How to validate an input as an number in JavaScript - javascript

I'm new with JavaScript programming and have been trying to validate a number that is inputted from a user on a php page. Here is the javascript that is included.
var validate_and_create = function(){
var i_number = $("input_number").value;
var isValid = true;
if (i_number === ""){
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "Number text field cannot be blank.";
isValid = false;
} else {
if (typeof i_number === 'number') {
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "This is a number!";
isValid = true;
} else {
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "This is not a number!";
isValid = false;
It always prints that the input is not a number even when integer values are inserted in the textbox. So I'm sure its taking the input as a string input. So do I have to convert it to integer so I can validate? or am I doing something wrong?

You can use parseInt to convert the value to integer, like parseInt("55", 10) will return 55.
And something like parseInt("xx",10) returns NaN.

Thanks adeneo, isNaN works for validation.
Code below:
var validate_and_create = function(){
var i_number = $("input_number").value;
var isValid = true;
if (i_number === ""){
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "Number text field cannot be blank.";
isValid = false;
} else {
if (isNaN(i_number)) {
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "This is not a number!";
isValid = false;
} else {
$("create_n_error").firstChild.nodeValue = "This is a number!";
isValid = true;


Creating a pattern for a number which must be prefixed by 3 letters eg (IKA111111)

function validatetest(e)
// Declare all the variables here
var firstName = document.getElementById("firstName").value;
var lastName = document.getElementById("lastName").value;
var title = document.getElementById("title").value;
var healthNumber = document.getElementById("healthNumber").value);
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
var telephoneNumber = parseInt(document.getElementById("telephoneNumber").value);
var validHealth = /^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{6}$/;
var validText = /^[a-zA-Z]*$/;
var validLastText = /^[a-zA-Z-]*$/;
var validEmail = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/;
//var n = healthNumber.startsWith("ZHA");
if(firstName!="" && lastName!= "" && title!="" && email !="")
if(!isNaN(telephoneNumber) && telephoneNumber >= 11111111111 && telephoneNumber <= 99999999999)
if(firstName.match(validText) && firstName.length >1)
if(lastName.match(validLastText) && lastName.length> 1)
alert("All information is Validated");
return true;
alert("error error");
return false;
document.getElementById("error4").innerHTML="letters and hypen only";
return false;
document.getElementById("error").innerHTML="letters only and more then one character";
return false;
document.getElementById("error2").innerHTML="Telephone number must be 11 num digits long";
document.getElementById("error3").innerHTML="email is not a valid format ";
return false;
alert("All fields must be entered except telephone Number ");
return false;
i am trying to create a validation process by using a pattern for a user inputted healthnumber so that it validates whether 3 letters are entered followed by 6 numbers via user input. (MIC123456 is example so MIC always has to been entered , those specific letters)
Not sure if my technique is correct by using a pattern stored in the ValidHeath variable as you can i have used this idea for my email validation etc .
You have an extra + in your regex, make it
var validHealth = /^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{6}$/;
var isMatch = !!"IKA111111".match(/^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{6}$/);
isMatch ? console.log( "Matching" ) : console.log( "Not Matching" );

Validating using JavaScript - how to show to all validation error message's

I have function that checks if fields are blank but if all fields are blank it only shows one of the validation message's, I think this is because I have used an if statement:
function validateForm()
var sName=document.forms["myForm"]["surname_5"].value;
if (sName==null || sName=="")
document.getElementById("sNameMessage").innerHTML = "*Surname is required";
return false;
var x=document.forms["myForm"]["firstname_4"].value;
if (x==null || x=="")
document.getElementById("fNameMessage").innerHTML = "*First name is required";
return false;
var y=document.forms["myForm"]["selectid"];
if(y.options[y.selectedIndex].value == "Title")
document.getElementById("titleMessage").innerHTML = "You need to select a title";
return false;
How do I get it so all validation messages show if the user has left all fields blank?
Don't return false immediately. Set a variable to false (after defining it as true at the very start of the function) and return that variable at the end.
Try something like this (or add all your code if you need more details)
function validateForm() {
var sName = document.forms["myForm"]["surname_5"].value;
var ret = true;
if (sName == null || sName == "") {
document.getElementById("sNameMessage").innerHTML = "*Surname is required";
ret = false;
var x = document.forms["myForm"]["firstname_4"].value;
if (x == null || x == "") {
document.getElementById("fNameMessage").innerHTML = "*First name is required";
ret = false;
var y = document.forms["myForm"]["selectid"];
if (y.options[y.selectedIndex].value == "Title") {
document.getElementById("titleMessage").innerHTML = "You need to select a title";
ret = false;
return ret;

JS can't get my true/false function to display the false output only the true output

I need to write a good that will validate if a number is in between a range of two numbers I can only get the number is valid output no matter what i input in my text box.
function validInputRange(min, max, textbox) {
if (textbox >= min && textbox <= max) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function btnValidate_onclick() {
// assign textbox elements to variables for easier access
var numberTextbox = document.getElementById("txtNumber");
var input = parseFloat(numberTextbox.value);
var output = validInputRange(1, 49, numberTextbox.value);
if (output = true) {
var answer = "valid"; = "#00ff00";
} else {
answer = "false"; = "#ff0000";
numberTextbox.value = answer;
Instead of
if (output = true)
Just do
if (output)
if (output == true)
= is used for assignment, while == or === for comparing.

