Webaudio FM Synthesis with two modulators - javascript

F is the carrier, and E and D are modulators.
Simple FM Synthesis with only one modulator, is pretty straightforward in webaudio.
var ctx = new AudioContext || webkitAudioContext();
var out = ctx.destination;
// Instantiating
var E = ctx.createOscillator(); // Modulator
var F = ctx.createOscillator(); // Carrier
// Setting frequencies
E.frequency.value = 440;
F.frequency.value = 440;
// Modulation depth
var E_gain = ctx.createGain();
E_gain.gain.value = 3000;
// Wiring everything up
// Start making sound
But now I would like to make something like this.
Two modulators that is. How can this be implemented in webaudio?

You can connect two nodes into the same input. Just call the connect() method twice. For example (using your diagram and naming convention):
Each time E_gain produces an output sample, its input value will be determined by summing one sample from E with one sample from D_gain.
I think whether you want to connect to the frequency parameter or to the detune parameter depends on whether you want to implement Linear FM or Exponential FM. The frequency parameter is measured in Hertz (linear scale) whereas detune is measured in cents (exponential). Though if you do connect to frequency then you'll most probably want to adjust the gain every time the frequency of the carrier changes. E.g. you'd set the gain to 440 * d for some constant modulation depth d when a using a 440Hz carrier, but need to change the gain to 220 * d when you play the note an octave lower. Although keeping the gain constant can generate some interesting dissonant effects too.

You need to connect to detune not to frequency.
Hey, I have an example on my site for you:
Go to the publish Area in the head and select the FM synth.
There you can see the connections and you can try it live (use the keyboard A-L)! :-)
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos6","ConnectFrom":"1_#_MOD 1_#_object","ConnectTo":"3_#_GAIN MOD1_#_object"},
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos7","ConnectFrom":"3_#_GAIN MOD1_#_object","ConnectTo":"0_#_OSC_#_detune"},
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos8","ConnectFrom":"2_#_MOD 2_#_object","ConnectTo":"4_#_GAIN MOD2_#_object"},
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos9","ConnectFrom":"4_#_GAIN MOD2_#_object","ConnectTo":"0_#_OSC_#_detune"}
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos10","ConnectFrom":"0_#_OSC_#_object","ConnectTo":"5_#_GAIN OSC_#_object"},
{"name":"connection","Name":"Connection at Pos11","ConnectFrom":"5_#_GAIN OSC_#_object","ConnectTo":"context.destination"}]


How do i get the audio frequency from my mic using javascript?

