Javascript function always returns 0 - javascript

I am writing a function which searches for a value in my IndexedDB and if it finds one, then it should return 1, else it should return 0. The problem is that it always returns 0 though the value exists in a database (variable arr is incremented, but 0 is returned as a result). The code is as follows:
searchAllValues: function(store, type)
var arr = 0;
var obj = {};
AAA.aaaDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
if(storeresult.value.value == type ){
}else{console.log('value NOT found');}
storeresult ? (obj[storeresult.key] = storeresult.value.value, storeresult["continue"]()) : callback(obj)
});if(arr!=0){return 1}else{return 0}
Ok, I have refactored the code as follows:
addInfo: function(store, type, info)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
console.log('value of storeresult==>'+storeresult.value.value);
if(storeresult.value.value == info)
arr.push(storeresult.value.values);return;//If it finds something it should stop here, no more search or anything to be done
console.log('arr length==> '+arr.length);//If it finds nothing after the looping the whole DB, I want it to print this statement, only once (to send it to my DB actually but sending code is omitted for simplicity).
Instead I get console.log('arr length==>') statement executed 2 times, for every key in my object store (there are 2 of them actually). So it is doing the code when it finds nothing AND when it finds the value in the DB. Any ideas how to fix it?
Any ideas would be welcome, Thank You

Because by the time the line if(arr!=0){return 1}else{return 0} is executed the db transaction is not complete and value of arr is 0. Though never used indexedDb, but webSql do take some extra miliseconds to read from DB.
Try to put your return logic inside the onsuccess function where you incrementing the arr. You can simply test it by printing value of arr just before your return logic

You need to learn about how to write asynchronous javascript. There are several other indexedDB questions where there are explanations as to why this happens.
For example: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transaction' of null with an indexeddb

function addInfo(store, type, info, next)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store)
var storeresult =;
console.log('value of storeresult==>'+storeresult.value.value);
if(storeresult.value.value == info)
next(arr);//If it finds something it should stop here, no more search or anything to be done
console.log('arr length==> '+arr.length);//If it finds nothing after the looping the whole DB, I want it to print this statement, only once (to send it to my DB actually but sending code is omitted for simplicity).
Added an extra parameter called 'next' to your the addInfo function.
'next' param is the very last function called if the condition (storeresult.value.value == info) is true.
The next function which you create, will use the 'arr' variable and do whatever with it
your 'return statement' doesnt work the sameway with asynchronous functions, would highly advice you search up asynchronous functions to get a gist of how its different to regular functions
This is how you would call your newly edited function:
//do something with arr
Note that you have a potential state which would break your code
what if the cursor reaches the end of its iterations and never meets that condition (storeresult.value.value == info). storeresult would be null, and the check for the condition (null.value.value == info) will throw an exception
function addInfo(store, type, info, next)
var arr = [];
P4S.p4sPushDb.transaction(store).objectStore(store).openCursor().onsuccess = function(store){
var storeresult =;
if(storeresult.value.value == info){
}else storeresult.continue();
}else next();
And when you call it you handle the scenario whereby arr == null
//do something with arr
//do somethingelse when arr == null


