How to start map with leaflet-js - javascript

I am trying to follow this quick start guide from the leaflet-js website. Here is my code:
function main(map_div_id, mapbox_access_token) {
var starting_coordinate = L.latLng(38.004697, 23.800735);
var starting_zoom = 8;
var map =;
map.setView(starting_coordinate, starting_zoom);
L.tileLayer('' +
accessToken: mapbox_access_token
Here is what I see... Also zoom does not work.

You have broken url with zoom set to to 1, start point to 0,0. Change tileLayer to the following:
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=' +
accessToken: mapbox_access_token


add data to leaflet from from local file with javascript

I have seen many proposed solutions on the internet but none of them resolve my problem.
var url = "file:///home/myusername/Bureau/metroweb/Metropolis/templates/visualization/Circular City/edges.geojson"
// Initiate the map
var map ='mapid').setView([48.832091014134825, 2.355001022600193], 10);
// This adds the tiles
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMapcontributors'
var myLayer = L.geoJSON().addTo(map);

Find my location with Leaflet [duplicate]

I'm trying to locate a user and set the map to this position with leaflet:
var map;
function initMap(){
map = new L.Map('map',{zoomControl : false});
var osmUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
osmAttribution = 'Map data © 2012 OpenStreetMap contributors',
osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: osmAttribution});
map.setView(new L.LatLng(51.930156,7.189230), 7).addLayer(osm);
function locateUser(){
map.locate({setView : true});
On execute the browser ask for permission, but then nothing happens? What's wrong with my code?
Here is a quick hack. I recommend this plugin
var loadMap = function (id) {
var HELSINKI = [60.1708, 24.9375];
var map =;
var tile_url = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var layer = L.tileLayer(tile_url, {
attribution: 'OSM'
map.setView(HELSINKI, 19);
map.locate({setView: true, watch: true}) /* This will return map so you can do chaining */
.on('locationfound', function(e){
var marker = L.marker([e.latitude, e.longitude]).bindPopup('Your are here :)');
var circle =[e.latitude, e.longitude], e.accuracy/2, {
weight: 1,
color: 'blue',
fillColor: '#cacaca',
fillOpacity: 0.2
.on('locationerror', function(e){
alert("Location access denied.");
You have an issue with the scope of your map variable. I have posted an example that fixes your code here:
You should receive the browser geolocation popup when you click 'Find me!'.
Hopefully that helps you.
alternatively you can put all your code under getLocation() function and call that function at the loading of the webpage and you should be all set. I used this way and as soon as browser loads it popups a question to share data.

leaflet use satellite view, drupal 8?

I need instead of a basic view in leaflet (it's a map of the world), the satellite view, but I still need to be able to switch between them? How does this work, can anyone explain this to me?
Installed modules:
Without using any external plugin : = new L.Map('map', {
zoomControl: true
var osmUrl = 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var osmAttribution = 'Map data © 2013 <a href="http://openstreetmap'+
'.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors';
var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: osmAttribution});
var esriAerialUrl = ''+
var esriAerialAttrib = 'Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, '+
'USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the'+
' GIS User Community';
var esriAerial = new L.TileLayer(esriAerialUrl,
{maxZoom: 18, attribution: esriAerialAttrib});
var gUrl = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}';
var gAttribution = 'google';
var googlesat = new L.TileLayer(gUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: gAttribution});
var baseLayers = {
'OpenStreetMap': osm,
'ESRI Aerial': esriAerial,
'Google map sat': googlesat
L.control.layers(baseLayers, {}).addTo(map);
This piece of code adds a standard control to switch between tile provider layers. It includes two satellite tile providers.
More info :
I made a more detailed example of my question, but #JulienV came close to what I meant, But it wasn't entirely what I wanted, plus I already found his exact answer in another post. What I wanted was to know how to add more or less maps to the view:
var osmLink = 'OpenStreetMap',
thunLink = 'Thunderforest';
var osmUrl = 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
osmAttrib = '© ' + osmLink + ' Contributors',
landUrl = 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
thunAttrib = '© '+osmLink+' Contributors & '+thunLink;
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution: osmAttrib}),
landMap = L.tileLayer(landUrl, {attribution: thunAttrib});
var roadmap = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
maxZoom: 20,
var satellite = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
maxZoom: 20,
var sat_text = L.tileLayer('https://{s},h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}',{
maxZoom: 20,
And then I added each map to the array like this:
if($map_layouts['get_roads']) {
$roads = "\"Roads\": roadmap";
if($baselist == "") {
$baselist = $roads;
} else {
$baselist = $baselist . "," . $roads;
Then I needed to check if the $baselist wasn't empty:
if($baselist) {
$base_layout = "var baseLayers = {".$baselist."};";
} else {
$base_layout = "";
And then of course add the layers to the map:
I worked out the code with the google maps included. The osm and thun map was a nice example, but basically what this code does:
First I make if statements in php to see if the roads are included in the button I made. I pass the get_roads inside the array, so that the if statement returns true and then it sets $roads as the roadmap value, which is given in the map examples in the first code of this answer.
Then I check if $baselist isn't empty, because if it's empty it doesn't need a ,, but if it isn't empty, then it gets the $baselist, which would be the previous set value, then a comma and then the new value.
This was the markup of the layers and then I will pass the baseLayers as those values, which will create the maps inside the leaflet view, if the buttons are checked.

