How get ASCII from CHAR in Office365 - javascript

I'm trying to learn how to build an Office365 Add-In to MS-Word.
My problem is to get the ASCII-code of characters in text, since Office Javascript seems not have .charAt() function (although it has fromCharAt()).
I had tried:
- var.prototype.charAt()
- var.charAt() << does not exist
My routine is:
var CurrentIndex = text.length,
while (0 !== CurrentIndice) {
CurrentIndex -= 1;
V_Temp = text[CurrentIndex];
AsciiV_Temp = ??????
I would like to know how can I implement a function to do this or, in another way, if I can call a .NET Class to perform this function.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013.
Thanks for any help.

This is a work-round which will return the ascii value (it assumes you are using characters: space to ~ (32 to 126).
var ascVals="";
for (k=32; k < 127; k++) {
Will return 97. Replacing "a" with your CharacterForAsciiConversion will at least give you the value until you have a better solution.


Convert Google Contact ID to Hex to use in URL

Google Contacts now (Jan 2019) issues a long (19 digit) decimal number id for each contact that you create.
Unfortunately, as discussed in this question the ID cannot be put into a URL to view the contact easily, however if you convert this decimal number to Hex it can be put into the URL.
So the question is, how to convert
When I use the Decimal to Hex converter here it gives me
286E4A310F1EEADC if I drop the c (2nd function below is a version of the sites code, but it does use PHP too maybe)
However trying the following functions in Javascript give me mixed results
The first one is from this stack question which is the closest, just 2 digits off
function decimalToHexString(number)
number = parseFloat(number);
if (number < 0)
number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1;
return number.toString(16);
//output 286e4a310f1eea00
function convertDec(inp,outp) {
var pd = '';
var output ;
var input = inp;
for (i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
var e=input[i].charCodeAt(0);var s = "";
output+= e + pd;
return output;
//return 50574951515255535651535050565054575550
Love to know your thoughts on improving this process
It seems like the limit of digit size. You have to use arrays if you need to convert bigger digits.
You can use hex2dec npm package to convert between hex and dec.
>> converter.decToHex("2913347583522826972", { prefix: false }
Js example
On python side, you can simply do
dec = 2913347583522826972
// Python implicitly handles prefix
hexa = hex(dec)
print dec == int(hexa, 16)
// True
Python example
For more take a look at the following gist

How can I compare "M" and "M" (in UTF) using Javascript?

I have a situation where I have to search a grid if it contains a certain substring. I have a search bar where the user can type the string. The problem is that the grid contains mix of Japanese text and Unicode characters,
for example : MAGシンチ注 333MBq .
How can I compare for content equality the letter 'M' that I type from the keyboard and the letter "M" as in the example above? I am trying to do this using plain Javascript and not Jquery or other library. And I have to do this in Internet Explorer.
As mentioned in an insightful comment from #Rhymoid on the question, modern JavaScript (ES2015) includes support for normalization of Unicode. One mode of normalization is to map "compatible" letterforms from higher code pages down to their most basic representatives in lower code pages (to summarize, it's kind-of involved). The .normalize("NFKD") method will map the "M" from the Japanese code page down to the Latin equivalent. Thus
"MAGシンチ注 333MBq".normalize("NFKD")
will give
"MAGシンチ注 333MBq"
As of late 2016, .normalize() isn't supported by IE.
At a lower level, ES2015 also has .codePointAt() (mentioned in another good answer), which is like the older .charCodeAt() described below but which also understands UTF-16 pairs. However, .codePointAt() is (again, late 2016) not supported by Safari.
below is original answer for older browsers
You can use the .charCodeAt() method to examine the UTF-16 character codes in the string.
is 77, while
is 65325.
This approach is complicated by the fact that for some Unicode characters, the UTF-16 representation involves two separate character positions in the JavaScript string. The language does not provide native support for dealing with that, so you have to do it yourself. A character code between 55926 and 57343 (D800 and DFFF hex) indicates the start of a two-character pair. The UTF-16 Wikipedia page has more information, and there are various other sources.
Building a dictionary should work in any browser, find the charCodes at the start of ranges you want to transform then move the characters in your favourite way, for example
function shift65248(str) {
var dict = {}, characters = [],
character, i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // 0 - 9
character = String.fromCharCode(65296 + i);
dict[character] = String.fromCharCode(48 + i);
for (i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { // A - Z
character = String.fromCharCode(65313 + i);
dict[character] = String.fromCharCode(65 + i);
for (i = 0; i < 26; ++i) { // a - z
character = String.fromCharCode(65313 + i);
dict[character] = String.fromCharCode(97 + i);
return str.replace(
new RegExp(characters.join('|'), 'g'),
function (m) {return dict[m];}
shift65248('MAGシンチ注 333MBq'); // "MAGシンチ注 333MBq"
I tried just moving the whole range 65248..65375 onto 0..127 but it conflicted with the other characters :(
I am assuming that you have access to those strings, by reading the DOM for some other way.
If so, codePointAt will be your friend.
console.log("Test of values");
console.log("Determining end of string");
var str = "MAGシンチ注 333MBq .";
var idx = 0;
do {
point = str.codePointAt(idx);
} while(point !== undefined);
You could try building your own dictionary and compare function as follows:
var compareDB = {
'm' : ['M'],
'b' : ['B']
function doCompare(inputChar, searchText){
inputCharLower = inputChar.toLowerCase();
searchTextLower = searchText.toLowerCase();
if(searchTextLower.indexOf(inputChar) > -1)
return true;
if(compareDB[inputCharLower] !== undefined)
for(i=0; i<compareDB[inputCharLower].length; i++){
if(searchTextLower.indexOf(compareDB[inputCharLower][i].toLowerCase()) > -1)
return true;
return false;
console.log("searching with m");
console.log(doCompare('m', "searching text with M"));
console.log("searching with m");
console.log(doCompare('m', "searching text with B"));
console.log("searching with B");
console.log(doCompare('B', "searching text with B"));

