ajax not working onclick in shopping cart - javascript

I am working with free downloaded "Ustora" template (html theme for eCommerce). In the same I am working with "Add to cart" button in the single-product page. After click it should launch a ajax function that will be insert product data into my cart table in database. But this one is not working.
I am working with this to learn make eCommerce website. Please help as earliest here is my code below.
$row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` where pid='".$_GET['proid']."' "));
echo '<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="product-images">
<div class="product-main-img">
<img src="'.$row[5].'" alt="'.$row[2].'">
<div class="product-gallery">
<img src="'.$row[5].'" alt="'.$row[2].'">
<img src="'.$row[5].'" alt="'.$row[2].'">
<img src="'.$row[5].'" alt="'.$row[2].'">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="product-inner">
<h2 class="product-name">'.$row[2].'</h2>
<div class="product-inner-price">
<ins>'.$row[3].'/- INR</ins> <del>'.$row[3].'/- INR</del>
<form method="post">
<div class="quantity">
<input type="number" size="4" class="input-text qty text" title="Qty" value="1" name="quantity" id="qty" min="1" step="1" max='.$row[6].'>
<button class="add_to_cart_button" onclick="addtocart('.$row[1].','.$row[2].','.$row[3].','.$buid.');">
Add to cart
<div class="product-inner-category">
<p>Category: Summer. Tags: awesome, best, sale, shoes. </p>
<div role="tabpanel">
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<li role="presentation" class="active">Description</li>
<li role="presentation">Reviews</li>
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function addtocart(pid,name,price,buid)
alert("addToCart function working");
var pid = pid;
var pname = name;
var pprice = price;
var pqty = document.getElementById("qty").value; //$(#qty).val();
var buid = buid;
//var cstid = $(#).val();
success:alert("Product Added Successfully")
//error:function fail(){alert("Some technical error occured dufine product add to cart. Please try after some time.");}
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I just want to launch addtocart() function on "Add to cart" button click and after want to insert data in shopping cart.
Thanks in advance

i think the problem is in data where you are sending data to new page
function addtocart(pid,name,price,buid)
alert("addToCart function working");
var pid = pid;
var pname = name;
var pprice = price;
var pqty = document.getElementById("qty").value; //$(#qty).val();
var buid = buid;
//var cstid = $(#).val();
data:{pid,pname,pprice,pqty,buid},//here is the problem
data:{pid:pid,pname:pname,pprice:pprice,pqty:pqty,buid:build},//this must be like this
success:alert("Product Added Successfully")
//error:function fail(){alert("Some technical error occured dufine product add to cart. Please try after some time.");}

I think you need to put quotes around your arguments calling the addToCard() function like so:


When php form submission, submit button disable

And I have use to taken data from form on ps1 script and web services with php code so the page request takes time. The users click the button again and again this process time.
I try jQuery click event but it is stopped the form submission.
myHTML file:
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<div><img src="image/xxx.png" alt="xxx" style="width: 150px;height: 150px;"></div>
<?php echo $result; ?>
<main role="main" class="inner cover">
<form id="form1" name ="form1" method="POST" action="guncelle.php" >
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<label for="uname">Kullanıcı Adınız:</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="uname" name="uname" >
<span id="unametxt" name="unametxt" class="required"></span>
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<label for="password">Mevcut Şifreniz:</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" name="password">
<span id="passwordtxt" name="passwordtxt" class="required"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="newPassword">Yeni Şifreniz:</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="newPassword" name="newPassword" maxlength="15">
<span id="newPasswordtxt" name="newPasswordtxt" class="required"></span>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="new2Password">Yeni Şifreniz Tekrar:</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="new2Password" name="new2Password" maxlength="15">
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When this form submitted , I controlled php side like this:
if (isset($_POST['Submit1'])) {
and then I use this data with webservice, according that I have run ps1 script. Finally i show alert on the form error or success with all process.
I want to disable the button when form submitting. How can I this?
You can use onsubmit event in the form to do it. Please add the onSubmit event in the form as below
<form id="form1" name ="form1" method="POST" action="" onsubmit="$('#Submit1').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); return true;">
Try with this code
<input class="btn btn-lg btn-guncelle" type="submit" id="Submit1" name="Submit1" value="Şifremi Güncelle">

My Ajax form doesn't work

I can't figure it out why my ajax form won't work, I've been scratching my head for a while now. To make it a bit easier my javascript code is at the forgot password section. The console outputs nothing and the page doesn't refresh either so I don't know what's wrong? The result is supposed to be displayed in the <p id="msg"><p/>.
login2.php code:
$data = array();
$data = $_POST['email'];
echo json_encode($data);
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<p class="m-t-30">Lorem ipsum dolor fringilla enim feugiat commodo sed ac lacus.</p>
<div class="form-group form-group--float form-group--centered">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="emailfield">
<label>Email Address</label>
<i class="form-group__bar"></i>
<p id="msg"><p/>
<button class="btn btn--light btn--icon m-t-15" value="submit" type="submit"><i class="zmdi zmdi-check"></i></button>
<script type = "text/javascript">
$("form").on("submit", function(e){
var emailfield = $("#emailfield").val();
var email ='email='+ emailfield;
url: "login2.php",
method: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: {email: email},
success: function (result) {
alert("result: " + result);
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please try this and open Network Tab to see if request is going correctly and your backend is getting hit with this call .
$("form").on("submit", function(e){
var emailfield = $("#emailfield").val();
var email ='email='+ emailfield;
url: "login2.php",
method: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: JSON.stringify(email),
success: function (result) {
alert("result: " + result);
Use one either json or normal key = value
So change here in ajax
data: email,
Return type is json so it should be Json not string without key it will be just string with quotes in .php return.
Either remove dataType: "json", from ajax and return string as .php return value. Or include key in json_encode
To return as json change here
$data["email"] = $_POST['email'];