I need to create a sort of like guitar tuner.. thats recognize the sound frequencies and determines in witch chord i am actually playing. Its similar to this guitar tuner that i found online:
But i cant figure it out how it works because of the webpack files..I want to make this tool app backendless.. Someone have a clue about how to do this only in the front end?
i founded some old pieces of code that doesnt work together.. i need fresh ideas
There are quite a few problems to unpack here, some of which will require a bit more information as to the application. Hopefully the sheer size of this task will become apparent as this answer progresses.
As it stands, there are two problems here:
need to create a sort of like guitar tuner..
1. How do you detect the fundamental pitch of a guitar note and feed that information back to the user in the browser?
thats recognize the sound frequencies and determines in witch chord i am actually playing.
2. How do you detect which chord a guitar is playing?
This second question is definitely not a trivial one, but we'll come to it in turn. This is not a programming question, but rather a DSP question
Question 1: Pitch Detection in Browser
If you wish to detect the pitch of a note in the browser there are a couple sub-problems that should be split up. Shooting from the hip we have the following JavaScript browser problems:
how to get microphone permission?
how to tap microhone for sample data?
how to start an audio context?
how to display a value?
how to update a value regularly?
how to filter audio data?
how to perform pitch detection?
how to get pitch via autocorrolation?
how to get picth via zero-crossing?
how to get pitch from frequency domain?
how to perform a fourier transform?
This is not an exhaustive list, but it should consitute the bulk of the overall problem
There is no Minimal, Reproducible Example, so none of the above can be assumed.
A basic implementation would consist of a numeric reprenstation of a single fundamental frequency (f0) using an autocorrolation method outlined in the A. v. Knesebeck and U. Zölzer paper [1].
There are other approaches which mix and match filtering and pitch detection algorithms which I believe is far outside the scope of a reasonable answer.
NOTE: The Web Audio API is still not equally implemented across all browser. You should check each of the major browsers and make accomodations in your program. The following was tested in Google Chrome, so your mileage may (and likely will) vary in other browsers.
Our page should include
an element to display frequency
an element to initiate pitch detection
A more rounded interface would likely split the operations of
Asking for microphone permission
starting microphone stream
processing microphone stream
into separate interface elements, but for brevity they will be wrapped into a single element. This gives us a basic HTML page of
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Pitch Detection</title>
<h1>Frequency (Hz)</h1>
<h2 id="frequency">0.0</h2>
<button onclick="startPitchDetection()">
Start Pitch Detection
We are jumping the gun slightly with <button onclick="startPitchDetection()">. We will wrap up the operation in a single function called startPitchDetection
Pallate of variables
For an autocorrolation pitch detection approach our pallate of variables will need to include:
the Audio context
the microphone stream
an Analyser Node
an array for audio data
an array for the corrolated signal
an array for corrolated signal maxima
a DOM reference to the frequency
giving us something like
let audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
let microphoneStream = null;
let analyserNode = audioCtx.createAnalyser()
let audioData = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);;
let corrolatedSignal = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);;
let localMaxima = new Array(10);
const frequencyDisplayElement = document.querySelector('#frequency');
Some value are left null as they will not be known until the microphone stream has been activated. The 10 in let localMaxima = new Array(10); is a little arbitrary. This array will store the distance in samples between consecutive maxima of the corrolated signal.
Main script
Our <button> element has an onclick function of startPitchDetection, so that will be required. We will also need
an update function (for updating the display)
an autocorrolation function that returns a pitch
However, the first thing we have to do is ask for permission to use the microphone. To achieve this we use navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia, which will returm a Promise. Embellishing on what is outlined in the MDN documentation this gives us something roughly looking like
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true})
.then((stream) => {
/* use the stream */
.catch((err) => {
/* handle the error */
Great! Now we can start adding our main functionality to the then function.
Our order of events should be
Start microphone stream
connect microphone stream to the analyser node
set a timed callback to
get the latest time domain audio data from the Analyser Node
get the autocorrolation derived pitch estimate
update html element with the value
On top of that, add a log of the error from the catch method.
This can then all be wrapped into the startPitchDetection function, giving something like:
function startPitchDetection()
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia ({audio: true})
.then((stream) =>
microphoneStream = audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
audioData = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);
corrolatedSignal = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);
setInterval(() => {
let pitch = getAutocorrolatedPitch();
frequencyDisplayElement.innerHTML = `${pitch}`;
}, 300);
.catch((err) =>
The update interval for setInterval of 300 is arbitrary. A little experimentation will dictate which interval is best for you. You may even wish to give the user control of this, but that is outside the scope of thise question.
The next step is to actually define what getAutocorrolatedPitch() does, so lets actually breakdown what autocorrolation is.