Array returning empty in Javascript

This is all still pretty new to me but I am running into an interesting behavior issue when generating an array of numbers in a NodeJS application that handles .nessus result files. First, some details on what I am trying to accomplish. My application generates an array [1234,1223,1222] of entries from an uploaded "results" file that is then used to query a mongodb instance to determine if those entries are currently in the DB. If those entries are not currently in the mongodb instance, it redirects to a page where a user can edit them before being added. If there are no new entries, it goes to a page to generate a report on the entries.
When a file is uploaded, it stores the new entries. In .nessus files, sometimes there is more than one host with entries. That changes the json structure and the function needs to iterate a little differently. The following function is how those entries are stored. This is important as this is where the weird behavior originates (I think)
function parsePluginNumbers(json){
var pluginNumbers = []
//Let's check the number of hosts
var hostLength = json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report'].ReportHost.length
if (hostLength != undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < hostLength; i++) { //Since there is more than 1, need to iterate over each host to find the findings.
var item_length = json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report'].ReportHost[i].ReportItem.length
for (var t = 0; t < item_length; t++) { //Iterate through each finding on each host
if (json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report'].ReportHost[i].ReportItem[t].risk_factor != 'None') {
var newEntry = json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report'].ReportHost[i].ReportItem[t].pluginID
if (pluginNumbers.indexOf(newEntry) == -1) {
else {
} else {
} else {
var item_length = json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report']['ReportHost'].ReportItem.length
for (var t = 0; t < item_length; t++) { //Iterate over findings
if (json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report']['ReportHost'].ReportItem[t].risk_factor != 'None') {
var newEntry = json['NessusClientData_v2']['Report']['ReportHost'].ReportItem[t].pluginID
if (pluginNumbers.indexOf(newEntry) == -1) {
else {
} else {
return pluginNumbers
Once those plugins are stored. Another function is called to look if those results are in the mongodbinstance. In this function, those plugins are in an array "pluginsTotal".
function queryForNewResultsInANessusFile(pluginsTotal, collectionname, filename){ //function to call mongodb query and send results to parseNewFindings and parseOldFindings.
var db = req.db;
var collection = db.get(collectionname);
collection.find({ 'PluginNumber' : { $in: pluginsTotal }}, 'FindingTitle FindingDescription Remediation Mitigation SeeAlso PluginFamily PluginNumber CVE Risk -_id', function(error, result){
var newPluginArray = parseOutFindingNumbersInMongoDB(result, pluginsTotal);
//IF statements go here with specific redirects as needed to check if there are new values not in the repo
During this collection.find call, there is a function parseOutFindingNumbersInMongoDB that is called to determine if there are plugins in the .nessus results file that are not in the repo. It compares the results from collection.find and pluginsTotal (generated from the first function) and returns an array of the new plugins that are not in the repo. The function details are below:
function parseOutFindingNumbersInMongoDB(repoResults, reportPlugins) {
for (var i = 0; i < repoResults.length; i++){
var index = reportPlugins.indexOf(repoResults[i].PluginNumber);
if (index != -1) {
reportPlugins.splice(index, 1);
else {
return reportPlugins
Now to my question --- When I upload a .nessus file with more than one host, parseOutFindingNumberInMongoDB always returns empty even though there are new entries. What gives? Is it the way I parse out the numbers to begin with in the parsePluginNumbers function or is because it is called in the collection.find synchronous function (This seems unlikely as if there is one host, it returns the new plugin values as I want)? Any thoughts/ideas/review would be much appreciated as I cannot figure out what is wrong. I have checked the data types within the array before being passed into the functions and they all match up.
It's always returning an empty array because every element in the array matches the condition to be spliced.
You first retrieve elements that have a PluginNumber in pluginTotal array with this filter { $in: pluginsTotal }
collection.find({ 'PluginNumber' : { $in: pluginsTotal }}, 'FindingTitle FindingDescription Remediation Mitigation SeeAlso PluginFamily PluginNumber CVE Risk -_id', function(error, result){
var newPluginArray = parseOutFindingNumbersInMongoDB(result, pluginsTotal);
Then you remove all elements that have a PluginNumber in pluginTotal
var index = reportPlugins.indexOf(repoResults[i].PluginNumber);
if (index != -1) {
reportPlugins.splice(index, 1);
So the result is always an empty array.

using slice in angularjs array

In my angularjs app, i need to manually remove or add old/new data from a data array (service is executed in a loop). For remove, i use slice(); but there is a problem: the item is correctly removed but execVerif_distant(); is not executed for the next item. With my actual code, execVerif_distant(); is executed for each item only half a time. For example, if i need to remove entire array, only half is removed.
// start the loop, search in local datas
angular.forEach($scope.seaDocument.datas.cages, function(itemLocalCages) {
function execVerif_local(identifiant) {
var iterSearch_local = 0;
angular.forEach(responseZS, function(itemDistantCages) {
if (itemDistantCages.url == identifiant) {
// if we not find the local datas in distant datas
if (iterSearch_local == 0) {
// verifItem(); call
verifItem('remove', identifiant);
// verifItem();
function verifItem(action, url) {
if (action == 'remove') {
var iIndex = -1;
angular.forEach($scope.seaDocument.datas.cages, function(itemLocalCages) {
if (itemLocalCages.url == url) {
} else {
// do nothing
what's wrong ?
The problem is that the foreach is iterating over the same object you are removing things from. To avoid this behavior clone the object you are iterating before the loop and work with them as separate:
// ... code
var arrCopy = $scope.seaDocument.datas.cages.slice(); //this will create a deep copy.
angular.forEach(arrCopy, function(itemLocalCages) {
if (itemLocalCages.url == url) {
//... more code

How to deal with asyncronous javascript in loops?

