Three.js THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture Image resize - javascript

I'm using Three.js and have a question. Within particle function, I'm adding image, which flying around. Code:
function makeParticles() {
var particle, material;
// we're gonna move from z position -1000 (far away)
// to 1000 (where the camera is) and add a random particle at every pos.
for ( var zpos= -1000; zpos < 1000; zpos+=20 ) {
// we make a particle material and pass through the
// colour and custom particle render function we defined.
var particleTexture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('img/fly.png');
material = new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial( { map: particleTexture, transparent: true, program: particleRender } );
// make the particle
particle = new THREE.Particle(material);
// give it a random x and y position between -500 and 500
particle.position.x = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
particle.position.y = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
// set its z position
particle.position.z = zpos;
// scale it up a bit
particle.scale.x = particle.scale.y = 0.3;
// add it to the scene
scene.add( particle );
// and to the array of particles.
Problem is, when I'm resizing page, all those images gets their width crushed and does not keep proportions. How to keep size of images, while resizing page?
Full code:
// the main three.js components
var camera, scene, renderer,
// to keep track of the mouse position
mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0,
// an array to store our particles in
particles = [];
// let's get going!
function init() {
// Camera params :
// field of view, aspect ratio for render output, near and far clipping plane.
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(-50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, -20, -10000 );
// move the camera backwards so we can see stuff!
// default position is 0,0,0.
camera.position.z = 80;
// the scene contains all the 3D object data
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// camera needs to go in the scene
// and the CanvasRenderer figures out what the
// stuff in the scene looks like and draws it!
renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
// the renderer's canvas domElement is added to the body
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// add the mouse move listener
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
// render 30 times a second (should also look
// at requestAnimationFrame)
// the main update function, called 30 times a second
function update() {
// and render the scene from the perspective of the camera
renderer.render( scene, camera );
// creates a random field of Particle objects
function makeParticles() {
var particle, material;
// we're gonna move from z position -1000 (far away)
// to 1000 (where the camera is) and add a random particle at every pos.
for ( var zpos= -1000; zpos < 1000; zpos+=20 ) {
// we make a particle material and pass through the
// colour and custom particle render function we defined.
var particleTexture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('img/fly.png');
material = new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial( { map: particleTexture, transparent: true, program: particleRender } );
// make the particle
particle = new THREE.Particle(material);
// give it a random x and y position between -500 and 500
particle.position.x = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
particle.position.y = Math.random() * 1000 - 500;
// set its z position
particle.position.z = zpos;
// scale it up a bit
particle.scale.x = particle.scale.y = 0.3;
// add it to the scene
scene.add( particle );
// and to the array of particles.
// there isn't a built in circle particle renderer
// so we have to define our own.
function particleRender( context ) {
// we get passed a reference to the canvas context
// and we just have to draw our shape at 0,0 - in this
// case an arc from 0 to 2Pi radians or 360ยบ - a full circle!
context.arc( 0, 0, 1, 0, Math.PI * 2, true );
// moves all the particles dependent on mouse position
function updateParticles() {
// iterate through every particle
for(var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {
particle = particles[i];
// and move it forward dependent on the mouseY position.
particle.position.z += mouseY * 0.02;
// if the particle is too close move it to the back
if(particle.position.z>1500) particle.position.z-=2300;
// called when the mouse moves
function onMouseMove( event ) {
// store the mouseX and mouseY position
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;

I guess, you need to resize the renderer and update the camera aspect ratio. The following code can be found in almost every three.js example, but I don't see it in your code.
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
function onWindowResize() {
var canvasWidth = window.innerWidth;
var canvasHeight = window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( canvasWidth, canvasHeight );
camera.aspect = canvasWidth / canvasHeight;


