Vue.js component with Vuex.js (instead of vue-i18n.js) - javascript

I've been trying to reproduce the button behavior that I've here, but with a different implementation. Basically, I'm trying to use Vuex instead of vue-i18n.js for internationalization purposes.
I now have the following code block, the purpose of which is to create language states and perform a XMLHttpRequest (for the .json files storing the various translations):
var storelang = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
lang: {}
mutations: {
LANG: function (state, ln) {
function loadJSON(callback) {
var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest();
xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', '../resources/i18n/' + ln + '.json', true);
xobj.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") {
loadJSON(function (languageJSON) {
state.lang = JSON.parse(languageJSON);
strict: true
var mix = Vue.mixin({
computed: {
lang: function () {
return storelang.state.lang;
On my component constructor (created and initialized in the root Vue instance), I've the following:
components: {
lang: {
template: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" #click.prevent=activate(lang.code) #click="setActiveLang" v-show="!isActive">{{ lang.code }}</button>',
props: [
computed: {
isActive: function() {
return this.lang.code ==
methods: {
activate: function(code) {
storelang.dispatch('LANG', code);
setActiveLang: function() { = this.lang;
ready: function() {
storelang.dispatch('LANG', 'en'); //default language
On my root Vue instance's data object, I've added the following:
langs: [{
code: "en"
}, {
code: "fr"
}, {
code: "pt"
active: {
"code": "pt"
And finally, on my html:
<div v-for="lang in langs">
<lang :lang="lang" :active.sync="active"></lang>
I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
Here's a JsFiddle (I've exchanged the XMLHttpRequest request for json arrays). Also, this is a working example, but the language selector buttons do not hide when the respective language is selected, which is the opposite of what I want. Meaning that, I'm attempting to hide each individual language selector button when the user clicks it and selects the respective language (while showing the other language selector buttons).

The solution involves saving anactive state in the store, in addition to the lang state:
new Vuex.Store({
state: {
active: {},
lang: {}
Adding an ACTIVE mutation:
ACTIVE: function(state, ln) {
var langcode = 'en'
if (ln === 'pt') {
langcode = 'pt'
if (ln === 'fr') {
langcode = 'fr'
} = langcode
On the computed properties block, one also needs to add getter functions for the active state and return the langcode that is currently active:
computed: {
lang: function() {
return storelang.state.lang
enIsActive: function() {
return == 'en'
frIsActive: function() {
return == 'fr'
ptIsActive: function() {
return == 'pt'
Then, it is just a question of conditionally displaying each of the buttons on the component template by adding v-show="!enIsActive", v-show="!frIsActive", etc.:
var langBtn = Vue.extend({
template: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" #click.prevent=activate("en") v-show="!enIsActive">en</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-info" #click.prevent=activate("pt") v-show="!ptIsActive">pt</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-info" #click.prevent=activate("fr") v-show="!frIsActive">fr</button>',
Finally, on the activate method, adding a new line to change the active state when the user clicks a button:
methods: {
activate: function(x) {
storelang.dispatch('LANG', x)
storelang.dispatch('ACTIVE', x)
The full working code here.


