Drag and Drop not recognizing child of drag object in Animate CC - javascript

I'm trying to make a drag and drop, but it's been giving me a bunch of issues. I fix one and another comes up. I had it working where it would see if any part of my drag object entered a target area, but I wanted it to just recognize one part (it's graphic of a pointy thermometer, and you can't measure temperature with the head in real life) demo here.
The error I'm getting is that "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'drag' of undefined" (I labeled 'drag' on the demo, but its a child movieclip inside the drag object)
also, 'thermometer' and 'drag' are both named instances of movieclips.
The Code:
var dragger = this.thermometer;
//tried this to see if it would help
var tip = this.thermometer.drag;
var right = this.targetRight;
var wrong = this.targetWrong;
For moving it:
dragger.on("pressmove", function(evt){
evt.currentTarget.x = evt.stageX;
evt.currentTarget.y = evt.stageY;
if(intersect(tip, right)){
else if(intersect(tip, wrong)){
}, this);
For releasing it
dragger.on("pressup", function(evt){
//lock position of drag object and play animation if any
dragger.x = dragger.x;
dragger.y = dragger.y;
if(hitTestArray.length > 1){
dragger.alpha = 1;
if(intersect(tip, right)){ //Intersection testing for good (also tried 'dragger.drag' to see if that would work. it didn't)
alert("YAY you're right AND it works!");
dragger.alpha = 1;
}else if(intersect(tip, wrong)){ //intersection Testing for bad
alert("BOO its wrong, but YAY it works");
dragger.alpha = 1;
}, this);
for testing intersection.
function intersect(obj1, obj2){
var objBounds1 = obj1.nominalBounds.clone();
var objBounds2 = obj2.nominalBounds.clone();
var pt = obj1.globalToLocal(objBounds2.x, objBounds2.y);
var h1 = -(objBounds1.height / 2 + objBounds2.height);
var h2 = objBounds2.height / 2;
var w1 = -(objBounds1.width / 2 + objBounds2.width);
var w2 = objBounds2.width / 2;
if(pt.x > w2 || pt.x < w1) return false;
if(pt.y > h2 || pt.y < h1) return false;
return true;
To sum up, I need to know how to make it not undefined so that I can test for that little box being in one of the big boxes.

The error is happening because you used this.currentTarget instead of evt.currentTarget on that one line.
Note that your actual code is not the same as the code you posted above. Here is the code in the live demo:
if(intersect(this.currentTarget.drag, right)){
} else if(intersect(this.currentTarget.drag, wrong)){
Not sure if this will solve all your issues, but it should at least get you moving forward.
Looking a little deeper, there a number of issues that are likely contributing to your intersect function not working:
Your right/left bounds are not correct. EaselJS objects do not have a width or height (more info), so the bounds you set just have an x and y.
You can use nominalBounds to get the proper bounds. This provides the untransformed, original bounds of the symbol. You will have to account for any scaling. In this case, the bounds are:
* left: {x: 0, y: 0, width: 275, height: 300}
* right: {x: 0, y: 0, width: 413, height: 430}
Your intersection will have to consider the display list hierarchy. Specifically, when comparing position and size, they should be relative to each other. If your drag target is positioned inside another clip, it will need to consider the parent positioning. I recommend always doing localToGlobal on coordinates when comparing them.
// Find the clip's top/left position in the global scope
var p = myContainer.localToGlobal(myClip.x, myClip.y);
// OR
// Find the clip's position in the global scope
var p = myClip.localToGlobal(0, 0);


What is wrong with my javascript object?