refresh leaflet map: map container is already initialized

I have a page where given a select to the user he can switch the leaflet map I show.
After a initial leaflet map load, my problem is when i want to refresh the map.
I always get "Map container is already initialized":
The problem line is:
var map ='mapa').setView([lat, lon], 15);
Initially it loads well, but when I select another parameter in the form and want to display the map another time it crashes.
btw, I've tried to destroy and recreate $('#mapa') with jQuery before the second setView() but it shows the same error.
Try map.remove(); before you try to reload the map. This removes the previous map element using Leaflet's library (instead of jquery's).
the best way;
You should add, it also works faster, and does not cause problems with the events
<div id="weathermap"></div>
function buildMap(lat,lon) {
document.getElementById('weathermap').innerHTML = "<div id='map' style='width: 100%; height: 100%;'></div>";
var osmUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
osmAttribution = 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors,' +
' CC-BY-SA',
osmLayer = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: osmAttribution});
var map = new L.Map('map');
map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat,lon), 9 );
var validatorsLayer = new OsmJs.Weather.LeafletLayer({lang: 'en'});
I use this:
document.getElementById('weathermap').innerHTML = "<div id='map' style='width: 100%; height: 100%;'></div>";
to reload content of div where render map.
Before initializing map check for is the map is already initiated or not
var container = L.DomUtil.get('map');
if(container != null){
container._leaflet_id = null;
Only use this
well, after much seeking i realized it's well documented at
i've ended not repainting the map, but print it once and repaint the points on each new ajax call, so the problem was how to clean up the old points and print only the new ones. i've ended doing this:
var point = L.marker([new_marker[0], new_marker[1]]).addTo(map).bindPopup('blah blah');
//points is a temporary array where i store the points for removing them afterwards
so, at each new ajax call, before painting the new points, i do the following:
for (i=0;i<points.length;i++) {
so far, so good :-)
When you just remove a map, it destroys the div id reference, so, after remove() you need to build again the div where the map will be displayed, in order to avoid the "Uncaught Error: Map container not found".
if(map != undefined || map != null){
$( "<div id=\"map\" style=\"height: 500px;\"></div>" ).appendTo("#preMap");
What you can try is to remove the map before initialising it or when you leave the page:
if( {;
I had the same problem on angular when switching page. I had to add this code before leaving the page to make it works:
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function( event ) {
if(map != undefined)
map = undefined
document.getElementById('mapLayer').innerHTML = "";
Without document.getElementById('mapLayer').innerHTML = "" the map was not displayed on the next page.
if you want update map view, for example change map center, you don’t have to delete and then recreate the map, you can just update coordinate
const mapInit = () => {
let map.current ='map');
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
const setCoordinate = (gps_lat, gps_long) => {
map.setView([gps_lat, gps_long], 13);
setCoordinate(50.403723 30.623538);
setTimeout(() => {
setCoordinate(51.505, -0.09);
}, 3000);
You should try to unmount the function in react js to remove the existing map.
const Map = () => {
const mapContainer = useRef();
const [map, setMap] = useState({});
const map =, {attributionControl: false}).setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
L.tileLayer('{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw', {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: 'Map',
id: 'mapbox/streets-v11',
tileSize: 512,
zoomOffset: -1
// unmount map function
return () => map.remove();
}, []);
return (
<div style={{padding: 0, margin: 0, width: "100%", height: "100vh",}}
ref={el => mapContainer.current = el}>
I had same problem.then i set globally map variable e.g var map= null and then for display map i check
if(map==null)then map=new L.Map('idopenstreet').setView();
By this solution your map will be initialize only first time after that map will be fill by L.Map then it will not be null. so no error will be there like map container already initialize.
For refreshing map in same page you can use below code to create a map on the page
if (!map) { = new"mapDiv", {
center: [24.7136, 46.6753],
zoom: 5,
renderer: L.canvas(),
attributionControl: true,
then use below line to refresh the map, but make sure to use same latitude, longitude and zoom options
map.setView([24.7136, 46.6753], 5);
Also, I had the same issue when switching between tabs in the same page using angular 2+, and I was able to fix it by adding below code in Component constructor
var container = L.DomUtil.get('mapDiv');
if (container != null) {
container.outerHTML = ""; // Clear map generated HTML
// container._leaflet_id = null; << didn't work for me
use the redrawAll() function rather than renderAll().
We facing this issue today and we solved it. what we do ?
leaflet map load div is below.
<div id="map_container">
<div id="listing_map" class="right_listing"></div>
When form input change or submit we follow this step below. after leaflet map container removed in my page and create new again.
$( '#map_container' ).html( ' ' ).append( '<div id="listing_map" class="right_listing"></div>' );
After this code my leaflet map is working fine with form filter to reload again.
Thank you.
If you don't globally store your map object reference, I recommend
if (L.DomUtil.get('map-canvas') !== undefined) {
L.DomUtil.get('map-canvas')._leaflet_id = null;
where <div id="map-canvas"></div> is the object the map has been drawn into.
