Trigger different events based on how long mouse is held down - javascript

I want to trigger different events based on how long the mouse is held down. If the mouse is held less than a second trigger event 1. If it is held down for a second trigger event 2. If it is held down for two seconds trigger event 3, etc.
I have this JavaScript which displays messages showing how long the mouse is held down, but I am unsure of how to prevent the message shown after one second if the user continues to hold the mouse down for two seconds,
var mousedown = false;
var mousedown_timer = '';
$('#button').mousedown(function(e) {
mousedown = true;
mousedown_timer = setTimeout(function () {
if(mousedown) {
$('#log').text('1 second');
}, 1000);
mousedown_timer = setTimeout(function () {
if(mousedown) {
$('#log').text('2 second');
}, 2000);
}).mouseup(function(e) {
mousedown = false;
Is there maybe a way I could move my timer to detect the time elapsed in the mouseup function?
Here is a fiddle.

Here is how I would do it:
var mousedownTimestamp;
$('#button').mousedown(function(e) {
mousedownTimestamp = new Date();
}).mouseup(function(e) {
var mouseupTimestamp = new Date();
var difference = mouseupTimestamp - mousedownTimestamp;
if (difference < 1000) {
// event 1
} else if (difference >= 1000 && difference < 2000) {
// event 2
} else if (difference >= 2000) {
// event 3


Touchscreen Press & Hold

I want the user to be able to touch and hold a button, and after a certain period of time, a function is called.
E.g. the button text starts as black, turns orange after 0.2s of pressing, and then green after 0.5s of pressing. If it is green, a function, myFunction(), is triggered.
I have made a start on it, more help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
var btn = document.getElementById("pressBtn");
var pressedTime = 0;
var elaspedHoldTime;
btn.onmousedown = function() {
if (pressedTime != 0) {
pressedTime =;
} else {
elaspedHoldTime = - pressedTime;
if (elaspedHoldTime > 200) { = "orange";
if (elaspedHoldTime > 1000) { = "green";
btn.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
elaspedHoldTime = - pressedTime; = "black";
if (elaspedHoldTime > 500) {
console.log("Call Function Here");
pressedTime = 0;
elaspedHoldTime = 0;
<button id="btn">Button Text</button>
(It also has a bug for some reason)
for not fully functioanlity I edited the code and also changed the logic
I come up with variable timerValue which increases in every 0.1s when mouse is pressed and when that timerValue reaches 2, button changes color to orange and on 5 changes on red and prints triggered as well
and on mouseup which will be called after user picks up finger from mouse, timerValue backs to 0 and resets also button class
interval is variable where are I store setInterval function and on mouse release I clear it
I included also paragpraph tag where is shown the timer to understand how it works
const btn = document.querySelector(".btn")
const timer = document.querySelector("p") //can be deleted
let timerValue = 0
let interval;
const mousePress = () => {
interval = setInterval(() => {
timer.innerHTML = timerValue //can be deleted
if(timerValue === 2) btn.classList.toggle("orange")
if(timerValue === 5) {
}, 100)
const mouseRelease = () => {
timerValue = 0
timer.innerHTML = timerValue //can be deleted
btn.className = "btn"
btn.addEventListener("mousedown", mousePress)
btn.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseRelease){
color: orange;
color: red;
<button class="btn">Click</button>
mousedown, mouseup, touchstart, touchend triggers just once when the key is pressed.
To check, if the user is still holding it, you can check for a truly variable inside a setTimeout() function-call, stop the timeout on release or use a setInterval()-function-call that only runs when it's pressed.
For example:
let pressed = false;
button.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
pressed = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if (pressed) { ... }
}, 200);
button.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { pressed = false; });
let timer = null;
button.addEventListener("mousedown", () => {
pressed = true;
timer = setTimeout(() => { ... }, 200);
button.addEventListener("mouseup", () => { clearTimeout(timer) });
As there is already an answer with setTimeout(), here is another solution with setInterval().
let vars = {
interval: null, // used to store the interval id
start: 0, // changes to on every start.
// used to avoid myFunction be called more than once per "hold"
myFunctionCalled: false
}, myFunction = () => console.log("Yes...?");
button.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => {
// avoid start w/ rightclick
if (event.which == 1) {
vars.start =;
vars.myFunctionCalled = false;
vars.interval = setInterval(() => {
let dur = - vars.start;
if (dur > 1000) { = "green";
if (!vars.myFunctionCalled) {
vars.myFunctionCalled = true;
} else if (dur > 500) { = "orange";
} else if (dur > 100) { = "red";
}, 10);
// using window, so the user can move the mouse
window.addEventListener("mouseup", (event) => {
// checking again for the mouse key, to avoid disabling it on rightlick
if (vars.interval && event.which == 1) {
// stop the interval and reset the color to default
clearInterval(vars.interval); = "";
vars.interval = null;
<button id="button">Hold me</button>
If you're making it for a touchscreen, you need to use TouchEvents:
ontouchstart -> when a target is being pressed by a finger
ontouchmove -> the active finger moves off the target
ontouchcancel -> when the the target has lost focus of a touch event
ontouchend -> lifting the finger off of the target
MouseEvents are reserved for mouse / trackpad-controlled devices, such as Computers.
TouchEvents are reserved for touch-screen devices, such as tablets and phones.
Also read this answer for code.

