Auth differentiation between XHR and standard execute - javascript

I have the following method
private function adminRequired($accessControl)
$user = new \CloseCall\ValueObject\User(2);
if(!$accessControl->isAdmin($user)) {
header("location: /auth");
Within my controller, this method is always ran as the controller is constructed to check whether a user has admin priveleges or not.
The issue I'm having with this is that XHR requests can also be sent to this controller and a header redirect is not suitable for this, in this case I would want to send a 401 http response back to the javascript and handle this response there.
If I send a header redirect then an http response code then the header redirect is skipped when executing the controller normally.
If I send the response code and then the header redirect then the javascript tries to XHR to my /auth controller.
My question is how can I either differentiate between an XHR request and a standard execute or better yet, handle this gracefully?

By default, there is no way to tell the difference.
Usually, you would add extra headers to the request. The most RESTful way to do that would be to use the Accept header.
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
… to say that you prefer JSON as the response format.
The server can then test to see if JSON is prefered over HTML and then assume it wants an API style response (rather an HTML response).
A less RESTful and more hacky approach is to use a completely custom header:
xhr.setRequestHeader("x-requested-with", "xmlhttprequest");


Browser to issue new HTTP request based on response from another HTTP request

I'm looking to dynamically issue a new HTTP request from the client/browser based on response from an earlier HTTP request, in the same page load. Basically, the flow would look something like this:
Issue HTTP request to, and parse response to get some string mydata.
Issue HTTP request to{mydata}, substituting in the data just obtained. This call should be done in the same page load.
This is related to HTTP redirections, but it's done on the client-side with more flexibility, to possibly a different domain.
I think client-side JS is the best way to achieve this (perhaps with some kind of callback), but I'm open to other ideas.

why Axios send two request

I need help with axios, I don't know why is sending two request here an image of chrome network in one post call
I'm using react, and when I send request the function only trigger once (I debugged and put console.logs and get one response) but in chrome network I got two request, with different headers and type.
One have Authorization token, and the other don't have tokensuccess request and
wrong request this is in one call and I don't know what is happening.
Thanks for your time!
Is it an OPTION request?. OPTION requests are used to check if your client has permission to make the desired request to the API.
The HTTP OPTIONS method requests permitted communication options for a given URL or server. A client can specify a URL with this method, or an asterisk (*) to refer to the entire server.

Html vs JSP - get request header token value

I am working on Java application . Front end would be Angular2 .
If I try to open my application home page( index.html is configured in web.xml as default page ) . Access URL should be http://localhost:8080/MyWebApp .
Then I have taken into an standard organization's login page for authentication. If authentication succes , HTTP Authorization token will be set in the request header and finally control comes to display my application home page.
If I use jsp, I can get request header as,
String authHeader = request.getHeader("authorization");
out.println("<h2>HTTP Authorization header:</h2>");
if (authHeader == null) {
out.print("No authorization header");
} else {
out.print("<textarea readonly id='authHeader' rows=\"5\" cols=\"80\">" + authHeader + "</textarea>");
But we are using html as front end, because of angular 2 .
So for my scenario, how I can I get the request header and token.
Please don't hesitate to edit my question, if it is not clear.
You can't get a value of a header from client-side JavaScript. The only exceptions are the User-Agent and Referrer headers, because the browser provides the values in the document and navigator objects.
You said you are working on a Java application with an Angular 2 front end and some other application provides a token (might be useful to specify if this is something standard, e.g. OAuth2). I will assume that it is a custom token. I believe you also meant you have some server side component, a servlet.
What you can do is to implement the authentication using the servlets (or even JSPs) and then redirect back to the Angular 2 front end application, passing the token in the URL as a query parameter. URL is easy to read in Angular 2. However this is not very secure, even if you use something like JWT. As an alternative to URL, you can use the Set-Cookie header and then read the cookie from Angular.
What would be almost secure would be to authenticate the user using the server side (servlet or even JSP). Then create a one-time token which is passed in the URL as a query parameter when redirecting to your HTML page. Then use the one-time token in a call to the server again to retrieve the real authentication token using a proper REST call from Angular 2 with request and response.
Depends on how much control you have and what kind of authentication the auth application uses, you might want to take a look at the OAuth2. It deals with plenty of different authentication scenarios. Specifically the OAuth2 implicit grant flow is used to authenticate users from client-side only applications. Even if you can't use that, it will give you some ideas.
When you are using a server-side authorization, your server put headers with authorization to your HTML pages. But also you can put this tokens to your page response by meta tags at server side. And then access to meta tags by js.
<meta name="_csrf" content="${_csrf.token}"/>
<meta name="_csrf_header" content="${_csrf.headerName}"/>
Meta tags are similar to response headers and can complete or override response headers.
Read this post please Spring Security CSRF Token not working with AJAX call & form submit in same JSP
You can handle this at server side(JSP's expressions work on server side), create a handler method on server where you can check header and then redirect to your Angular App.
I think we can use HTTP HEAD method as JQUERY AJAX request in your HTML page .
The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content.
ajaxRequest = $.ajax({
type: "HEAD",
async: true,
url: 'index.jsp',
success: function(message){
var headerValue =ajaxRequest.getResponseHeader('Content-Length')]);
There are various way to solve this issue as I faced it a lot before and what I prefer is;
When authentication is completed in login page and a token generates I store it into HTML storage, make be in localStorage.
The main point you should understand that your views should not be accessed directly and there has to be a authentication (or may be a authorisation) step(s) before accessing the page(view).
So what you can do is set a URI for accessing any page, consider that is;
And when you connect with this URI via ajax call add the token that is stored in localStorage in headers. And check all authentication and authorisation works and if success return the view(as the pageName suggested in the URI), else return the login view.
If i understand you correctly,
Angularjs is a client side framework and is intended to run inside a browser without any intervention of server by reducing its load by serving the application logic
All operations that need to be performed by angular will only be initiated at client side by the browser after loading the HTML and javascript.
The scope of angular is only limited to that area any way it is not a disadvantage it is the actual intention of client side frameworks.
Regarding request response headers you can only have access to headers of AJAX request
Following are the solutions to these problems:-
If you are using tomcat or any servelet container in order to serve the application or hosting angular code you can use JSP insted of HTML,since JSP is processed to html by the servelet container before passing it to client side.I think this solution will work in your case based on my inference form your question
Otherwise configure servelet that process the success and failure handlers from the authentication server and from angular you need to poll the servelet for getting the request header value.

