FabricJs - Radial gradient for pie pieces - javascript

As you see here: http://jsfiddle.net/Da7SP/60/ I have 64 pie pieces that I want to have a radial gradient from the middle out to the edge. (Live each piece will have different colors) but I don't succeed to create that effect.
Here is the code:
var canvas = window._canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var x=300
, y=300
, totalGates=64
, start=0
, radius=200
, val = 360 / totalGates;
for (var i = 0; i < totalGates; i++) {
createPath(x, y, radius, val*i, (val*i)+val);
function createPath (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle) {
var flag = (endAngle - startAngle) > 180;
startAngle = (startAngle % 360) * Math.PI / 180;
endAngle = (endAngle % 360) * Math.PI / 180;
var path = 'M '+x+' '+y+' l ' + radius * Math.cos(startAngle) + ' ' + radius * Math.sin(startAngle) +
' A ' + radius + ' ' + radius + ' 0 ' + (+flag) + ' 1 ' + (x + radius * Math.cos(endAngle))+ ' ' + (y + radius * Math.sin(endAngle)) + ' z';
var piePiece = new fabric.Path(path);
piePiece.setGradient('fill', {
x1: x,
y1: y,
//x2: x + radius * Math.cos(endAngle),
//y2: y + radius * Math.sin(endAngle),
r1: radius,
r2: 0,
colorStops: {
0: '#000',
1: '#fff',
I thought that it would be enough to set x1 to x and y1 to y to define the coordinates for the middle and then the radius, (before when I used PathGroup that did the trick). but now when I add the Path to a Group or directly to the Canvas the gradient looks completely different.
So, how do I use the setGradient with a radial gradient so it is displayed as if the complete pie was a circle, it would go from the center to the edge
I noticed that if I set x=0 and y=0 then the gradient get centered.
If both x1 and y2 is set to 0 the gradient is drawn from the top left corner, this makes the gradient looks good in the 90 degree bottom - right corner: http://jsfiddle.net/Da7SP/61/
I solved it! Here http://jsfiddle.net/Da7SP/64/ is the Fiddle for you who has the same problem and below you see the result and the code.
This made the trick:
x1: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y1: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
x2: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y2: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
Here is the expected result:
Here is the code
var canvas = window._canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
var x=300
, y=300
, totalGates=64
, start=0
, radius=200
, val = 360 / totalGates;
/* Loops through each gate and prints selected options */
for (var i = 0; i < totalGates; i++) {
createPath(x, y, radius, val*i, (val*i)+val, i);
function createPath (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle,i ) {
var flag = (endAngle - startAngle) > 180;
startAngle = (startAngle % 360) * Math.PI / 180;
endAngle = (endAngle % 360) * Math.PI / 180;
var path = 'M '+x+' '+y+' l ' + radius * Math.cos(startAngle) + ' ' + radius * Math.sin(startAngle) +
' A ' + radius + ' ' + radius + ' 0 ' + (+flag) + ' 1 ' + (x + radius * Math.cos(endAngle))+ ' ' + (y + radius * Math.sin(endAngle)) + ' z';
var piePiece = new fabric.Path(path);
piePiece.setGradient('fill', {
x1: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y1: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
x2: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y2: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
r1: radius,
r2: 0,
colorStops: {
0: '#000',
1: '#f0f',

Here is the code that was missing:
piePiece.setGradient('fill', {
x1: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y1: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
x2: x > Math.round(piePiece.left) ? x - piePiece.left : 0,
y2: y > Math.round(piePiece.top) ? y - piePiece.top : 0,
r1: radius,
r2: 0,
colorStops: {
0: '#000',
1: '#f0f',


Arc between two points: set angle "0" on top

I wrote a function in Javascript that draws an arc. It is based on the Bresenham circle algorithm and, while drawing the points, i check if they are between an initial and a final angle.