I have just started learning OOP in javascript and I am trying to re-write a simple program using OOP that I had previously written as a procedural program. The program is a reaction tester in which a random shape appears on the screen and the user must click it as quickly as possible. After clicking the shape, the time in seconds that it took for the user to respond is displayed.
I have not gotten very far, I am just trying to make a square of random size and random color appear on the screen, but I can't even manage that. See my code below:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Shape () {
this.x = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
this.y = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
Shape.prototype.draw = function() {
var shapeHtml = '<div></div>';
var widthAndHeight = Math.floor(Math.random()*400);
var left = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
var top = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
this.shapeElement = $(shapeHtml);
position: "relative",
left: this.left,
top: this.top,
width: widthAndHeight,
height: widthAndHeight,
Shape.prototype.colour = function() {
var colours = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var randomColour = "#";
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
this.shapeElement.css({backgroundColor: 'randomColour'});
var square = new Shape();
So far, no square will appear on the screen. All that happens is a div of a random size is appended, but it is always in the upper-left position and has no background color. The console is not helping me because it is not showing that there are any errors in my code. I am extremely confused and finding the transition to OOP is extremely confusing. Any help in understanding why this won't work would be extremely appreciated!
Several small errors:
Warning: function Shape sets up x and y properties that are not used.
Error: Shape.prototype.draw defines variables left and top but refers to them as this.left and this.top in the CSS object initializer. As properties they are undefined - take out the two this. qualifiers.
Error: Shape.prototype.colour is not called, so the DIV elements are transparent. Insert a call this.colour() after, say, setting the CSS.
Error: The css initialiser object value for background color should be the variable name, randomColour not the string literal 'randomColour'. Remove the quote marks from around the identifier.
Severe warning: the for loop in the colour function does not declare i and creates it as an implicit global variable. Insert "use strict"; at the beginning of script files or function bodies to generate an error for undeclared variables.
In summary none of the errors generate errors on the console (undefined CSS values are ignored) but work to prevent the code working.
There are number of issues.
1) colour() method is never called.
2) Referring this.top and this.left inside the css construct won't work either.
3) randomColour is a variable, not a string literal.
Fixed the issues and embedded the code here. Have a look.
function Shape () {
this.x = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
this.y = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
Shape.prototype.draw = function() {
var shapeHtml = '<div></div>';
var widthAndHeight = Math.floor(Math.random()*400);
var left = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
var top = Math.floor(Math.random()*850);
this.shapeElement = $(shapeHtml);
'margin-left': left,
'margin-top': top,
'width': widthAndHeight,
'height': widthAndHeight,
Shape.prototype.colour = function() {
var colours = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var randomColour = "#";
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
this.shapeElement.css({backgroundColor: randomColour});
$(document).ready(function() {
var square = new Shape();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">

canvas class javascript

I'm having trouble with my javascript code. I'm trying to create a moving set of circles where each circle has their own attributes. So far I've managed to input all the needed values into an array, but I can't figure out how to use them properly for drawing on canvas.
Here's the javascript:
var radius = 10;
var step = x = y = 0;
var r = g = b = 255;
var circleHolder = [];
var loop = setInterval(function(){update();}, 30);
function Circle(x, y, radius, r, g, b)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
Circle.prototype.draw = function()
Circle.prototype.ctx = document.getElementById("MyCanvas").getContext("2d");
Circle.prototype.ctx.clearRect(0,0,720,720); // clear canvas
Circle.prototype.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb("+ this.r +", "+ this.g +", "+ this.b +")";
Circle.prototype.ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
Circle.prototype.update = function ()
step += .02;
step %= 2 * Math.PI;
this.x = parseInt((Math.sin(step)) * 150) + 360;
this.y = parseInt((Math.cos(step)) * 150) + 360;
this.radius += 16;
if (this.radius > 200)
for (i in circleHolder)
if (circleHolder[i]==this)
circleHolder.splice(i, 1);
function update()
var ci = new Circle(x, y, radius, r, g, b);
for (i in circleHolder)
ci = circleHolder[i];
I'm pretty sure my problem lies within update() {} but I can't figure out how to do it properly.
EDIT: Okay, I've got it working with some changes! Check this Fiddle! I'm getting "ci not defined" error in the console though, and it has a strange bug: Changing the "if (this.radius > 128)" to higher integer it will make the circles spin faster, I don't know why. If you want you can try to change it to 256 and see what happens.
for (var i=0; i < allCircles; i++)
ci = circleHolder[i]; <----- This is causing the error
it's not 100% clear to me what you're trying to do, but I tried to fix the main problem
One problem is your for loop.. you shouldn't use for in for arrays, do this instead:
for (var i=0 ; i<circleHolder.length ; i++)
ci = circleHolder[i];
see this fiddle
Also I moved your get context and other things that should happen only once into the constructor, instead of having it in the update function.
You're also clearing the canvas before each draw, so the it will only show the last drawn circle per frame. (if you remove the clearRect it looks like one of those old spirographs).
You were also drawing the circles with (255,255,255)(white) so it wasn't showing until the color was changed.
Really there are a few problems with this code:
The context shouldn't be inside a circle class if you plan on having many of them.
You should have some object which contains the canvas/context and an array of all circles.
Then have that object manage the updating/drawing.
For starters, unless there's something else going on, outside of this code:
You are using for ... in ... on an array, for-in is for objects, when used on arrays, most browsers will include methods like .splice and .forEach, and not just the numeric 0...n index.
function splice () {}.draw(); doesn't end well.
Also, what is the colour of your page's background? You're setting the rgb colour of each circle to 100% white. You're also clearing the canvas... ...which might well mean that the whole thing is transparent. So if you've got a transparent canvas, white circles and a white background, chances are great you're not going to be seeing anything at all, if this is even working without spitting out an error.
It might make a lot more sense to move your logic around in a way that lets you follow what's going on.
If you make a circle constructor, don't have it do anything but make a new circle.
Inside of your update, create a circle.
THEN put it inside of your circle collection (not in the circle constructor).
In a large application, you will typically call update on ALL objects, and then call draw on ALL objects, rather than updating and drawing one at a time.
Imagine a game that didn't bother to check if you had been hit by a bullet before drawing you and letting you move, for instance.
So inside of your loop, you should have an update and a draw.
Inside of the update, create your circles add them to the list and update the positions of them.
Inside of the draw, draw the circles.
In the future, this will give you the benefit of having things like collision-detection, without having to redraw everything, multiple times per frame.
Also, don't do DOM-access inside of a function that's going to be called many, many times (Circle.draw).
That will demolish your framerate in the future.
Instead, pass the function a dependency (the canvas).
// inside of the main game's scope
var screen = document.getElementById(...).getContext("2d");
// inside of your new draw function, in the animation/game loop
var i = 0, allCircles = circleHolder.length, currentCircle;
for (; i < allCircles; i += 1) {
currentCircle = circleHolder[i];

