Splice() method not works - javascript

I have some problem with splice() method in my React.js app.
So, this is an example app. Deletion not works now. What's wrong here? Part of code:
class CardList extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
students: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
deletePerson(person) {
this.props.students.splice(this.props.students.indexOf(person), 1)
render() {
let that = this
return <div id='list'>
{this.props.students.map((person) => {
return <Card
onClick={that.deletePerson.bind(null, person)}
class Card extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div className='card'>
<button onClick={this.props.onClick}>Delete</button>

Your problem is that when you call
onClick={that.deletePerson.bind(null, person)}
You bind this value to null. So inside of your deletePerson function this is null instead of actual component. You should change it to
onClick={that.deletePerson.bind(this, person)}
And everything would work as expected =)

Changing the bind value to this will definitely cause the call to this.setState() to work, thus triggering the re-render, however I strongly recommend against the approach you've taken.
Props are supposed to be immutable. Instead use internal state and replace with new values rather than mutate them. To do this, set the state of your component in the constructor by doing something like:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
students: ...this.props.students
And now when you need to delete a person:
deletePerson(person) {
// notice the use of slice vs splice
var newStudents = this.props.students.slice(this.props.students.indexOf(person), 1)
this.setState({ students: newStudents })
And finally use this.state.students in your render method instead.
The reasoning behind this is that props are passed directly from the parent container component so modifying them wouldn't really make sense. To make more sense of my own code, I tend to pass in the prop named initialStudents and set my state to students: ...initialStudents to ensure I make the distinction between my prop variable and my state variable.


How to send a ref to a function as a parameter in React Native?

I've imported a custom component into my screen and rendered it in the render() function. Then, created a ref to that custom component. Now, the render() function simply looks like this.
render() {
return (
<MyComponent ref={component => this.myComponent = component} />
Then, I've created another function to access the state of my custom component. I wrote it like this.
myFunction = (ref) => {
ref.setState({ myState: myValue })
Then, I called that function like this.
But, it does not work. It gives me the following error.
null is not an object (evaluating 'ref.setState')
Actually what I need this myFunction to do is,
this.myComponent.setState({ myState: myValue })
Can you please help me to solve this problem?
ref is not your this object. it's dom for your componnet. For setState you need this of your component.
you can pass this as argument.
Now you will be able to do ref.setState in myFunction.
function myFunction(ref) {
ref.setState({ myState: myValue })
To use setState, just use your component's context (this keyword). The context also have your ref in it, so you don't need to pass it as an argument if you are inside one component(not forwarding down to children)
myFunction = (event) => {
this.myComponent // -> points to your ref, DOM element
this.setState() // use your setState like that
Don't forget to bind your context in parent component if you want to pass the handler to the child components. Refer to this useful topic
EDIT: Based on your comment, I guess you want to update the parent state by calling a handler in some other component. To do that, you need to create a handler in your parent component, bind the context and pass it as a property to the child component. Next up, you need to assign this handler in your child component. You cannot pass a context with setState method via argument or ref, this is just not how it works in javascript and in react.
// ParentComponent.js
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: 1,
this.onChangeHandler = this.onChangeHandler.bind(this);
onChangeHandler(event) {
value: someNewValue // will update state on parent component
render() {
return (
<ChildrenComponent onChangeHandler={this.onChangeHandler} />
// ChildrenComponent.js
const ChildrenComponent = (props) => (
title="click me to change parent state"
Hopefully, this is what you need :)