It works ok, but the angle "0" is on the "far left" side of the circle, while I'd like it to be on the top while still calculating the angle clockwise. How to do this? Thanks
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function pset(x, y) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
function arc (x, y, rd, a1 = 0, a2 = 360) {
let xx = rd;
let yy = 0;
let radiusError = 1 - xx;
function inAngle(x1, y1) {
const deltaY = y1 - y;
const deltaX = x1 - x;
const angleInDegrees = (Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * 180 / Math.PI) + 180;
return angleInDegrees >= a1 && angleInDegrees <= a2;
while (xx >= yy) {
if (inAngle( xx + x, yy + y)) pset( xx + x, yy + y);
if (inAngle( yy + x, xx + y)) pset( yy + x, xx + y);
if (inAngle(-xx + x, yy + y)) pset(-xx + x, yy + y);
if (inAngle(-yy + x, xx + y)) pset(-yy + x, xx + y);
if (inAngle(-xx + x, -yy + y)) pset(-xx + x, -yy + y);
if (inAngle(-yy + x, -xx + y)) pset(-yy + x, -xx + y);
if (inAngle( xx + x, -yy + y)) pset( xx + x, -yy + y);
if (inAngle( yy + x, -xx + y)) pset( yy + x, -xx + y);
if (radiusError < 0) {
radiusError += 2 * yy + 1;
else {
radiusError+= 2 * (yy - xx + 1);
arc(50, 50, 20, 0, 45);
arc(50, 70, 20, 0, 90);
arc(50, 90, 20, 0, 180);
<canvas width="128" height="128" id="canvas"/>
Just add the following two lines to the beginning of your arc function:
a1 += 90;
a2 += 90;
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function pset(x, y) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
function arc (x, y, rd, a1 = 0, a2 = 360) {
a1 += 90; // add this line
a2 += 90; // add this line
let xx = rd;
let yy = 0;
let radiusError = 1 - xx;
function inAngle(x1, y1) {
const deltaY = y1 - y;
const deltaX = x1 - x;
const angleInDegrees = (Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * 180 / Math.PI) + 180;
return angleInDegrees >= a1 && angleInDegrees <= a2;
while (xx >= yy) {
if (inAngle( xx + x, yy + y)) pset( xx + x, yy + y);
if (inAngle( yy + x, xx + y)) pset( yy + x, xx + y);
if (inAngle(-xx + x, yy + y)) pset(-xx + x, yy + y);
if (inAngle(-yy + x, xx + y)) pset(-yy + x, xx + y);
if (inAngle(-xx + x, -yy + y)) pset(-xx + x, -yy + y);
if (inAngle(-yy + x, -xx + y)) pset(-yy + x, -xx + y);
if (inAngle( xx + x, -yy + y)) pset( xx + x, -yy + y);
if (inAngle( yy + x, -xx + y)) pset( yy + x, -xx + y);
if (radiusError < 0) {
radiusError += 2 * yy + 1;
else {
radiusError+= 2 * (yy - xx + 1);
arc(50, 50, 20, 0, 45);
arc(50, 70, 20, 0, 90);
arc(50, 90, 20, 0, 180);
<canvas width="128" height="128" id="canvas"/>

Fabricjs - rounded corners just in one side

I'm working with fabricjs and I need to create few Rects that attached each other..
The first and the last rect need to have a rounded corner only on the side facing outwards..
I know that I can create custom class on fabricjs but I really new in all the canvas stuff..
Is someone can give me a guidance?
Yes creating a custom class is the best and less hackish thing you can do.