How to remove external JS when navigate to another page VUEJS

I have java script component in home component with external js. I need to remove external js when page navigate to another page. Page does not refresh.
function initFreshChat() {
token: "***",
host: ""
function initialize(i,t){var e;i.getElementById(t)?initFreshChat():((e=i.createElement("script")).id=t,e.async=!0,e.src="",e.onload=initFreshChat,i.head.appendChild(e))}function initiateCall(){initialize(document,"freshchat-js-sdk")}window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",initiateCall,!1):window.attachEvent("load",initiateCall,!1);
This is the external js:
I need this because i need to keep this freshchat window in one page.
This can be done by putting any condition. But it will works if we refresh the page. Here pages are not refreshing at all.
Therefore I need to remove the external js when navigate to another pages. And mount back when came to this page.
You can wrap the script in side a Vue component life circle,
whenever you need.
I found this code on codepen
Vue.component("fc-button", {
template: "#fcButton",
props: {
fc: {
type: Object,
default: {},
methods: {
openWidget: function() {
document.getElementById("fc_frame").style.visibility = "visible";;
const vm = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
fc: {
isInit: false,
mounted: function() {
var self = this;
window.fcSettings = {
token: "8d3a4a04-5562-4f59-8f66-f84a269897a1",
host: "",
config: {
cssNames: {
widget: "custom_fc_frame",
open: "custom_fc_open",
expanded: "custom_fc_expanded"
headerProperty: {
hideChatButton: true
onInit: function() {
window.fcWidget.on("widget:loaded", function() {
self.fc.isInit = true;
window.fcWidget.on("unreadCount:notify", function(resp) {
test = resp;
if (resp.count > 0) {
// document.getElementById('notify').classList.add('h-btn-notify');
document.getElementById("notify").style.visibility = "visible";
} else if (resp.count == 0) {
// document.getElementById('notify').classList.remove('h-btn-notify');
document.getElementById("notify").style.visibility = "hidden";
window.fcWidget.on("widget:closed", function() {
document.getElementById("fc_frame").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("open_fc_widget").style.visibility =
window.fcWidget.on("widget:opened", function(resp) {
document.getElementById("open_fc_widget").style.visibility =

TipTap Vue component - how to toggle wrap on node from component button

The awesome tiptap wrapper for prosemirror comes with nice documentation but it lacks some clarification how to approach some (i think) basic scenarios when developing custom extensions.
My question is how to invoke toggleWrap on the node when in vue component's context.
I found example that uses transactions and allows for delete - but what i want is to clear the node leaving the text of node intact.
get view() {
return {
directives: {
"click-outside": clickOutside
props: ['node', 'updateAttrs', 'view', 'selected', 'getPos'],
data() {
return {
showMenu: false
computed: {
href: {
get() {
return this.node.attrs.href
set(href) {
methods: {
// deleteNode() {
// let transaction = // tr - transaction
// let pos = this.getPos()
// transaction.delete(pos, pos + this.node.nodeSize)
// this.view.dispatch(transaction)
// },
return null;
this.showMenu = false
template: `<div #click="showMenu = true" v-click-outside="hideMenu">
<a class="email-button" #click.prevent="stopLinkPropagation" :href="href" v-text="node.textContent"></a>
<input class="iframe__input" type="text" v-model="href" v-if="showMenu" />
<button #click="clearNode">clear button wrap</button>
Any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Vuejs: Passing SAVE function into CRUD component

