Updating objects in List in ImmutableJS - javascript

I am a little confused by the functionality of ImmutableJS when working with an array of objects. The following example shows that even though the List x is immutable, I can still modify properties of objects inside the list both with and without using Immutable List's update() function.
My question is, why would I use Immutable if I can still modify the contents of my objects? I expected this module to protect me from that. I realize that I will not be able to add or remove entire objects to/from the list, but that doesn't fully protect me from modifying the list, which when working with a list in React state, I do not want to be able to do.
The other interesting thing I noticed is that when I directly modify the name after first performing the update, x.get(0).name and y.get(0).name are both changed. I thought that the resulting list from update() would not contain references to the same objects in the list.
How and why is ImmutableJS really helping me in this case?
var x = Immutable.List.of({name: 'foo'});
var y = x.update(0, (element) => {
element.name = 'bar';
return element;
x.get(0).name = 'baz';
Example of #SpiderPig's suggestion of using Map:
var x = Immutable.List.of(new Immutable.Map({name: 'foo'}));
var y = x.update(0, (element) => {
return element.set('name', 'bar');
While the last example shows what I was trying to accomplish, ultimately I don't know if I will end up using Map or List or even ImmutableJS at all. What I don't like is the alternate APIs (especially for a mapped object). I am afraid that when I hand my project off to another developer, or as others join the team, using these immutable objects and lists correctly will completely fall apart without the proper governance.
Maybe this is more of a commentary on React, but if React intends for the state to be immutable, but it's not enforced, it just seems to me like this will end up a mess in a project that is moving quickly with multiple developers. I was trying my best not to mutate the state, but forgetting that modifying an object in a list/array is very easy mistake to make.

The immutable.js does not provide true immutability in the sense that you could not modify the Objects directly - it just provides API which helps you to maintain the immutable state.
The update -function should return completely new version of the indexed object:
var y = x.update(0, (element) => {
return { name : "bar"};
But doing something like this is a big no-no: x.get(0).name = 'baz';
Here is a much better explanation of the whole thing than I could ever write:
The point of immutable.js is to allow re-use of objects which are not modified, which consumes less memory and gives a good practical performance.
There is also library "Seamless immutable", which freezes the objects, so that they can not be modified, but this comes with some performance penalty under JavaScript: https://github.com/rtfeldman/seamless-immutable


Angular: How to map an array of 'mat-checkbox's to get strings associated with the checked checkboxes

To preface, I have found a solution that works for me in the situations I have tried it, but I am fairly new to javascript and RXJS and don't fully understand what the solution is doing so I can't be sure if it will work in every instance.
I am using reactive forms and have arrays of checkboxes, what I would like to do is get an array of all of the keys used to generate the checkboxes, but without any of the unchecked boxes. Ideally, I could use this to return additional values as well such as a user-readable string, but that is far from important as I can do that in a separate step fairly easily. I have come up with a few methods of my own, but they don't seem to be very robust or performant.
I would have replied on this thread, but I lack the reputation.
This is the best solution I have found, which I would be totally happy to use, but I don't have much experience with RXJS or maps in javascript so I am not totally sure what it is doing:
this.controlNames = Object.keys(this.checkboxGroup.controls).map(_=>_); //This seems to just produce an object of control keys as properties and their value
this.selectedNames = this.checkboxGroup.valueChanges.pipe(map(v => Object.keys(v).filter(k => v[k]))); //Some sort of magic happens and an array is generated and contains only the keys whose values are 'true'
I have tried breaking that snippet apart and using console.log to test what it is doing in each step, but it really didn't give me much useful information. Any advice or or better ideas would be thoroughly appreciated, there seem to be a lot of conventions in javascript that people adhere to and it can be hard to sort through what is a convention and what is actually doing something.
I think I found a way to break it down and get a grip on it and want to post my explanation for anyone who comes looking.
In this part, it is just creating an iterable map of the 'checkboxGroup.controls' object. This could have been used to loop over in the template and make all of the checkboxes. Since my form structure is already generated from arrays of objects with known properties, I don't need this. The underscores aren't doing anything special here, people just like to use them for private variables.
this.controlNames = Object.keys(this.checkboxGroup.controls).map(_=>_);
For those who are new to arrow functions or some of the conventions of javascript, the code above is not quite, but essentially shorthand for this:
this.controlNames = [];
Object.keys(this.checkboxGroup.controls).forEach(function(key) {
I have changed the short variables to longer ones to make them easier to understand in this second part. This maps the value changes observable as an iterable 'changesObj', retrieves the keys, and filters the keys by instances where the key has a true value. The code filter(key => changesObj[key]) returns the key if the key is not null, undefined, or false.
this.selectedNames = this.checkboxGroup.valueChanges.pipe(map(changesObj => Object.keys(changesObj).filter(key => changesObj[key])));
This is essentially just shorthand for this:
function propNotFalse (changes, prop) {
return changes[prop] == true;
this.selectedNames = this.alternateFilter = Object.keys(this.checkboxGroup.valueChanges).filter(this.propNotFalse.bind(null, this.checkboxGroup.valueChanges));

