How to pass unspecified number of parameters to setInterval - javascript

I need to create an interval wrapper to track if it has been cleared.
The number of parameters to pass to the interval callback should be variable. So this is the code (not working) I implemented to test it:
function MyInterval() {
var id = setInterval.apply(this, arguments); // NOT VALID!!
this.cleared = false;
this.clear = function() {
this.cleared = true;
var x = 2;
var y = 3;
var fn = function() {
x = x + y;
var interval = new MyInterval(fn, 5000, x, y);

Within the call to setInterval, this must refer to the global object, so instead of this, you want window in your constructor:
var id = setInterval.apply(window, arguments);
// here -------------------^
(or in loose mode you could use undefined or null.)
Then it works, at least on browsers where setInterval is a real JavaScript function and therefore has apply:
function MyInterval() {
var id = setInterval.apply(window, arguments);
this.cleared = false;
this.clear = function() {
this.cleared = true;
var x = 2;
var y = 3;
var fn = function() {
x = x + y;
var interval = new MyInterval(fn, 500, x, y);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function log(msg) {
var p = document.createElement('p');
Note, though, that host-provided functions are only required to be callable, they are not required to inherit from Function.prototype and so they're not required/guaranteed to have apply. Modern browsers ensure they do, but earlier ones (IE8, for instance) did not. I can't speak to how well-supported apply is on setInterval.
If you need to support browsers that may not have it, just to use your own function:
function MyInterval(handler, interval) {
var args =, 2);
var tick = function() {
handler.apply(undefined, args);
var id = setInterval(tick, interval);
this.cleared = false;
this.clear = function() {
this.cleared = true;
This also has the advantage that it works even on browsers that don't support additional args on setInterval (fairly old ones).
function MyInterval(handler, interval) {
var args =, 2);
var tick = function() {
handler.apply(undefined, args);
var id = setInterval(tick, interval);
this.cleared = false;
this.clear = function() {
this.cleared = true;
var x = 2;
var y = 3;
var fn = function() {
x = x + y;
var interval = new MyInterval(fn, 500, x, y);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
function log(msg) {
var p = document.createElement('p');
You might be tempted to use the new ES2015 spread operator:
var id = setInterval(...arguments);
...but note that if you transpile (and right now you'd have to), it ends up being an apply call, and so you have the issue of whether apply is supported.

I suggest that you pass an "options" parameter to your timeout.
var MyInterval = (function(window) {
return function(callbackFn, timeout, options) {
var id = setInterval.apply(window, arguments);
this.cleared = false;
this.clear = function() {
this.cleared = true;
var fn = function(opts) {
opts.x += opts.y;
console.log('x = ', opts.x);
var opts = {
x: 2,
y: 3
var ms = 5000;
var interval = new MyInterval(fn, ms, opts);
// Bootstrap a custom logger. :)
console.log = function() {
var logger = document.getElementById('logger');
var el = document.createElement('LI');
el.innerHTML = [], ' ');
logger.scrollTop = logger.scrollHeight;
body{background:#7F7F7F;}h1{background:#D7D7D7;margin-bottom:0;padding:0.15em;border-bottom:thin solid #AAA;color:#444}#logger{height:120px;margin-top:0;margin-left:0;padding-left:0;overflow:scroll;max-width:100%!important;overflow-x:hidden!important;font-family:monospace;background:#CCC}#logger li{list-style:none;counter-increment:step-counter;padding:.1em;border-bottom:thin solid #E7E7E7;background:#FFF}#logger li:nth-child(odd){background:#F7F7F7}#logger li::before{content:counter(step-counter);display:inline-block;width:1.4em;margin-right:.5em;padding:.25em .75em;font-size:1em;text-align:right;background-color:#E7E7E7;color:#6A6A6A;font-weight:700}
<h1>Custom HTML Logger</h1><ol id="logger"></ol>

I created a utility function rather than a constructor to solve your issue.
function Wrapper(delay) {
var isCleared,
intervalDelay = delay || 5e3; // default delay of 5 sec
function clear() {
if (!isCleared) {
console.log('clearing interval');
isCleared = true;
function setUpInterval(callback){
var params = [], 1);
if (!callback) {
throw new Error('Callback for interval expected');
intervalId = setInterval.apply(null, params);
return {
setUp : setUpInterval,
clear : clear
function intervalCallback() {
var wrapper = Wrapper(1e3); // create wrapper with delay for interval
console.log('test case 1');
wrapper.setUp(intervalCallback, 'params', 'to', 'callback');
// call clear interval after 10sec
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10e3);
Hope this helps.


Finish script on original document.title?

