Protect youtube link - javascript

I am using video-js in combination with its youtube plugin on my website. Video content on this website is premium and only first X users should be able to view it. Right now its being realised by passing a YouTube link that is unlisted (cant be searched on YouTube and can be accessed via direct link only) into my website and afterwards first X users with specific link to my website can view it.
Logic behind this process lies in fact that these videos can be accessed only through my website so I need to protect YouTube URL from being copied from the JS and HTML.
So I want to ask if there is some way how to dynamicaly obfuscate, encrypt etc. these values/variables that hold URLs so the common user could not steal it?
I say common user because it is clear that the video content is being downloaded into client side so there is no ultimate way on how to protect it from stealing and advanced users can definetly do it but what I mainly want to accomplish is to disable access to the unlisted YouTube URL in the source so the video can be only seen through my website.
P.S. What I know to this point right now - Vimeo provides solution called domain level privacy that provides ability to play videos only on the specific domain what could possibly solve my problem, however my target group are YouTubers so this is not the way I want to go...


I would like to create a music website like mp3 juice/mp3 paw

I want to to create a website that fetch data from YouTube when you search from it in away that any data uploaded to YouTube you can search it in that webapp and find it be available for streaming or downloading more like the way mp3 juice is or tubidy
I tried different codes, online search but I didn't find anything helpful the best I could get was and I coded it was a link pasting site where you paste the URL of the video then it downloads...I want something that people can just search and have there search displayed there any help is very much appreciated (from any language)
If you are looking to create a website that fetches data from YouTube, you will need to use the YouTube API. The YouTube API allows you to search for videos, retrieve video information, and embed videos in your website. You can find more information about the YouTube API here:
Once you have set up the API, you will need to create a web application that can make requests to the YouTube API and display the results. You can use any language you are comfortable with, such as JavaScript, PHP, or Python.
You will also need to create a user interface for your website, which will allow users to search for videos and view the results. You can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the user interface.
Finally, you will need to create a way for users to stream or download the videos they find. This will require you to create a streaming or download service, which can be done using a variety of technologies, such as HTML5, Flash, or a third-party service.
Good luck!

if YouTube video is unavailable in rendered iFrame, hide the iframe? (youtube live stream)

I have a React application. I am trying to live stream on YouTube. What i am trying to achieve is, when i am live on YouTube, i want a certain part of the website to show the live streamed video as embedded. When i am not live, i want this section of the website hidden.
I have tried using the google v3 API but the cost of API calls to search for live videos on the channel is too expensive (i was doing a query to the API and if a video returned i would show the iframe on the site, and if not just hide it). However, with this quota and the usage of the site, this is not a suitable solution.
I also cannot render the content in an iFrame and then just 'getElementById' because then i'd get CORS restrictions. I thought about building some sort of proxy that could just get the HTML from the youtube page and return it to me as a string (by passing the CORS issues), then just checking for an ID to determine if the channel was live or not.
I've tried alot of searching but either im looking for the wrong things or there is limited support for what i'm trying to do. Any other suggestions on how i can achieve this please?
thank you in advance

Preventing user to see video URL in HTML?

I have an web page where users can view videos.
But the problem is when I inspect the page, it shows the video url.
So is there any idea how we can hide video source like youtube and other videos portal ?
There is no way to hide the video URL entirely without resorting to browser plugins. You can obscure it though, but in most cases they won't be worth it.
Using Media Source Extensions you can deliver segments of video data using obscured urls. And the URL won't be immediately visible in the source of the page. This is similar to what Youtube or Netflix does but requires massive engineering work on the backend. This is also the technique used to play MEPG-DASH with e.g. dash.js or shaka-player.
Set it using Javascript, so it's not viewable with view source, it won't help with inspecting though.
If your issue is people copying the stream URL and using it in their own players, then you might look at protecting it with some sort of tokens security. This is supported by almost any CDN out there, and there are plenty of open source systems to do it in most programming languages.
Lastly, if the issue is that you don't want anyone to copy the content, you can apply DRM protection. One of the easiest and straightforward ways to get started with that, might be using Azure Media Services.

Encrypting Src of Iframe

I own a website. There are some movies on the website, which are made by myself. I want to make money from the website by creating paid movies. That means the website visitor need to pay to watch the full movie or to download the movie.
In the website, the movies are played in an Iframe now. My idea is to upload the paid movies into a directory. The directory's name is as complex as a password. Then I will hide the name of the directory so the website visitors cannot download or watch the paid movies without going into my Iframe.
I have already used javascript to prevent right click "Open in new tab" and "Open in new window". I want to know how can I encrypt the Src of the Iframe so that the website visitors will not know anything just by watching the source code.
Please use PHP or CSS or HTML of JAVASCRIPT to solve this problem. Thank you.
Everyone will be able to look up the videos real url using the network inspector / console. The only way to really protect your videos from being watched from unauthorised people would be setting up an appropriate pay wall / authentication scheme.
Encrypted Media is the standard you're looking for.
It will not do what you asked, but is the solution for you.

How to route visitors from China to Youku and others to Youtube?

Is there a standard way of routing IP addresses from certain ranges to a certain link and another range to another link?
I have a large percent of visitors coming from China, but I don't want to make that reason enough to route all traffic to Youku. Oppositely, I don't want to have a broken page element for people in China.
Currently there is a screenshot button that loads up a Javascript popup. Inside the popup is the video that is meant to load. I could run a script to detect the IP address and server the respective link, if there was a way to detect this.
Im wondering if others have solved this issue already, and if so, what method they used.
ps: For those who dont know, Youtube is blocked in China and Youku is one of China's equivalent video streaming sites.
There may be better ways than this, but an possibility would be to let the client load Youtube (or Youku) in an iFrame and then read the contents of it, if you can't get the page or you can catch some error, then you should get Youku.
That does also mean that when Youtube is down for maintenance for example your script would break.
IP routing may be better, but as far as I know there is not a perfect script for it.
You may want to check this: How do you detect a website visitors country