Avoiding duplication of key/data

I have a design annoyance with some existing code in JS. The code is working, so I have no desperate hurry to change it, but the duplication shown below does annoy me. What is the usual/recommended/official way of avoiding this situation?
The actual system is a large/complex financial system, so I have simplified it to the most basic example which demonstrates the problem:
var colours={
red:{id:"red", vals:[1,0,0]},
green:{id:"green", vals:[0,1,0]},
grey:{id:"grey", vals:[0.5,0.5,0.5]}
// ...etc
// id needs to be known internally within the object - thus it is defined as a property.
// e.g:
// id also needs to be used externally to find an object quickly.
// e.g:
function getcolour(s){return colours[s];}
// Although this works. It does mean duplicating data, with the theoretical possibility of a mismatch:
var colours={//...
blue:{id:"green", // oh dear...
How would this normally be handled by the experts?
This question is somewhat subjective.
When creating my applications I typically try do do the following:
never define same data in multiple places. source should always be unambiguous
if I need to create any indices for faster/easier access, I use utility methods to do it. Those methods should be properly unit-tested, so that I would have little doubts on them doing the wrong thing
use third party libraries as much as possible (such as already suggested lodash or underscore) to minimize the amount of code to be written/maintained.
If your algorithms and utilities are properly unit-tested you should not worry (too much) about getting the data into inconsistent state. However, if those are critically important systems/interfaces, you may add some validation on output. And it is generally a good practice to have data validation and marshaling on input.
Explanation on the utility methods:
if you have data array, say
var data = [{"id":"i_1", ...}, {"id":"i_2", ...},{"id":"i_3",....}];
Then and you have to create an index out of that or create more data sets based on the original array, then you create yourself a library of utility methods that do the modification on the array, create derivative data sets, or iterate on the array and create a resulting item on the fly. For example:
var createIndex = function( arr ){
// do something that converts the data array with expected structure to object
// {
// i_1: {"id":"i_1", ...},
// i_2: {"id":"i_2", ...},
// i_3: {"id":"i_3", ...}
return newObj;
This method will create a hash-map to access your data, which is faster then to iterate over the original array all the time. But now, this method you can easily unit-test and be sure that when you use it on the source data to get your intended dataset, there will be no inconsistency.
I wouldn't change the colours[key] direct access with other method to avoid duplication.
Any other attempt will lead to processing and you have mentioned that you have a large amount of data.
I assume that the duplication is over the incoming data that is a waste.
An example of processing over the network data consuming could be, going over the map object and set the id dynamically according to the key. (processing vs traffic)
colours[key].id = key
You can filter your object converting it to an array of objects and then filtering unique values. Converting it to an array would allow you to perform a lot of operations quicker and easier.
So you can map your object to an array:
var coloursArray = myObj.map(function(value, index) {
return [value];
Remove duplicates:
function removeDuplicates() {
return coloursArray.filter((obj, pos, arr) => {
return arr.map(mapObj => mapObj[id]).indexOf(obj[id]) === pos;
You can remove duplicates from an array using for example underscore.js through the .uniq method:
var uniqueColoursArray = _.uniq(coloursArray , function(c){ return c.id; });
Moreover, this function is pretty useless because you can access your element directly:
function getcolour(s){return colours[s];}
Calling colours[s] it is also shorter than getcolour(s). Your function would make sense if you pass also the array because it is not accessible in some other scope.
Then I can't understand why you do pass a console.log as parameter here:
maybe you would like to pass just the this.id

How to traverse JS object and all arrays and objects inside to compare it with its copy?

