Rivets.js rv-show not working with rv-each - javascript

I am new to Rivets.js. Given this code:
<div id="main">
<button rv-on-click="toggle">
Dynamic headers sould be visible: {showDynamicHeaders}
<th>Fixed header</th>
<th>Fixed header</th>
<th rv-show="showDynamicHeaders" rv-each-item="items">
var rvcontext = {};
var rview = rivets.bind($("#main"), rvcontext);
rvcontext.showDynamicHeaders = true;
rvcontext.items = [
name : "Dynamic header 1"
name : "Dynamic header 2"
name : "Dynamic header 3"
rvcontext.toggle = function(){
rvcontext.showDynamicHeaders = !rvcontext.showDynamicHeaders;
I'd expect the table's dynamic headers to show up or not depending on the value of showDynamicHeaders. But it doesn't seem to work; instead, the headers are visible or not depending on the initial value of showDynamicHeaders, but their visibility doesn't change when the value is updated.
See this fiddle for a live example.
I am doing something wrong?

Try moving your rv-show to the <table> tag, like this:
<table rv-show="showTable" >
<tr rv-each-item="items">
working fiddle
Edit: Another option would be to add a rv-class tag in the each, like this:
<div rv-each-i="data" rv-class-hide="i.a | neq 1">
{i.a} - {i.b} ({i.c})
var data = [
{a:1, b:"testing1", c:true},
{a:1, b:"testing1a", c:true},
{a:1, b:"testing1b", c:true},
{a:2, b:"testing2", c:false},
{a:2, b:"testing2a", c:true},
{a:50, b:"testing50", c:false}
rivets.formatters.neq = function(val, v2) { return val!=v2;};
$(document).ready(function() {
var $r = $('#rivets');
rivets.bind($r, {data:data});
working fiddle of the rv-class method

Although not related to your problem I found this question whilst searching for rv-show not working within an array loop - turns out the rv-show binding needs either boolean or integer values passed to it. "0" or "1" always evaluate to true, so in my case I just cast the data to an integer and it worked as intended.
Just added that in case someone else stumbles over this question with the same cause as me, especially if dealing with AJAX data.


How can I split the following string into an array that I can use to populate a html table

I have a string that looks like:
var str = '{ "abc": {
"decline_reason": "Business rule switched off"
"def": {
"decline_reason": "No response by interface"
"ghi": {
"decline_reason": "Requested incorrect size" }';
I would like to split that string into an array that I can use to populate a table on a webpage. I intend to use the initial reference ('abc'), with the reason ('Business rule switched off') on row 1, initial reference ('def'), with the reason ('No response by interface') on row 2, etc...
I have tried regex to break it down, and I've managed to find one that removes quotes, but not to break the string down.
I intend to populate the table with code like:
<table id="declinesTable">
<th onclick="sortTable(0)">Reference Code</th>
<th>Decline Reason</th>
<tr id="lender1">
<td id="lender1"><script>document.getElementById("lender1").innerHTML = declines[0];</script>
<td id="declineReason1"><script>document.getElementById("declineReason1").innerHTML = declines[2];</script>
skipping out the value "decline_reason" from the table.
Any suggestions?
Couple of things - your string is missing a final }. Not sure where you're getting the string from, but it's in JSON format, so use JSON.parse to get it into an object, then iterate over the object to do something with each individual nested object. I would strongly recommend using a library like jQuery to help you append it to the table. You can google and very quickly find out how to add jQuery to your project. See below.
function stringParse(str) {
const json = JSON.parse(str);
const html = Object.entries(json).reduce((h, [k, v]) =>
h += `<tr><td>${k}</td><td>${v.decline_reason}</td></tr>`
, "");
const str = '{ "abc": {"decline_reason": "Business rule switched off"},"def": {"decline_reason": "No response by interface"},"ghi": {"decline_reason": "Requested incorrect size"}}'
<table id="declinesTable">
<th>Reference Code</th>
<th>Decline Reason</th>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

How to disable initial Ordering of data in Angular Datatables?

I am using angular datatables and I have only one column.
When I bind it, the data comes in an ascneding order, while I want to display it in the order I recived it.
Can someone please help.
Controller :
var vm = this;
vm.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
vm.dtColumnDefs = [
<div ng-controller="formViewController as frmView">
<table datatable="ng" dt-options="frmView.dtOptions" dt-column-defs="frmView.dtColumnDefs" class="row-border hover">
<tr ng-repeat="plugin in newArray track by $index">
Look at order, formerly known as aaSorting. Add
.withOption('order', [])
to your dtOptions. The default value of order is [[0, 'asc']], setting it to [] will prevent dataTables from making an initial sort on the first column after initialisation.
this.dtOptions ={
order:[] //<= Use this
This worked for me. I tried several other ways, but thus seems to be the better solution.
Try This
dtOptions: DataTables.Settings = {};
ngOnInit() {
// table settings
this.dtOptions = {
pagingType: 'full_numbers',
pageLength: 10,
retrieve: true,
order:[[0, 'desc']] // '0' is the table column(1st column) and 'desc' is the sorting order