This way you avoid recreating the html element, which would happen, were you to remove() it.
For refresh leaflet map you can use this code:;
I had the same problem on react I solved it by initialized at the top in useEffect
Here is my React Code.
const mapContainerRef = useRef(null);
useEffect( async () => {
const res =await Axios.get(BASE_PATH + 'fetchProperty')
const container = L.DomUtil.get(mapContainerRef.current); if(container != null){ container._leaflet_id = null; }
if(container) {
const mapView = mapContainerRef.current, {
zoom: 13,
center: [19.059984, 72.889999]
// maxZoom: 13
// minZoom: 15
// const canvas = mapView.getCanvasContainer();
"<a href=''>Mascots. pro</a>"
// "{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=" +{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=
"{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=" +
attribution: 'Mascots'
const mask = L.tileLayer.mask(
"{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=" +
attribution: 'Mascots pro',
maskSize: 300
// maxZoom: 18,
// maxNativeZoom: 16
// tms: true
mapView.on("mousemove", function (e) {
}); => {
const innerHtmlContent = `<div id='popup-container' class='popup-container'> <h3> Property Details</h3>
<div class='popup-label'>Building Name :<p>${marker.Building}</p></div>
<div class='popup-address-label'> Address : <p>${marker.Landmark}, ${marker.Location}</p></div>
<div class='popup-rent-label'>Monthly Rent : <p> ₹ ${marker.Price}</p></div>
const divElement = document.createElement("div");
const assignBtn = document.createElement("div");
assignBtn.className = "map-link";
assignBtn.innerHTML = `<button class="view-btn">View Property</button>`;
divElement.innerHTML = innerHtmlContent;
assignBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
var iconOptions = {
iconUrl: "/images/location_pin2.svg",
iconSize: [25, 25]
var customIcon = L.icon(iconOptions);
// create popup contents
var customPopup = divElement;
// specify popup options
var customOptions = {
maxWidth: "500",
className: "custom"
const markerOptions = {
// title: "MyLocation",
// draggable: true
clickable: true,
icon: customIcon
const mark = L.marker([marker.Latitude,marker.Longitude], markerOptions);
mark.bindPopup(customPopup, customOptions);
// return;
return () => mapView.remove();
}, [])
return (
<div className="map-box">
<div className="map-container" ref={mapContainerRef}></div>
I went through the same problem, so I created a method inside the map instance to reload it.
var map ='mapa').setView([lat, lon], 15);
map.reload = function(){
map ='mapa').setView([lat, lon], 15);
I did this in reactjs
// Create map (dev = reuse existing map)
let myMap = L.DomUtil.get('map');
if(myMap == null){
myMap ='mapid').setView(currentLocation, zoom);
<div id='leaflet-map' #leafletMap></div>
private mapElement: ElementRef;
private initMap(): void { =, {
center: [39.01860177826393, 35.30274319309024],
zoom: 4,
.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '',
maxZoom: 18,
My hacky implementation to refresh the map was to use:
// Hack to refresh the map by panning by zero
public refreshMap() {[0,0]);
In case you're working with NextJs and typescrypt, what worked for me was
container._leaflet_id = null;
as someone proposed, but had some typing erros so my approach is
const L = await import('leaflet');
const container = L.DomUtil.get('map');
if (!container) return;
if (container.classList.contains('leaflet-container')) return;
const map ='map', {
center: [19.434817, -99.1268643],
zoom: 18,
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,
const marker = L.marker([19.434786638353515, -99.1268643025101]).addTo(
after this code, (all these code needs to be inside a useEffect hook), leaflet just worked fine.
var container = L.DomUtil.get('map');
if (container && container['_leaflet_id'] != null) {
before var map ='map')
enjoy :)
For web apps, check these things
I've experienced the error "Map container is already initialized" in multiple contexts (e.g. showing/hiding a map, changing map components or triggering hot-reload during development) and ultimately I had to implement multiple solutions to truly clear this error. In general you want to be conservative.
(A) Use a unique ID for the map container
Even if you have only one map instance, use a dynamic unique id anyways. This way you're ensured that every time the component mounts, the DOM element truly is fresh.
For example, in Vue I do this:
<div :id="id"></div>
data() {
return {
id: 'mapLeaflet-'
And anywhere I refer to the DOM element, I use
let mapHTMLContainer = document.getElementById(
(B) Before map init, check existence of map first
Check for DOM element and whether you already have a map instance set in data.
In Vue, I do this:
methods: {
initMap() {
let mapHTMLContainer = document.getElementById(
if (mapHTMLContainer
&& mapHTMLContainer.hasChildNodes() == false
&& ! {
// e.g. initialize leaflet, set tile layer, add markers, etc
(C) On map init, pass the actual HTML element, not just a string
When initiating Leaflet map, pass the actual HTML element instead of just the string id.
Both methods are officially supported, but I cannot find any information talking about the differences.
This works in general and is convenient... ="mymap")
... but, instead try to actually get the element, and pass it. I observed a difference doing this.
let myMapElement = document.getElementById( =
(D) On component "dismount", destroy things
If you have a dismount state, use it and destroy stuff related to your map component. Make sure things don't hang-around.
In Vue, I do this:
beforeDestroy() {
// Destroy any listeners
this.$nuxt.$off('refreshMap') // Nuxt is the framework I use
// Clear the map instance in your component
if ( {
// I haven't fully tested these; are they valid? // Leaflet function // Leaflet function = null // null it for good measure
// Clear out the HTML container of any children, just in case
let mapHTMLElement = document.getElementById(
if (mapHTMLElement) {
mapHTMLElement.outerHTML = ""

