Handling browser refresh button in extjs - javascript

I am developing a Extjs 5.0 desktop web application. In first page i am storeing text value in singleton class using config methods and In the second page i am displaying same singleton class values using get methods. this works fine.
But if the user clicks browser refresh button on the second page all singleton values are resetting to null. how to solve this issue. How to handle browser refresh button, I have to have use the singleton class to store the values.

The issue is that JavaScript is client side so it has to get made when the page is loaded. The safest solution to your problem would be to store using a backend like PHP. You could put it in a database or in a regular file.
If using a backend isn't possible/desirable then your only solution is to use cookies/localStorage. Both are limited and both are volatile (if the user deletes their cookies the data is gone). Also neither of those solutions are secure if that is a concern for you.


How to store data when navigating between multiple pages in Angular?

I have the following problem in Angular. If I have two pages A and B each containing a table. Then I make changes to Page A in the table, and then navigate to Page B. Now I expect that when I navigate back to Page A, the changes are still there. I don't want to send the changes to the database until I click a save button. What is the best way to solve this in angular?
If you are only wanting to preserve the data for this one instance, then definitely look to using a Service and writing your data to localstorage for it to persist across page refreshes.
If you are developing a SPA, then I'm not sure why you need it to persist across a page refresh since moving between components does not actually send a new HTTP request. You state should be preserved in your Service.
If you find yourself needing to manage state across your entire application and want to do it reactively, I recommend checking out NGRX.
Another alternative that maybe has a little less boilerplate is NGXS, which does the same thing as NGRX.
I don't recommend to use localStorage for your task if you develop SPA application, because localStorage/sessionStorage is limited and it is designed for another purposes - like authentication etc. But of course if you need to preserve your data - like cookie/JWT token etc. even after refreshing the page you can use localStorage.
I recommend to use Angular services for this: please see examples at docs Services/DI docs. Once you registered service as a singleton Singleton services, you can inject it via built-in DI(Dependency Injection) in component which renders your table at page A. But of course, you are not limited in injection only in component which located at page A, you can inject it even in page B etc.

support to login with javascript or

I am developing a web application using Facelets and Entity-Controller-EJB structure. In the application, there are contents which are reachable only if you are logged. A bean checks the login state every time you click on a button/link for the restricted contents, and redirects you either to the selected page or to the login page.
I thought that this way is not safe, as you can write the link directly in the browser instead of generating it from a button that checks the bean. So what should I do? Is there a render option embeddable in each page or should I write a javascript function? In this case, what should I do? I have studied js fundamentals but don't really know how to implement this control!
Thank you for reading!
You cannot rely only on frontend to deny access to some parts of a web application.
This because all the HTML/CSS/Javascript is downloaded on users' browser, so they can read your code and your authentication mechanism, and understand how to bypass it (or just disable it).
More on this: Why are browsers allowed to display client-side source code?
What you need is implementing some security mechanism in the backed.
The simplest one is to delegate this to your webserver (here the instructions for Apache) and then use something similar to this to do login.
Another way is to have a proper backend: you send data to it (email/password) and it provides you a token that you use to access protected resources.
Or also, dinamically create your documents on server side, only if the user is authenticated.

What are the different ways one can use to store form/input/user preferences data on the web site server?

I'm new to web development and I'm trying to make small projects to better understand how javascript works and how interactive websites are made. So I wanted to make a simple website that would save links that you would enter using input/form submission. but what are the ways which I can use to store it on the server so when I open the page next time the website retrieves the saved information and displays it?
I know this question is pretty open, but I'm really lost in this part of web development because I'm seeing too many completely different things on the internet like PHP, ASP.net and what not. Can someone help me out?
It would be very thankful if someone can send me a link to a related tutorial or some similar resource, as well.
If you to do that, you will need a server side program with a Database.
Here is a tutorial for PHP, a popular language to do web pages http://www.w3schools.com/php/
When you submit your data in the form, That data will be sent to the file mentioned in the action attribute of the form. Now, each input element of your form will have a name attribute which you can use to refer as a key in your GET or POST super global array depending on the method attribute of your form tag.
I know it may sound confusing without example. But, This is explained at many links on the web. Try searching for form submission with post.
Decide on which technologies that you want to work with. I prefer you to use ajax with instead of just using javascript.
Link for flask tutorial http://www.fullstackpython.com/flask.html
Store the data in the client side is much simple I think. While storage in client, you can use localStorage sessionStorage and cookie.
localStorage you can storage whatever you want and it has no expiration time
sessionStorage the difference between localStorage is that it has a expiration time, A page session lasts for as long as the browser is open and survives over page reloads and restores
Cookie is much simple and can store limited value in string format

PhoneGap (web mobile app) - Transfer data between pages

I'm developing a PhoneGap application. If you don't know what that is, it's a service that allows you to build mobile-based applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
I have an application, and I've come to a point where I need to transfer information from one page to another. The user chooses an option on the page, the application then loads a new page and based on their option it loads specific content.
Now I do already know a few ways of doing this, to name one.. local storage maybe. My question is, what is the most efficient way of getting information between these two pages? If this were PHP I'd simply using $_GET[''].. but it's not PHP, I'm looking for the best way to do this using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Any help here would be highly appreciated!
There are several possibilities:
You are using a service like Phonegap:build or Cordova: You only gonna have one HTML-File where you continously hide and show the different pages. I don't recommend this one, but Phonegap:build and Cordova are great to create a package for all major phones, without headache.
URL-Parameters you could pass parameter over the URL to a different HTML-Page. This means you have to open all links with window.location.replace() or change the href-attribute on you anchors. In the next page you have to parse that URL, which is not as easy as in PHP.
localStorage / sessionStorage you can easily store data in the sessionStorage. With sessionStorage.myObject = JSON.stringify(complexObject) you can easily store complex objects to the session storage and read them back with var complexObject = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.myObject). Those are available during you complete session and would be one of the easiest solutions so far.

How can I scrape an ASP.NET site that does all interaction as postbacks?

Using Python, I built a scraper for an ASP.NET site (specifically a Jenzabar course searching portlet) that would create a new session, load the first search page, then simulate a search by posting back the required fields. However, something changed, and I can't figure out what, and now I get HTTP 500 responses to everything. There are no new fields in the browser's POST data that I can see.
I would ideally like to figure out how to fix my own scraper, but that is probably difficult to ask about on StackOverflow without including a ton of specific context, so I was wondering if there was a way to treat the page as a black box and just fire click events on the postback links I want, then get the HTML of the result.
I saw some answers on here about scraping with JavaScript, but they mostly seem to focus on waiting for javascript to load and then returning a normalized representation of the page. I want to simulate the browser actually clicking on the links and following the same path to execute the request.
Without knowing any specifics, my hunch is that you are using a hardcoded session id and the web server's app domain recycled and created new encryption/decryption keys, rendering your hardcoded session id (which was encrypted by the old keys) useless.
You could try using Firebugs NET tab to monitor all requests, browse around manually and then diff the requests that you generate with ones that your screen scraper is generating.
If you are just trying to simulate load, you might want to check out something like selenium, which runs through a browser and handles postbacks like a browser does.