I am struggeling with a proper solution which requires an advanced parent-child communication in vuejs. There can be many different parent components which has a logic how to save data. From the other side there will be only one child component which has a list of elements and a form to create new elements but it doesn't know how to save the data.
The question is: Is there any other way (better approach) to have the same functionality but to get rid of this.$refs.child links. For example I am wondering if I can just pass a function (SaveParent1(...) or SaveParent2(...)) to the child component. But the problem is the function contains some parent's variables which won't be available in child context and those variables could be changed during the runtime.
Just few clarifications:
The methods SaveParent1 and SaveParent2 in real life return
Promise (axios).
The child-component is like a CRUD which is used
everywhere else.
At the moment the communication looks like that: CHILD -event-> PARENT -ref-> CHILD.
Bellow is the example:
<div id="app">
<h2>😀Advanced Parent-Child Communication:</h2>
<parent-component1 param1="ABC"></parent-component1>
<parent-component2 param2="XYZ"></parent-component2>
Vue.component('parent-component1', {
props: { param1: { type: String, required: true } },
methods: {
onChildSubmit(p) {
// Here will be some logic to save the param. Many different parents might have different logic and all of them use the same child component. So child-component contains list, form and validation message but does not know how to save the param to the database.
var error = SaveParent1({ form: { p: p, param1: this.param1 } });
if (error)
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent ONE:</p><child-component ref="child" #submit="onChildSubmit"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('parent-component2', {
props: { param2: { type: String, required: true } },
methods: {
onChildSubmit(p) {
// Here is a different logic to save the param. In prictice it is gonna be different requests to the server.
var error = SaveParent2({ form: { p: p, param2: this.param2 } });
if (error)
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent TWO:</p><child-component ref="child" #submit="onChildSubmit"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('child-component', {
data() {
return {
currentParam: "",
allParams: [],
errorMessage: ""
methods: {
submit() {
this.errorMessage = "";
this.$emit('submit', this.currentParam);
paramAdded(p) {
this.currentParam = "";
paramFailed(msg) {
this.errorMessage = msg;
template: `<div><ol><li v-for="p in allParams">{{p}}</li></ol><label>Add Param: <input v-model="currentParam"></label><button #click="submit" :disabled="!currentParam">Submit</button><p class="error">{{errorMessage}}</p></div>`
function SaveParent1(data) {
// Axios API to save data. Bellow is a simulation.
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent1: You are not lucky today';
function SaveParent2(data) {
// Axios API to save data. Bellow is a simulation.
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent2: You are not lucky today';
new Vue({
el: "#app"
There is also a live demo available:
Architecturally I recommend having a service that is completely abstract from the component hierarchy and that you can inject and use in each of the components. With this kind of component hierarchy and architecture it is easy to run into these issues. It is important to abstract as much functionality and business logic from the components as possible. I think of components in these modern frameworks just merely as HTML templates on steroids, which should at most act as controllers, keeping them as dumb and as thin as possible so that you don't run into these situations. I do not know vue.js so I cannot give you the technical solution but hope this indication helps
I think I have found a solution. So no two ways communication. I can just pass a method and the child will do everything without communicating with parent. I am happy with that I am marking it as an answer. Thanks everyone for your help.
Let me please know what do you think guys.
Bellow is my solution:
<div id="app">
<h2>😀Advanced Parent-Child Communication:</h2>
<parent-component1 param1="ABC"></parent-component1>
<parent-component2 param2="XYZ"></parent-component2>
Vue.component('parent-component1', {
props: { param1: { type: String, required: true } },
computed: {
saveFunc() {
return function(p) { SaveParent1({ form: { p: p, param1: this.param1 } }); }.bind(this);
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent ONE:</p><child-component :saveFunc="saveFunc"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('parent-component2', {
props: { param2: { type: String, required: true } },
computed: {
saveFunc() {
return function(p) { SaveParent2({ form: { p: p, param2: this.param2 } }); }.bind(this);
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent TWO:</p><child-component :saveFunc="saveFunc"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('child-component', {
props: {
saveFunc: { type: Function, required: true }, // This is gonna be a Promise in real life.
data() {
return {
currentParam: "",
allParams: [],
errorMessage: ""
methods: {
submit() {
this.errorMessage = "";
var error = this.saveFunc(this.currentParam);
if (error)
paramAdded(p) {
this.currentParam = "";
paramFailed(msg) {
this.errorMessage = msg;
template: `<div><ol><li v-for="p in allParams">{{p}}</li></ol><label>Add Param: <input v-model="currentParam"></label><button #click="submit" :disabled="!currentParam">Submit</button><p class="error">{{errorMessage}}</p></div>`
function SaveParent1(data) {
// Axios API to save data
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent1: You are not lucky today';
function SaveParent2(data) {
// Axios API to save data
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent2: You are not lucky today';
new Vue({
el: "#app"
The demo link:

V-model is not listening to value change for an input (vuejs)