How to select single material using Raycaster and GLTF loader

I am loading a model through GLTF loader. I want to select a mesh on mouse hover. Everything is going cool, but the main problem is when hovering its changing the color all material whose name is same (as per my researches). When i am debugging its INTERSECTED returning single material. I don't know why its happening. After many researches i am asking this question here.
Please see my code below.
<div id="ThreeJS" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px"></div>
var container, scene, camera, renderer, controls, stats;
var clock = new THREE.Clock();
var xyzz;
// custom global variables
var cube;
var projector,
mouse = {
x: 0,
y: 0
function init() {
scene = new THREE.Scene();
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth,
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var VIEW_ANGLE = 45,
NEAR = 0.1,
FAR = 20000;
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(VIEW_ANGLE, ASPECT, NEAR, FAR);
camera.position.set(0, 0, 0);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
antialias: true
container = document.getElementById("ThreeJS");
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
stats = new Stats(); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = 100;
const skyColor = 0xb1e1ff; // light blue
const groundColor = 0xb97a20; // brownish orange
const intensity = 5;
const light = new THREE.HemisphereLight(
scene.background = new THREE.Color("#fff");
// GLTF Loader
function frameArea(sizeToFitOnScreen, boxSize, boxCenter, camera) {
const halfSizeToFitOnScreen = sizeToFitOnScreen * 0.5;
const halfFovY = THREE.Math.degToRad(camera.fov * 0.5);
const distance = halfSizeToFitOnScreen / Math.tan(halfFovY);
// compute a unit vector that points in the direction the camera is now
// in the xz plane from the center of the box
const direction = new THREE.Vector3()
.subVectors(camera.position, boxCenter)
.multiply(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 1))
// move the camera to a position distance units way from the center
// in whatever direction the camera was from the center already
// pick some near and far values for the frustum that
// will contain the box.
camera.near = boxSize / 100;
camera.far = boxSize * 100;
// point the camera to look at the center of the box
// camera.position.set(0, 150, 400);
camera.lookAt(boxCenter.x, boxCenter.y, boxCenter.z);
var loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
// resource URL
"models/gltf/DamagedHelmet/glTF/50423_ Revit Model.gltf",
// called when the resource is loaded
function(gltf) {
const root = gltf.scene;
// console.log(dumpObject(root).join("\n"));
const box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(root);
const boxSize = box.getSize(new THREE.Vector3()).length();
const boxCenter = box.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3());
// set the camera to frame the box
frameArea(boxSize * 1, boxSize, boxCenter, camera);
// update the Trackball controls to handle the new size
controls.maxDistance = boxSize * 10;;
// called while loading is progressing
function(xhr) {
console.log((xhr.loaded / * 100 + "% loaded");
// called when loading has errors
function(error) {
console.log("An error happened");
projector = new THREE.Projector();
// when the mouse moves, call the given function
document.addEventListener("mousemove", onDocumentMouseMove, false);
function onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
// update the mouse variable
mouse.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
function animate() {
function update() {
// find intersections
// create a Ray with origin at the mouse position
// and direction into the scene (camera direction)
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(mouse.x, mouse.y, 1);
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster(
// create an array containing all objects in the scene with which the ray intersects
var intersects = ray.intersectObjects(scene.children, true);
// INTERSECTED = the object in the scene currently closest to the camera
// and intersected by the Ray projected from the mouse position
// if there is one (or more) intersections
if (intersects.length > 0) {
// if the closest object intersected is not the currently stored intersection object
if (intersects[0].object != INTERSECTED) {
// restore previous intersection object (if it exists) to its original color
// store reference to closest object as current intersection object
INTERSECTED = intersects[0].object;
// store color of closest object (for later restoration)
INTERSECTED.currentHex = INTERSECTED.material.color.getHex();
// set a new color for closest object
// there are no intersections
else {
// restore previous intersection object (if it exists) to its original color
// remove previous intersection object reference
// by setting current intersection object to "nothing"
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function dumpObject(obj, lines = [], isLast = true, prefix = "") {
const localPrefix = isLast ? "└─" : "├─";
`${prefix}${prefix ? localPrefix : ""}${ || "*no-name*"} [${
const newPrefix = prefix + (isLast ? " " : "│ ");
const lastNdx = obj.children.length - 1;
obj.children.forEach((child, ndx) => {
const isLast = ndx === lastNdx;
dumpObject(child, lines, isLast, newPrefix);
return lines;
Please help me out.
I didn't read through all of the code, but I think this might already help:
In your intersection-handler, you are updating the color of the material assigned to the object (INTERSECTED.material.color.setHex(...)). This will cause the problems you describe as identical materials are very likely reused for multiple objects. To prevent that, you could use a different material:
const hightlightMaterial = new MeshStandardMaterial(...);
and instead of just updating the color, replace the material:
INTERSECTED.originalMaterial = INTERSECTED.material;
INTERSECTED.material = highlightMaterial;
Restore the original when "unhighlighting" the object:
INTERSECTED.material = INTERSECTED.originalMaterial;
delete INTERSECTED.originalMaterial;
If you need the highlightMaterial to retain other material-properties from the original, you can do this to copy over all material properties beforehand:

Why am I not able to scale or set position of a mesh in three.js?