React setState re-render

First of all, I'm really new into React, so forgive my lack of knowledge about the subject.
As far as I know, when you setState a new value, it renders again the view (or parts of it that needs re-render).
I've got something like this, and I would like to know if it's a good practice or not, how could I solve this kind of issues to improve, etc.
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
key: value
this.functionRender = this.functionRender.bind(this)
this.changeValue = this.changeValue.bind(this)
functionRender = () => {
if(someParams !== null) {
return <AnotherComponent param={this.state.key} />
else {
return "<span>Loading</span>"
changeValue = (newValue) => {
key: newValue
render() {
return (<div>... {this.functionRender()} ... <span onClick={() => this.changeValue(otherValue)}>Click me</span></div>)
Another component
class AnotherComponent extends Component {
constructor (props) {
render () {
return (
if (this.props.param === someOptions) {
return <div>Options 1</div>
} else {
return <div>Options 2</div>
The intention of the code is that when I click on the span it will change the key of the state, and then the component <AnotherComponent /> should change because of its parameter.
I assured that when I make the setState, on the callback I throw a console log with the new value, and it's setted correctly, but the AnotherComponent doesn't updates, because depending on the param given it shows one thing or another.
Maybe I need to use some lifecycle of the MyComponent?
I found that the param that AnotherComponent is receiving it does not changes, it's always the same one.
I would suggest that you'll first test it in the parent using a simple console.log on your changeValue function:
changeValue = (newValue) => {
console.log('newValue before', newValue);
key: newValue
}, ()=> console.log('newValue after', this.state.key))
setState can accept a callback that will be invoked after the state actually changed (remember that setState is async).
Since we can't see the entire component it's hard to understand what actually goes on there.
I suspect that the newValue parameter is always the same but i can't be sure.
It seems like you're missing the props in AnotherComponent's constructor. it should be:
constructor (props) {
super(props) // here
Try replacing the if statement with:
{this.props.param === someOptions? <div>Options 1</div>: <div>Options 2</div>}
also add this function to see if the new props actually get to the component:
and check for the type of param and someOptions since you're (rightfully) using the === comparison.
First, fat arrow ( => ) autobind methods so you do not need to bind it in the constructor, second re-renders occur if you change the key of the component.
Ref: https://reactjs.org/docs/lists-and-keys.html#keys

Pasing fetched data as props (a JSON) to state in order to render data

Currently I get my data from an API in a JSON-format when running my saga. The fetching process begins, when the component did mount. That means the component renders two times.
Now, when the data is available as props. I can use it in order to render it.
My approach to this is like following, I have got a:
Constructor with the initial state
I fetch data in "componentDidMount"
I got a function that takes the JSON properties from props and puts it into new variables
I run this function in my render() function, when the props contain the fetched data
The Problem in this approach: Once the component runs the function where the data becomes "structured", the render-function loops and then after some time, the values of the properties get displayed with a warning message in the console.
My Questions:
How to prevent the looping when render() runs once?
How can I design this, so that particular properties of the fetched object merge into a new object and how to
I hope I described the most important things about my issue. Here is the code:
class Dashboard extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
deviceInfo: {
name: "Initial Name",
batLevel: "78%",
componentDidMount() {
updateDeviceInfoWithState (){
const devices = (this.props.data.data);
const newDeviceInfo = this.state.deviceInfo;
newDeviceInfo.name = devices[0].shadow.desired.payload.refAppData.name;
newDeviceInfo.batLevel = devices[0].shadow.reported.payload.refAppData.batteryState.level;
deviceInfo: newDeviceInfo,
render() {
return (
<div className='container'>
<p> {this.state.deviceInfo.name} </p>
<p> {this.state.deviceInfo.batLevel} </p>
Updating the state in the render method is not a good practice, since it might cause an infinite loop.
In your case state is redundant, since you only take the data from props, or replace it with defaults. Instead of using the state return the name and batLevel in the updateDeviceInfoWithState method, and use it in the render method.
Example (not tested):
class Dashboard extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
updateDeviceInfoWithState (){
const devices = this.props.data.data;
const device = devices[0].shadow;
return {
name: device.desired.payload.refAppData.name,
batLevel: device.reported.payload.refAppData.batteryState.level
return {
name: "Initial Name",
batLevel: "78%",
render() {
const { name, batLevel } = this.updateDeviceInfoWithState();
return (
<div className='container'>
<p> {name} </p>
<p> {batLevel} </p>
Note 1: If you want to decouple your component from the state, it's better to enforce simple properties as input for the data. For example, this component needs as properties the name and batLevel. It doesn't need to be aware of the array of devices, shadow, payload, etc... You can prepare the data when you receive it in the saga, or use a redux selector in mapStateToProps.
Note 2: If you really need the data in your state, you can use the getDerivedStateFromProps life-cycle method (React 16.3), or update the state in the componentWillReceiveProps if you use an older version.
For this case you can use ComponentWillRecieveProps method like this
componentWillRecieveProps(nextProps) {
// Condition as per ur requirement.
If(this.props.data != nextProps.data) {
This method will only run whenever ur component props are changed.

