unable to get json data from server - javascript

My server side code is:
$bus = array(
'meaning' => $name
$jsonstring = json_encode($bus);
echo $_GET['callback'].'(' . $jsonstring. ')';
the value displayed on the screen is correct - ?word=heart({"meaning":"heart"})
but when I am reading it with following code its printing the value of meaning as 11200665987893779229_1460521505942
but when I do this:
$bus = array(
'meaning' => 'heart'
it's printing the correct value i.e heart
I am not getting why this is happening and how to get the correct value (I am accessing data from my different domain).

JSON.parse() converts any JSON String passed into the function, to a JSON Object.
obj = JSON.parse(res);
a similar post is here


How can I access jquery Stringified array elements using PHP?

I use the following to post to a PHP page, showing the result in the message div:
let x = JSON.stringify($('#my-form').serializeArray());
$.post("processjs.php", {data:x})
.done(function(result, status, xhr) {
That results in the following array:
How can I use PHP to access the array elements? Why are all of the keys and values prefaced with "name:" or "value:"?
I have tried using the following to access a key:
$json = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']),true);
$AccountName = $json['AccountName'];
echo $AccountName;
But I always get the same message:
Undefined array key "AccountName"
I have tried using the following to access a key:
$json = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']),true);
$AccountName = $json['AccountName'];
echo $AccountName;
I have also tried things like
$AccountName = $json[0]['AccountName'];
$AccountName = $json[0];
and also
$AccountName = $json[1];
In your sample request, AccountName is not a index, it is value of name index in a object inside a array.
Please try like this.
$json = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']),true);
foreach($json as $inner){
$name = $inner['name']; //"AccountName" .... Here you will get value in $name a name .
$accountId = $inner['value']; //"TestAcct" ... Here you will get value in $accountId as "TestAcct" name .
Outputs are stated only for first iteration of foreach .

Save data to JSON File in correct format - PHP

I am currently saving click co-ordinates to a JSON file through the use of the following code:
onmouseup = function(e){
var Clicks = {};
Clicks.state = {
cX: e.clientX,
cY: e.clientY,
type : "GET",
url : "PHP/save_json.php",
data : {
state : JSON.stringify(Clicks.state)
$myFile = "JSON/clicks.json";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $_GET["state"];
fwrite($fh, $stringData);
However with the above code I am saving the coordinates in the following incorrect format:
Can anyone please help me to save the coordinates in a JSON array rather than in seperate JSON entries?
I would like the file to be as follows, were the coordinates are added onto the already existing JSON array within the file:
What you need to do is:
Open the clicks.json file and read the entire contents.
Turn this into an instance of stdClass by using json_decode. This will give you a PHP object that you can modify using normal PHP functions and syntax.
Use json_decode on the JSON that you receive from your client.
Use array_push to push the new values from the client into the arrays stored in the file (something like array_push($fileJson->cX, $clientJson->cX);)
Use json_encode to encode $fileJson again.
Write it back to the file.
This assumes that the clicks.json file is already correctly formatted JSON with the arrays already created etc.
Given the current arrangement of the key and value bits, it's apparent that some sort of transformation is needed in the JSON data before it is written to the file. Where this transformation is done is definitely a matter of an opinion. However, assuming that you receive following JSON data in PHP:
The PHP code can be written as (illustrated with static input):
$myFile = "JSON/clicks.json";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
$stringData = $_GET["state"];
$json_array_source = json_decode($string, true);
$json_array_target = array();
foreach($json_array_source as $key=>$value){
$json_array_target["ID"][] = $key + 1;
foreach($value as $sub_key => $sub_value){
$json_array_target[$sub_key][] = $sub_value;
$transformed_string = json_encode($json_array_target);
fwrite($fh, $transformed_string);
If you were to echo $transformed_string;, you'd see:
Which is what will be written to the file.
You need load data to array, add new data and save back to file.
I think you don't need save numbers in strings.
These code create new file if not exists.
// test input data
if(isset($_GET['state']['cX']) &&
isset($_GET['state']['cY']) &&
is_numeric($_GET['state']['cX']) &&
is_numeric($_GET['state']['cY']) )
// ok
} else {
exit('Bad data format');
$myFile = __DIR__ . "/JSON/clicks.json";
// step 1, load data from file to array
$array = file_exists($myFile) ?
json_decode(file_get_contents($myFile), true) :
// step 2, add data to array
$array['ID'][] = isset($array['ID']) ? (count($array['ID']) + 1) : 1;
$array['cX'][] = (int) $state['cX'];
$array['cY'][] = (int) $state['cY'];
// step 3, save array back to file
file_put_contents($myFile, json_encode($array));
Or you can use other file format where will be possible to append file. The easiest format for static structured data could be CSV
Use json_encode to convert your string to an object, then convert it back to a string using json_decode and the JSON_PRETTY_PRINT option.
$stringData = json_decode(json_encode($_GET["state"]), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

