Cordova App launching Google App - javascript

After using the below code. App is launching the native android map showing the app with passed lat and long value.but my problem is after clicking on the nav option the 'from' is blank but 'to' should be coming as my passed value. But it is coming as blank value.
window.location = 'geo:40.765819,-73.975866'

If you are willing to use Cordova plugins, then I would suggest taking a look at the Launch Navigator plugin.
It allows you to do exactly what you want, but also allows you to launch other supported apps and even allows you to prompt the user with a list of applications to choose from.
There is an example in the documentation, showing how you can open a specific application, like Google Maps. For your convenience, I have also posted it below.
launchnavigator.isAppAvailable(launchnavigator.APP.GOOGLE_MAPS, function(isAvailable) {
var app;
if(isAvailable) {
app = launchnavigator.APP.GOOGLE_MAPS;
} else {
console.log("Google Maps not available - falling back to user selection");
app = launchnavigator.APP.USER_SELECT;
launchnavigator.navigate([40.765819, -73.975866], {
app: app
In this piece of code, the user will still be given a choice to pick another app, if Google Maps is not available.
There is also an AngularJS wrapper available for this called ngCordova, installation instructions are here and documentation about the wrapper for the Launch Navigator plugin can be found here.


Create Custom Menu to Apply Template to Google Docs on my Drive

Looking for a way to create a custom menu on Google Apps Script available across ALL my Google Docs, not just the one for which I created the script. The function itself works properly, it is the setup/trigger rather that is giving me trouble. Not sure if this is possible, given I'm seeing info saying Custom Menus must be bound to a particular document (rather than the whole object), so open to other suggestions too - the goal is to be able to apply a specific template to a Google Doc when I'd like (they will always be created in the same folder).
function OnOpen(e) {
DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('Template Options')
.addItem('Apply Customer Note Template', 'menuItem1')
function menuItem1() {
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var OppTitle = body.appendParagraph("Opportunity Name");
DocumentApp.getUi().alert('Customer Template applied.');
Yes, you can do that, it is called Editor Addons. Just think about all the apps that exist in the Marketplace, they also create the app or function once, then package it for the Google Marketplace where any number of users can install the package and use it across all Spreadsheets.

Fails to open native app with javascript, but same code works when initialized through button

This questions concernes a web app build in React that will be accessed with smartphones through their browsers. I use iPhone with both Safari and Chrome for testing.
One step involves opening a native authentication app.
According to the docs of the native app, it can be open from the browser by doing this:
const openAuthApp = () =>
(window.location = "");
This works fine if I call the function when clicking a button, like this:
<button onClick={openAuthApp}>Open</button>
The above code triggers the opening of the authentication app immediately when clicking the button.
But when I trigger the function immediately after page has loaded, without using a button, like this
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I get an error in the browser saying that the app was not found on this device.
Idk much about how browsers work but my first guess was that it takes some time for the browser to acquire information about all installed apps, so I added a timeout before executing the method:
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(openAuthApp, 5000);
}, []);
It still failed. It works if I press the button less than 5 seconds after page load, so the time of initiation after page load shouldn't be the factor here.
I don't know how to proceed with this, and would appreciate ideas on how to move forward.
I suspect that your problem is a missing user gesture, which is common when using Claimed HTTPS Schemes - eg see this Chrome browser requirement.
There is a similar problem when using OAuth flows and the AppAuth pattern with HTTPS redirect URIs, which occurs for both iOS and Android. See the sections titled Problems Receiving Redirect Responses in my iOS and Android blog posts.
The solution for my mobile samples was to add an interstitial web page and if you do a view source you will see that it has an onclick handler that invokes a deep link after the user gesture:
document.getElementById('continueButton').onclick = () => {
const redirectUri = '';
window.location.href = redirectUri;
You won't need to go to these lengths of course, but I think you will need a user gesture to invoke the BankID app and do an external login reliably. In some ways this is a reasonable UX also, since you are keeping the user informed before you switch apps, rather than doing so abruptly. I would put a positive spin on it like this:
You will now be redirected to the BankID app to perform strong authentication and to provide consent. Please click Next to proceed.
Option 1:
Use window.location.href instead of window.location
const openAuthApp = () =>
(window.location.href = "");
If your web app have the same domain as use window.location.assign instead.
const openAuthApp = () =>
(window.location.assign= "");
Option 2:
this will take 5 minutes, use for links (you do not need to install the SDK)
signup create new app, write the name of the app
got to "Configuration" from left menu select "I have an Android App"
add the link for your app and select it then fill other options if you like
it will give you a link "https://[YOUR_APP_ID ]"
use this link instead of the default link
This should work without problem

