I want to change every column in clustered column chart that be all group same color. I want the same result in the image attached.
Apex chart or am chart or any other library.
i can do this only all group has same color.
In my example I have 1 Chart for range selection and 3 charts which should show the selected area. The problem is after I select a range on the range chart the selection tool gets activated on the other 3 charts and it selects the whole chart range.
must be true on all charts because I want to take selections on the 3 other data charts.
Before the range selection:
After the range selection:
The chart on the top is only for zooming into the other 3 charts on the bottom with the range slider. But after I zoom into the range I want to select data out of the shown "data frame".
The normal workflow of the user would be:
Zoom into the data range you want to see with the 1st chart.
Select the data you want in one of the three charts at the bottom
I wanted to create a dashboard which fetches data from spreadsheet and generates the pie chart. I found this useful link https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/controls#skeleton but it uses two columns for pie chart. I wanted to use 4 columns for my charts and generate pie charts based on each row rather than based on columns.
For example - This selects columns Name and Donuts eaten from the sheet and creates the pie chart.
and creates this
What I want is to use the multiple columns to generate a pie chart. For example pie char for the person named Michael (pie chart with Donuts eaten, Cake eaten, Chocolates eaten)
I'm trying to use Highcharts.js to create a chart made up of two types: a box plot and a column inside the same cartesian axis system.
I've got two y axes with different scales (the one for the box plot data on the left and the one for the columns on the right).
The series share the same categories on the x-axes.
Can I combine this two rapresentations in the same chart? The results should be something like this: Boxplot combined with Columns example.
You could use both series types without any problems. To set each point of boxplot series on left side of each column you could use pointPadding and pointGroupping for columns and pointPlacement for boxplot.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/zyy2g6xs/
This question concerns working with Google Charts.
I have a dataset consisting of categories with contribution amounts, bucketed into the days of a month. I represent the entire month in a pie chart, and I represent the data for individual days in a stacked bar chart. Both charts are essentially based on the same information. If I give both charts their information in the right order, the colors are coordinated between the two (i.e. each category in one has the same color as the same category in the other).
When you hover your mouse over a pie slice, it get highlighted. I would like to have the corresponding data in the stacked bar chart also get highlighted at the same time, and vica versa.
What would be the best way to accomplish this with the Google visualization api?
Use the <chart type>#setSelection method to highlight data points. If I understand your data structure correctly, something like this should work:
google.visualization.events.addListener(pieChart, 'select', function () {
var selection = pieChart.getSelection();
if (selection.length) {
// assumes the row in the PieChart's data corresponds to the data series in the ColumnChart, which is the nth + 1 column
columnChart.setSelection([{column: selection[0].row + 1}]);
google.visualization.events.addListener(columnChart, 'select', function () {
var selection = columnChart.getSelection();
if (selection.length) {
// assumes the data series in the ColumnChart's data corresponds to the row in the PieChart, which is the nth column - 1
pieChart.setSelection([{column: selection[0].column - 1}]);