I have an object property which could listen to the user input or could be changed by the view.
With the snipped below :
if I typed something the value of my input is updated and widget.Title.Name is updated.
if I click on the button "External Update", the property widget.Title.Name is updated but not the value in my field above.
Expected result : value of editable text need to be updated at the same time when widget.Title.Name change.
I don't understand why there are not updated, if I inspect my property in vue inspector, all my fields (widget.Title.Name and Value) are correctly updated, but the html is not updated.
Vue.component('editable-text', {
template: '#editable-text-template',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
contenteditable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
computed: {
listeners() {
return { ...this.$listeners, input: this.onInput };
mounted() {
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
methods: {
onInput(e) {
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
widget: {
Title: {
Name: ''
async created() {
this.widget.Title.Name = "toto"
methods: {
externalChange: function () {
this.widget.Title.Name = "changed title";
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<editable-text v-model="widget.Title.Name"></editable-text>
<template>Name : {{widget.Title.Name}}</template>
<button v-on:click="externalChange">External update</button>
<template id="editable-text-template">
<p ref="editable-text" v-bind:contenteditable="contenteditable"
I searched a lot of subject about similar issues but they had reactivity problem, I think I have a specific problem with input. Have you any idea of what's going on ? I tried to add a listener to change event but it was not triggered on widget.Title.Name change.
To anwser to this problem, you need to do 3 differents things.
Add watch property with the same name as your prop (here value)
Add debounce function from Lodash to limit the number of request
Add a function to get back the cursor (caret position) at the good position when the user is typing
For the third point : when you change the value of widget.Title.Name, the component will re-render, and the caret position will be reinitialize to 0, at the beginning of your input. So, you need to re-update it at the last position or you will just write from right to left.
I have updated the snippet above with my final solution.
I hope this will help other people coming here.
Vue.component('editable-text', {
template: '#editable-text-template',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
contenteditable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
//Added watch value to watch external change <-> enter here by user input or when component or vue change the watched property
watch: {
value: function (newVal, oldVal) { // watch it
// _.debounce is a function provided by lodash to limit how
// often a particularly expensive operation can be run.
// In this case, we want to limit how often we update the dom
// we are waiting for the user finishing typing his text
const debouncedFunction = _.debounce(() => {
}, 1000); //here your declare your function
debouncedFunction(); //here you call it
//not you can also add a third argument to your debounced function to wait for user to finish typing, but I don't really now how it works and I didn't used it.
computed: {
listeners() {
return { ...this.$listeners, input: this.onInput };
mounted() {
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
methods: {
onInput(e) {
UpdateDOMValue: function () {
// Get caret position
if (window.getSelection().rangeCount == 0) {
//this changed is made by our request and not by the user, we
//don't have to move the cursor
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
} else {
let selection = window.getSelection();
let index = selection.getRangeAt(0).startOffset;
//with this line all the input will be remplaced, so the cursor of the input will go to the
//beginning... and you will write right to left....
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
//so we need this line to get back the cursor at the least position
setCaretPosition(this.$refs["editable-text"], index);
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
widget: {
Title: {
Name: ''
async created() {
this.widget.Title.Name = "toto"
methods: {
externalChange: function () {
this.widget.Title.Name = "changed title";
* Set caret position in a div (cursor position)
* Tested in contenteditable div
* ##param el : js selector to your element
* ##param caretPos : index : exemple 5
function setCaretPosition(el, caretPos) {
var range = document.createRange();
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (caretPos > el.childNodes[0].length) {
range.setStart(el.childNodes[0], el.childNodes[0].length);
range.setStart(el.childNodes[0], caretPos);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<editable-text v-model="widget.Title.Name"></editable-text>
<template>Name : {{widget.Title.Name}}</template>
<button v-on:click="externalChange">External update</button>
<template id="editable-text-template">
<p ref="editable-text" v-bind:contenteditable="contenteditable"
you can use $root.$children[0]
Vue.component('editable-text', {
template: '#editable-text-template',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
contenteditable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
computed: {
listeners() {
return {...this.$listeners, input: this.onInput
mounted() {
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
methods: {
onInput(e) {
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
widget: {
Title: {
Name: ''
async created() {
this.widget.Title.Name = "toto"
methods: {
externalChange: function(e) {
this.widget.Title.Name = "changed title";
this.$root.$children[0].$refs["editable-text"].innerText = "changed title";
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<editable-text v-model="widget.Title.Name"></editable-text>
<template>Name : {{widget.Title.Name}}</template>
<button v-on:click="externalChange">External update</button>
<template id="editable-text-template">
<p ref="editable-text" v-bind:contenteditable="contenteditable" v-on="listeners">
or use Passing props to root instances
Vue.component('editable-text', {
template: '#editable-text-template',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
contenteditable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
computed: {
listeners() {
return {...this.$listeners, input: this.onInput
mounted() {
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = this.value;
this.$refs["editable-text"].innerText = e;
methods: {
onInput(e) {
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
widget: {
Title: {
Name: ''
async created() {
this.widget.Title.Name = "toto"
methods: {
externalChange: function(e) {
this.widget.Title.Name = "changed title";
this.$root.$emit("titleUpdated", this.widget.Title.Name);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<editable-text v-model="widget.Title.Name"></editable-text>
<template>Name : {{widget.Title.Name}}</template>
<button v-on:click="externalChange">External update</button>
<template id="editable-text-template">
<p ref="editable-text" v-bind:contenteditable="contenteditable" v-on="listeners">