LeafletJS popups positions and markers add and remove issue

I am implementing displaying locations on openstreetmaps using leafletjs API. Here is the scenario, When the page loads a JS function is being triggered which will query DB to get current locations of all the devices and show them as markers on map. I am facing two major issues in it:
--> I am trying to bind popups with each marker so that it could be descriptive. In other words user should gain idea that of what device this marker for. The problem is that popups is being showed over the marker making marker non-visible. Here is the screenshot:
Marker is shown below(after closing one popup):
--> On this page, I am displaying devices names in a table. The first column of this table is checkbox. When user check a device its marker appears on the map as expected(working fine). After that if user unchecks that device then its marker disappears. But when user re-selects that device again then its marker doesn't appear.
Here is my code:
function OnPageLoad() {
var IDs = GetAllSelectedDeviceIDs();
var map;
var markers = new Array();
function LoadOpenStreetMap(deviceIDs) {
for (var i = 0; i < deviceIDs.length; i++) {
url: "../Database/getcurrentlocation.php",
cache: false,
type: "post",
data: "deviceId=" + deviceIDs[i] + "&r=" + Math.random(),
dataType: "html",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data != null) {
var dataArray = data.split(/~/);
SetOpenStreetMap(dataArray[0], dataArray[1], deviceIDs[i], i, flags[i]);
deviceIDs = GetAllSelectedDeviceIDs();
setTimeout(function () { LoadOpenStreetMap(deviceIDs); }, 500);
function SetOpenStreetMap(lati, longi, deviceID, markerIndex, markerFlag) {
if (!map) {
map ='map').setView([lati, longi], 12);
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '',
maxZoom: 18
if (markerFlag == 1) {
//need to add marker
if (!markers[markerIndex]) {
var popupLocation1 = new L.LatLng(lati, longi);
var popupContent1 = 'This is a nice popup.';
popup1 = new L.Popup();
markers[markerIndex] = L.marker([lati, longi]).addTo(map);
markers[markerIndex].setLatLng([lati, longi]).update();
else {
//need to remove marker
if (markers[markerIndex]) {
Any help would be appreciated.
To put the popup over the marker with some offset there exists an offset property:
if (markerFlag == 1) { //need to add marker
if (!markers[markerIndex]) {
var popupLocation1 = new L.LatLng(lati, longi);
var popupContent1 = 'This is a nice popup.';
popup1 = new L.Popup();
popup1.offset = new L.Point(0, -20);
markers[markerIndex] = L.marker([lati, longi]).addTo(map);
/* markers[markerIndex].bindPopup(popupContent1); */
} else
markers[markerIndex].setLatLng([lati, longi]).update();
Set the offset inside the options object when creating the popup.
var options = {
offset: new L.Point(1, -20)
var popup = L.popup(options)
.setLatLng([ lat, lng ])
.setContent('Your popup content goes here!')
The "options" object is the first object that is passed to the L.popup()
To show a popup over a marker, only call the bindPopup method on the marker.
This is shown in the QuickStart.
You do not need to instantiate a popup, yourself.