I have a forloop like this:
for (var name in myperson.firstname){
var myphone = new phone(myperson, firstname);
//Can I put a break here?;
What it does is that it searches for phone-numbers in a database based on various first-names. What I want to achieve is that once it finds a number associated with any of the first names, it performs and then stops all the iterations, so that no duplicates get saved. Sometimes, none of the names return any phone-numbers.
myphone.get contains a server request and the callback is triggered on success
If I put a break inside the response, what will happen with the other iterations of the loop? Most likely the other http-requests have already been initiated. I don't want them to perform the save. One solution I have thought of is to put a variable outside of the forloop and set it to save, and then check when the other callbacks get's triggered, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to go.
You could write a helper function to restrict invocations:
function callUntilTrue(cb) {
var done = false;
return function () {
if (done) {
log("previous callback succeeded. not calling others.");
var res = cb.apply(null, arguments);
done = !! res;
var myperson = {
firstname: {
"tom": null,
"jerry": null,
"micky": null
save: function () {
log("save " + JSON.stringify(this, null, 2));
var cb = function (myperson_, phonenumbers) {
if (myperson_.phonearray) {
log("person already has phone numbers. returning.");
return false;
if (phonenumbers.length < 1) {
log("response has no phone numbers. returning.");
return false;
log("person has no existing phone numbers. saving ", phonenumbers);
myperson_.phonearray = phonenumbers;;
return true;
var restrictedCb = callUntilTrue(cb.bind(null, myperson));
for (var name in myperson.firstname) {
var myphone = new phone(myperson, name);
Sample Console:
results for tom-0 after 1675 ms
response has no phone numbers. returning.
results for jerry-1 after 1943 ms
person has no existing phone numbers. saving , [
save {
"firstname": {
"tom": null,
"jerry": null,
"micky": null
"phonearray": [
results for micky-2 after 4440 ms
previous callback succeeded. not calling others.
Full example in this jsfiddle with fake timeouts.
EDIT Added HTML output as well as console.log.
The first result callback will only ever happen after the loop, because of the single-threaded nature of javascript and because running code isn't interrupted if events arrive.
If you you still want requests to happen in parallel, you may use a flag
var saved = false;
for (var name in myperson.firstname){
var myphone = new phone(myperson, firstname /* name? */);
if (!saved && myphone.phonearray){
saved = true;;
This will not cancel any pending requests, however, just prevent the save once they return.
It would be better if your .get() would return something cancelable (the request itself, maybe).
var saved = false;
var requests = [];
for (var name in myperson.firstname){
var myphone = new phone(myperson, firstname /* name? */);
var r;
requests.push(r = myphone.get(function(phonenumbers){
// Remove current request.
requests = requests.filter(function(i) {
return r !== i;
if (saved || !myphone.phonearray) {
saved = true;
// Kill other pending/unfinished requests.
requests.forEach(function(r) {
Even better, don't start all requests at once. Instead construct an array of all possible combinations, have a counter (a semaphore) and only start X requests.
var saved = false;
var requests = [];
// Use requests.length as the implicit counter.
var waiting = []; // Wait queue.
for (var name in myperson.firstname){
var myphone = new phone(myperson, firstname /* name? */);
var r;
if (requests.length >= 4) {
// Put in wait queue instead.
requests.push(r = myphone.get(function cb(phonenumbers){
// Remove current request.
requests = requests.filter(function(i) {
return r !== i;
if (saved) {
if (!myphone.phonearray) {
// Start next request.
var w = waiting.shift();
if (w) {
saved = true;
// Kill other pending/unfinished requests.
requests.forEach(function(r) {

