How to load script files dynamically with react and gulp - javascript

I'm developing a gaming platform and I've chosen react as the technology on the frontend. Currently I'm building all the script files into one js file using gulp. That doesn't cause a problem, because there's only one game, but when the number of games increases, the browser will load a lot of useless code. So I'd like to have all the platform logic in a single file, and the script for each game would be built into separate files which would be loaded on the browser when they are needed. How could I reference a react class within a built and dynamically loaded file?
For example, game1 consists of 3 files, which are built into game1.js. The main file of those 3 contains a react class Game1. How would I reference that class? Normally if those were in the same bundle, I would write "var game = require('game1_main')".

If webpack is an option for you, you could use its codesplitting feature.


Additional JavaScript tags in next.js

I very recently started programming with react & next.js (previously I was using node.js)
and I made my first application, but on inspecting the page I saw a lot of additional JavaScript (image given below)
here's my directory:
here's my index.js source code:
export default function Home() {
return (
hello world
Here's what I mean by additional JavaScript
Since I've been using node.js I'm not very familiar with all this JavaScript being placed in the code automatically,
could someone please explain what all of this is, where it's coming from and why it's necessary?
next.js or react.js are libraries to create single page applications, you don't need to write html manually now, everything will be generated using javscript. these files are just internal library script files generated by webpack tool in chunks, you might be thinking, why is it so, like we can also store these all scripts into one file, but actually webpack breaks modules into chunks, so that it will only load these files whenever needed for optimization of web performace.

Webpack - multi-page application with a single budled js file

I'm trying to update a legacy frontend web application to use webpack for the dependencies. Right now it's structured like so:
- login.html
- dashboard.html
... src/login.js
... src/dashboard.js
Each page has its own javascript file, plus it loads in a bunch of external dependencies via script tags on the page. My problem is that most of the pages use some variation of the same bunch of very large libraries and jquery plugins. If I bundle each page's js into a seperate js file, i'm going to end up with a huge bundle for every page that has to be downloaded every time the user changes page. I'd prefer to just have one bundle that every page loads and uses the neccessary part. Is webpack fir for purpose here, and if so how should I be going about it?
I "solved" this by keeping my library imports as they are, ie jquery, bootstrap etc downloaded from CDNs. I made one bundle for each of my bigger local libraries and included that on each page so that it gets cached by the browser, then I used webpack with multiple entry point for our bespoke js code.

Add a separate HTML file into create-react-app

I know react is for Single Page Application. I have already build a complete application. I have a particular 3rd party integration that requires javascript and css files. I cannot add those external scripts as it breaks my entire application by overriding css and js.
I need to have a separate admin.html file which can have its own css and javascript tags. I do not want any conflict with my react app which renders on index.html
I tried to eject create-react-app and add a new admin.html.
But it uses only one page(index.html). This will not help me because I need completely a separate html file which I can import any javascript or css freely without any conflict on my index.html
Currently the possibility I thought was to create a separate react application just to render to this admin.html. So that there won't be any conflicts between javascript and css. But I want to know if there is an alternate way that I can achieve it in create-react-app. If so, simple example would be greatly appreciated.
PS: I need to redirect from one of components in my application to this new view admin.html with some data

AngularJs SPA Javascript file

Do i have to include all my javascript file while loading main index page?
In single page application when we are not logged in, we include all of our .js file in main index file. This contains js file that is only needed when users are logged in.
What is better approach of managing angular app in this context?
Simple answer: yes.
Your application is a single-page one, so you can combine all JS files into one and load it at one request. It saves time for processing in the future.
Alternatively, create two pages login.html and others.html, then load two different sets of JS files accordingly.
Normally, nowadays the bandwidth is not the bottleneck, loading a larger JS file does not make trouble (usually).
You can split your code into multiple modules and then just load the js needed for that module.
I suggest using Gulp with packages to inject HTML when appropriate. You then have single lines of code as place holders for your Javascript and you run the Gulp task to inject the Javascript into the areas where it is needed.
You could also run gulp tasks to minify your js into just a few minified files. You will need to be sure your js in min safe (gulp can do this too).
If you make AMD - most often using RequireJS - then you won't need to include all from the very beginning.
A while ago we did a similar project, although without AngularJS, and by using RequireJS we made the different pages, which use different files. And this way people's browsers will never download certain files if they never go to certain pages.
(Of course, we had many pages inside the app, not just 2 or 3, where this wouldn't make any difference.)

Is there a way to provide multiple JS scripts within a single <script> tag?

I am building an app in JQM that has multiple instances but the same core of scripts.
Summarizing, every instance will have its own index.html initializing that particular instance with files both taken from the central repository (the common scripts/interface) and from the particular instance (files specific to that instance only).
Since I am adding more capabilities to the application, I need to constantly update the core of scripts with new addons (both 3rd party or custom scripts), but I don't want to go and update all the single instances with the new scripts I'm adding.
My question is: is there a method to include a <script> tag inside the index.html of every instance (say <script src="commonurl/commonscripts.js"></script>) and on my common repository, in the commonscript.js use structures like the java import, to import all the scripts I'm using?
I know it's not how js works, but the core of the question is: do you have any suggestion on how to keep the client unvaried and work just on the server side modifying just the included file, or anyway not having to manually modify the client index.html? Is js minification/merging my only option?
Same question applies to CSS files included in the client index.html.
Hope this makes sense, thanks for the answers!
You can do this with requirejs
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for
in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments,
like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will
improve the speed and quality of your code.