The problem I have is that this script finishes on the flash title what would I have to change so that this script finishes with the original document title. Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to achieve.
(function () {
var original = document.title;
var timeout;
window.flashTitle = function (newMsg, howManyTimes) {
function step() {
document.title = (document.title == original) ? newMsg : original;
if (--howManyTimes > 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(step, 1000);
howManyTimes = parseInt(howManyTimes);
if (isNaN(howManyTimes)) {
howManyTimes = 5;
window.cancelFlashTitle = function () {
document.title = original;
flashTitle("New Notification");
You need to make sure that the howManyTimes var is an even number, if it is an odd number, it will end on the newMsg:
(function () {
var original = document.title;
var timeout;
window.flashTitle = function (newMsg, howManyTimes) {
if (isNaN(howManyTimes)) {
howManyTimes = 5;
howManyTimes = (howManyTimes % 2 == 0) ? howManyTimes : howManyTimes + 1;
function step() {
document.title = (document.title == original) ? newMsg : original;
if (--howManyTimes > 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(step, 1000);
howManyTimes = parseInt(howManyTimes);
window.cancelFlashTitle = function () {
document.title = original;
flashTitle("New Notification");
EDIT - fixed small error

Continuing for loop only when image loads

function readXML(){
var xmlDoc = loadXML();
var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("image");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (i == 600){
var path = x[i].getElementsByTagName("path")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var title = x[i].getAttribute("class");
this.imageArray.push(new InfoImage(path,title));
while(this.imageArray[i].isImageLoaded() == false); //something like this
function InfoImage(path,title){
this.path = path;
this.title = title;
this.color = undefined;
this.maxPixels = undefined;
this.imageLoaded = false;
this.init = function(){
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
var img_Color = new Image_Processing_Color(canvas);
var img = new Image();
var info_image = this;
img.onload = function () {
info_image.color = img_Color.getDominantColor();
info_image.maxPixels = img_Color.getDominantColorPixels();
info_image.imageLoaded = true;
img.src = path;
this.isImageLoaded = function(){
return this.imageLoaded;
this.getPath = function(){
return this.path;
this.getTitle = function(){
return this.title;
this.getColor = function(){
return this.color;
this.getMaxPixels = function(){
return this.maxPixels;
I want my for loop to only continue to the next iteration when img.onLoad completes. The while i'm using blocks the code and doesn't let img.onLoad complete. Is there a way to do this? Without changing the code structure.
You can check the .complete property of an img:
var x = document.getElementById("myImg").complete;
the result can be true or false
If I understood you correctly, I believe your best option is to use async.parallel (if you want it to be serial, they have a function for it - series).
This function can perform a series of tasks for you and issue a callback on complete (in which you get informed of errors).

JavaScript's setTimeout doesn't work

I have a simple JS object which emulates traffic lights:
function TrafficLight(redTime, yellowTime, greenTime) {
var self = this;
this.__timer = null;
this.__state = null;
this.__redTime = redTime;
this.__yellowTime = yellowTime;
this.__greenTime = greenTime;
var setnewtimer = function (delay, func) {
if (self.__timer) {
self.__timer = setTimeout(delay, func);
TrafficLight.prototype.toRed = function () {
this.__state = 'red';
setnewtimer(this.__redTime, function () {
TrafficLight.prototype.toGreen = function () {
this.__state = 'green';
setnewtimer(this.__greenTime, function () {
TrafficLight.prototype.toYellow = function () {
this.__state = 'yellow';
setnewtimer(this.__yellowTime, function () {
TrafficLight.prototype.state = function () {
return this.__state;
But when I make a TrafficLight object (like var a = new TrafficLight(1000, 1000, 1000);), every a.state() call returns green (so traffic light doesn't change its state by timer. What's wrong with my code?
You don't call setTimeout correctly.
setTimeout(delay, func);
setTimeout(func, delay);

Stopping a Javascript setInterval that is delayed by a setTimeout

I'm having issue with this jsfiddle snippet:
var mainFunction = function() {
var repeatEvery = function(func, interval) {
var now = new Date();
var delay = interval - now % interval;
function start() {
var intervalID = setInterval(func, interval);
setTimeout(start, delay);
mainFunction.prototype.start = function(printText) {
this.text = printText;
var self = this;
var func = function(intervalID) {
this.repeater = intervalID;
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML += this.text + '<br/>';
repeatEvery(_.bind(func, this),1000);
mainFunction.prototype.stop = function() {
var test = new mainFunction();
My goal is to call the stop function and stop the Interval that has been set by the start function.
You need to do
setTimeout(function(){ test.stop()}, 10000)
setTimeout(test.stop.bind(test), 10000); //Bind method is not available in IE8 though
instead of
setTimeout(test.stop, 10000);
The reason for this is that Javascript loses track of the "this" when you pass a callback to a function.

how to clear all javascript Timeouts?