How can I track mouse position every 500 milliseconds for 10 seconds?

I want to capture the mouse pointer position after every 500 milliseconds for 10 secs lets suppose. Can someone please help?!
I tried using 'mousemove' event but couldn't move any further with this approach. Here's the code, hope this helps you. The removeEventListner on mousemove is not working correctly.
var loadTime;
var loadDate;
var clickTime;
var mousePositions = [];
var closeCapture = false;
var isTimerON = false;
var timer_div = document.getElementById('timer-section');
var x , y;
function mouseUpdate(e) {
if (isTimerON) {
x = e.pageX;
y = e.pageY;
// if the timer is ON and position capturing is OPEN then push
// the last pointer position to the array
if (!closeCapture){
var mouseUpdate = setInterval(function () {
pos_x : x,
pos_y : y
}, 500);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseUpdate);
function setTimer (time) {
var x = time;
document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseUpdate);
if (isTimerON) {
var timer = setInterval(function() {
if (x >= 0){
timer_div.innerHTML = x;
else {
isTimerON = false;
closeCapture = true;
console.log("timer off capture closed");
function makeTime(x) {
return x.getHours() + " : " + x.getMinutes() + " : " + x.getSeconds();
function tii() {
isTimerON = true;
document.removeEventListener('click', tii);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
loadCDate = new Date();
loadTime = makeTime(loadCDate);
document.addEventListener('click', tii);
<div id="timer-section"></div>
I would suggest capturing mousemove events for the duration of your time limit (in this example I've set limit to 10 seconds). The throttle variable ensures you only capture once per that many milliseconds (in this example 500ms).
You can use the x/y co-ordinates of the mousemove event to get the current position of the mouse.
const limit = 10000
const throttle = 500
const start = (new Date).getTime()
let last = (new Date).getTime()
const handleMouseMove = (event) => {
const now = (new Date).getTime()
if ((now - start) > limit) {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove)
if ((now - last) < throttle) {
last = now
// do whatever you want to do within your time limit here
document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove)
I think you need this the throttle function will make you capture event in a setup freq. If you code is handle every callback of mouse event. you program will be freeze.

How can I write a javascript function that moves between my tabs on a html webpage every few seconds if the user is idle

I got the basis of the code below from Detecting idle time in JavaScript elegantly
But it doesn't really work unless there is a mouse movement after I'm on a webpage. If I want to load my next html file from clicking my menu bar and I move the mouse a little then do nothing for 3 seconds, the tab will change automatically. But after that change and I STILL leave it idle, it just stays there. I'm trying to write a function that does something when the use is idle continuously every 3 seconds. I want to keep toggling between tabs if the user is idle. I need a function for that or an idea of what methods to use.
function idle_time(){
var t;
//document.onload = resetTimer;
window.onload = resetTimer;
//window.onloadend = resetTimer;
window.onmousemove = resetTimer;
window.onmousedown = resetTimer; // touchscreen presses
window.ontouchstart = resetTimer;
window.onclick = resetTimer; // touchpad clicks
window.onscroll = resetTimer; // scrolling with arrow keys
window.onwheel = resetTimer;
window.onkeypress = resetTimer;
window.onhashchange = resetTimer;
// document.addEventListener("mousedown",resetTimer);
// document.addEventListener("touchstart",resetTimer);
// document.addEventListener("click",resetTimer);
// document.addEventListener("scroll",resetTimer);
// document.addEventListener("keypress",resetTimer);
function next_tab(){
var curr_window = window.location.href; // Get URL of string of webpage location
i = pages_arr.indexOf(curr_window); // Get the index of that location in the array of pages
if (i==pages_arr.length - 1){
i = 0; // If index is at last element go to first element of array
++i; // All other cases go to next tab
window.location.assign(pages_arr[i]); // Load page of the URL
function resetTimer() {
t = setTimeout(next_tab, 3000)
// 1000 milisec = 1 sec
// var timer = 0;
// setInterval(function(){++timer;},1000);
// if (timer == 3 && !(window.onload ||window.onmousemove||window.onmousedown||window.ontouchstart||window.onclick||window.onscroll||window.onwheel||window.onkeypress)){
// timer = 0;
// next_tab();
// }
// else{
// //idle_time();
// }
working demo-
var idleInterval = setInterval(timerIncrement, 3000);
$scope.myListener = function() {
// console.log('idleInterval');
idleInterval = setInterval(timerIncrement, 3000); // 1 minute
function timerIncrement() {
var arr = document.getElementById("someFormId").elements;
for (var i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
setTimeout(function(x) {
return function() {
}(i), 1000 * i);

