How to pass multiple parameter from view to controller without ajax request - javascript

I want to pass multiple parameters from view to controller using jquery without an ajax call and I don't want to use ajax, Because that return is in jquery but I want to return view.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".addCF").click(function () {
var Resource = $("#ResourceId option:selected").text();
var Description = $("#ResourceDescription ").val();
var Count = $("#ResourceCount option:selected").text();
var Cost = $("#ResourceCostId option:selected").text();
var Duration = $("#ResourceDuration option:selected").text();
url: '#Url.Action("ResourceList", "Home")',
data: { Resource: Resource, Description: Description, Count: Count, Cost: Cost, Duration: Duration },
datetype: 'json',
contenttype: "application/json",
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
Any suggestion please?

You will need a form to submit. Then use .submit() If you are using razor your can create a from like this.
#Html.BeginForm("YourAction", "YourController", FormMethod.Post)
Then have your controller return a view.


generic ajax form submission

ajax/javascript problem:
I have an app which consist of multiple forms. What i want to achieve is to make a generic js function to submit forms to their respective controllers by getting form id.. I m successfully getting form ids in form_id variable but m unable to use them. I tried replacing $('patient_form') with form _id and got following error: TypeError: form_id.on is not a function
Here is the following code for better understanding of the problem:
$(function () {
var form = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
var form_id = "'#" + form[0].id + "'";
form_id.on('submit', function (e) {
type: 'post',
url: 'Controllers/c_insertPatient.php',
data: $('#patient_form').serialize(),
success: function (result) {
The way you have it form_id is a string.
var form_id = $("#" + form[0].id);
$.ajax is a jquery function. If you want to use jquery (which in this case I think you should), then do it as follows:
$('form').on('submit', function () {
type: 'post',
url: 'Controllers/c_insertPatient.php',
data: $('#patient_form').serialize(),
success: function (result) {
In addition to the other answers, you want to keep your form ID dynamic, right, so you can insert whatever values you want?
$(function () {
var form = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
// note you have to convert to jQuery object
var form_id = $("#" + form[i].id); // i, so you can put in the id for any form
form_id.on('submit', function (e) {
type: 'post',
url: 'Controllers/c_insertPatient.php',
data: $(this).serialize(), // again, keep generic so this applies to any form
success: function (result) {
You should set the event listener to the element, not the string of the id of the element. Also I presume you have jQuery because you are using $. Set an id on the form in the HTML. Then:
$(function () {
var form = $('#theFormId');
form.submit(function(event) {
$.post('Controllers/c_insertPatient.php', form.serialize(), function() {

On PHP script end send message to jquery, print to page with jquery

I have a page with buttons, that when pressed send an ajax request through jquery to a PHP script. This script runs with these variables. When this PHP script is finished I would like to send a message back to the jquery function, which then prints out this message. Currently I have:
$('button').click(function () {
nombre = $('input').val();
buttonz = $(this);
request = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: 'administrator.php',
data: {
'method': buttonz.attr('id'),
'results': nombre
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
Instead of 'finished' I would like to echo a varaible from my php script.
First need to check console error if you have any error then try to alert response in success section try
$('button').click(function () {
nombre = $('input').val();
buttonz = $(this);
type: "POST",
url: 'administrator.php',
data: {
'method': buttonz.attr('id'),
'results': nombre
success: function (data) {
// or use buttonz.val(data);
You cannot ECHO from jQuery as this is PHP and the server-side script has already been run. What you need to do is enter the text or html into an existing element.
For example..
On your page (before ajax is done) create a blank DIV with space to put the response ie...
<div id="MyAnswerHere"></div>
Then in your ajax call in the success area add the code to insert the answer. For example
Or if just text you could use...
So in your code..
$('button').click(function () {
nombre = $('input').val();
buttonz = $(this);
request = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: 'administrator.php',
data: {
'method': buttonz.attr('id'),
'results': nombre
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
And add the div to enter the message do with the ID that we are selecting in the DOM before hand.
`<div id="MyAnswerHere"></div>`
simply put the response from ajax in your button,
You could try something like this, which will change your button text when the ajax has succeeded:
$('button').click(function () {
nombre = $('input').val();
buttonz = $(this);
request = $.ajax({
type: "POST",
url: 'administrator.php',
data: {
'method': buttonz.attr('id'),
'results': nombre
success: function (data) {
Change buttonz.text('Finished'); to:
buttonz.text('<?php echo json_encode(utf8_encode($your_Value))?>');
So why not just to echo the variable with php??
Change buttonz.text('Finished'); to:
buttonz.text('<?php echo $your_variable;?>');
The value of the variable will be parsed by the PHP engine, it will appear in your HTML page as requested