Javascript - Format number to always show the original decimal places

I need a js function that show the original count of decimals in a number. For example:
value display
2.31 2
1.0 1
2.3500 4
The problem is that i dont know how get the count of decimals.
I have that code:
return CountofDecimals(value); // must be display 4:
Anything help??? Thanks :P
That's not possible. There's no difference between the number 3.5 and 3.50 in JavaScript, or indeed in any other common programming language.
If you actually mean they're strings (value = '2.3500' rather than value = 2.3500) then you can use indexOf:
var decimalPlaces = value.length - value.indexOf('.') - 1;
Caveat: I hate this answer, I don't really advocate it
Don't store it as a number, store it as a string. This can result in "stringly typed" code quickly so it is inadvisable. It is a workaround since JavaScript uses a float as the number type.
Alternatively store it as an Object and parse out the format via a function call:
{ value = "1.2345", decimal = 4}
and use that to create the correct number format. If I had the requirement this is probably the hack I'd use. Or, I would have my server return the formatted string as you can pull that off easily server side.
If it would be possible take these numbers as strings, it definitely is possible..And quite simple actually.
function countDecimals(string){
var delimiters = [",","."];
for(var i = 0; i<delimiters.length; i++){
if(string.indexOf(delimiters[i])==-1) continue;
return string.substring(string.indexOf(delimiters[i])+1).length;
You could use this function:
function decimalplaces(number)
numberastring = number.toString(10);
decimalpoint = numberastring.indexOf(".");
if(decimalpoint == -1)
return 0;
return numberastring.length - decimalpoint - 1;

How do I get the unicode/hex representation of a symbol out of the HTML using JavaScript/jQuery?