How to check mouse holded some sec on a element

How we can check mouse holed some seconds on an element.
Means that the function should execute only if the user holds the mouse more than minimum seconds(eg:3 sec) on an element.
Many of the answers found in the stack, but that solutions are delaying the execution, but I want to check mouse holed or not, If yes, execute the function else don't make any action.
Already asked same question before, but not yet get the answer exactly what I looking
Is it possible?
I think you are looking for this, here if a div gets hover and hold mouse for at least 3 seconds then do your stuff like below
var myTimeout;
$('div').mouseenter(function() {
myTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
alert("do your stuff now");
}, 3000);
}).mouseleave(function() {
here's a custom jquery function for that
$.fn.mouseHover = function(time, callback){
var timer;
$(this).on("mouseover", function(e){
timer = setTimeout(callback.bind(this, e), time);
}.bind(this)).on("mouseout", function(e){
$('#my-element').mouseHover(3000, function(){ alert("WHOOPWhOOP");});
just in case OP meant click and hold.
$.fn.mouseHold = function(time, callback) {
var timer;
$(this).on("mousedown", function(e){
timer = setTimeout(callback.bind(this, e), time);
}.bind(this)).on("mouseup", function(e){
Should be easy enough:
$('.your-element').on('mousedown', function(event) {
var $that = $(this);
// This timeout will run after 3 seconds.
var t = setTimeout(function() {
if ($'mouse_down_start') != null) {
// If it's not null, it means that the user hasn't released the click yet
// so proceed with the execution.
runMouseDown(event, $that);
// And remove the data.
}, 3000);
// Add the data and the mouseup function to clear the data and timeout
.data('mouse_down_start', true)
.one('mouseup', function(event) {
// Use .one() here because this should only fire once.
function runMouseDown(event, $that) {
// do whatever you need done
The mousedown handler records the click start time
The mouseup handler records the mouse up time and calculate time difference if it exceeds 3 secs then alerts the time else alerts less than 3 seconds
<p>Press mouse and release here.</p>
var flag, flag2;
$( "p" )
.mouseup(function() {
$( this ).append( "<span style='color:#f00;'>Mouse up.</span>" );
flag2 = new Date().getTime();
var passed = flag2 - flag;
alert("left before");
console.log(passed); //time passed in milliseconds
.mousedown(function() {
$( this ).append( "<span style='color:#00f;'>Mouse down.</span>" );
flag = new Date().getTime();
This is all about logic.
You just have a variable to tell you if you have been listening on this for some time like 3 seconds.
If you are listening for more than that, which is not possible since you should had reset it, so then reset it. Else you do your work.
var mySpecialFunc = function() { alert("go go go..."); };
var lastTime = 0;
var main_id = "some_id" ;// supply the id of a div over which to check mouseover
document.getElementById(main_id).addEventListener("mouseover",function(e) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var diffTime = currTime - lastTime;
if(diffTime > 4000) {
// more than 4 seconds reset the lastTime
lastTime = currTime;
alert("diffTime " + diffTime);
return ;
if(diffTime > 3000) {
// user had mouseover for too long
lastTime = 0;
// else do nothing.
This is a basic code, i think you can improve and adjust according to your requirements.
Here's some code (with a fiddle) that does what you want...
(it also shows how bored I am tonight)
var props = {
1000: { color: 'red', msg: 'Ready' },
2000: { color: 'yellow', msg: 'Set' },
3000: { color: 'green' , msg: 'Go!' }
var handles = [];
var $d = $('#theDiv');
$d.mouseenter(function () {
$.each(props, function (k, obj) {
handles[k] = setTimeout(function () {
changeStuff($d, obj);
}, k);
}).mouseleave(function () {
$.each(handles, function (i, h) {
function reset($d) {
$d.css('backgroundColor', 'orange');
$d.text('Hover here...');
function changeStuff($node, o) {
$node.css('backgroundColor', o.color);