orderBy not working with pagination and filters

<th class="col-md-3" ng-click="sortDirection = !sortDirection">Created At</th>
<tr dir-paginate="food in foods | filter:foodFilter | itemsPerPage:pageSize | orderBy:'created_at_date'">
<td class="col-md-"> {{food.created_at_date}} </td>
max-size= 7
This is only a snippet of my code but its too large to put up. Everything is working except only some of the created_at_date is in order. When I click on a different filter to add in or remove data depending on that filter, only some of it is entered into the correct place. My main question is: is there someway to sort all of the dates properly while still allowing the everything else function as well? All help is welcome, Thanks
(function () {
"use strict";
App.controller('foodsController', ['$scope'],
function($scope) {
$scope.sortDirection = true;
In your controller you can add the method to order the array before you loop over them.
Assuming your foods array has an array of objects, each with a key of created_at_date and a value:
App.controller('foodsController', function($scope) {
$scope.foods = [{
created_at_date: 6791234
}, {
created_at_date: 9837245
}, {
created_at_date: 1234755
// create a method exposed to the scope for your template.
$scope.orderBy = function(key, array) {
// now you've received the array, you can sort it on the key in question.
var sorted = array.sort(function(a, b) {
return a[key] - b[key];
return sorted;
Now on your template, you have a method available to sort your values for you:
<th class="col-md-3" ng-click="sortDirection = !sortDirection">Created At</th>
<tr dir-paginate="food in orderBy('created_at_date', foods) | filter:foodFilter | itemsPerPage:pageSize">
<td class="col-md-"> {{food.created_at_date}} </td>
The orderBy method which we've created on your controller returns an array, but it's just sorted by the key that's sent in as the first argument of the function. The second argument is the original array you're trying to sort.
At least this way you can check if you remove all your other filters to see if it's ordered correctly, if then after you add them back in it changes it's because those filters are also changing the order.

Formatting data before render it

I am displaying some data in the view, but I need to formatted first, I was doing something like
val.toFixed(2) and that is OK, it works but the problem is that val sometimes comes with letters, and toFixed(2) is not taking that into account so is not displaying the letters.
So I need something that takes into account letters and numbers, the letters don't have to change, only the numbers which comes like 234235.345345435, and obviously I need it like this 234235.34.
Here is some of the code I am using
<th ng-repeat='header in headers'>{{header.th}}</th>
<td ng-repeat='data in headers'>
<div ng-repeat='inner in data.td'>
<span ng-repeat='(prop, val) in inner'>{{val.toFixed(2)}}</span>
and in the controller
$scope.LoadMyJson = function() {
for (var s in myJson){
if ($scope.headers.length < 1)
for (var prop in myJson[s]){
prop.data = [];
$scope.headers.push({th:prop, td: []});
for (var s in $scope.data){
for (var prop in $scope.headers){
var header = $scope.headers[prop].th;
var data = myJson[$scope.data[s]][header];
and I prepared this Fiddle
the way it is right now, is displaying the table properly, but as you see, the table is missing the name, it is because of the toFixed method.
So, what can I do ?
Create a custom filter to use on your template.
<th ng-repeat='header in headers'>{{header.th}}</th>
<td ng-repeat='data in headers'>
<div ng-repeat='inner in data.td'>
<span ng-repeat='(prop, val) in inner'>{{val|formatValue}}</span>
angular.module('whatever').filter('formatValue', function () {
return function (value) {
if (isNaN(parseFloat(value))) {
return value;
return parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
You can try this :
That is a clean way to render formated data in view using angularjs as MVC
frontend framework :
Create a filter in your angular application.
Include your filter in your index.html.
use your filter like this : {{somedata | filterName}}
That is a simple angular filter to solve your problem, hope it will help you :
.filter('formatHeader', function() {
return function(data) {
if(angular.isNumber(data)) {
return data.toFixed(2);
return data;
And us it like this :
<th ng-repeat='header in headers'>{{header.th}}</th>
<td ng-repeat='data in headers'>
<div ng-repeat='inner in data.td'>
<span ng-repeat='(prop, val) in inner'>{{val | formatHeader}}</span>
You can take a look about these references :
angular functions
filter doc.
angular tutorials

knockout observable array is not updating view on removing elements from array

Here is my view model code
var TopicsViewModel = function() {
var self = this;
var fakeTopicData =
self.createProfile = function () {
alert("came to create profile");
self.editProfile = function () {
alert("came to edit profile");
self.removeProfile = function (profile) {
alert("came to remove profile");
var refresh = function() {
self.topicsArr = fakeTopicData;
self.topicsArr = ko.observableArray([]);
ko.applyBindings(new TopicsViewModel());
Here is my html for the view:
<hr />
<hr />
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed">
<tr >
<tbody data-bind="foreach : topicsArr">
<td data-bind="text :area"> </td>
<td class=""><a data-bind="text:name, click:$parent.editProfile"></a></td>
<td data-bind="text:link"> </td>
<td data-bind="text:desc"> </td>
<td data-bind="text:why" ></td>
<td><button class="btn btn-mini btn-danger" data-bind="click:$parent.removeProfile">remove</button></td>
<script src="~/Scripts/Topic.js"></script>
The view initially display all the Topics in my fakeData Array.
On clicking the remove Button, I am trying to remove an element from the array, and expected the view to refresh and not show the removed item any more. However the view still shows all the 3 topics.
Could someone please point to what I might be doing wrong.
I spend a long time researching the other similar queries on stackoverflow, but am still stuck. Thanks so much for any insight into this issue.
You are replacing your observable array called topicsarr with one which isn't observable in your refresh method...
var refresh = function() {
self.topicsArr = fakeTopicData;
var refresh = function() {
you have 2 issues in your code.
First, you are setting your observableArray topicsArr with non observableArray or normal array in refresh function. Instead use self.topicsArr(fakeTopicData)
Second, in function removeProfile you are using pop() to remove profile element. From KnockoutJS documentation:
myObservableArray.pop() removes the last value from the array and
returns it
So, it's better to use remove(item) and pass to it your profile element or loop through your array and remove that specific item
myObservableArray.remove(someItem) removes all values that equal
someItem and returns them as an array