Building a grid of circles with text inside and... moving things around

I'm desperately trying to build a grid with circles and text inside. So far so good, I can do that... My real problem is being able to find each set and move it around (text AND circle). I've tried to look at similar issues, but I can't find out by myself... If someone could give me a clue, I'd greatly appreciate.
Here's a simplified code (only 1 line) that doesn't work :
$(function() {
// Prepare drawing zone
var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById('question'), '100%', '100%');
var word = 'Sunday';
var group = new Array();
// Draw 5 circles with text inside
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
group[i] = paper.set();
group[i].push(paper.circle(50+i*60, 50, 30));
group[i].push(paper.text(50+i*60, 50, word));
group[i].click(function() {
group[i].translate(20,20); // HERE'S THE PROBLEM group[i] DOESN'T WORK !
group[i].rotate(Math.random() * 90);
I can't find out a way of 'calling' my sets for further reference...
Of course, If I have only 1 set (and no array=, it works...
Thanks for your help!
Edit : jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/rrWqM/
Edit : I'm not sure I'm clear enough. What I would like is to be able to click on 1 circle (and text), and see THIS circle AND text move. If I click on another one, then the other one moves... It sounds so simple I can't believe I'm stuck on that... Thanks for the help.
Here is a [fiddle][http://jsfiddle.net/DusKv/1/]
The problem in your code is that the i variable does not have the right value when the click callback function is invoked. You can work around this by defining a local variable in the enclosing scope.
// Prepare drawing zone
var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById('question'), '100%', '100%');
var word = 'Sunday';
var group = new Array();
// Draw 10 circles with text inside
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var set = paper.set();
set.push(paper.circle(50 + i * 30, 50, 50));
set.push(paper.text(50 + i * 30, 50, word));
set.click(function() {
set.translate(Math.random() * 350, Math.random() * 380); // HERE'S THE PROBLEM group[i] DOESN'T WORK !
set.rotate(Math.random() * 90);
group[i] = set;
Eventually, I found a turnaround this way : jsfiddle
Now I get a correct reference in my click event.
I must admit I didn't quite understand my initial problem. If you could at least tell me if this new 'solution' sounds good to you, I'd appreciate ;-)