Changing status data (true/false) on Firebase by web

I can't change the status data on my Firebase project with the HTML site and using javascript (.js) to connect with my Firebase project. I've made checkbox to change the status data on Firebase. But it can't change the data value on Firebase. I've change id checkbox, but there is no result. Anyone please help me. I am newbie. This is my HTML code
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Masuk !
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<h1>Kontrol Lampu</h1>
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And this .js file
$(document).ready(function() {
//this URL to my FIrebase project
var ref = new Firebase("https://firesmartlamp.firebaseio.com/devices/smartlamp/parameters/");
Get the status on Firebase
ref.once("value", function(res) {
var status = res.child("state").val(); //state is my data on Firebase
$('#cmn-toggle-1').attr('checked', status); //cmn-toggle-1 is my checkbox id
console.log("Statusnya: " +status)
ref.once("value", function(res) {
var status2 = res.child("state2").val();
$('#cmn-toggle-2').attr('checked', status);
console.log("Statusnya: " +status2)
Sync to firebase
ref.on("child_changed", function(res) {
var states = res.val();
$('#cmn-toggle-1').prop('checked', states);
console.log("Cek: " +states)
ref.on("child_changed", function(res) {
var states2 = res.val();
$('#cmn-toggle-2').prop('checked', states2);
console.log("Cek: " +states2)
Update value, changed status of Switch
$('#cmn-toggle-1').on('change', function(){
ref.update({ state: true }); //true and false are value of data on Firebase
ref.update({ state: false });
$('#cmn-toggle-2').on('change', function(){
ref.update({ state2: true });
ref.update({ state2: false });
You're mixing all kinds of data access patterns, so I cleaned those up in your jsbin and made it work. The reading from Firebase is now simply:
Sync with firebase
ref.child("state").on("value", function(res) {
var states = res.val();
$('#cmn-toggle-1').prop('checked', states);
ref.child("state2").on("value", function(res) {
var states2 = res.val();
$('#cmn-toggle-2').prop('checked', states2);
So we have the two state properties (state and state2) and attach a value listener to each. That means the callbacks will be invoked "immediately" with the current value and then once whenever the property changes.

Textarea doesn't get updated when I click generate

Trying to use a custom build example to generate and load code pages only when the user clicks on check boxes and submits. However the textarea does not seem to update at all.
I am attempting to get my code working like this example
Here is the code.
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$(function() {
$("a[href='#']").click(function(event) {
$(".toggle-all").on("click", function() {
$(this).parent().parent().find('input[type="checkbox"]').not(":disabled").each(function() {
$(this).attr("checked", !$(this).attr("checked"));
var builder = new DownloadBuilder();
$("#css-generate").on("click", function() {
builder.buildURL($("#css-downloads input[type='checkbox']:checked"), "jquery.selectboxit.css", "css", function(data) {
if(!data.content) {
if(data.url) {
$("#css-download").attr("href", data.url).fadeIn("slow");
$("#javascript-generate").on("click", function() {
builder.buildURL($("#javascript-downloads input[type='checkbox']:checked"), "jquery.selectboxit.js", "javascript", function(data) {
if(!data.content) {
if(data.url) {
$("#javascript-download").attr("href", data.url).fadeIn("slow");
Use $("#generated-javascript-source").val(data.content);
instead of
replace all .text(data.content); with .val(data.content);;

Updating form fields dynamically from field one

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Create League</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<link href="../dist/css/flat-ui-pro.css" rel="stylesheet">
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<script type='text/javascript'>
function addFields(){
var number = document.getElementById("member").value;
var container = document.getElementById("container");
while (container.hasChildNodes()) {
for (i=0;i<number;i++){
container.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Team " + (i+1) +" Name"));
var input = document.createElement("input");
var newIn = '<input class="col-md-6"';
input.type = "text";
input.name = "member" + i;
input.placeholder="Please enter the team name";
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<li class="active">Home</li>
<li>Recent Matches</li>
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<div class="col-md-6">
<h4>Please enter the fields below</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="noofteams">Number of Teams</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="member" name="member" value=""placeholder="Enter number of teams"><br />
<div id="container"/>
I am trying to update the second form field dynamically from the first given input .I am using flatUI and bootstrap css files. but i am not able to change the generated text field type like that of bootstrap or flat UI , Its showing up a basic text field !! Kindly someone help me to resolve this issue. thank you
<!-- jQuery (necessary for Flat UI's JavaScript plugins) -->
<script src="../dist/js/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/js/vendor/video.js"></script>
<!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed -->
<script src="../dist/js/flat-ui-pro.js">
$(".contentContainer").css("min-height", $(window).height());
As you have already included jQuery in your code, you can append new field with a pre-defined CSS class as:
$('.container').append('<input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="something"/>');
jQuery is easy debug then vanilla javascript.
Hope this might help!