Getting array values in php from jQuery post

I am trying to send an array from jQuery post to PHP.
But I am not getting any values with the below code.
Could anyone help ?
$("body").on("click", ".js-form",function(event){
var arr = [];
i = 0;
$('.addcolor').each(function() {
if( $(this).text()=="done"){
arr[i++]= $(this).data('request-id');
$.post("../ajax/save_Request.php", {requestids:arr, action:'save_request' })
alert(arr)-> prints 11,24,35 (eg)
But I am not getting any values in the following PHP variable.
$ids = ( isset($_POST['requestids']) ) ? $_POST['requestids'] : 0;
Try with this 'choices[]'
$.post( "test.php", { 'choices[]': [ "Jon", "Susan" ] } );
See more in : jQuery.post and search the key "Pass arrays of data to the server". I think that you missed []. Try it and return me the result.
Try converting the array to a JSON string first, using
var json = JSON.stringify(arr);
Now that it's a JSON string, you can simply pass it through a hidden field. Then, once you get the string back from the PHP page, you can turn it back into an array using
$array = json_decode($arr, true);
where $arr is the JSON string.
I had a similar problem with trying to pass an array from JQuery to another PHP page and this worked for me.

Associative php array sent via jquery returns [Object object]

I have to pass a php multidimensional array via ajax/jQuery to another php file.
I have encoded the array using
I expected theat every item in the array would have been an array itself. Instead it returns [Object object].
How can I access the data using php?
here's my code:
in the first php file:
<script type="text/javascript">
var arr_data = <?php echo json_encode($itemsData); ?>;
$.post("send_test.php", {"my_array_data[]":my_array_data}, function( data ) {
the other php file:
$my_array_data = $_POST['my_array_data'];
if I try to retrieve the first row ($my_array_data[0]) I get [Object object]
I just want to access to $my_array_data[0]['category'] etc.
A couple of errors here:
the data you are passing to ajax has an incorrect key using brackets[]
you are not passing the correct object through ajax since my_array_data is never defined
redo your code like this:
$itemsData = array(
"test" => 30,
"test2" => 10,
"test" => 90,
"test2" => 50,
var arr_data = <?php echo json_encode($itemsData); ?>;
$("#confirmButton").click(function () {
$.post("send_test.php", {my_array_data: arr_data}, function (data) {
Then in send_test.php
$data = $_POST['my_array_data'];
[0] => stdClass Object
[test] => 30
[test2] => 10
[1] => stdClass Object
[test] => 90
[test2] => 50
You're putting json-encoded data into the arr_data javascript variable - however you don't appear to be sending that to the other php file.
In the other php file, try using json_decode on the data you're receiving in the POST request:
$my_array_data = json_decode($_POST['my_array_data']);
Yes, as Aric says, name array consistently like this:
var my_arr_data = <?php echo json_encode($itemsData); ?>;

JSON format issue in JavaScript

Following is my JavaScript code to get JSON data:
$.support.cors = true;
$.getJSON('http://example.com/root_dir/test_json.php', function(data1)
alert("data1= "+data1);
but the above alert shows me JSON in following format-
If I hit my php script URL in browser, it shows JSON data in expected formate as shown below-
Following is my test_json.php code-
//Create an array
$json_response = array();
$row_array['name'] = 'AB';
$row_array['std'] = '7';
$row_array['number'] = '82';
$row_array['name'] = 'CD';
$row_array['std'] ='9';
$row_array['number'] = '90';
$row_array['name'] = 'PQ';
$row_array['std'] = '12';
$row_array['number'] = '79';
//push the values in the array
echo json_encode($json_response);
getJSON decodes the JSON into a JavaScript data structure.
Concatenating it with a string will implicitly call toString() on it. That will turn arrays in to a comma-seperated format and plain objects into "[Object object]".
Nothing is going wrong. That is the expected behaviour.
If you want to see the data in JSON format, then use JSON.stringify(data) or use .ajax instead of .getJSON and access the raw text data in the jqXHR object.