React with lists in state, how to set new state?

I ran into an issue with updating part of the state that is a list that's passed on to children of a component.
I pass in a list to a child, but then have trouble to update that list and have the child reflect the new state;
<ItemsClass items={this.state.items1} />
When I change the value of this.state.items1, the component doesn't render with the new value.
this.setState({items1: []}); // this has no effect
However, if I change the already existing array (not replacing it new a new empty one), the component renders as I wish;
this.setState(state => { clearArray(state.items1); return state; });
That means the state updating function isn't pure, which React states it should be.
<div id='app'></div>
The js;
class ItemsClass extends React.Component {
this.state = {items: props.items};
render() {
var items = this.state.items.map(it => <div key={it.id}>{it.text}</div>);
function ItemsFunction(props) {
var items = props.items.map(it => <div key={it.id}>{it.text}</div>);
class App extends React.Component {
var items = [{id:1, text: 'item 1'}, {id: 2, text: 'item 2'}];
this.state = {
items1: items.slice(),
items2: items.slice(),
items3: items.slice()
this.clearLists = this.clearLists.bind(this);
clearLists() {
// for items1 and items2, clear the lists by assigning new empty arrays (pure).
this.setState({items1: [], items2: []});
// for items3, change the already existing array (non-pure).
this.setState(state => {
while (state.items3.length) {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.clearLists}>Clear all lists</button>
<h2>Items rendered by class, set list to new empty array</h2>
<ItemsClass items={this.state.items1} />
<h2>Items rendered by class, empty the already existing array</h2>
<ItemsClass items={this.state.items3} />
<h2>Items rendered by function</h2>
<ItemsFunction items={this.state.items2} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
Try it out on codepen.
It seems that the ItemsClass doesn't update even though it's created with <ItemsClass items={this.state.items1}/> and this.state.items1 in the parent changes.
Is this the expected behavior? How can I update the state in the ItemsClass child from the parent?
I'm I missing something? This behavior seems quite error prone, since it's easy to assume that the child should follow the new state, the way it was passed in when the child was created.
You're copying the props of ItemsClass into the state when the component gets initialized - you don't reset the state when the props change, so your component's updates don't get displayed. To quote the docs:
Beware of this pattern, as state won't be up-to-date with any props update. Instead of syncing props to state, you often want to lift the state up.
If your component has to do something when the props change, you can use the componentWillReceieveProps lifecycle hook to do so (note that it doesn't get run when the component initially mounts, only on subsequent prop updates).
That said, there's zero reason for you to be duplicating the props here (and honestly there's rarely a good reason to do so in general) - just use the props directly, as you're doing with ItemsFunction, and everything will stay in sync:
class ItemsClass extends React.Component {
render() {
var items = this.props.items.map(it => <div key={it.id}>{it.text}</div>);
Here's a working version of your Codepen: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/JNzBPV

Is passing the "this" context through props an anti-pattern?