Autocorrelation is the process of convolving a signal with itself. Any time the result goes from a positive rate of change to a negative rate of change is defined as a local maxima. The number of samples between the start of the corrolated signal to the first maxima should be the period in samples of f0. We can continue to look for subsequent maxima and take an average which should improve accuracy slightly. Some frequencies do not have a period of whole samples, for instance 440 Hz at a sample rate of 44100 Hz has a period of 100.227. We technichally could never accurately detect this frequency of 440 Hz by taking a single maxima, the result would always be either 441 Hz (44100/100) or 436 Hz (44100/101).
For our autocorrolation function, we'll need
a track of how many maxima that have been detected
the mean distance between maxima
Our function should first perform the autocorrolation, find the sample positions of local maxima and then calculate the mean distance between these maxima. This give a function looking like:
function getAutocorrolatedPitch()
// First: autocorrolate the signal
let maximaCount = 0;
for (let l = 0; l < analyserNode.fftSize; l++) {
corrolatedSignal[l] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < analyserNode.fftSize - l; i++) {
corrolatedSignal[l] += audioData[i] * audioData[i + l];
if (l > 1) {
if ((corrolatedSignal[l - 2] - corrolatedSignal[l - 1]) < 0
&& (corrolatedSignal[l - 1] - corrolatedSignal[l]) > 0) {
localMaxima[maximaCount] = (l - 1);
if ((maximaCount >= localMaxima.length))
// Second: find the average distance in samples between maxima
let maximaMean = localMaxima[0];
for (let i = 1; i < maximaCount; i++)
maximaMean += localMaxima[i] - localMaxima[i - 1];
maximaMean /= maximaCount;
return audioCtx.sampleRate / maximaMean;
Once you have implemented this you may find there are actually a couple of problems.
The frequency result is a bit erratic
the display method is not intuitive for tuning purposes
The erratic result is down to the fact that autocorrolation by itself is not a perfect solution. You will need to experiment with first filtering the signal and aggregating other methods. You could also try limiting the signal or only analyse the signal when it is above a certain threshold. You could also increase the rate at which you perform the detection and average out the results.
Secondly, the method for display is limited. Musician would not be appreciative of a simple numerical result. Rather, some kind of graphical feedback would be more intuitive. Again, that is outside the scope of the question.
Full page and script
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Pitch Detection</title>
<h1>Frequency (Hz)</h1>
<h2 id="frequency">0.0</h2>
<button onclick="startPitchDetection()">
Start Pitch Detection
let audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
let microphoneStream = null;
let analyserNode = audioCtx.createAnalyser()
let audioData = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);;
let corrolatedSignal = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);;
let localMaxima = new Array(10);
const frequencyDisplayElement = document.querySelector('#frequency');
function startPitchDetection()
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia ({audio: true})
.then((stream) =>
microphoneStream = audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
audioData = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);
corrolatedSignal = new Float32Array(analyserNode.fftSize);
setInterval(() => {
let pitch = getAutocorrolatedPitch();
frequencyDisplayElement.innerHTML = `${pitch}`;
}, 300);
.catch((err) =>
function getAutocorrolatedPitch()
// First: autocorrolate the signal
let maximaCount = 0;
for (let l = 0; l < analyserNode.fftSize; l++) {
corrolatedSignal[l] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < analyserNode.fftSize - l; i++) {
corrolatedSignal[l] += audioData[i] * audioData[i + l];
if (l > 1) {
if ((corrolatedSignal[l - 2] - corrolatedSignal[l - 1]) < 0
&& (corrolatedSignal[l - 1] - corrolatedSignal[l]) > 0) {
localMaxima[maximaCount] = (l - 1);
if ((maximaCount >= localMaxima.length))
// Second: find the average distance in samples between maxima
let maximaMean = localMaxima[0];
for (let i = 1; i < maximaCount; i++)
maximaMean += localMaxima[i] - localMaxima[i - 1];
maximaMean /= maximaCount;
return audioCtx.sampleRate / maximaMean;
Question 2: Detecting multiple notes
At this point I think we can all agree that this answer has gotten a little out of hand. So far we've just covered a single method of pitch detection. See Ref [2, 3, 4] for some suggestions of algorithms for multiple f0 detection.
In essence, this problem would come down to detecting all f0s and looking up the resulting notes against a dictionary of chords. For that, there should at least be a little work done on your part. Any questions about the DSP should probably be pointed toward https://dsp.stackexchange.com. You will be spoiled for choice on questions regarding pitch detection algorithms
A. v. Knesebeck and U. Zölzer, "Comparison of pitch trackers for real-time guitar effects", in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), Graz, Austria, September 6-10, 2010.
A. P. Klapuri, "A perceptually motivated multiple-F0 estimation method," IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2005., 2005, pp. 291-294, doi: 10.1109/ASPAA.2005.1540227.
A. P. Klapuri, "Multiple fundamental frequency estimation based on harmonicity and spectral smoothness," in IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 804-816, Nov. 2003, doi: 10.1109/TSA.2003.815516.
A. P. Klapuri, "Multipitch estimation and sound separation by the spectral smoothness principle," 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37221), 2001, pp. 3381-3384 vol.5, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2001.940384.
I suppose it'll depend how you're building your application. Hard to help without much detail around specs. Though, here are a few options for you.
There are a few stream options, for example;
Or if you're using React;
Or if you're wanting to go real basic with some vanilla JS;
Web Fundamentals: Recording Audio

AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData() returns negative values

I'm trying to get the volume of a microphone input using the Web Audio API using AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData().
The spec states that "each item in the array represents the decibel value for a specific frequency" but it returns only negative values although they do look like they are reacting to the level of sound - a whistle will return a value of around -23 and silence around -80 (the values in the dataArray are also all negative, so I don't think it's to do with how I've added them together) . The same code gives the values I'd expect (positive) with AnalyserNode.getByeFrequencyData() but the decibel values returned have been normalised between 0-255 so are more difficult to add together to determine the overall volume.
Why am I not getting the values I expect? And/or is this perhaps not a good way of getting the volume of the microphone input in the first place?
function getVolume(analyser) {
analyser.fftSize = 32;
let bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount;
let dataArray = new Float32Array(bufferLength);
let totalAntilogAmplitude = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) {
let thisAmp = dataArray[i]; // amplitude of current bin
let thisAmpAntilog = Math.pow(10, (thisAmp / 10)) // antilog amplitude for adding
totalAntilogAmplitude = totalAntilogAmplitude + thisAmpAntilog;
let amplitude = 10 * Math.log10(totalAntilogAmplitude);
return amplitude;
Your code looks correct. But without an example, it's hard to tell if it's producing the values you expect. Also, since you're just computing (basically), the sum of all the values of the transform coefficients, you've just done a a more expensive version of summing the squares of the time domain signal.
Another alternative would square the signal, filter it a bit to smooth out variations, and get the output value at various times. Something like the following, where s is the node that has the signal you're interested in.
let g = new GainNode(context, {gain: 0});
// Output of g is now the square of s
let f = new BiquadFilterNode(context, {frequency: 10});
// May want to adjust the frequency some to other value for your needs.
// I arbitrarily chose 10 Hz.
// Now get the time-domain value from the analyser and just take the first
// value from the signal. This is the energy of the signal and represents
// the volume.

THREE.js raycasting very slow against single > 500k poly (faces) object, line intersection with globe

