Read from file in Javascript - javascript

Hello I am developing a Google Chrome extension and need to read some information from a .txt file, so I did some research but i just found how to choose a file and read from it, but what I need to do is just read from a path, like c:\file.txt, not choose it and after read. I would really appreciate if any one could help me, thanks.

You should be able to use the runtime API to read local files if they are inside the app package directory using getPackageDirectoryEntry.
If you are trying to read random files then it's not possible without the user selecting it, js is sandboxed.


Need ScriptReferenceProfiler.dll or alternate

I improving site performance and for that, I try to Bundle or combine ScriptResource.axd and Webresource.axd but before combine to I need to know javascript file reference name which is used by ajax control toolkit in web form
like this
I need ScriptReferenceProfiler.DLL to get a reference of the javascript file which is used in ajax toolkit on the web page.
do you have any idea to get this dll file
I go through this tutorial
Or if you have any alternate solution please let me know
The file you looking and reference from the link you add was here :
I can not find it now so I uploaded for you here, both source code and binaries.

How to Read a Local File Using Node.js

I have a relatively simple task that I want to achieve, but I am totally stumped on how to achieve it. I want to create an HTML page that allows users to select a local JSON file. I want to pass the path to this local file to some Javascript code. Then I want to read that file using Javascript every time the file changes.
I've investigated a few different methods for achieving this. First, I tried just using Javascript. This worked great until I wanted to read the file multiple times as it was changing. Evidently there are security concerns that make this impossible.
Next, I investigated using Node.js to solve this problem. It has some file utilities that seem perfect, and it's server-side, which may help with the security issues. But using just Node, I couldn't figure out how to select a local file in HTML and pass the path to the Javascript code. From investigation online, it seems like Express.js would be useful.
So now I'm trying to use Node.js and Express.js. Now I can figure out the file name from an HTML form! But I can't figure out the path to the local file so that I can read it using the Node file utilities... From looking at similar questions online, it looks like everyone uploads files, then reads them. Is that what I have to do with Express? If so, is it possible for me to monitor changes to the original file, upload the file when those changes get made, then read the changed file? Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, does anyone have any recommendations on libraries/modules to use? Thank you so much for any help - please let me know if I can be more clear about anything.

Reading directory's contents using Javascript

I have a single text input box where user enters a path to a directory. I want to fetch names of all the files from that directory using File API in JavaScript.
I was reading from this article: and tried executing the code under Reading a Directory's contents but was unable to understand the code since we are mentioning the directory name anywhere in the code.
So, how can i accomplish my task?
As far as the SPECS are concerned,
It is not possible to read normal file system directories from the browser apart from the upload button / flash etc.
The browser can, however create a sandbox (in its user files) which appears as a directory structure you can manipulate. This is useful for apps that need to play with actual files and store them locally rather than on server.
Real Life story
The filesystem API is not supported, rather dead specs which may find its way to implementation if need arise.
Nearest currently working functionality is local storage

How do I read from external files in JS Bin?

I've been doing Code Year at Codecademy and I wanted to start practicing Javascript for myself, but I've been having a tough time figuring out some basic issues.
For my first project, I want to read in from a spreadsheet. I can't figure out how to access the data from its original source online, so I thought I would just save it as a text file. My question, then, is how to read from that.
So it looks like you can't read local files in Javascript. (Although apparently that's changing with HTML5? I don't have any familiarity with that.) So do I have to upload the text file someplace? Can I upload files to JS Bin? If not, does anyone have any recommendations for where I can upload the text file? And either way, once I do, what's the code to read from it?
Thanks in advance. I am sure this question is riddled with misstatements and improprieties, but I've spent a significant amount of time on this and I can't find anything that seems to answer my question. I honestly thought it would be something simple, like "var inputfile = c:\file.txt" but that seems not to be the case. I am totally lost. Thanks!
You can't. File system and storages in Javascript (or rather the client) is sandboxed.
That means you can only read what is written there in the first place. This has to do with security.
You will need to drop (or select) the local files into the browser and have some mechanism there to receive the drop/selection and store the file to one of the local storing mechanisms such as indexedDB or file API (the latter currently only supported in Chrome). For text files localStorage works fine too.
The other option is to upload it to server and download it from there when you need it.
When you get to this point in your development, its time to run your own webserver for testing as it makes things much easier. If you must insist on doing it your way, uploading the file to a file hosting site and reading it in is still possible. Codecademy is great for getting started, but when you get into dealing with persistent data sources (either files or databases) its time to get web hosting or set up your own test server.
Even then you don't REALLY need your own test server, just a folder on your computer. You can access the files with File://, and link in the file you want to read as a relative path. If the .txt file is in the same directory, you just link it in as "Example.txt" when you open the html file in that directory.

How to parse a CSV file into an array in Javascript

From what i understand, This usually has to be done server side. However i have read that it is possible to point to the csv file in a .js file. This would be more useful to me as i am not messing around with server side code and stuff for this project and will be all on my local machine. I saw an article with example code to do this somewere however i can't locate that article atm. Anyone know how to do this?
To access any file from the system you have to use directX in IE or read up on how to use NPAPI for mozilla support.If you are willing to use HTML5, check out its filereader API here.