Scroll event firing too many times. I only want it to fire a maximum of, say, once per second

I have a page with "infinite scroll". It calculates the difference between the end of the page and the current page and loads more content if this difference is small enough. The code is soemthing like this using jQuery:
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
if (window.pageYOffset > loadMoreButton.offsetTop - 1000)
# load more content via ajax
Now, the problem is that every time I scroll, this event fires multiple times per scroll. I would like fire at most every x milliseconds. How would I do this?
Check out the Underscore.js library's "throttle" method.
The example it gives is exactly what you're asking about - limiting how often you have to handle scroll events.
One way to solve this problem is to define a time interval and only process a scroll event once within that time interval. If more than one scroll event comes in during that time interval, you ignore it and process it only when that time interval has passed.
var scrollTimer, lastScrollFireTime = 0;
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var minScrollTime = 100;
var now = new Date().getTime();
function processScroll() {
console.log(new Date().getTime().toString());
if (!scrollTimer) {
if (now - lastScrollFireTime > (3 * minScrollTime)) {
processScroll(); // fire immediately on first scroll
lastScrollFireTime = now;
scrollTimer = setTimeout(function() {
scrollTimer = null;
lastScrollFireTime = new Date().getTime();
}, minScrollTime);
This will fire the first scroll event immediately and then get you a scroll event approximately once every 100ms while the scrollbar is being moved and then one final event after the scrollbar stops moving. You can adjust the frequency of the event by changing the argument to the setTimeout (what is currently set to 100).
There is a demo here: which you need to open a debug console window, start moving the scrollbar in the content window and then watch the time of each scroll event in the debug console window. On my version of Chrome, they are set for a minimum spacing of 100ms and they seem to occur every 100-200ms.
There is a cool explanation from John Resig, the creator of jQuery to resolve this situation.
var outerPane = $details.find(".details-pane-outer"),
didScroll = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function() {
if ( didScroll ) {
didScroll = false;
// Check your page position and then
// Load in more results
}, 250);
The source:
var isWorking = 0;
$(window).on('scroll', function()
if (window.pageYOffset > loadMoreButton.offsetTop - 1000)
# load more content via ajax
var now = new Date().getTime();
$(window).scroll( function () {
if (window.pageYOffset > loadMoreButton.offsetTop - 1000)
if (new Date().getTime() - now > 1000)
console.log("Task executed once per second");
now = new Date().getTime();
You can use Throttling fonction calls:
function throttle(fn, threshhold, scope) {
threshhold || (threshhold = 250);
var last,
return function () {
var context = scope || this;
var now = +new Date,
args = arguments;
if (last && now < last + threshhold) {
// hold on to it
deferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
}, threshhold);
} else {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
You can call it like this:
$('body').on('mousemove', throttle(function (event) {
}, 1000));
Here is a solution that doesn't require the use of an extra JS library or plugin, that aims for simplicity. It might not be as efficient as other implementations but it is definitely a step up from firing your main event every time you scroll.
This was taken from this blog post by Danny Van Kooten. Which I have used in delaying my onscroll() events for my back-to-top button on my blog.
var timer;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if(timer) {
timer = window.setTimeout(function() {
// actual code here. Your call back function.
console.log( "Firing!" );
}, 100);
You can also further improve performance by moving out variables out of the callback function to avoid unnecessary recalculations, for example the value of $(window).height() or height of some static div element that won't change once the page is loaded.
Here's an example that is adapted from my use case.
var scrollHeight = $("#main-element").height(); //never changes, no need to recalculate.
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
if (timer)
timer = window.setTimeout(function() {
var scrollPosition = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
if ($(window).scrollTop() < 500)
}, 150); //only fire every 150 ms.
This limits the actual function to only execute every 150ms, or else reset the timer back to 0 if 150ms has not passed. Tweak the value to suit what you need.