I have a selectedItem object in Angular, it contains other objects and arrays. I create a deep copy using a JSON trick:
$scope.editableItem = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedItem))
Then I use editableItem model in inputs, change some values inside. selectedItem doesn't change. Then I want to send via PATCH all the changes made, but not the fields which were not changed. So I need to strip the editableItem from all fields that are the same in unchanged selectedItem.
How to do this efficiently? I was thinking about traversing object recursively using Underscore, but I'd really like to know if it's a good way of thinking before I tackle it.
Alternatively I could probably create third object which would only contain touched fields from the second one, added dynamically, but I'm not sure how to approach this.
To be clear, I expect the answer to be generic and assume the most complicated object structure possible. For example no answers from this question are applicable here as they either assume the object has only simple fields or they need to have Angular watcher explicitly set for every field separately.
I do something similar with a function like this:
function getUpdateObject(orig, current) {
varChanges = {};
for (var prop in orig) {
if (prop.indexOf("$") != 0 && orig[prop] !== current[prop]) {
varChanges[prop] = current[prop];
return varChanges ;
I don't think this will get you all the way there. I'm not using it in any scenarios where the objects have member objects or arrays, but you should be able to test if "prop" is an object or array and call it recursively. The biggest caveat I see to that approach is if you have a deep, nested structure, you may not detect a change until you're down several levels. You'd probably have to keep the full potential hierarchy for a changed property in memory, then when you detect a change at a lower, level, write the whole hierarchy to the output object.
This is what I ended up with. Maybe it'll help someone. I used DeepDiff library. Code is in CoffeScript, should be easy to translate to JavaScript if anyone needs it.
$scope.getChangesObject = () ->
selected = $scope.selectedItem
editable = $scope.editableItem
changes = {}
differences = DeepDiff(selected, editable)
for diff in differences
formattedPath = ""
for pathPart, index in diff.path
if index isnt diff.path.length - 1
formattedPath += pathPart + "."
formattedPath += pathPart
changes[formattedPath] = editable[formattedPath]

Immutable.js: How to maintain immutability when exporting to array?

I'm passing an array to an immutable list object. However, the immutable list objects are modified when the list is converted to an array which is then being updated.
As a result, the immutable list is still mutable, how can I avoid this while still being able to return an array to work with?
Please provide an explanation as well.
Here's some psuedo code to illustrate the scenario:
var data = [{id:'a'}, {id:'b'}, {id:'c'}];
var immutables = Immutable.List(data).asImmutable(); //Immutable list?
var myData = immutables.toArray();
myData[0] = {id:'x'}; //object is updated in immutable list as well
Having mutable data inside immutable structures is almost always a bad idea.(Other way round it makes much more sense). To avoid this, use Immutable.fromJS(data) instead of Immutable.List(data) and Immutable.Map(data) - just as #mostruash suggested.

Javascript: how to un-jsonify efficiently/correctly

To be honest, I'm not quite sure where to start with this question.
I'll describe the situation: I am in the process of making a level editor for an HTML5 game. The level editor is already functional - now I would like to save/load levels created with this editor.
Since this is all being done in Javascript (the level editor as well as the game), I was thinking of having the save simply convert the level to a JSON and the load, well... un-jsonify it.
The problem is - the level contains several types of objects (several different types of entities, several types of animation objects, etc...) Right now, every time I want to add an object to the game I have to write an unjsonify method specifically for that object and then modify the level object's unjsonify method so it can handle unjsonifying the newly defined type of object.
I can't simply use JSON.parse because that just returns an object with the same keys and values as the original had, but it is not actually an object of that class/prototype. My question is, then, is there a correct way to do this that does not require having to continuously modify the code every time I want to add a new type of object to the game?
I would create serialise/deserialise methods on each of your objects to put their state into JSON objects and recover it from them. Compound objects would recursively serialise/deserialise their children. To give an example:
function Player {
this.weapon = new Weapon();
Player.prototype.serialise = function () {
return {'type': 'Player', weapon: this.weapon.serialise()};
Player.deserialise = function(json_object) {
var player = new Player();
player.weapon = Weapon.deserialise(json.weapon);
return player;
Obviously in real code you would have checks to make sure you were getting the types of objects that you expect. Arrays and simple hash objects could be simply copied during serialisation/deserialisation though their children will often need to be recursed over.