As you can see below, I added a mesh to the scene but everytime I try to scale it or set position, I get an error that the mesh is null.
mesh2.scale.set(0.2, 0.3, 0.2);
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of null
check it out at
Please help as I have wasted hours trying to get this to work.
function init()
var scene = new THREE.Scene();//CREATE NEW THREE JS SCENE
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth, SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias:true}); //INIT NEW THREE JS RENDERER
renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio ); //SET PIXEL RATIO FOR MOBILE DEVICES
renderer.setClearColor(new THREE.Color('#005b96'), 1) //SET BG COLOR
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); //APPLY CANVAS TO BODY = "canvas_threeJS";//ADD ID TO CANVAS
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( VIEW_ANGLE, ASPECT, NEAR, FAR);
camera.position.set(0,3,8); //SET CAMERA POSITION
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-5));
var ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight("#6497b1");
var light = new THREE.PointLight("#b3cde0",.6);
var mesh2 = null;
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load('assets/models/spaceship001.json', function(geometry) {
mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry);
console.log("done loading model");
// mesh2.scale.set(0.2, 0.3, 0.2);
var levelSpawn = -100;
var vFOV = camera.fov * Math.PI / 180; // convert vertical fov to radians
var height = 2 * Math.tan( vFOV / 2 )*levelSpawn; // visible height
var aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
var width = height * aspect;// visible width
function update()
renderer.render( scene, camera );
requestAnimationFrame( update );
The problem is that javascript is an asynchronous language. Depending on your background you should read up on that. Try putting a console.log("setting scale and postion") just under or above those two lines. What you'll notice is that the position and scale is set before the mesh is loaded.
What you need to do is set the position and scale inside the callback function that you pass to the load function, just under the console.log("done loading model"); line.
You can also read up on javascript Promises to understand it better.

threejs manipulate particlesystem

I have a problem to detect if my mouse is over a particle to push it away from the mouse
with a particlesystem in threejs
I use a raycaster but nothing hits.
I also try to add a hitbox to the particle but the hitbox doesn't follow the particle.
for (var p = 0; p < particleCount; p++) {
// create a particle with random
// position values, -250 -> 250
var pX = Math.random() * 200 - 200 / 2,
pY = Math.random() * 150-150/2,
pZ = -5,
particle = new THREE.Vector3(pX, pY, pZ);
// create a velocity vector
particle.velocity = new THREE.Vector3(
0, // x
Math.random()*maxVelocity, // y: random vel
0); // z
// add it to the geometry
// add hitbox on particle
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color : 0x45a314});
var circleGeometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry(maxDistance, 8);
particle.hitbox = new THREE.Mesh(circleGeometry,material);
the onmousemove function
function handleMouseMove(event) {
mousePos.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mousePos.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
var direction = mouse_vector.sub(camera.position).normalize();
ray.set(camera.position, direction);
the update function
function update() {
var pCount = particleCount;
while(pCount --){
// get the particle
var particle = particles.vertices[pCount];
// check if we need to reset
if (particle.y > 80 ) {
particle.z = -4;
particle.x = Math.random() * 200 - 200 / 2;
particle.y = -75;
particle.velocity.y = Math.random()*maxVelocity;
// particle.velocity.x = Math.random()*0.4-0.2;
// particle.velocity.y = Math.random()*0.4-0.2;
intersects = ray.intersectObject(particle.hitbox);
// and the position
// flag to the particle system
// that we've changed its vertices.
particleSystem.geometry.__dirtyVertices = true;
// draw
renderer.render(scene, camera);
// set up the next call
a fiddle of my code
For your hitbox to function, make sure that you add it to the particle with particle.add(particle.hitbox). In that case, the hitbox position is fine as (0, 0, 0) because it will be added to the exact location of its parent object. When the hitbox is a child of the parent particle, it can also be referenced as such with particle.children.
Otherwise, as opposed to using a raycaster, you might try checking to see whether any particles fall within a certain range of the cursor's 2D position, and iterate through those within the bounds to push away. When needing to interact with multiple particles at once, that might be the easier option. Hope that helps!