the scroll fire multiple times is correct and you should able to get the scroll position differently each time. I think you need to set a timer when you first get in the scroll event like you mentioned x milliseconds, and also record the time stamp, and then next time scroll event fire, check the last trigger time and ignore it if it's within x milliseconds, and do the real job in your Timer action.
One does not need a ton of local variables for a decent throttle function. The purpose of a throttle function is to reduce browser resources, not to apply so much overhead that you are using even more. As proof of evidence of this claim, I have devised a throttle function that has only 5 'hanging' variables referenes in its scope. Additionally, my different uses for throttle functions require many different circumstances for them. Here is my list of things that I believe 'good' throttle function needs.
Immediately calls the function if it has been more than interval MS since the last call.
Avoids executing function for another interval MS.
Delays excessive event firing instead of dropping the event altogether.
Updates the delayed event object on successive calls so that it doesn't become 'stale'.
And, I believe that the following throttle function satisfies all of those.
function throttle(func, alternateFunc, minimumInterval) {
var executeImmediately = true, freshEvt = null;
return function(Evt) {
if (executeImmediately) { // Execute immediatly
executeImmediately = false;
setTimeout(function(f){ // handle further calls
executeImmediately = true;
if (freshEvt !== null) func( freshEvt );
freshEvt = null;
}, minimumInterval);
return func( Evt );
} else { // Delayed execute
freshEvt = Evt;
if (typeof alternateFunc === "function") alternateFunc( Evt );
Then, to wrap this throttle function around DOM event listeners:
var ltCache = [];
function listen(obj, evt, func, _opts){
var i = 0, Len = ltCache.length, lF = null, options = _opts || {};
a: {
for (; i < Len; i += 4)
if (ltCache[i] === func &&
ltCache[i+1] === (options.alternate||null) &&
ltCache[i+2] === (options.interval||200)
) break a;
lF = throttle(func, options.alternate||null, options.interval||200);
ltCache.push(func, options.alternate||null, options.interval||200, lF);
obj.addEventListener(evt, lF || ltCache[i+3], _opts);
function mute(obj, evt, func, options){
for (var i = 0, Len = ltCache.length; i < Len; i += 4)
if (ltCache[i] === func &&
ltCache[i+1] === (options.alternate||null) &&
ltCache[i+2] === (options.interval||200)
) return obj.removeEventListener(evt, ltCache[i+3], options);
Example usage:
function throttle(func, alternateFunc, minimumInterval) {
var executeImmediately = true, freshEvt = null;
function handleFurtherCalls(f){
executeImmediately = true;
if (freshEvt !== null) func( freshEvt );
freshEvt = null;
return function(Evt) {
if (executeImmediately) { // Execute immediatly
executeImmediately = false;
setTimeout(handleFurtherCalls, minimumInterval);
return func( Evt );
} else { // Delayed execute
freshEvt = Evt;
if (typeof alternateFunc === "function") alternateFunc( Evt );
var ltCache = [];
function listen(obj, evt, func, _opts){
var i = 0, Len = ltCache.length, lF = null, options = _opts || {};
a: {
for (; i < Len; i += 4)
if (ltCache[i] === func &&
ltCache[i+1] === (options.alternate||null) &&
ltCache[i+2] === (options.interval||200)
) break a;
lF = throttle(func, options.alternate||null, options.interval||200);
ltCache.push(func, options.alternate||null, options.interval||200, lF);
obj.addEventListener(evt, lF || ltCache[i+3], _opts);
function mute(obj, evt, func, options){
for (var i = 0, Len = ltCache.length; i < Len; i += 4)
if (ltCache[i] === func &&
ltCache[i+1] === (options.alternate||null) &&
ltCache[i+2] === (options.interval||200)
) return obj.removeEventListener(evt, ltCache[i+3], options);
var numScrolls = 0, counter = document.getElementById("count");
listen(window, 'scroll', function whenbodyscrolls(){
var scroll = -document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
counter.textContent = numScrolls++;
if (scroll > 900) {
console.log('Body scrolling stoped!');
mute(window, 'scroll', whenbodyscrolls, true);
}, true);
<center><h3>\/ Scroll Down The Page \/</h3></center>
<div style="position:fixed;top:42px"># Throttled Scrolls: <span id="count">0</span></div>
<div style="height:192em;background:radial-gradient(circle at 6em -5em, transparent 0px, rgba(128,0,0,.4) 90em),radial-gradient(circle at 10em 40em, rgba(255,255,255,.8) 0px, rgba(128,0,0,.02) 50em),radial-gradient(circle at 4em 80em, rgba(0,192,0,.75) 0px,rgba(0,128,0,.56) 10em,rgba(255,0,96,.03125) 30em),radial-gradient(circle at 86em 24em, rgba(255,0,0,.125) 0px,rgba(0,0,255,.0625) 60em,transparent 80em);"></div>
By default, this throttles the function to at most one call every 200ms. To change the interval to a different number of milliseconds, then pass a key named "interval" in the options argument and set it to the desired milliseconds.