in my project I have a player walk around a globe. The globe is not just a sphere, it has mountains and valleys, so I need the players z position to change. For this I'm raycasting a single ray from player's position against a single object (the globe) and I get the point they intersect and change players position accordingly. I'm only raycasting when the player moves, not on every frame.
For a complex object it takes forever. It takes ~200ms for an object with ~1m polys (faces) (1024x512 segments sphere). Does raycasting cast against every single face ?
Is there a traditional fast way to achieve this in THREE, like some acceleration structure (octree? bvh? -- tbh from my google searches I haven't seem to find such a thing included in THREE) or some other thinking-out-of-the-box (no ray casting) method?
var dir = g_Game.earthPosition.clone();
var startPoint = g_Game.cubePlayer.position.clone();
var directionVector = dir.sub(startPoint.multiplyScalar(10));
g_Game.raycaster.set(startPoint, directionVector.clone().normalize());
var t1 = new Date().getTime();
var rayIntersects = g_Game.raycaster.intersectObject(g_Game.earth, true);
if (rayIntersects[0]) {
var dist = rayIntersects[0].point.distanceTo(g_Game.earthPosition);
dist = Math.round(dist * 100 + Number.EPSILON) / 100;
g_Player.DistanceFromCenter = dist + 5;
var t2 = new Date().getTime();
Thank you in advance
Do not use three.js Raycaster.
Consider Ray.js that offers function intersectTriangle(a, b, c, backfaceCulling, target)
Suggested optimizations:
If player starts from some known positions ⇒ you must know his initial height, − no need to raycast (or just do one time full mesh slow intersection)
if player moves with small steps ⇒ next raycast will most likely intersect the same face as before.
Optimization #1 − remember previous face, and raycast it first.
if player does not jump ⇒ next raycast will most likely intersect the adjacent face to the face where player was before.
Optimization #2 − build up a cache, so that given a face idx you could retrieve adjacent faces in O(1) time.
This cache may be loaded from the file, if your planet is not generated in real time.
So with my approach on each move you do O(1) read operation from cache and raycast 1-6 faces.
For a complex object it takes forever. It takes ~200ms for an object with ~1m polys (faces) (1024x512 segments sphere). Does raycasting cast against every single face ?
Out of the box THREE.js does check every triangle when performing a raycast against a mesh and there are no acceleration structures built into THREE.
I've worked with others on the three-mesh-bvh package (github, npm) to help address this problem, though, which may help you get up to the speeds your looking for. Here's how you might use it:
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { MeshBVH, acceleratedRaycast } from 'three-mesh-bvh';
THREE.Mesh.prototype.raycast = acceleratedRaycast;
// ... initialize the scene...
globeMesh.geometry.boundsTree = new MeshBVH(globeMesh.geometry);
// ... initialize raycaster...
// Optional. Improves the performance of the raycast
// if you only need the first collision
raycaster.firstHitOnly = true;
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(globeMesh, true);
// do something with the intersections
There are some caveats mentioned in the README so keep those in mind (the mesh index is modified, only nonanimated BufferGeometry is supported, etc). And there's still some memory optimization that could be done but there are some tweakable options to help tune that.
I'll be interested to hear how this works for you! Feel free to leave feedback in the issues on how to improve the package, as well. Hope that helps!
I think you should pre-render the height map of your globe into a texture, assuming your terrain is not dynamic. Read all of it into a typed array, and then whenever your player moves, you only need to back-project her coordinates into that texture, query it, offset and multiply and you should get what you need in O(1) time.
It's up to you how you generate that height map. Actually if you have a bumpy globe, then you should probably start with height map in the first place, and use that in your vertex shader to render the globe (with the input sphere being perfectly smooth). Then you can use the same height map to query the player's Z.
Edit: Danger! This may cause someone's death one day. The edge case I see here is the nearest collision will be not be seen because searchRange will not contain the nearest triangle but will contain the second nearest one returning it as the closest one. I.e. a robotic arm may stop nearby the torso instead of stopping at the arm right in front of it.
Here's a hack when raycasting not too far from the previous result i.e. during consecutive mousemove events. This will not work for completely random rays
Mesh raycast supports drawRange to limit how many triangles will be searched. Also each raycast result comes with faceIndex telling which triangle was hit. If you're continuously looking for raycasts i.e. with mousemove or there's a laser linearly scanning a mesh you can first search the area nearby* the previous hit.
triangles' distance in the data may look like they're neighbours but it's not guaranteed they are sorted in any way. Still it's very possible that the close ones in the data are close in space.
let lastFaceIndex = null
const searchRange = 2000 * 3
function raycast(mesh, raycaster) {
// limited search
if (lastFaceIndex !== null) {
const drawRange = mesh.geometry.drawRange
drawRange.start = Math.max(0, lastFaceIndex * 3 - searchRange)
drawRange.count = searchRange * 2
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects([mesh]);
drawRange.start = 0
drawRange.count = Infinity
if (intersects.length) {
lastFaceIndex = intersects[0].faceIndex
return intersects[0]
// regular search
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects([mesh]);
if (!intersects.length) {
lastFaceIndex = null
return null
lastFaceIndex = intersects[0].faceIndex
return intersects[0]

Volume velocity to gain web audio

I'm trying to set a velocity value, a value that is in a midi signal to gain. The velocity ranges from 0 to 127.
The documentation on the web audio api albeit well done, doesn't really say anything about this.
At the moment I've this to play sounds :
play(key, startTime) {
this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(this.soundContainer[key], (buffer) => {
let source = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
I didn't find anything to use the velocity values that range from 0 to 127. However I found gain node that applies a gain.
So my function is now this:
play(key:string, startTime, velocity) {
this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(this.soundContainer[key], (buffer) => {
let source = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
this.gainNode.gain.value = velocity;
Eehhh... if I apply the midi velocity value to the gain, I obviously have a sound that is insanely loud. So I'd like to know either of those two questions:
Can I somehow use the velocity value directly ?
How can I convert the velocity value to gain ?
The MIDI specification says:
Interpretation of the Velocity byte is left up to the receiving instrument. Generally, the larger the numeric value of the message, the stronger the velocity-controlled effect. If velocity is applied to volume (output level) for instance, then higher Velocity values will generate louder notes. A value of 64 (40H) would correspond to a mezzo-forte note […] Preferably, application of velocity to volume should be an exponential function.
The General MIDI specifications are not any more concrete.
The DLS Level 1 specification says:
The MIDI Note Velocity value is converted to attenuation in dB by the Concave Transform according to the following formula:
attendB = 20 × log10(1272 / Velocity2)
and fed to control either the volume or envelope generator peak level.
You then have to map this attenuation to the gain factor, i.e., gain = velocity² / 127².
And many hardware synthesizers allow to select different curves to map the velocity to volume.
I don't know if it is correct, because I don't know that much about sound but this seem to work:
this.gainNode.gain.value = velocity / 100 ;
So a velocity of 127 = a gain of 1.27
Ultimately I think what is better is dividing 1 in 127 values and each of those correspond to their respective midi value. However code is easier this way so yeah, it works.

