How to grab array of string represented parameters in JavaScript [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How to get function parameter names/values dynamically?
(34 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to grab an array of string represented parameters from a function and I'm unsure how to proceed. Basically given the function below
function MyFunc(param1, param2, param3){
//do all the things
What would the function "getParams" look like to do the following
getParams(MyFunc) // ["param1","param2","param3"]

This is a bit messy, but you can do this by converting your function to a string and then splitting it until you get just the parameters:
var getFuncParams = function(MyFunc) {
var str = MyFunc.toString()
var strParams = str.substr((str.indexOf('(')+1), (str.indexOf(')') - str.indexOf('(')) - 1)
var params = strParams.split(",")
return params;


How can I use a string name as a function call? If string = 'sum' and function is sum(a, b)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get JavaScript function-object from its name as a string?
(9 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
That's about it. I have a string = "sum" and a function named sum(a,b), how can I substitute my string to call that function;
string = "sum"
function sum(a,b)
So basically to call that function, I would want to execute it like
string(a, b)
I suggest you use dictionary, where you define all existing functions:
const funcs = {
sum: function(a, b) {
someStuff: function(r, f) {
//call it:
funcs["sum"](a, b);
You can simply access your function via indexing with the strings

Pass an string representing an object function as callback [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Accessing nested JavaScript objects and arrays by string path
(44 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
This code doesn't work:
var my = {
testFunction: function(text) {
var functionName = "my.testFunction";
var f = window[functionName];
Any idea why?
I don't know in advance the functionName. It might be 'my.testFunction' or 'my.test.another.function' etc.
I'm writing a validation handler and all my js will know is a string representing a function that could be a function inside an object.
This should work.
var my = {
testFunction: function(text) {
// the string can't be evaluated as nested object hierarchy.
// split it to address the several nodes and properties
var functionName = "my.testFunction".split('.');
var f = window[functionName[0]][functionName[1]];

Why can't a variable be set to a <number>.toString(), but you can can call toString() on a return value? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why can't I access a property of an integer with a single dot?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
function s(e) {
return e.toString();
var a = s(3); // works
var b = 3.toString(); // error
For example, set var a to the return value of s() that returns the first argument.toString(), but you can't set var b to 3.toString()
Javascript is expecting number(s) after the decimal, you can still do this, but you need to put your number in parenthesis:
(3).toString() = "3"

using this keyword in object literal javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Assigning the value of another key in javascript [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
According to me this is only being used if you need to call constructor like below
var dogObj = function(){
this.bark = "woof";
var dog1 = new dogObj();
Is there any cases where I use this on object literal?
var bark = {
this.bark = "dog"
Is above code valid? If yes,how do I call it?
you can use
var bark = {
bark : "dog"
and call it like
this.bark = "woof";
Is not valid.
You have try something like below
var dog = {
bark : "dog"
And then you can access like console.log(dog.bark)
Once you formed any json string you can validate the sting using just place your json string and the click on validate.

create an array based on a variables string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert string to variable name in JavaScript
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to pass a string for an array's name to a function, and the function create that array, e.g:
make_array('array_name', data);
function make_array(array_name, data){
array_name = [];
// do stuff
I don't want to have to create the array first manually
You can do .
window[array_name] = [];
You can use eval() to do it.
eval("var " + array_name + " = []");
If you just want the function to return an array, there is no need to create it beforehand. You can just do this:
function make_array(data){
var array_name = [];
// do stuff
return array_name;
var my_new_array = make_array(data);