Can't get the initial values of an HTML CSS Element using javascript

I'm trying to manipulate a div element. Although I have defined certain property values, I can't seem to get the initial values.
Here's the problem: Fiddle
I'm at the end of my rope... Thanks.
I think you have to use document.styleSheets, find your stylesheet, then loop through the cssRules(IE rules) list to match a selector to "#viewbase" and then you can access your style properties like you would have with inline styles, since the style info in there is also a CSSStyleDeclaration ( so you can use element.style.left and so on).
Sidenode: getComputedStyle doesn't work on most versions of IE. IE has currentStyle properties for each element, but it's not the same thing. Maybe a combination of both will also work.
Managed to get the initial positions, if that's what you need, you can reassign these values if i remember well.
function trigger(e) {
item = this;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
x1 = e.pageX;
y1 = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
x1 = e.clientX;
y1 = e.clientY;
document.getElementById("ex").innerHTML = x1;
document.getElementById("wye").innerHTML= y1;
// the stylesheet you defined, in a standalone context, it might
// have another index, (i.e. 0 if it's the only one)
list = document.styleSheets[2].cssRules;
for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++)
//match #viewbase
if(list[i].selectorText.toLowerCase() == "#"+item.id)
{ item = list[i];
document.getElementById("xval").innerHTML = item.style.left;
document.getElementById("yval").innerHTML = item.style.top;
document.getElementById("parseX").innerHTML = parseInt(item.style.left, 10);
document.getElementById("parseY").innerHTML = parseInt(item.style.top, 10);
document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML = 'clicked!';
document.onmouseup = release;
The other version would be to use the following
var styleDef = window.getComputedStyle(item) || item.currentStyle;
document.getElementById("xval").innerHTML = styleDef.left;
document.getElementById("yval").innerHTML = styleDef.top;
The problem is that your style is not defined within the html but comes from css. In that case you need to use getComputedStyle to retrieve the styling information. Do something like
rather than item.style.
How about using item.offsetLeft and item.offsetTop. This will include margins and padding, but you should be able to easily compensate for this fact. Here is an updated JSFiddle.
document.getElementById("xval").innerHTML = item.offsetLeft;
document.getElementById("yval").innerHTML = item.offsetTop;
Again, in this case, these calls return 10, 10 respectively, instead of 0, 0, which you are looking for. That said, is this enough to move you past your issue?