Making post request from redirection in node.js

I am trying to redirect to another URL from node js by using response.writeHead method
response.writeHead(301, {Location : <redirecturl>})
I need to have this redirection is being executed by POST method, however it is always executed by GET. What is the way that the redirection can be made as a POST request.
A redirect by default sends a GET request. According to the HTTP spec, a 301 redirection means sending a GET request. If you want to redirect with the same method (POST), you can try doing a 307 redirect instead.
There is no difference between redirection in both GET and POST methods. Both method should work find. Better you can your expressjs framework in which it is
Be careful, when using status code 301 which means Moved Perman­ently. Once browser gets 301 status code, it will directly try the redirected URL from the next time.
Without seeing more of your code, I believe this is what you are describing:
The client has made a request to your application using an HTTP method (get, post, etc.) You are responding to that request by sending back a 301 error and a new URL (redirecturl)
The client then decides to implement a get request for the redirecturl.
You can't change how a client responds to a 301. That is out of your control and it is normal for browsers to initiate a get for the redirecturl.
You could initiate a post request from your server to the redirecturl.
You could send back a webpage which would then submit a post request from the client.
What are you trying to achieve?

What is 'xmlhttp.setRequestHeader();' and in which situations is it used?

I stumbled on this command while learning AJAX. The guy who made the tutorial didn't explain this command, what do the parameters inside the command mean and what is it used for... Below is the code I used it in:
<script type="text/javascript">
function insert(){
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200){
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
parameters = 'insert_text='+document.getElementById('insert_text').value;'POST','ajax_posting_data.php',true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
HTTP is a protocol. Part of that protocol is the concept of request headers. When an xhr happens, text is exchanged between the client and server. Request headers are part of the text that the client sends to the server.
This is a way to set the request headers. The arguments you see are
1) the header to set (in this case, Content-type)
2) the header value. (in this case, x-www-form-urlencoded)
See this for more info.
HTTP requests are messages passed from one computer system to another according to a set routine (a 'protocol' - here HyperText Transfer Protocol) in order to do things like send data, ask for data to be sent back, update data previously sent, etc.
A header is basically a piece of information about the data in the body of the HTTP request. Its purpose is to tell the machine receiving the request what type of data is enclosed in the body of the request, its formatting, the language used, if it's to set a cookie, the date, the host machine, etc.
More than one header can be put on a HTTP request and each header has a 'name' and a 'value' component. On web pages they look like
<meta name="........" content="............."/>
and you find them just below the top of the web page within the element.
To enable people to send HTTP requests from within a JavaScript function, we create a new XMLHttpRequest object, just as your code does so with
const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
To this new empty object you intend to add data. Despite its name, XMLHttpRequest also allows sending data in a number of formats other than XML, e.g. HTML code, text, JSON, etc. In your example each data name will be separated from its value by an "=" character and each data/value pairing will be separated from the next pairing by an "&" character. This kind of formatting is known as URL encoding.
We have to tell the receiving computer how the data within the HTTP request body is encoded. There is a standard header to convey this and it is added to the request via the method setRequestHeader(..). This method uses 2 parameters, the header name and the header's value. All this operation is achieved in the line
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
This setRequestHeader(..) method must be applied to the request after the request is characterized with the open(...) method but before the final request is sent off with the send(.) method.
The open(...) method defines: (1) the type of HTTP request, e.g. GET/POST/PUT etc; (2) the web page that contains the handling script for this request, e.g. some .php file or Node.js request endpoint that makes the appropriate query to the back end database; and (3) the nature of the request dynamics, e.g. asynchronous requests are assigned a value 'true', synchronous requests are assigned 'false'.
The send(.) method attaches the data to be sent within the body of the request, in your case the variable called 'parameters'.
On your broader question of which situations setRequestHeader(..) is used, I would say that it is used in most HTTP request situations. But some types of data added to the body of a HTTP request invoke a default setting for the 'Content-Type' header.
It is exactly what it says. It will set a "header" information for the next XMLHttpRequest.
A header is pretty much a key/value pair. It is used to transmit "meta" information to the target server for the ongoing request. In your particular instance, its used to tell the server which content type is used for this request.
It sets the Content-type HTTP header to contain url encoded data sent from a form.