You have to extend rect and override the render function:
fabric.RectAsymmetric = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Rect, /** #lends fabric.Rect.prototype */ {
* Side of rounding corners
* #type String
* #default
side: 'left',
_render: function(ctx, noTransform) {
if (this.width === 1 && this.height === 1) {
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
var rx = this.rx ? Math.min(this.rx, this.width / 2) : 0,
ry = this.ry ? Math.min(this.ry, this.height / 2) : 0,
w = this.width,
h = this.height,
x = noTransform ? this.left : -this.width / 2,
y = noTransform ? this.top : -this.height / 2,
isRoundedLeft = (rx !== 0 || ry !== 0) && side === 'left',
isRoundedRight = (rx !== 0 || ry !== 0) && side === 'right',
k = 1 - 0.5522847498
ctx.moveTo(x + (isRoundedLeft ? rx : 0), y);
ctx.lineTo(x + w - (isRoundedRight ? rx : 0), y);
isRoundedRight && ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + w - k * rx, y, x + w, y + k * ry, x + w, y + ry);
ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h - (isRoundedRight ? ry : 0));
isRoundedRight && ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + w, y + h - k * ry, x + w - k * rx, y + h, x + w - rx, y + h);
ctx.lineTo(x + (isRoundedLeft ? rx : 0), y + h);
isRoundedLeft && ctx.bezierCurveTo(x + k * rx, y + h, x, y + h - k * ry, x, y + h - ry);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + (isRoundedLeft ? ry : 0));
isRoundedLeft && ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y + k * ry, x + k * rx, y, x + rx, y);
Please consider a draft of the class, but should get you the idea.
Then just do var rect = fabric.rectAsymmetric({width:200, height:100, side:'left'}); and try. Change the name of the class to something less ugly.

Raphael Graph - set fixed range

I'd like to be able to cater for missing graph points by breaking the graph line where data is missing.
I think I can achieve this by specifying a fixed range?
For example, if the x-axis should contain every hour in the day and the y-axis contains percentage values, I want the x-axis to always have a full range of 24 hour values.
However, the code is taking the set of times for which data exists and is using them as the range for the x-axis. If no data was present for times between 4 - 11 then the graph shows a straight line between 4 and 11, 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 don't appear on the x-axis and this is not what I want.
Here is the code...
Raphael.fn.drawGrid = function (x, y, w, h, wv, hv, color) {
color = color || "#000";
var path = ["M", Math.round(x) + .5, Math.round(y) + .5, "L", Math.round(x + w) + .5, Math.round(y) + .5, Math.round(x + w) + .5, Math.round(y + h) + .5, Math.round(x) + .5, Math.round(y + h) + .5, Math.round(x) + .5, Math.round(y) + .5],
rowHeight = h / hv,
columnWidth = w / wv;
for (var i = 1; i < hv; i++) {
path = path.concat(["M", Math.round(x) + .5, Math.round(y + i * rowHeight) + .5, "H", Math.round(x + w) + .5]);
for (i = 1; i < wv; i++) {
path = path.concat(["M", Math.round(x + i * columnWidth) + .5, Math.round(y) + .5, "V", Math.round(y + h) + .5]);
return this.path(path.join(",")).attr({stroke: color});
$(function () {
position: "absolute",
left: "-9999em",
top: "-9999em"
window.onload = function () {
function getAnchors(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) {
var l1 = (p2x - p1x) / 2,
l2 = (p3x - p2x) / 2,
a = Math.atan((p2x - p1x) / Math.abs(p2y - p1y)),
b = Math.atan((p3x - p2x) / Math.abs(p2y - p3y));
a = p1y < p2y ? Math.PI - a : a;
b = p3y < p2y ? Math.PI - b : b;
var alpha = Math.PI / 2 - ((a + b) % (Math.PI * 2)) / 2,
dx1 = l1 * Math.sin(alpha + a),
dy1 = l1 * Math.cos(alpha + a),