I have two components, a parent and a child like so:
class Parent extends React.Component {
shuffle() {
blur() {
next() {
previous() {
render() {
return (
<Child Parent={this} />
class Child extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {};
this._onShuffleClick = this._onShuffleClick.bind(props.Parent);
this._onPreviousClick = this._onPreviousClick.bind(props.Parent);
this._onNextClick = this._onNextClick.bind(props.Parent);
_onShuffleClick(event) {
this.shuffled ? this.shuffle(false) : this.shuffle(true); // I can call parents method here as the 'this' context is the 'Parent'.
this.setState({test "test"}); //I can set the parents state here
_onPreviousClick(event) {
_onNextClick(event) {
render() {
return (
<a className="shuffle" key={1} onClick={this._shuffleOnClick}>{this.props.Parent.props.html.shuffle}</a>,
<a className="previous" key={2} onClick={this._previousOnClick}>{this.props.Parent.props.html.previous}</a>,
<a className="next" key={3} onClick={this._nextOnClick}>{this.props.Parent.props.html.next}</a>,
Is passing the context ('this' keyword) as a prop an anti-pattern?
Is setting the state of the parent from the child bad?
If I do this I then don't have to pass a lot of individual props to the child and I can also set the state of the parent from the child.
You can interact with the state of a parent from a child-component, but probably not the way you are trying to achieve this.
If you want to send in all props of the parent down to a child, you can do:
<Child {...this.props} />
This way, you don't need to specify each individual prop one at a time; instead, you just send them all in. Check out the spread operator here and here for more info. More info also on MDN:
The spread syntax allows an expression to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) or multiple elements (for array literals) or multiple variables (for destructuring assignment) are expected.
If you want to access or modify the state of a parent from a child you have to do this slightly differently. Typically, you would create a function that does this interaction with the state in your parent and then send that function as a prop down to the child. Like this:
_modifyState = (bar) => {
this.setState({foo: bar});
<Child modifyState={this._modifyState} />
this.props.modifyState("Hello world!");
The above will set state.foo in the parent to the string Hello world! from the child component.
If you want access to all state variables, you could send it in as a prop to the child (the whole object) and then have a function (like above) which modifies the entire state (not just one property) - depends what you want really.
Well, it's mainly a bad usage of passing around the props, you could also go for {...props} instead, and I wouldn't want to pass it through the full name, you can also use let { props } = this; let parentProps = props.Parent.props. The question is also, why would you refer to parent props, that seems the bad practise, divide and conquor, only pass the props that are really needed, and do not assume in your child components that a certain parent component is available
When you pass event handlers down, let those eventhandlers be bound to your current this, but don't bind them in the child to an expected parent, a bit like this example
var StyledButton = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
clickHandler: React.PropTypes.func.Required,
text: React.PropTypes.string.required
render: function() {
let { clickHandler, text } = this.props;
return <button type="button" onClick={clickHandler}>{text}</button>;
var MyForm = React.createClass({
click: function() {
render: function() {
return <fieldset>
<StyledButton clickHandler={this.click} text="Click me" />
<MyForm />,
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script>
<div id="container">
<!-- This element's contents will be replaced with your component. -->
Yes I do think your code is bad practice. Now you chid components know about the parent component which makes your child impure.
When your parent implementation changes, the child components will break because of this.props.Parent.props.html.previous}.
I think each react component should update the parent by calling the parents functions passed by the props.
class Parent extends React.Component {
doSomethingBeacauseTheChildStateHasChanged() {
// function
render() {
<Child doSomething={doSomethingBeacauseTheChildStateHasChanged.bind(this)}/>
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
<button onClick={this.props.doSomething}>Child button</button>
Note: I am not an expert and React beginner, treat this as an opinion rather than guideline.
I think yes cause you force particular implementation. What would you do if you wanted to have those methods in GrandParent? If you use props this modification is really easy, but with your implementation it would be pain in the ass.
There is also a feature called PropTypes. It's really great to make components reusable, but it's yet another thing you can't use if you do the things like you have proposed.
Maybe it is just me but this also creates a great confusion. You should pass everything you need as props.
Also setting parent state like this
this.setState({test "test"}); //I can set the parents state here
seems bad to me. I would rather pass a function from parent as a prop and bind parent before passing it down.
You can trigger a function in the Parent. This is the correct way to a children communicates with its parent.
class Parent extends React.Component {
shuffle(e) {
return false;
render() {
return (
<Child onShuffle={this.shuffle} />
class Child extends React.Component {
render() {
<a href='#' onClick={this.props.onShuffle}>Shuffle</a>
Child.propTypes = {
onShuffle: React.PropTypes.func