three.js - only one sphere is visible

I'm trying to build 3 red Spheres with three.js...with no luck :-(
Now this is my code...anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong??
The only thing I see is one red sphere...
var camera, scene, renderer,
mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;
function init() {
// Camera params :
// field of view, aspect ratio for render output, near and far clipping plane.
camera = new THREE.Camera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000 );
// move the camera backwards so we can see stuff!
// default position is 0,0,0.
camera.position.z = 1000;
// the scene contains all the 3D object data
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// and the CanvasRenderer figures out what the
// stuff in the scene looks like and draws it!
renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
// the renderer's canvas domElement is added to the body
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
// add the mouse move listener
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
// render 30 times a second (should also look
// at requestAnimationFrame)
function update(){
// and render the scene from the perspective of the camera
renderer.render( scene, camera );
function makeParticles() {
var geometry,material,mesh;
// create a sphere shape
geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 50, 16, 16 );
// give a shape red color
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0xFF1111});
// create an object
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
mesh.position.x = 0;
// add it to the scene
scene.addObject( mesh );
// called when the mouse moves
function onMouseMove( event ) {
// store the mouseX and mouseY position
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
Kind of late, but if all your spheres are in the same position (mesh.position.x = 0;) you will only see one sphere.

Detect clicked object in THREE.js

I have a THREE.js scene where a lot of elements appear, and I need to detect what object the user is clicking on.
What I have done so far is the following. The camera does not move to much - it only changes the vertical position by a limited amount, always looking towards the same point. My approximate method is the following:
I take the coordinates if the click relative to the canvas
I translate them into horizontal and vertical coordinates in the webGL scene by means of a simple rescaling, and add a Z coordinate which is sufficiently far away.
I take a horizontal ray starting from the point above, constructed by THREE.Ray()
I use ray.intersectObjects() to find the first element along the ray.
This method approximately works, but it is sometimes a few pixels away from the actual point.
Is there a more reliable technique to find out the object where a user has clicked?
Depends on what kind of camera are you using.
1) PerspectiveCamera: is ok link that Mr.doob provides.
2) OrthographicCamera: is quite different:
var init = function() {
camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( SCREEN_WIDTH / - 2, SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / - 2, NEAR, FAR);
document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false );
function onDocumentMouseDown( e ) {
var mouseVector = new THREE.Vector3();
mouseVector.x = 2 * (e.clientX / SCREEN_WIDTH) - 1;
mouseVector.y = 1 - 2 * ( e.clientY / SCREEN_HEIGHT );
var raycaster = projector.pickingRay( mouseVector.clone(), camera );
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObject( TARGET );
for( var i = 0; i < intersects.length; i++ ) {
var intersection = intersects[ i ],
obj = intersection.object;
console.log("Intersected object", obj);
Check out this one:
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 5000);
var object; //your object
document.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, false);
function onMouseDown(e) {
var vectorMouse = new THREE.Vector3( //vector from camera to mouse
-1/Math.tan(22.5*Math.PI/180)); //22.5 is half of camera frustum angle 45 degree
var vectorObject = new THREE.Vector3(); //vector from camera to object
vectorObject.set(object.x - camera.position.x,
object.y - camera.position.y,
object.z - camera.position.z);
if (vectorMouse.angleTo(vectorObject)*180/Math.PI < 1) {
//mouse's position is near object's position
Checks for intersection of the mouse and any of the Cubes in 3d space and alters it's color. Maybe this help you.
I ran into problems trying to implement this for a canvas which does not take up the entire width and height of the screen. Here is the solution I found works quite well.
Initialize everything on an existing canvas:
var init = function() {
var canvas_model = document.getElementById('model')
var viewSize = 50 // Depending on object size, canvas size etc.
var camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-canvas_model.clientWidth/viewSize, canvas_model.clientWidth/viewSize, canvas_model.clientHeight/viewSize, -canvas_model.clientHeight/viewSize, 0.01, 2000),
Add an event listener to the canvas:
canvas_model.addEventListener('click', function(event){
var bounds = canvas_model.getBoundingClientRect()
mouse.x = ( (event.clientX - bounds.left) / canvas_model.clientWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( (event.clientY - / canvas_model.clientHeight ) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera );
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children, true);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
// Do stuff
}, false)
Or for a 'touchstart' event, change the lines calculating the mouse.x and mouse.y into:
mouse.x = ( (event.touches[0].clientX - bounds.left) / canvas_model.clientWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( (event.touches[0].clientY - / canvas_model.clientHeight ) * 2 + 1;

