How to to extract a string between two characters? - javascript

These are my strings:
What I want to do is extracting 180, 360 and 480 from those strings.
I tried this RegEx _(.*)# but no chance.

You just want the capture group:
var str = 'there_is_a_string_here_1_180#1111111';
var substr = str.match(/_(\d*)#/);
if (substr) {
substr = substr[1];
//outputs 180

you almost got it
you need to do a match on digits, or else the string will also get selected because of the other underscore.
Ofcourse your match will be in \1

Try this
var str = "there_is_a_string_here_1_480#1111111";
var matches = str.match(/_\d+#/).map(function(value){return value.substring(1,value.length-1);});
document.body.innerHTML += JSON.stringify(matches,0,4);

try this:
Use lookbehind (?<=) and look ahead (?=) so that "_" and "#" are not included in the match.
(?!.*) gets the last occurence of "_".
(.*) matches everything between the last occurence of "_" and "#".
I hope it helps.


How to regex replace a query string with matching 2 words?

I have a url and I want to replace the query string. For example
I want to match the wid= and hei= and the numbers don't have to be 200 to replace the whole thing so it should look like this.
So I've tried doing but it only replaced the matching wei and hei.
const url = ""
url.replace(/(wid)(hei)_[^\&]+/, "#HT_dtImage")
You can match either wid= or hei= until the next optional ampersand and then remove those matches, and then append #HT_dtImage to the result.
The pattern matches:
\b A word boundary to prevent a partial word match
(?:wid|hei)= Non capture group, match either wid or hei followed by =
[^&]*&? Match 0+ times a char other than &, and then match an optional &
See a regex demo.
let url = ""
url = url.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "") + "#HT_dtImage";
I would just use string split here:
var url = "";
var output = url.split("?")[0] + "?#HT_dtImage";
If you only want to target query strings havings both keys wid and hei, then use a regex approach:
var url = "";
var output = url.replace(/(.*)\?(?=.*\bwid=\d+)(?=.*\bhei=\d+).*/, "$1?#HT_dtImage");
You can make use of lookaround using regex /\?.*/
const url = '';
const result = url.replace(/\?.*/, '?#HT_dtImage');
url.replace(/\?.*/, "?#HT_dtImage")

JS Regex for a string contains fixed number of letters

Let's say I need to have minimum 5 letters in a string not requiring that they are subsequent. The regex below checks subsequent letters
So, "aaaaa" -- true, but "aaa1aa" -- false.
What is the regex to leave the sequence condition, that both of the strings above would pass as true.
You could remove all non-letter chars with .replace(/[^A-Za-z]+/g, '') and then run the regex:
var strs = ["aaaaa", "aaa1aa"];
var val_rx = /[a-zA-Z]{5,}/;
for (var s of strs) {
console.log( val_rx.test(s.replace(/[^A-Za-z]+/g, '')) );
Else, you may also use a one step solution like
var strs = ["aaaaa", "aaa1aa"];
var val_rx = /(?:[^a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z]){5,}/;
for (var s of strs) {
console.log( s, "=>", val_rx.test(s) );
See this second regex demo online. (?:[^a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z]){5,} matches 5 or more consecutive occurrences of 0 or more non-letter chars ([^a-zA-Z]*) followed with a letter char.
Allow non-letter characters between the letters:
If you have to use a regular expression only, here's one somewhat ugly option:
const check = str => /^(.*[A-Za-z].*){5}/.test(str);
w means alphanumeric in regex,
it will be ok : \w{5,}
Just like this? Or do you mean it needs to be a regex that ignores digits? Because the above would match aaaa1 as well.

Replace after char '-' or '/' match

I'm trying to execute regex replace after match char, example 3674802/3 or 637884-ORG
The id can become one of them, in that case, how can I use regex replace to match to remove after the match?
Input var id = 3674802/3 or 637884-ORG;
Expected Output 3674802 or 637884
You could use sbustring method to take part of string only till '/' OR '-':
var input = "3674802/3";
var output = input.substr(0, input.indexOf('/'));
var input = "637884-ORG";
var output = input.substr(0, input.indexOf('-'));
var input = "3674802/3";
if (input.indexOf('/') > -1)
input = input.substr(0, input.indexOf('/'));
var input = "637884-ORG";
if (input.indexOf('-') > -1)
input = input.substr(0, input.indexOf('-'));
You can use a regex with a lookahead assertion
var id = "3674802/3"
console.log((id.match(/(\d+)(?=[/-])/g) || []).pop())
id = "637884-ORG"
console.log((id.match(/(\d+)(?=[/-])/g) || []).pop())
You don't need Regex for this. Regex is far more powerful than what you need.
You get away with the String's substring and indexOf methods.
indexOf takes in a character/substring and returns an integer. The integer represents what character position the character/substring starts at.
substring takes in a starting position and ending position, and returns the new string from the start to the end.
If are having trouble getting these to work; then, feel free to ask for more clarification.
You can use the following script:
var str = '3674802/3 or 637884-ORG';
var id = str.replace(/(\d+)[-\/](?:\d+|[A-Z]+)/g, '$1');
Details concerning the regex:
(\d+) - A seuence of digits, the 1st capturing group.
[-\/] - Either a minus or a slash. Because / are regex delimiters,
it must be escaped with a backslash.
(?: - Start of a non-capturing group, a "container" for alternatives.
\d+ - First alternative - a sequence of digits.
| - Alternative separator.
[A-Z]+ - Second alternative - a sequence of letters.
) - End of the non-capturing group.
g - global option.
The expression to replace with: $1 - replace the whole finding with
the first capturing group.
Thanks To everyone who responded to my question, was really helpful to resolve my issue.
Here is My answer that I built:
var str = ['8484683*ORG','7488575/2','647658-ORG'];
var regRep = /((\/\/[^\/]+)?\/.*)|(\-.*)|(\*.*)/;
var txt = str[i].replace(regRep,"");