i have a loop function that in first 5 seconds it runs social1() and in second 5 seconds it runs social2() then loop ...
i have 2 hover functions too
i need clear all active timeouts because when i hover on images (.social1 & .social2), i can see that multiple timeouts are running
how to fix this?
function social1() {
$('.social1').fadeTo(500, 1);
$('.social2').fadeTo(500, 0.5);
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
function social2() {
$('.social1').fadeTo(500, 0.5);
$('.social2').fadeTo(500, 1);
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
$(document).ready(function ()
function () {
function () {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
function () {
function () {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
To manage a collection of timeouts (and intervals), you could use following snippet.
This will allow to clear any timeouts or intervals set anywhere in code, although, you have to set this snippet before setting any timeout or interval. Basically, before processing any javascript code or external script which uses timeout/interval.
;(function () {
window.timeouts = {},
window.intervals = {},
window.osetTimeout = window.setTimeout,
window.osetInterval = window.setInterval,
window.oclearTimeout = window.clearTimeout,
window.oclearInterval = window.clearInterval,
window.setTimeout = function () {
var args = _parseArgs('timeouts', arguments),
timeout = window.osetTimeout.apply(this, args.args);
return timeout;
window.setInterval = function () {
var args = _parseArgs('intervals', arguments),
interval = window.osetInterval.apply(this, args.args);
return interval;
window.clearTimeout = function () {
_removeTimer('timeouts', arguments);
window.clearInterval = function () {
_removeTimer('intervals', arguments);
window.clearAllTimeout = function () {
_clearAllTimer('timeouts', arguments[0]);
window.clearAllInterval = function () {
_clearAllTimer('intervals', arguments[0]);
function _parseArgs(type, args) {
var ns = typeof args[0] === "function" ? "no_ns" : args[0];
if (ns !== "no_ns")[], 0, 1);
if (!window[type][ns]) window[type][ns] = [];
return {
ns: ns,
args: args
function _removeTimer(type, args) {
var fnToCall = type === "timeouts" ? "oclearTimeout" : "oclearInterval",
timerId = args[0];
window[fnToCall].apply(this, args);
for (var k in window[type]) {
for (var i = 0, z = window[type][k].length; i < z; i++) {
if (window[type][k][i] === timerId) {
window[type][k].splice(i, 1);
if (!window[type][k].length) delete window[type][k];
function _clearAllTimer(type, ns) {
var timersToClear = ns ? window[type][ns] : (function () {
var timers = [];
for (var k in window[type]) {
timers = timers.concat(window[type][k]);
return timers;
for (var i = 0, z = timersToClear.length; i < z; i++) {
_removeTimer(type, [timersToClear[i]]);
How to use it:
Set timeout(s)/interval(s) as usual:
var test1 = setTimeout(function(){/**/, 1000);
var test2 = setTimeout(function(){/**/, 1000);
Then you could use to clear both:
clearAllTimeout(); // clearAllInterval(); for intervals
This will clear both timeouts (test1 & test2)
You can use some namespaces to clear only specific timers, e.g:
// first (optional) parameter for setTimeout/setInterval is namespace
var test1 = setTimeout('myNamespace', function(){/**/, 1000); // 'myNamespace' is current namespace used for test1 timeout
var test2 = setTimeout(function(){/**/, 1000); // no namespace used for test2 timeout
Again, clearAllTimeout(); will clear both timeouts. To clear only namespaced one, you can use:
clearAllTimeout('myNamespace'); // clearAllInterval('myNamespace'); for namespaced intervals
This will clear only test1 timeout
You could for some reason wish to delete non namespaced timeouts only. You could then use:
clearAllTimeout('no_ns'); // clearAllInterval('no_ns'); for non namespaced intervals only
This will clear only test2 timeout in this example
See jsFiddle DEMO
__END of EDIT__
Old post specific to opening question here:
You could try that:
var timeouts = [];
timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000));
timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000));
function clearAllTimeouts(){
for(var i = 0, z = timeouts.length; i < z; i++)
timeouts = [];
UPDATED following David Thomas comment
var timeouts = {'social' : [], 'antisocial' : []};
//a social timeout {
}, 5000));
//an anti-social timeout
timeouts.antisocial.push(setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000));
function clearTimeouts(namespace){
for(var i = 0, z = timeouts[namespace].length; i < z; i++)
timeouts[namespace] = [];
//usage e.g
//Incase if you are looking for full fledged code
var dict = {};
function checkForIntervals(id){
var index = index;
var result = findOrAddProperty(id);
if(result.length != 0){
dict[id].push(setTimeout(function(){alertFunc(id,index);}, 60000));
// to clear specific area timeout
function clearTimeoutsFor(namespace){
for(var i = 0, z = dict[namespace].length; i < z; i++)
dict[namespace] = [];
to clear all timeouts
function clearAllTimeOuts(){
for (key in dict) {
for(var i = 0, z = dict[key].length; i < z; i++)
dict[key] =[];
function findOrAddProperty(str){
var temp = [];
for (key in dict) {
if(key == str){
if (dict.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
temp = dict[key];
if(temp.length == 0){
dict[str] = [];
return temp;
function alertFunc(id,index) {
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
do the ajax call here after 1 min