IE8 long running script error when using DataTables

I have an application that uses the DataTables jQuery library to render content in my target browser IE8. The problem is when I push a big array to be rendered, IE8 sometimes throws up the infamous long running script error.
After profiling the app it seems that the call to __fnAddData in the following code is causing the problem:
if (bUsePassedData) {
for (var i = 0, len = oInit.aaData.length; i < len; i++) {
_fnAddData(oSettings, oInit.aaData[i]);
} else if (oSettings.bDeferLoading ||
(oSettings.sAjaxSource === null && oSettings.ajax === null)) {
_fnAddTr(oSettings, $(oSettings.nTBody).children('tr'));
I was looking around for solutions and saw Nicholas Zakas' write up here and tons of other solutions that would work if the for loop wasn't inside of an if else if "block". When I tried, on my 1st attempt of many, to wrap it in a setTimeout function it of course didn't work because the 2nd part of the if else if resolves to true.
(oSettings.sAjaxSource === null && oSettings.ajax === null) // true
What is a good solution for this? Thanks in advance.
I think you might split up your function in 3 functions:
Before the if statement.
Processing the oInit.aaData
After the if statement
Here is the code split up in 3 functions:
function beforeIf(){
if (bUsePassedData) {
} else if (oSettings.bDeferLoading ||
(oSettings.sAjaxSource === null && oSettings.ajax === null)) {
_fnAddTr(oSettings, $(oSettings.nTBody).children('tr'));
function processData(oSettings,arr){
//process in chuncks of 50;
// setTimeout takes a long time in IE
// it'll noticibly slow donw your script when
// only processing one item at the time
var tmp=arr.splice(0,50);
for (var i = 0, len = tmp.length; i < len; i++) {
_fnAddData(oSettings, tmp[i]);
function afterIf(){
//continue processing
Thanks #HMR. You helped to bring me closer to my goal. To solve the problem I worked my code down to this IIFE:
(function processData(oSettings, arr) {
var tmp = arr.splice(0, 50);
if (arr.length !== 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
processData(oSettings, arr);
}, 0);
}(oSettings, oInit.aaData.concat()));
Instead of using the private _fnAddData function I opted for the DataTables public fnAddData ( function. This way I am able to push 50 rows at a time into the table which is stored in the tickApp.$orders object which I just a reference to my jQuery object that stores the table in memory:
tickApp.$orders = $('#orders');
In another part of my code. They way you had it it was still pushing 1 row at a time instead of the whole 50.
Thanks again.
If you are using ajax to fetch your data, you can override "fnServerData" in your datatables config object. This will allow you to fetch the data to be loaded and then process it however you want.
In my case, I have a generic datatables config object that I use for all my datatables. I override the default fnServerData function with one that passes rows to the datatable in sets of 200 using fnAddData and setTimeout to call the function again until all the data has been processed, finally I call fnDraw to draw the table.
function feedDataToDataTableInChunks(startIndex, data, oSettings) {
var chunk = data.slice(startIndex, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);
oSettings.oInstance.fnAddData(chunk, false);
if((startIndex += DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) < data.length) {
setTimeout(function () {
feedDataToDataTableInChunks(startIndex, data, oSettings);
} else {
oSettings.oApi._fnInitComplete(oSettings, data);
var config = {fnServerData: function(){
oSettings.jqXHR = $.getJSON(sSource, aoData)
.done(function (result) {
feedDataToDataTableInChunks(0, result || [], oSettings);
I am using datatables version 1.9.4