dx2 = l2 * Math.sin(alpha + b),
dy2 = l2 * Math.cos(alpha + b);
return {
x1: p2x - dx1,
y1: p2y + dy1,
x2: p2x + dx2,
y2: p2y + dy2
// Grab the data
var labels = [],
data = [];
$("#data tfoot th").each(function () {
$("#data tbody td").each(function () {
// Draw
var width = 800,
height = 250,
leftgutter = 30,
bottomgutter = 20,
topgutter = 20,
colorhue = .6 || Math.random(),
color = "hsl(" + [colorhue, .5, .5] + ")",
r = Raphael("holder", width, height),
txt = {font: '12px Helvetica, Arial', fill: "#fff"},
txt1 = {font: '10px Helvetica, Arial', fill: "#fff"},
txt2 = {font: '12px Helvetica, Arial', fill: "#000"},
X = (width - leftgutter) / labels.length,
max = Math.max.apply(Math, data),
Y = (height - bottomgutter - topgutter) / max;
r.drawGrid(leftgutter + X * .5 + .5, topgutter + .5, width - leftgutter - X, height - topgutter - bottomgutter, 10, 10, "#000");
var path = r.path().attr({stroke: color, "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-linejoin": "round"}),
bgp = r.path().attr({stroke: "none", opacity: .3, fill: color}),
label = r.set(),
lx = 0, ly = 0,
is_label_visible = false,
blanket = r.set();
label.push(r.text(60, 12, "24 hits").attr(txt));
label.push(r.text(60, 27, "22 September 2008").attr(txt1).attr({fill: color}));
var frame = r.popup(100, 100, label, "right").attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#666", "stroke-width": 2, "fill-opacity": .7}).hide();
var p, bgpp;
for (var i = 0, ii = labels.length; i < ii; i++) {
var y = Math.round(height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i]),
x = Math.round(leftgutter + X * (i + .5)),
t = r.text(x, height - 6, labels[i]).attr(txt).toBack();
if (!i) {
p = ["M", x, y, "C", x, y];
bgpp = ["M", leftgutter + X * .5, height - bottomgutter, "L", x, y, "C", x, y];
if (i && i < ii - 1) {
var Y0 = Math.round(height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i - 1]),
X0 = Math.round(leftgutter + X * (i - .5)),
Y2 = Math.round(height - bottomgutter - Y * data[i + 1]),
X2 = Math.round(leftgutter + X * (i + 1.5));
var a = getAnchors(X0, Y0, x, y, X2, Y2);
p = p.concat([a.x1, a.y1, x, y, a.x2, a.y2]);
bgpp = bgpp.concat([a.x1, a.y1, x, y, a.x2, a.y2]);
var dot = r.circle(x, y, 4).attr({fill: "#333", stroke: color, "stroke-width": 2});
blanket.push(r.rect(leftgutter + X * i, 0, X, height - bottomgutter).attr({stroke: "none", fill: "#fff", opacity: 0}));
var rect = blanket[blanket.length - 1];
(function (x, y, data, lbl, dot) {
var timer, i = 0;
rect.hover(function () {
var side = "right";
if (x + frame.getBBox().width > width) {
side = "left";
var ppp = r.popup(x, y, label, side, 1),
anim = Raphael.animation({
path: ppp.path,
transform: ["t", ppp.dx, ppp.dy]
}, 200 * is_label_visible);
lx = label[0].transform()[0][1] + ppp.dx;
ly = label[0].transform()[0][2] + ppp.dy;
label[0].attr({text: data + " hit" + (data == 1 ? "" : "s")}).show().stop().animateWith(frame, anim, {transform: ["t", lx, ly]}, 200 * is_label_visible);
label[1].attr({text: lbl + " September 2008"}).show().stop().animateWith(frame, anim, {transform: ["t", lx, ly]}, 200 * is_label_visible);
dot.attr("r", 6);
is_label_visible = true;
}, function () {
dot.attr("r", 4);
leave_timer = setTimeout(function () {
is_label_visible = false;
}, 1);
})(x, y, data[i], labels[i], dot);
p = p.concat([x, y, x, y]);
bgpp = bgpp.concat([x, y, x, y, "L", x, height - bottomgutter, "z"]);
path.attr({path: p});
bgp.attr({path: bgpp});

Raphael js. Fill color along a curve

I have created a circle in which I can choose two points along the circumference of of circle.
I want to fill the portion between those two points.
If you see the demo, I want to fill the angle between two points.