Nativescript Vue.js location GPS

I recently developed an Android App with native vue.js.
I used geolocation plugin and its works perfectly on devices with google play services but not on those where Google services are deactivated.
I am searching for a module which can make location possible on devices without Google services.
Your help is needed.
Try this,
import * as application from "application";
isGooglePlayServicesAvailable() {
const googleApiAvailability =;
const resultCode = googleApiAvailability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(;
if (resultCode != {
if (googleApiAvailability.isUserResolvableError(resultCode)) {
apiAvailability.getErrorDialog(, resultCode, PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST)
return false;
return true;
It would notify and install play services if not available.
As it is an android app, you can use LocationManager and set the appropriate provider, GPS or NETWORK.
I am not an expert in vue, so can not give you code but as you have access to all native APIs in nativescript, you can convert that.
LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);
Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
I have used it before in nativescript angular app.
For location strategies, you can refer here.
I met the same problem, and finally I fixed it, the problem is, nativescript-geolocation v3.0.1 do not deponds on google play service, but it is outdated and not work with tns v6. this is my solution:
you can get the code of nativescript-geolocation v3.0.1, modify a little, and then, depend the source code on your tns v6 project, it works. following is the details.
cd nativescript-geolocation
git checkout -b your-branch v3.0.1
next, modify the code of src/ file, just one line
- let currentContext = <>androidAppInstance.currentContext;
+ let currentContext = <>androidAppInstance.context;
next, use the source code dependency in your project,
tns plugin add /path/to/nativescript-geolocation/src
you can see demo/app/main-page.ts file in the git repo for how to use this plugin of this version.

How to Launch uber eats app from a custom Android app

I'm trying to launch the app uber eats from another application. My application uses Cordova and angular.
I'm using the following code:
var url = '';
if (isPhoneGap()) {
if (isAndroid()) {
url = 'com.ubercab.eats:';
} else if (isIOS()) {
url = 'uber-eats-food-delivery://';
But this does not open the uber eat app. How can I make my app start the uber eats app?
Your android link doesn't contain two forward slashes. If you do not include them, the browser is going to assume it's a relative link and fail to properly navigate to your URL. It should be com.ubercab.eats://.
I'm assuming your deep links are actually correct. As far as I know, Uber Eats does not make this information public, nor do they seem to provide any developer documentation or API. If these aren't correct, you'll likely have to derive the proper links with reverse engineering.

appcelerator - convert windows app to mobile app

I made a great app for windows with appcelerator and I want to convert it to mobile (android).
Problem is, unlike creating an app in windows where the default launcher is "index.html" and I can have all my javascript/css/html mixed in together, the mobile default launcher is app.js.
I've tried the following:
var webview = Titanium.UI.createWebView({
url : 'index.html'
var window = Titanium.UI.createWindow();
This works great however none of the api's I'm using inside of index.html are being run, it just alerts an error (undefined).
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
There are only two API's I'm using in my app:
var db ='app_data');
var device_id =;
you dont have access to all of the API from the webview, see link below
you will need to do most of your business logic in the js files and through the event mechanisms move data from you app to the ui level

