List all stripe charges in Nodejs [closed] - javascript

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Closed 6 years ago.
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We are migrating from Ruby to NodeJS and we essentially wanted a function like this in Node:
starting_after = nil
charges = []
while true
results = Stripe::Charge.all(limit: 100, starting_after: starting_after)
break if == 0
charges = charges +
starting_after =
How should one go about implementing this in NodeJS?

var stripe = require("stripe")(
function paginateCharges(last_id) {
// Define request parameters
var req_params = { limit: 3 };
if (last_id !== null) { req_params['starting_after'] = last_id; }
// Get events
function(err, charges) {
// Do something with the returned values
for (i = 0; i <; i++){
// Check for more
if (charges.has_more) {
paginateCharges(charges["data"][charges["data"].length - 1].id);


How to filter json to create a new one? [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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Having this json
How can I filter it to create a new json when I just have objects where created_time property value is grater than 1600000?
I'm trying with this but it's not working as expected so far...
var data = JSON.parse(myjson)
var newjson = [];
data.forEach(function (entry, i) {
entry.forEach(function (changes, i) {
changes.forEach(function (changes, i) {
if (item.value.created_time >= 16000){

How I can Create many answer [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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hello i'm work for question system i want to add many answers in a one question in a one value
<input id="an" placeholder="test" type="text"/><a id="wo" style="display:none;">done test</a><button id="bt">Submit</button>
const an = document.getElementById("an");
const bt = document.getElementById("bt");
bt.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (an.value.toLowerCase() === "test") { // I want create many value in here. = "none"; = "none";
document.getElementById("wo").style.display = "initial";
} else {
bt.innerText = "Wrong!" = "red";
I hope this answer is what you are looking for:
You can make an array with your answers, and then check to see if the given answer is inside the array.
const array = ['test', 'test2', 'test3'];
if (array.includes(an.value.toLowerCase() ) )
Something else, you are missing a semicolon in your else { ... }.
bt.innerText = "Wrong!";

Construct a selector with if statements in JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I create a MongoDB selector from some session variables. If the session value is null, the selector should not include the condition.
I have a selector
return Session.get('title') ? { title: Session.get('title') } : {};
which works as it should; however, I want to filter on more session values.
If I add another one, I get
var title = Session.get('title');
var age = Session.get('age');
if (title && age) {
return {
title: title,
age: age
} else if (title) {
return {
title: title
} else if (age) {
return {
age: age
} else {
return {}
and it will only get more complicated when I add another session value.
How can I obtain the same result in a smarter way?
You could use an array to hold all of your possible values, then you just add to this array when a new value is added.
var sessionVars = ['title', 'age'];
var result = {};
sessionVars.forEach(function(varName) {
var value = Session.get(varName);
if (value) {
result[varName] = value;
return result;

Javascript calculations returning wrong numbers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I'm trying to make two input fields calculate their value off one another. Here is my code so far:
function strToNumber (str) {
return Number(str.replace(/\D/g,''));
var number_2_calc;
var number_1 = strToNumber($("#number_1").val());
var number_2 = strToNumber($("#number_2").val());
if(number_2 == 0) {
} else {
number_2_calc = number_2 +(number_1 * 0.1);
$("#number_1").focusout(function() {
if(number_2 == 0) {
} else {
//not sure if necessary to create seperate vars here
var number_2_stored = strToNumber($("#number_1").val());
var number_1_stored =strToNumber($("#number_2").val());
number_2_calc = 0;
number_2_calc = number_2_stored +(number_1_stored * 0.1);
So I'm trying to make it when you fill out either field then focus out it will change the input accordingly. This works fine when number_2 focuses out, but when you go back and change number_1 the values get messy. Probably just overlooking something simple, because this shouldn't be that difficult.
When you round the result, you need to assign back to "number_2_calc".
number_2_calc = Math.round(number_2_calc).toFixed(2);

Is it possible to have a Javascript variable to have two or more functions inside? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following Javascript code:
var Lab = {
minseat: function(){
var seat = 10;
return seat;
maxseat: function(){
var seat = 50;
return seat;
So, when I need to get the value, I simply call the following code:
console.log(" Min Seat: " + Lab.minseat());
console.log(" Max Seat: " + Lab.maxseat());
However, it seems it is not working. So, may I know if it is possible to have a Javascript variable to have two or more functions inside?
You forgot a comma after the first function:
var Lab = {
minseat: function(){
var seat = 10;
return seat;
maxseat: function(){
var seat = 50;
return seat;
How about a comma separating the keys in your object definition.
var Lab = {
minseat: function(){
var seat = 10;
return seat;
maxseat: function(){
var seat = 50;
return seat;

