How to make a specific slideshow? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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does anyone know how do I make an image slideshow? tried searching it in the internet, didn't find anything helpful..
I need slideshow like in this page :
p.s. sorry for my bad english....

See owlcarousel might solve your problem


What "floating" effect is used on this website? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I am very very new into programming.
But I really want to know what kind of effect they use on this website.
When you scroll down it seems like the image and text seem to "float/move".
Any idea where I can learn to create this effect :)
Thank you
I did not find it when searching for it online

How to make a pre-loader like this and what is it called? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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how does youtube and other sites like fb make this preloader which shows outlines and grey boxes on the areas where the posts will appear after page fully loads. This link takes you to the screenshot for reference
Take a look at
and here

Three.js example [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to ask how to extract the example of the example like this
Open your browser, press F12 and select the Inspector.
There, look for /js/src, you then have all of the scripts available.

How to know what is background animated image [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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At , after logging into the site, I see that there is some animation in the background of the text "NEW iPHONE?
I would love to know how this was done. Is it a flash image or an animated image? Can we copy it and use it in another site?
Thanks & Regards,
Decent Guy.
It is not a image. It is video, you can find in this

Javascript solution for table-cell on IE6/IE7 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the best approach in javascript "vanilla" for solve the problem of table-cell in IE6/IE7?
There's a JavaScript polyfill available that fixes CSS table display in IE6/7:
This is a well written script, and really the best solution you're going to find.
I do have to echo the sentiments of the other comments though: IE6/7 are dead, and it's time to move on.