Access Javascript variable in php in same page

Hi I am facing problem with json data. Here is my js code.
dataType: 'jsonp',
I want to use json data in PHP in same page.
I know that you cannot assign Javascript value to PHP variable.
Is there way to do this?
Or is possible to do similar task in php (Jquery Ajax cross domain) like above javascript code ?
Any help?
your js code
var my_json_obj = new Object();
my_json_obj .name = "Lanny";
my_json_obj .age = "25";
my_json_obj .location = "China";
var json_str = JSON.stringify(my_json_obj);
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "my.php",
data: {
postData: json_str
success: function (data) { alert(data) },
eror: function (data) { alert(data) }
your my.php file
You could do that with AJAX.
You need a script, which will give javascript vars to the PHP Script, like:
var PHPFile = 'PHPFile.php?arg1=' + arg1 + '&arg2=' + arg2;
In the "PHPFile.php" you can access them by
$arg1 = $_GET["arg1"];
$arg2 = $_GET["arg2"];
Or you could do that with jquery $.ajax-> data, too.
You can access them by
$arg1 = $_POST["arg1"];
$arg2 = $_POST["arg2"];
Something like that:
result = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
async: false,
url: 'PHPFile.php',
data: ({
arg1: arg1,
arg2: arg2
If you want to do that with a json-object, try this:

pass data to lable in same page using jquery

i have this working code with this code i can pass data to div within same page
but insted of passing data to div i want to pass this to label or textbox so that i can post it to the server. i am new in ajax,jquery . please suggest me best answer
<script type="text/javascript">
//send clicker data to div
$(function() {
var data = $(this).attr('id');
type: "POST",
data: "db_data=" + data,
success: function(){
<script type="text/javascript">
i think i need to change this line only
but dont know how to do that. didnt find any solution on net also
take any name like propertyId
Let's say the text field has id="propertyID"
Use the val() method to assign this new value to your text field.
$(function() {
var data = $(this).attr('id');
type: "POST",
data: "db_data=" + data,
success: function(){
// $('.responseDiv').text(data);
In the below line change selector .responseDiv with id/name or class of input/label $('.responseDiv').val(data);
<script type="text/javascript"> //send clicker data to div
$(function() {
var data = $(this).attr('id');
type: "POST",
data: "db_data=" + data,
success: function(data2){
success return in data2 and use this..

jquery and ajax request

I have js function which sends ajax request to the controller and succ. return result and append that result into desired div inside partial page. Now I want to implement pagination and I'm using $("#dataList").on("click", ".pagedList a".getPage); to listen when user click on pagination links to determine which page number is clicked
var getPage = function () {
var $a = $(this);
return false;
and finally I'm sending pagenumber to the next function which sends pagenumber together with activeTab variable to the controller
function GetTabData(xdata, pageNumber) {
url: ('/Home/GetTabData'),
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'html',
data: JSON.stringify({ activeTab: xdata, page: pageNumber }),
success: function (result) {
$("[id^='tab-'] div").remove();
var currentTab = $("#tab-" + xdata).html(result);
error: function () { alert("error"); }
Something is definit. wrong here cause on controller side I'm using
to allow only ajax request to paginate data and I'm getting Not ajax request. Once more, If I remove pagination option completly and send just activeTab everything works.
Any thoughts?
Your GetTabData function takes 2 arguments: xdata and pageNumber but when calling it you are passing only one:
var $a = $(this);
So you probably are getting a javascript error and the return false statement is never reached.