(function (Raphael) {
Raphael.colorwheel = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
return new ColorWheel(x, y, size, initcolor, element);
var pi = Math.PI,
doc = document,
win = window,
ColorWheel = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
size = size || 200;
var w3 = 3 * size / 200,
w1 = size / 200,
fi = 1.6180339887,
segments = 3,//pi * size / 50,
size20 = size / 20,
size2 = size / 2,
padding = 2 * size / 200,
t = this;
var H = 1, S = 1, B = 1, s = size - (size20 * 4);
var r = element ? Raphael(element, size, size) : Raphael(x, y, size, size),
xy = s / 6 + size20 * 2 + padding,
wh = s * 2 / 3 - padding * 2;
w1 < 1 && (w1 = 1);
w3 < 1 && (w3 = 1);
// ring drawing
var a = pi / 2 - pi * 2 / segments * 1.3,
R = size2 - padding,
R2 = size2 - padding - size20 * 2,
path = ["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 0, 1, R * Math.cos(a) + R + padding, R - R * Math.sin(a) + padding, "L", R2 * Math.cos(a) + R + padding, R - R2 * Math.sin(a) + padding, "A", R2, R2, 0, 0, 0, size2, padding + size20 * 2, "z"].join();
for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
stroke: "none",
fill: "#8fd117",
transform: "r" + [(360 / segments) * i, size2, size2]
r.path(["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding, "l1,0", "M", size2, padding + size20 * 2, "A", R2, R2, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding + size20 * 2, "l1,0"]).attr({
"stroke-width": w3,
stroke: "#fff"
t.startCursor = r.set();
var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
t.startCursor.push(r.rect(size2 - h / fi / 2, padding - 1, h / fi, h, 3 * size / 200).attr({
stroke: "#00A0C6",
opacity: .5,
"stroke-width": w3
stroke: "#00A0C6",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w1
t.endCursor = r.set();
var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
t.endCursor.push(r.rect(size2 - h / fi / 2, padding - 1, h / fi, h, 3 * size / 200).attr({
stroke: "#F96E5B",
opacity: .5,
"stroke-width": w3
stroke: "#F96E5B",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w1
t.ring = r.path(["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding, "l1,0M", size2, padding + size20 * 2, "A", R2, R2, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding + size20 * 2, "l1,0"]).attr({
fill: "#000",
opacity: 0,
stroke: "none"
t.H = t.S = t.B = 1;
t.raphael = r;
t.size2 = size2;
t.wh = wh;
t.x = x;
t.xy = xy;
t.y = y;
t.endCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [50, t.size2, t.size2]});
// events
t.ring.drag(function (dx, dy, x, y) {
t.docOnMove(dx, dy, x, y);
}, function (x, y) {
// Rotate on click
t.setH(x - t.x - t.size2, y - t.y - t.size2);
}, function () {
proto = ColorWheel.prototype;
proto.setH = function (x, y) {
var d = Raphael.angle(x, y, 0, 0);
this.H = (d + 90) / 360;
var a = 0;
if(d > 270) {
d = d - 270;
else {
d = d + 90;
var m = Math.abs(d - this.startCursor[0]._.deg);
var n = Math.abs(d - this.endCursor[0]._.deg);
if(m > 180) {
m = 360 - m ;
if(n > 180) {
n = 360 - n;
if( m <= n) {
this.startCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [d, this.size2, this.size2]});
else {
this.endCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [d, this.size2, this.size2]});
m = this.startCursor[0]._.deg ;
n = this.endCursor[0]._.deg;
if(m > 360) {
m = m - 360;
if( n > 360 ) {
n = n - 360;
var diff = m > n ? m - n : n - m;
proto.docOnMove = function (dx, dy, x, y) {
this.setH(x - this.x - this.size2, y - this.y - this.size2);
window.onload = function () {
var cp2 = Raphael.colorwheel(60, 20, 200, "#eee");
var X = document.getElementById('x');
var Y = document.getElementById('y');
var angle = document.getElementById('angle');
cp2.onchange = function (x, y, ang) {
X.innerHTML = Math.round(x * 100) / 100;
Y.innerHTML = Math.round(y * 100) / 100;
angle.innerHTML = Math.round(ang * 100) / 100;
<div id="wrapper">X : <span id="x">0</span>
<br>Y: <span id="y">50</span>
<br>Angle: <span id="angle">50</span>
body {
background: #e6e6e6;
#wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 240px;
left: 100px;
With Chris's help,
I have got some success.