JavaScript: Collision detection

How does collision detection work in JavaScript?
I can't use jQuery or gameQuery - already using prototype - so, I'm looking for something very simple. I am not asking for complete solution, just point me to the right direction.
Let's say there's:
<div id="ball"></div>
<div id="someobject0"></div>
Now the ball is moving (any direction). "Someobject"(0-X) is already pre-defined and there's 20-60 of them randomly positioned like this:
#someobject {position: absolute; top: RNDpx; left: RNDpx;}
I can create an array with "someobject(X)" positions and test collision while the "ball" is moving... Something like:
for(var c=0; c<objposArray.length; c++){
........ and code to check ball's current position vs all objects one by one....
But I guess this would be a "noob" solution and it looks pretty slow.
Is there anything better?
Here's a very simple bounding rectangle routine. It expects both a and b to be objects with x, y, width and height properties:
function isCollide(a, b) {
return !(
((a.y + a.height) < (b.y)) ||
(a.y > (b.y + b.height)) ||
((a.x + a.width) < b.x) ||
(a.x > (b.x + b.width))
To see this function in action, here's a codepen graciously made by #MixerOID.
An answer without jQuery, with HTML elements as parameters:
This is a better approach that checks the real position of the elements as they are being shown on the viewport, even if they're absolute, relative or have been manipulated via transformations:
function isCollide(a, b) {
var aRect = a.getBoundingClientRect();
var bRect = b.getBoundingClientRect();
return !(
((aRect.top + aRect.height) < (bRect.top)) ||
(aRect.top > (bRect.top + bRect.height)) ||
((aRect.left + aRect.width) < bRect.left) ||
(aRect.left > (bRect.left + bRect.width))
The first thing to have is the actual function that will detect whether you have a collision between the ball and the object.
For the sake of performance it will be great to implement some crude collision detecting technique, e.g., bounding rectangles, and a more accurate one if needed in case you have collision detected, so that your function will run a little bit quicker but using exactly the same loop.
Another option that can help to increase performance is to do some pre-processing with the objects you have. For example you can break the whole area into cells like a generic table and store the appropriate object that are contained within the particular cells. Therefore to detect the collision you are detecting the cells occupied by the ball, get the objects from those cells and use your collision-detecting function.
To speed it up even more you can implement 2d-tree, quadtree or R-tree.
You can try jquery-collision. Full disclosure: I just wrote this and released it. I didn't find a solution, so I wrote it myself.
It allows you to do:
var hit_list = $("#ball").collision("#someobject0");
which will return all the "#someobject0"'s that overlap with "#ball".
Mozilla has a good article on this, with the code shown below.
2D collision detection
Rectangle collision
if (rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width &&
rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x &&
rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height &&
rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y) {
// Collision detected!
Circle collision
if (distance < circle1.radius + circle2.radius) {
// Collision detected!
bcm's answer, which has 0 votes at this time, is actually a great, under-appreciated answer. It uses good old Pythagoras to detect when objects are closer than their combined bounding circles. Simple collision detection often uses rectangular collision detection, which is fine if your sprites tend to be, well, rectangular. If they are circular (or otherwise less than rectangular), such as a ball, an asteroid, or any other shape where the extreme corners are usually transparent, you may find this efficient routine to be the most accurate.
But for clarity, here is a more fully realized version of the code:
function doCollide(x1, y1, w1, x2, y2, w2) {
var xd = x1 - x2;
var yd = y1 - y2;
var wt = w2 + w1;
return (xd * xd + yd * yd <= wt * wt);
Where the parameters to pass in are the x,y and width values of two different sprite objects.
This is a lightweight solution I've come across -
function E() { // Check collision
S = X - x;
D = Y - y;
F = w + W;
return (S * S + D * D <= F * F)
The big and small variables are of two objects, (x coordinate, y coordinate, and w width)
From here.
//Off the cuff, Prototype style.
//Note, this is not optimal; there should be some basic partitioning and caching going on.
(function () {
var elements = [];
Element.register = function (element) {
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i]==element) break;
if (arguments.length>1)
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
Element.collide = function () {
for (var outer=0; outer < elements.length; outer++) {
var e1 = Object.extend(
for (var inner=outer; inner<elements.length; innter++) {
var e2 = Object.extend(
if (
(e1.left+e1.width)>=e2.left && e1.left<=(e2.left+e2.width) &&
(e1.top+e1.height)>=e2.top && e1.top<=(e2.top+e2.height)
) {
$(elements[inner]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[outer])});
$(elements[outer]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[inner])});
$(myElementA).observe(':collision', function (ev) {
console.log('Damn, '+ev.memo.element+', that hurt!');
//detect collisions every 100ms
setInterval(Element.collide, 100);
This is a simple way that is inefficient, but it's quite reasonable when you don't need anything too complex or you don't have many objects.
Otherwise there are many different algorithms, but most of them are quite complex to implement.
For example, you can use a divide et impera approach in which you cluster objects hierarchically according to their distance and you give to every cluster a bounding box that contains all the items of the cluster. Then you can check which clusters collide and avoid checking pairs of object that belong to clusters that are not colliding/overlapped.
Otherwise, you can figure out a generic space partitioning algorithm to split up in a similar way the objects to avoid useless checks. These kind of algorithms split the collision detection in two phases: a coarse one in which you see what objects maybe colliding and a fine one in which you effectively check single objects.
For example, you can use a QuadTree (Wikipedia) to work out an easy solution...
Take a look at the Wikipedia page. It can give you some hints.
hittest.js; detect two transparent PNG images (pixel) colliding.
Demo and download link
HTML code
<img id="png-object-1" src="images/object1.png" />
<img id="png-object-2" src="images/object2.png" />
Init function
var pngObject1Element = document.getElementById( "png-object-1" );
var pngObject2Element = document.getElementById( "png-object-2" );
var object1HitTest = new HitTest( pngObject1Element );
Basic usage
if( object1HitTest.toObject( pngObject2Element ) ) {
// Collision detected