Say I have an element like this...
<math xmlns="">
<mo class="symbol">α</mo>
Is there a way to get the unicode/hex value of alpha α, &#x03B1, using JavaScript/jQuery? Something like...
$('.symbol').text().unicode(); // I know unicode() doesn't exist
$('.symbol').text().hex(); // I know hex() doesn't exist
I need &#x03B1 instead of α and it seems like anytime I insert &#x03B1 into the DOM and try to retrieve it right away, it gets rendered and I can't get &#x03B1 back; I just get α.
Using mostly plain JavaScript, you should be able to do:
function entityForSymbolInContainer(selector) {
var code = $(selector).text().charCodeAt(0);
var codeHex = code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
while (codeHex.length < 4) {
codeHex = "0" + codeHex;
return "&#x" + codeHex + ";";
Here's an example:
charCodeAt will get you the decimal value of the string:
"α".charCodeAt(0); //returns 945
0x03b1 === 945; //returns true
toString will then get the hex string
(945).toString(16); // returns "3b1"
(Confirmed to work in IE9 and Chrome)
If you would try to convert Unicode character out of BMP (basic multilingual plane) in ways above - you are up for a nasty surprise. Characters out of BMP are encoded as multiple UTF16 values for example:
"🔒".length = 2 (one part for shackle one part for lock base :) )
so "🔒".charCodeAt(0) will give you 55357 which is only 'half' of number while "🔒".charCodeAt(1) will give you 56594 which is the other half.
To get char codes for those values you might wanna use use following string extension function
String.prototype.charCodeUTF32 = function(){
return ((((this.charCodeAt(0)-0xD800)*0x400) + (this.charCodeAt(1)-0xDC00) + 0x10000));
you can also use it like this
to get html hex codes.
Hope this saves you some time.
for example in case you need to convert this hex code to unicode
pick two character time by time ,
if the dec ascii code is over 127 , add a % before
return url decode string
function hex2a(hex) {
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2){
var dec = parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16);
character = String.fromCharCode(dec);
if (dec > 127)
character = "%"+hex.substr(i,2);
str += character;
return decodeURI(str);

Detect difference between & and %26 in location.hash

Analyzing the location.hash with this simple javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">alert(location.hash);</script>
I have a difficult time separating out GET variables that contain a & (encoded as %26) and a & used to separate variables.
Example one:
Example two:
As you can see, example 1 has no problems, but getting javascript to know that "code=php & code" in example two is beyond my abilities:
(Note: I'm not really using these variable names, and changing them to something else will only work so long as a search term does not match a search key, so I wouldn't consider that a valid solution.)
There is no difference between %26 and & in a fragment identifier (‘hash’). ‘&’ is only a reserved character with special meaning in a query (‘search’) segment of a URI. Escaping ‘&’ to ‘%26’ need be given no more application-level visibility than escaping ‘a’ to ‘%61’.
Since there is no standard encoding scheme for hiding structured data within a fragment identifier, you could make your own. For example, use ‘+XX’ hex-encoding to encode a character in a component:
function encodeHashComponent(x) {
return encodeURIComponent(x).split('%').join('+');
function decodeHashComponent(x) {
return decodeURIComponent(x.split('+').join('%'));
function getHashParameters() {
var parts= location.hash.substring(1).split('&');
var pars= {};
for (var i= parts.length; i-->0;) {
var kv= parts[i].split('=');
var k= kv[0];
var v= kv.slice(1).join('=');
pars[decodeHashComponent(k)]= decodeHashComponent(v);
return pars;
Testing on Firefox 3.1, it looks as if the browser converts hex codes to the appropriate characters when populating the location.hash variable, so there is no way JavaScript can know how the original was a single character or a hex code.
If you're trying to encode a character like & inside of your hash variables, I would suggest replacing it with another string.
You can also parse the string in weird ways, like (JS 1.6 here):
function pairs(xs) {
return xs.length > 1 ? [[xs[0], xs[1]]].concat(pairs(xs.slice(2))) : []
function union(xss) {
return xss.length == 0 ? [] : xss[0].concat(union(xss.slice(1)));
function splitOnLast(s, sub) {
return s.indexOf(sub) == -1 ? [s] :
[s.substr(0, s.lastIndexOf(sub)),
s.substr(s.lastIndexOf(sub) + sub.length)];
function objFromPairs(ps) {
var o = {};
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
o[ps[i][0]] = ps[i][1];
return o;
function parseHash(hash) {
return objFromPairs(
function (s) splitOnLast(s, '&')))))
>>> location.hash
"#code=php & code&age=15d"
>>> parseHash(location.hash)
{ "code": "php & code", "age": "15d" }
Just do the same as you do with the first example, but after you have split on the & then call unescape() to convert the %26 to & and the %20 to a space.
Looks like I'm a bit out of date and you should be using decodeURIComponent() now, though I don't see any clear explanation on what it does differently to unescape(), apart from a suggestion that it doesn't handle Unicode properly.
This worked fine for me:
var hash = [];
if (location.hash) {
hash = location.href.split('#')[1].split('&');