See Demo
Bugs :
1. If you start green first, red breaks,
2. If you start red first and makes angle of greater than 180 degree and when green reduces that below 180 degree, it breaks again.
1. If you start red first and makes angle of greater than 180 degree and when green reduces that below 180 degree, it breaks again.
2. Sometimes arcs in opposite direction.
Cool project. You just need to add an elliptical arc to the color wheel and redraw the path on the onchange event.
I got you half the way here: It works if you move the orange cursor, completely breaks if you move the blue cursor.
To start:
t.x0 = t.startCursor[0].attr("x") + t.startCursor[0].attr("width") / 2;
t.y0 = t.startCursor[0].attr("y") + t.startCursor[0].attr("height") / 2;
t.R1 = (R2 + R) / 2;
t.x1 = t.x0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(50 * Math.PI / 180);
t.y1 = t.y0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(50 * Math.PI / 180);
t.arc = r.path("M" + t.x0 + "," + t.y0 + "A" + t.R1 + "," + t.R1 + " 50 0,1 " + t.x1 + "," + t.y1)
stroke: "#009900",
"stroke-width": 10
On update:
if (n > 180) {
flag = 1;
var diff = m > n ? m - n : n - m;
t.x0 = t.x0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(m * Math.PI / 180);
t.y0 = t.y0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(m * Math.PI / 180);
t.x1 = t.x0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(diff * Math.PI / 180);
t.y1 = t.y0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(diff * Math.PI / 180);
t.arc = t.arc.attr("path", "M" + t.x0 + "," + t.y0 + "A" + t.R1 + "," + t.R1 + " " + diff + " " + flag + ",1 " + t.x1 + "," + t.y1);
Should be able to take it from here.
UPDATE, May 8:
You can fix your first problem by changing the flag on the diff, not on the second angle:
if (diff > 180) {
flag = 1;
The event that's triggering the second problem is the second angle (the red handle) passing the 0-degree mark. The easiest way to catch this is just to add 360 to the angle IF it's less than the first angle:
var m = this.startCursor[0]._.deg ;
var n = this.endCursor[0]._.deg;
var t = this;
var flag = 0;
var sweep = 1;
var path = "";
if (n < m) {
m += 360;
var diff = Math.abs(m - n);
if (diff > 180) {
flag = 1;
Here's the fiddle
Note: You were catching situations where (n > 360) and (m > 360), but this doesn't appear necessary -- the angles arrive at this point in the code already set below 360, at least in Chrome.
Here's working solution:
(function (Raphael) {
Raphael.colorwheel = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
return new ColorWheel(x, y, size, initcolor, element);
var pi = Math.PI,
doc = document,
win = window,
ColorWheel = function (x, y, size, initcolor, element) {
size = size || 200;
var w3 = 3 * size / 200,
w1 = size / 200,
fi = 1.6180339887,
segments = 3,//pi * size / 50,
size20 = size / 20,
size2 = size / 2,
padding = 2 * size / 200,
t = this;
var H = 1, S = 1, B = 1, s = size - (size20 * 4);
var r = element ? Raphael(element, size, size) : Raphael(x, y, size, size),
xy = s / 6 + size20 * 2 + padding,
wh = s * 2 / 3 - padding * 2;
w1 < 1 && (w1 = 1);
w3 < 1 && (w3 = 1);
// ring drawing
var a = pi / 2 - pi * 2 / segments * 1.3,
R = size2 - padding,
R2 = size2 - padding - size20 * 2,
path = ["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 0, 1, R * Math.cos(a) + R + padding, R - R * Math.sin(a) + padding, "L", R2 * Math.cos(a) + R + padding, R - R2 * Math.sin(a) + padding, "A", R2, R2, 0, 0, 0, size2, padding + size20 * 2, "z"].join();