return from JS function

basic JS question, please go easy on me I'm a newb :)
I pass 2 variables to the findRelatedRecords function which queries other related tables and assembles an Array of Objects, called data. Since findRelatedRecords has so many inner functions, I'm having a hard time getting the data Array out of the function.
As it currently is, I call showWin inside findRelatedRecords, but I'd like to change it so that I can get data Array directly out of findRelatedRecords, and not jump to showWin
function findRelatedRecords(features,evtObj){
//first relationship query to find related branches
var selFeat = features
var featObjId = selFeat[0].attributes.OBJECTID_1
var relatedBranch = new esri.tasks.RelationshipQuery();
relatedBranch.outFields = ["*"];
relatedBranch.relationshipId = 1; //fac -to- Branch
relatedBranch.objectIds = [featObjId];
facSel.queryRelatedFeatures(relatedBranch, function(relatedBranches) {
var branchFound = false;
if(relatedBranches.hasOwnProperty(featObjId) == true){
branchFound = true;
var branchSet = relatedBranches[featObjId]
var cmdBranch =, function(feature){
return feature.attributes;
//regardless of whether a branch is found or not, we have to run the cmdMain relationship query
//the parent is still fac, no advantage of the parent being branch since cmcMain query has to be run regardless
//fac - branch - cmdMain - cmdSub <--sometimes
//fac - cmdMain - cmdSub <-- sometimes
//second relationship query to find related cmdMains
var relatedQuery = new esri.tasks.RelationshipQuery();
relatedQuery.outFields = ["*"];
relatedQuery.relationshipId = 0; //fac -to- cmdMain
relatedQuery.objectIds = [featObjId];
//rather then listen for "OnSelectionComplete" we are using the queryRelatedFeatures callback function
facSel.queryRelatedFeatures(relatedQuery, function(relatedRecords) {
var data = []
//if any cmdMain records were found, relatedRecords object will have a property = to the OBJECTID of the clicked feature
//i.e. if cmdMain records are found, true will be returned; and continue with finding cmdSub records
if(relatedRecords.hasOwnProperty(featObjId) == true){
var fset = relatedRecords[featObjId]
var cmdMain =, function(feature) {
return feature.attributes;
//we need to fill an array with the objectids of the returned cmdMain records
//the length of this list == total number of mainCmd records returned for the clicked facility
objs = []
for (var k in cmdMain){
var o = cmdMain[k];
//third relationship query to find records related to cmdMain (cmdSub)
var subQuery = new esri.tasks.RelationshipQuery();
subQuery.outFields = ["*"];
subQuery.relationshipId = 2;
subQuery.objectIds = [objs]
subTbl.queryRelatedFeatures(subQuery, function (subRecords){
//subRecords is an object where each property is the objectid of a cmdMain record
//if a cmdRecord objectid is present in subRecords property, cmdMain has sub records
//we no longer need these objectids, so we'll remove them and put the array into cmdsub
var cmdSub = []
for (id in subRecords){
dojo.forEach(subRecords[id].features, function(rec){
var j = cmdSub.length;
var p;
var sub_key;
var obj;
if (branchFound == true){
var p1 = "branch";
obj1 = {};
obj1[p1] = [cmdBranch[0].Branches]
for (var i=0, iLen = cmdMain.length; i<iLen; i++) {
p = cmdMain[i].ASGMT_Name
obj = {};
obj[p] = [];
sub_key = cmdMain[i].sub_key;
for (var j=0, jLen=cmdSub.length; j<jLen; j++) {
if (cmdSub[j].sub_key == sub_key) {
showWin(data,evtObj) <---this would go away
//no returned cmdRecords; cmdData not available
p = "No Data Available"
obj = {}
obj[p] = []
showWin(data,evtObj) <--this would go away
I'd like to have access to data array simply by calling
function findRelatedRecords(feature,evt){
//code pasted above
function newfunct(){
var newData = findRelatedRecords(feature,evt)
is this possible?
Little more explanation.....
I'm connecting an Object event Listener to a Function like so:
function b (input){
dojo.connect(obj, "onQueryRelatedFeaturesComplete", getData);
console.log(arr) //<----this doesn't work
function getData(relatedFeatData){
var arr = [];
//populate arr
return arr;
So when obj.QueryRelatedFeatures() is complete, getData fires; this part works fine, but how to I access arr from function b ?
Post Edit Update:
Due to the way that this event is being hooked up you can't simple return data from it. Returning will just let Dojo call to the next method that is hooked up to onSelectionComplete.
When init runs it is long before findRelatedRecords will ever be executed/fired by the onSelectionComplete event of the well, which is why you were seeing undefined/null values. The only way to work with this sort of system is to either 1) call off to a method like you're already doing or 2) fire off a custom event/message (technically it's still just calling off to a method).
If you want to make this method easier to work with you should refactor/extract snippets of it to make it a smaller function but contained in many functions. Also, changing it to have only one exit point at the end of the findRelatedRecords method will help. The function defined inside of subTbl.queryRelatedFeatures() would be a great place to start.
Sorry, you're kind of limited by what Dojo gives you in this case.
Pre Edit Answer:
Just return your data out of it. Everywhere where there is a showWin call just use this return.
return {
data: data,
evtObj: evtObj
Then your newfunct would look like this.
function newfunct(){
var newData = findRelatedRecords(feature,evt);
If you only need that "data" object, then change your return to just return data;.
Also, start using semicolons to terminate statements.