How to remove the first and the last character of a string

I'm wondering how to remove the first and last character of a string in Javascript.
My url is showing /installers/ and I just want installers.
Sometimes it will be /installers/services/ and I just need installers/services.
So I can't just simply strip the slashes /.
Here you go
var yourString = "/installers/";
var result = yourString.substring(1, yourString.length-1);
Or you can use .slice as suggested by Ankit Gupta
var yourString = "/installers/services/";
var result = yourString.slice(1,-1);
Documentation for the slice and substring.
It may be nicer one to use slice like :
string.slice(1, -1)
I don't think jQuery has anything to do with this. Anyway, try the following :
url = url.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
If you dont always have a starting or trailing slash, you could regex it. While regexes are slower then simple replaces/slices, it has a bit more room for logic:
"/installers/services/".replace(/^\/?|\/?$/g, "")
# /installers/services/ -> installers/services
# /installers/services -> installers/services
# installers/services/ -> installers/services
The regex explained:
['start with' ^] + [Optional?] + [slash]: ^/?, escaped -> ^\/?
The pipe ( | ) can be read as or
['ends with' $] + [Optional ?] + [slash] -> /?$, escaped -> \/?$
Combined it would be ^/?|/$ without escaping. Optional first slash OR optional last slash.
Technically it isn't "optional", but "zero or one times".
You can do something like that :
This regex is a common way to have the same behaviour of the trim function used in many languages.
A possible implementation of trim function is :
function trim(string, char){
if(!char) char = ' '; //space by default
char = char.replace(/([()[{*+.$^\\|?])/g, '\\$1'); //escape char parameter if needed for regex syntax.
var regex_1 = new RegExp("^" + char + "+", "g");
var regex_2 = new RegExp(char + "+$", "g");
return string.replace(regex_1, '').replace(regex_2, '');
Which will delete all / at the beginning and the end of the string. It handles cases like ///installers/services///
You can also simply do :
"/installers/".substring(1, string.length-1);
You can use substring method
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1) //removes last character
another alternative is slice method
if you need to remove the first leter of string
string.slice(1, 0)
and for remove last letter
string.slice(0, -1)
use .replace(/.*\/(\S+)\//img,"$1")
"/installers/services/".replace(/.*\/(\S+)\//img,"$1"); //--> services
"/services/".replace(/.*\/(\S+)\//img,"$1"); //--> services
It is too nicer shortcode.,-1) // "Prince"
-> Prince
This way you can use the directories if it is like .../.../.../... etc.

Regular Expression: Any character that is not a letter or number

I need a regular expression that will match any character that is not a letter or a number. Once found I want to replace it with a blank space.
To match anything other than letter or number you could try this:
And to replace:
var str = 'dfj,dsf7lfsd .sdklfj';
str = str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ');
This regular expression matches anything that isn't a letter, digit, or an underscore (_) character.
For example in JavaScript:
"(,,#,£,() asdf 345345".replace(/\W/g, ' '); // Output: " asdf 345345"
You are looking for:
var yourVar = '1324567890abc§$)%';
yourVar = yourVar.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ' ');
This replaces all non-alphanumeric characters with a space.
The "g" on the end replaces all occurrences.
Instead of specifying a-z (lowercase) and A-Z (uppercase) you can also use the in-case-sensitive option: /[^a-z0-9]/gi.
This is way way too late, but since there is no accepted answer I'd like to provide what I think is the simplest one: \D - matches all non digit characters.
var x = "123 235-25%";
x.replace(/\D/g, '');
Results in x: "12323525"
Match letters only /[A-Z]/ig
Match anything not letters /[^A-Z]/ig
Match number only /[0-9]/g or /\d+/g
Match anything not number /[^0-9]/g or /\D+/g
Match anything not number or letter /[^A-Z0-9]/ig
There are other possible patterns
try doing str.replace(/[^\w]/);
It will replace all the non-alphabets and numbers from your string!
Edit 1: str.replace(/[^\w]/g, ' ')
Just for others to see:
someString.replaceAll("([^\\p{L}\\p{N}])", " ");
will remove any non-letter and non-number unicode characters.
To match anything other than letter or number or letter with diacritics like é you could try this:
And to replace:
var str = 'dfj,dsf7é#lfsd .sdklfàj1';
str = str.replace(/[^\wÀ-úÀ-ÿ]/g, '_');
Inspired by the top post with support for diacritics
Have you tried str = str.replace(/\W|_/g,''); it will return a string without any character and you can specify if any especial character after the pipe bar | to catch them as well.
var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$#'.replace(/\W|_/g, ''); it will return str = 1324567890abcJohnDoe
or look for digits and letters and replace them for empty string (""):
var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$#".replace(/\w|_/g, ''); it will return str = '§$)% #$#';
Working with unicode, best for me:
text.replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}]+/gu, ' ');