for (var i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
stroke: "none",
fill: "#8fd117",
transform: "r" + [(360 / segments) * i, size2, size2]
r.path(["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding, "l1,0", "M", size2, padding + size20 * 2, "A", R2, R2, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding + size20 * 2, "l1,0"]).attr({
"stroke-width": w3,
stroke: "#fff"
t.startCursor = r.set();
var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
t.startCursor.push(r.rect(size2 - h / fi / 2, padding - 1, h / fi, h, 3 * size / 200).attr({
stroke: "#00A0C6",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w3
stroke: "#00A0C6",
fill : "#8fd117",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w1
t.endCursor = r.set();
var h = size20 * 2 + 2;
t.endCursor.push(r.rect(size2 - h / fi / 2, padding - 1, h / fi, h, 3 * size / 200).attr({
stroke: "#F96E5B",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w3,
stroke: "#F96E5B",
fill : "#8fd117",
opacity: 1,
"stroke-width": w1
t.ring = r.path(["M", size2, padding, "A", R, R, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding, "l1,0M", size2, padding + size20 * 2, "A", R2, R2, 0, 1, 1, size2 - 1, padding + size20 * 2, "l1,0"]).attr({
fill: "#000",
opacity: 0,
stroke: "none"
t.H = t.S = t.B = 1;
t.raphael = r;
t.size2 = size2;
t.wh = wh;
t.x = x;
t.xy = xy;
t.y = y;
t.endCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [50, t.size2, t.size2]});
t.x0 = t.startCursor[0].attr("x") + t.startCursor[0].attr("width") / 2;
t.y0 = t.startCursor[0].attr("y") + t.startCursor[0].attr("height") / 2;
t.initX0 = t.x0;
t.initY0 = t.y0;
t.R1 = (R2 + R) / 2;
t.x1 = t.x0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(50 * Math.PI / 180);
t.y1 = t.y0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(50 * Math.PI / 180);
t.initX1 = t.x1;
t.initY1 = t.y1;
var path = "M" + t.x0 + "," + t.y0 + "A" + t.R1 + "," + t.R1 + " 50 0,1 " + t.x1 + "," + t.y1;
t.arc = r.path(path)
stroke: "#009900",
"stroke-width": 10
t.startCursor.drag(function (dx, dy, x, y) {
t.docOnMove(dx, dy, x, y,'startCursor');
}, function (x, y) {
t.setH(x - t.x - t.size2, y - t.y - t.size2,'startCursor');
}, function () {
t.endCursor.drag(function (dx, dy, x, y) {
t.docOnMove(dx, dy, x, y,'endCursor');
}, function (x, y) {
t.setH(x - t.x - t.size2, y - t.y - t.size2,'endCursor');
}, function () {
proto = ColorWheel.prototype;
proto.setH = function (x, y,cursor) {
var d = Raphael.angle(x, y, 0, 0);
if(d > 270) {
d = d - 270;
else {
d = d + 90;
if((cursor === 'startCursor' && d > this.endCursor[0]._.deg) || (cursor === 'endCursor' && d <= this.startCursor[0]._.deg)) {
if(cursor === 'startCursor') {
this.startCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [d, this.size2, this.size2]});
else {
this.endCursor.attr({transform: "r" + [d, this.size2, this.size2]});
var m = this.startCursor[0]._.deg ;
var n = this.endCursor[0]._.deg;
var t = this;
var flag = 0;
if(m > 360) {
m = m - 360;
flag = 1;
if( n > 360 ) {
n = n - 360;
var diff = Math.abs(m - n);
if (diff > 180) {
flag = 1;
var path = "";
var sweep = 1;
if(cursor === 'endCursor') {
t.x1 = t.initX0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(n * Math.PI / 180);
t.y1 = t.initY0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(n * Math.PI / 180);
else {
t.x0 = t.initX0 + t.R1 * Math.sin(m * Math.PI / 180);
t.y0 = t.initY0 + t.R1 - t.R1 * Math.cos(m * Math.PI / 180);