Vue 2 component prop getting wrong value

I am trying to build a menu between categories. If a category has a sub-category it returns a value that says has_subCategory as boolean 0/1.
export default {
props: ['value',
watch: {
value: function(value, hasSubCat) {
this.fetchSubCategories(value, hasSubCat);
methods: {
relaod: function(value) {
var select = $(this.$el);
select.val(value || this.value);
fetchSubCategories: function(value, hasSubCat) {
var mdl = this;
var catID = value || this.value;
var has_subCat = hasSubCat || this.hasSubCat;
console.log("has_subCat:" + has_subCat);
if (catID) {
if (has_subCat == 0) {
if ($('.subdropdown').is(":visible") == true) {
} else {
axios.get(URL.API + '/subcategories/' + catID)
.then(function(response) {
response =;
subcat_id: '0',
subcategory_name: 'All Subcategories'
mdl.$emit("update-subcats", response);
.catch(function(error) {
if ( {
title: "Something went wrong",
text: "Please try again",
type: "error",
html: false
} else {
if ($('.subdropdown').is(":visible") == true) {
mounted: function() {
var vm = this;
var select = $(this.$el);
.on('change', function() {
vm.$emit('input', this.value);
updated: function() {
destroyed: function() {
<material-selectcat v-model="catId" name="category" #reset-subcats="resetSubCats" #update-subcats="updateSubCats" id="selcat">
<option v-for="cat in cats" :value="cat.cat_id" :hasSubCat="cat.has_subCat" v-text="cat.category_name"></option>
The data looks like this:
category_name:"All Subcategories"
What I dont understand is that console.log("has_subCat:" + hasSubCat); prints out different values each time I change the select. It should only display 0 or 1
Watcher in vue.js is supposed to be used in order to watch one value, but you can fulfill your requirement with help of computed.
export default {
props: ['value',
watch: {
/* without this, watcher won't be evaluated */
watcher: function() {}
computed: {
watcher: function() {
this.fetchSubCategories(this.value, this.hasSubCat);
I also made a simplified working fiddle, you can have a look.
You are assuming that the second parameter of your watch function is hasSubCat which is not the case. While the first parameter of the value watch function represents the new value of the property, the second parameter is actually the old value of the watched property. Try this out to understand more.
watch: {
value: function(value, oldValue) {
console.log('new value:', value)
console.log('old value:', oldValue)
So to watch both of value and hasSubCat, you can do something like this:
watch: {
value: function(newValue) {
this.fetchSubCategories(newValue, this.hasSubCat)
hasSubCat: function(newHasSubCat) {
this.fetchSubCategories(this.value, newHasSubCat)