Validation of empty fields in JavaScript and displaying text inside <p> tag

This is a guestbook validation which I am trying to make. The text in the <p> tag is not getting changed and I don't know why. Could you help me to validate this form:
function Frmvalidate() {
var nmchk = document.forms["guestform1"]["name"].value;
var cmntchk = document.forms["guestform1"]["comment"].value;
if (nmchk == null || nmchk == "") {
var namep = document.getElementById("namep");
x.innerHTML = "name must be filled out";
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (cmntchk == null || cmntchk == "") {
var cmntp = document.getElementById("cmntp");
x.innerHTML = "comment must be filled out";
return false;
} else {
return true;
Instead of
var namep = document.getElementById("namep");
x.innerHTML="name must be filled out";
you probably want
var namep = document.getElementById("namep");
namep.innerHTML="name must be filled out";
But when you execute the first if else, you quit the function, so you probably want to do this :
function Frmvalidate() {
var nmchk=document.forms["guestform1"]["name"].value;
var cmntchk=document.forms["guestform1"]["comment"].value;
if (nmchk==""||nmchk==null) {
var namep = document.getElementById("namep");
namep.innerHTML="name must be filled out";
return false;
if (cmntchk==""||cmntchk==null){
var cmntp = document.getElementById("cmntp");
cmntp.innerHTML="comment must be filled out";
return false;
return true;

live form results using javascript

I am trying to provide a message below the fields of a form. The message will depend on what is entered in both fields.
How would I go about making it so it calculates in real time using both the fields and passing it through a calculation?
Here is the fiddle
I am using this to get the document values
var input1 = document.getElementById("input-mini");
var input2 = document.getElementById("input-mini2");
and this at the end to run the function
There are many missing pieces in your code.
Firstly you have written code entirely using javascript and trying to use jQuery syntax. So how would you expect it to work.
jQuery to set HTML --- msg.html(value);
javascriptto set HTML --- msg.html = value;
Second When you are checking for Not a Number
It is supposed to look like
val1 === NaN // It is not a string
Also this will never work as NaN is never equal to NaN
Use isNaN() method instead
<div class="message"></div>
supposed to be
<div id="message"></div>
Next you need to assign events to your input. Otherwise it would only work when the page loads for the first time..
input1.addEventListener('change', yearCalculator);
input2.addEventListener('change', yearCalculator);
Otherwise it will only work the first time your script loads.
Cleaned up code
var input1 = document.getElementById("input-mini");
var input2 = document.getElementById("input-mini2");
var msg = document.getElementById('message');
input1.addEventListener('change', yearCalculator);
input2.addEventListener('change', yearCalculator);
function yearCalculator() {
var yearOne = input1.value;
var yearTwo = input2.value;
val1 = parseInt(yearOne);
val2 = parseInt(yearTwo);
if (isNaN(val1) || isNaN(val2)) {
msg.innerHTML = "Please enter a valid year !!";
var value1 = yearOne - yearTwo + 18;
if (yearOne == yearTwo) {
msg.innerHTML = "Both years are the same";
if (yearOne < yearTwo) {
if (yearTwo < value1) {
msg.innerHTML = "This is a good result";
} else if (yearTwo > value1) {
msg.innerHTML = "This is a bad result";
} else {
msg.innerHTML = "This is neither good or bad";
else {
msg.innerHTML ="Year 1 is greater than Year 2";
Check Fiddle
You can use onchange="yearCalculator()" in both input fileds
First change the class='message' to id='message'. Then try this code:
var input1 = document.getElementById("input-mini");
var input2 = document.getElementById("input-mini2");
var yearOne = input1.value;
var yearTwo = input2.value;
var msg = document.getElementById('message');
function yearCalculator(value1, value2) {
val1 = parseInt(value1);
val2 = parseInt(value2);
if (val1 === "NAN" || val2 === "NAN") return;
var value1 = val1 - val2 + 18;
if (val1 == val2) {
msg.innerHTML="Both years are the same";
if (val1 < val2) {
if (val2 < value1) {
msg.innerHTML = "This is a good result";
} else if (val2 > value1) {
msg.innerHTML = "This is a bad result";
} else {
msg.innerHTML = "This is neither good or bad";
input1.onkeyup=function() {
input2.onkeyup=function() {

