Twitter search API authentication error - javascript

I need to build a simple web application that gets live data from an API, such as twitter search. I am reading about how to go about this in Javascript (I am not allowed to use jQuery for this assignment). Let's say I want to gather tweets about Bernie Sanders. I just want to see the JSON data in my browser window, but when I paste in the link hit enter, I get the error:
{"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"Bad Authentication data."}]}
The link I used was From what I have read, it has to do with 1.1 and Oauth, so I registered an application on twitter and jotted down the consumer and access keys, but I am not sure what to do with them. I really do not know where to begin. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it.

You have to follow the OAuth 1.0 Protocol.


Valorant API

someone helped me with webscraping using's API and puppeteer but since the season change, the API returns this error message
{"errors":[{"code":"CollectorResultStatus::InvalidParameters","message":"One of the provide parameters is invalid.","data":{}}]}
when it used to return an array with all the data needed for the program.
Can anybody help me find the right website for the new season's statistics ?
I'm aware that this post is old but, you can always retrieve the specific endpoints that they retrieve from their own backend systems to the frontend page you're viewing by monitoring the traffic that was requested and filtering it out by 'api' or 'tracker'.
Note that is against anyone from web scraping their website for the Valorant section (and maybe other games) and may try to actively revoke you from doing so. Check their robots.txt just to be sure.
I personally have used their site to scrape data for my own project and had been booted off as a result thanks to their cloudflare 'anti-bot' detection. An example of an api endpoint I found through this method is{userURL}?forceCollect=true

I need a way to get updated oauth tokens for google photos

I'm currently working on an application for myself in which I need access to my own photos/albums on Google Photos. I have gotten by using the oauth 2.0 token generated in the playground, but I'd like to get a more permanent solution that does not require me manually regenerating the token. Is this possible with Google Cloud? The app is meant to run in daemon, so this makes any option with consent pages unusable. The scopes I'm using are:
I have tried using the and endpoints to generate one programatically, but the only minor success I had was /auth sending me to a consent screen. I've also looked at using the refresh token given by Google Oauth playground with no luck there either.
Just looking to see if there is anything that I am missing.. This is my first post on stackoverflow, so please let me know if you need any more information.
I was unable to make it an internal app as it was for personal use and not for an organization.
Solved this by first using the google api package to create my own access/refresh token for my oauth client, then calling the endpoint each time to generate a valid access token. I hope this can be helpful to someone else!
According to the setup documentation, as long as your app is marked as internal, you should not need to verify the app and can use it without the consent screen.

Get steamID with Steam API using javascript

First off sorry if this question is a 'bad' one; I am very new to the world of web apps, API's and Javascript.
As the title says I am trying to get a user's steamID using the Steam API using javascript.
This is for a web app that needs to get information about the games a user plays. (Which from my understanding is only obtainable using this special ID.)
My initial thoughts on how to do this would be to use openID so that the user gives Steam their info and the ID is returned to my app.
I have seen that there are lots of examples of this using php; however, because of project requirements, everything must be run in the browser. There is no backend server to even run php on so it is not an option what so ever.
I have spent a better part of a day trying to figure this out and have made no real progress, everything seems to lead back to using php. (maybe what I need under my requirements is not possible?) So an example or anything really would be much appreciated.
welcome to Stack Overflow I can see you are confused as to where to start or progress so here is a basic roadmap:
You will need to contact Steam to get an API key first.
Next part is more tricky for a beginner. You will need to get node.js which is a package manager. Effectively it's a large library of javascript programs which you can import into your own program to do things with. One of these so called "packages" is openid-client, which is an implementation of openID that you can add to your site. Users click on the openID button on your site, it redirects them to steam servers, they login, then your site gets their info without leaking their username or password to you.
Now that you have both the steamID and your API Key your program can input these two into the url steam provides to get owned games. You can input this completed url into fetch or axios (another node package that can request data from servers) and it will respond with the user's owned games in json format.
Here are a list of resources in order to get you started: OR
I suggest reading the documentation in each of these links and seeing if there is any youtube tutorials that try and do what you are doing with these technologies to help you implement them as a newbie. Overall there is a lot to learn on each of these technologies but as long as you orient yourself using guides or tutorials you will succeed. Good luck.
Check out this page: How to retrieve Steam username using SteamWorks API?.
However, it seems like an issue you might be having is connecting to the actual API. What exactly are you using for testing?
I know from experience, for example, that you can connect using Postman to various API's, and format a request for them in a chosen language, including JS>

Automatically access my Google Analytics and display chart publicly on my website

I'm having some difficulties in figuring out the best way to do this:
Using Google Analytics API, or similar Google API, I would like to track a user's activity from the moment they access the page until they reach an end page, which is gonna show them back some charts with THEIR activity on my website. (Nothing too detailed, just how long they've been on each page, how many session etc.)
So far, I've managed follow the Embed API example to access THE USER's Google Analytics account and draw a chart by asking for permission, however when it comes to showing data from MY account I just can't seem to figure it out.
I want my website to automatically use my account (or service account) and draw some charts from my google analytics data and show it to every user.
What would be the best way to approach this? I've read something about access tokens but I don't know if that's the solution. Moreover, my hosting is a shared host and I don't think it allows installing Python Modules like in this example.
Cheers for the help!
If you want to show the user your data, you will have to perform the authentication on the server side. There is no way around this. It is after all, your account's data that they are accessing.
If you are unable to install Google's client library, you need to:
Get an access token using cURL (see how here)
Use that access token to perform server side authentication for the user (see how here)
The user should now be able to access your site without logging in, and see YOUR data.

Facebook API, single user feed?

I haven't had the chance to work with (any) Facebook APIs, I want to create a simple app that will only list posts from a single (specific) FB user, so I don't want to create login for bunch of users.
I just want to have an app that will list everything that a certain person posts on his FB. Is this possible and can someone point me to the right direction? I'll either do it with Node or Rails. Thanks!
I would use koala, simply get an (your) access token from the Graph API Explorer and start exploring. You shouldn't have any issues returning your feed. Koala handles FB's API pagination for you and everything else.