Web Audio: Karplus Strong String Synthesis

Edit: Cleaned up the code and the player (on Github) a little so it's easier to set the frequency
I'm trying to synthesize strings using the Karplus Strong string synthesis algorithm, but I can't get the string to tune properly. Does anyone have any idea?
As linked above, the code is on Github: https://github.com/achalddave/Audio-API-Frequency-Generator (the relevant bits are in strings.js).
Wiki has the following diagram:
So essentially, I generate the noise, which then gets output and sent to a delay filter simultaneously. The delay filter is connected to a low-pass filter, which is then mixed with the output. According to Wikipedia, the delay should be of N samples, where N is the sampling frequency divided by the fundamental frequency (N = f_s/f_0).
Excerpts from my code:
Generating the noise (bufferSize is 2048, but that shouldn't matter too much)
var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, bufferSize, context.sampleRate);
var bufferSource = context.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = buffer;
var bufferData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
for (var i = 0; i < delaySamples+1; i++) {
bufferData[i] = 2*(Math.random()-0.5); // random noise from -1 to 1
Create a delay node
var delayNode = context.createDelayNode();
We need to delay by f_s/f_0 samples. However, the delay node takes the delay in seconds, so we need to divide that by the samples per second, and we get (f_s/f_0) / f_s, which is just 1/f_0.
var delaySeconds = 1/(frequency);
delayNode.delayTime.value = delaySeconds;
Create the lowpass filter (the frequency cutoff, as far as I can tell, shouldn't affect the frequency, and is more a matter of whether the string "sounds" natural):
var lowpassFilter = context.createBiquadFilter();
lowpassFilter.type = lowpassFilter.LOWPASS; // explicitly set type
lowpassFilter.frequency.value = 20000; // make things sound better
Connect the noise to the output and the delay node (destination = context.destination and was defined earlier):
Connect the delay to the lowpass filter:
Connect the lowpass to the output and back to the delay*:
Does anyone have any ideas? I can't figure out whether the issue is my code, my interpretation of the algorithm, my understanding of the API, or (though this is least likely) an issue with the API itself.
*Note that on Github, there's actually a Gain Node between the lowpass and the output, but this doesn't really make a big difference in the output.
Here's what I think is the problem. I don't think the DelayNode implementation is designed to handle such tight feedback loops. For a 441 Hz tone, for example, that's only 100 samples of delay, and the DelayNode implementation probably processes its input in blocks of 128 or more. (The delayTime attribute is "k-rate", meaning changes to it are only processed in blocks of 128 samples. That doesn't prove my point, but it hints at it.) So the feedback comes in too late, or only partially, or something.
EDIT/UPDATE: As I state in a comment below, the actual problem is that a DelayNode in a cycle adds 128 sample frames between output and input, so that the observed delay is 128 / sampleRate seconds longer than specified.
My advice (and what I've begun to do) is to implement the whole Karplus-Strong including your own delay line in a JavaScriptNode (now known as a ScriptProcessorNode). It's not hard and I'll post my code once I get rid of an annoying bug that can't possibly exist but somehow does.
Incidentally, the tone you (and I) get with a delayTime of 1/440 (which is supposed to be an A) seems to be a G, two semitones below where it should be. Doubling the frequency raises it to a B, four semitones higher. (I could be off by an octave or two - kind of hard to tell.) Probably one could figure out what's going on (mathematically) from a couple more data points like this, but I won't bother.
EDIT: Here's my code, certified bug-free.
var context = new webkitAudioContext();
var frequency = 440;
var impulse = 0.001 * context.sampleRate;
var node = context.createJavaScriptNode(4096, 0, 1);
var N = Math.round(context.sampleRate / frequency);
var y = new Float32Array(N);
var n = 0;
node.onaudioprocess = function (e) {
var output = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
for (var i = 0; i < e.outputBuffer.length; ++i) {
var xn = (--impulse >= 0) ? Math.random()-0.5 : 0;
output[i] = y[n] = xn + (y[n] + y[(n + 1) % N]) / 2;
if (++n >= N) n = 0;