path = "M" + t.x0 + "," + t.y0 + "A" + t.R1 + "," + t.R1 + " " + diff + " " + flag + "," + sweep + " " + t.x1 + "," + t.y1;
t.arc = t.arc.attr("path", path );
proto.docOnMove = function (dx, dy, x, y,cursor) {
this.setH(x - this.x - this.size2, y - this.y - this.size2,cursor);
window.onload = function () {
var cp2 = Raphael.colorwheel(60, 20, 200, "#eee");
var X = document.getElementById('x');
var Y = document.getElementById('y');
var angle = document.getElementById('angle');
cp2.onchange = function (x, y, ang) {
X.innerHTML = Math.round(x * 100) / 100;
Y.innerHTML = Math.round(y * 100) / 100;
angle.innerHTML = Math.round(ang * 100) / 100;

Raphael pie chart - draw paths anticlockwise

I'm trying to take the demo pie from the Raphael.js (http://raphaeljs.com/pie.html) and draw it clockwise - currently it's being drawn anticlockwise which doesn't make an awful lot of sense. This jsfiddle is the code from the demo:
On line 14 (beginning 'return paper.path' below) changing the second 0 to a 1 should change the rotation to clockwise but actually just screws the plot. Any help would be massively appreciated :) thanks in advance.
Code from the fiddle for reference:
Raphael.fn.pieChart = function (cx, cy, r, values, labels, stroke) {
var paper = this,
rad = Math.PI / 180,
chart = this.set();
function sector(cx, cy, r, startAngle, endAngle, params) {
var x1 = cx + r * Math.cos(-startAngle * rad),
x2 = cx + r * Math.cos(-endAngle * rad),
y1 = cy + r * Math.sin(-startAngle * rad),
y2 = cy + r * Math.sin(-endAngle * rad);
return paper.path(["M", cx, cy, "L", x1, y1, "A", r, r, 0, +(endAngle - startAngle > 180), 0, x2, y2, "z"]).attr(params);
var angle = 0,
total = 0,
start = 0,
process = function (j) {
var value = values[j],
angleplus = 360 * value / total,
popangle = angle + (angleplus / 2),
color = Raphael.hsb(start, .75, 1),
ms = 500,
delta = 30,
bcolor = Raphael.hsb(start, 1, 1),
p = sector(cx, cy, r, angle, angle + angleplus, {fill: "90-" + bcolor + "-" + color, stroke: stroke, "stroke-width": 3}),
txt = paper.text(cx + (r + delta + 55) * Math.cos(-popangle * rad), cy + (r + delta + 25) * Math.sin(-popangle * rad), labels[j]).attr({fill: bcolor, stroke: "none", opacity: 0, "font-size": 20});
p.mouseover(function () {
p.stop().animate({transform: "s1.1 1.1 " + cx + " " + cy}, ms, "elastic");
txt.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, ms, "elastic");
}).mouseout(function () {
p.stop().animate({transform: ""}, ms, "elastic");
txt.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, ms);
angle += angleplus;
start += .1;
for (var i = 0, ii = values.length; i < ii; i++) {
total += values[i];
for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
return chart;
$(function () {
var values = [],
labels = [];
$("tr").each(function () {
values.push(parseInt($("td", this).text(), 10));
labels.push($("th", this).text());
Raphael("holder", 700, 700).pieChart(350, 350, 200, values, labels, "#fff");
Oop, found it.. change the sector function:
function sector(cx, cy, r, startAngle, endAngle, params) {
var x1 = cx + r * Math.cos(startAngle * rad),
x2 = cx + r * Math.cos(endAngle * rad),
y1 = cy + r * Math.sin(startAngle * rad),
y2 = cy + r * Math.sin(endAngle * rad);
return paper.path(["M", cx, cy, "L", x1, y1, "A", r, r, 1, +(endAngle - startAngle > 180), 0, x2, y2, "z"]).attr(params);
The cos and sin are now being made to positive numbers instead of negative, and the 0 is changed to a 1 on the paper.path line.
Win! :)

