the loop within the interval function:
setInterval(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) {
You might also want to reconsider whether your walk function should modify the CSS directly. You've already forgotten about your x and y coordinate attributes in this code. Perhaps you should have a walk method that modifies these coordinates, and a draw function that updates the sprites' positions based on their current coordinates.

Drawing to canvas acting buggy

I've recently started working on a side project, and experimenting with the canvas as I go. So let me explain what I want to happen:
In my JS, the main() function is set to an interval. During main() the drawStep() function is called. This does several things, or it should.
Sorry for the long explanation.
Clear the canvas, so that what is drawn doesn't stick.
Using a for loop, iterate through the array containing things that need to be drawn. currently only menu objects.
checking if the variable debug is true, if so, draw the mouse coordinates as two red lines.
However, when step 1 is done, drawing the menu objects fails, it flickers and the canvas clears to whatever color step 1 set the canvas to. When the debug var is set to true (through the console) Drawing the debug lines functions fine.
Here is the code blocks that matter.
Variables defined in an init() function, including the cookie cutter function for defining menu objects:
canvas = document.getElemntByID("canvas");
room = canvas.getContext("2d");
gameMode = 1; // telling the code that it is in the main menu
debug = false; //not drawing the cursor coordinates
menObj = new Array(); //an array of menu objects
mouse_x = 0; //variable set through onMouseMove event in the canvas
mouse_y = 0; //variable set through onMouseMove event in the canvas
drawList = {}; //array of menu object draw() functions, and any other item that
needs to be drawn during the main loop
function menu(mxpos,mypos,mwid,mhid,name, funct,drawing){
this.x = mxpos;
this.y = mypos;
this.width = mwid;
this.height = mhid;
this.value = name;
this.doing = funct;
this.canDraw = drawing; //the code relies on a gameMode variable, only drawing what is allowed to when the game mode is set correctly.
this.expand = 0; //not important, but was going to make buttons expand on mouse over
this.maxExpand = 10; // same as above
//The draw function passed on to the drawList array:
this.draw = function(){
if (this.canDraw == gameMode){
room.fillStyle = "rgba(150,150,150,1)";
room.strokeStyle = "rgba(200,200,200,1)"
room.strokeStyle = "rgb(30,150,90)";
var xoff = room.measureText(this.value).width;
var yoff = room.measureText(this.value).height;
Sample menu object creation and the for loop that adds that objects draw event to the drawList array:
var temMenVal = new menu(width/2,height/5,96,32,"Start",function(){gamemode = 1},0)
for(var mobj in menObj){
if (!menObj.hasOwnProperty(mobj)) continue;
drawList[mobj]=menObj[mobj].draw(); //push wasn't working, so I improvised.
Main function, called from an interval timer.
function main(){
This is the draw function, where my issue is:
function drawStep(){
//the latest attempt at a fix, instead of using a clearRect(), which failed.
//I tried this
for (var n in drawList){;
if (!drawList.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
if (n<drawList.length){
drawList[n](); //calling the draw() from the nested menu object, it DOES work, when the above clear to black is NOT called
if (debug == true){
room.moveTo(mouse_x,0); //variable set through onmousemove event in the canvas
room.moveTo(0,mouse_y); //variable set through onmousemove event in the canvas
I can't figure out why it keeps clearing to black, when the menu objects SHOULD be drawn after the clear. Like I said way up there, setting debug to true DOES draw the cursor coordinates correctly.
When you set up your draw list, try removing the two parens in menObj[mobj].draw()
What it seems like is that you are actually calling the method instead of passing it as a variable.
Try init menu with drawing = 1 and edit code as Hylianpuffball point out. I think this.canDraw == gameMode is always false.

