Eclipse with Webclipse - JS debugger doesn't stop at breakpoints - javascript

I'm using Eclipse 4.5 and I've installed Webclipse 2015 CI 8 and Tomcat 8.0. I'm trying to debug an example. But the debugger doesn't stop at a breakpoint. It runs through the whole file and shows
Uncaught TypeError: $(...)[methodToCall] is not a function
at doExceptions (http://localhost:8080/Webclipse-JSDebug-WebApp-Example/:180:42)
at (http://localhost:8080/Webclipse-JSDebug-WebApp-Example/:181:6)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught TypeError: $(...)[methodToCall] is not a function
at doExceptions (http://localhost:8080/Webclipse-JSDebug-WebApp-Example/:180:42)
at (http://localhost:8080/Webclipse-JSDebug-WebApp-Example/:181:6)
What did I do wrong?
I've installed Webclipse 2016 and I've got the same problem. Anybody knows why?

I'm not positive about the exceptions, however, a possible reason for skipping the breakpoints would be if you right clicked the project and chose debug as -> debug on server. Instead, select debug as -> JavaScript in JavaEE Web Application. This should start the server and open the application in chrome, pausing at the breakpoints.


"connect ETIMEDOUT" error when I tried to debug the react-native app

I have something to tell you.
When I tried to debug the react-native app,
I get an error of "connect ETIMEDOUT".
If the Android API level is 30 or less, you can debug without problems,
An error occurs if the Android API level is 31 or higher.
I haven't made any special network settings.
What is the cause?
react-native: 0.60.6
debug tool: VSCode

How can I open my node.js program in chrome? - VS Code

I'm new to node.js, and VS Code. I'm watching this tutorial, and the issue is that in the video, he runs his server. I can do this fine, but, when he opens his browser and types http://localhost:8888, he can connect to the server like he is a client. When I do this, the program Emit(I think that is what its called) opens and has an error - Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'h:\Microsoft VS Code\bin\index.html' at Error (native). In the beginning of the tutorial, he went to edit configurations and entered the local host url into some text box and changed other settings. Although, he is using IntelliJ, and I'm using VS Code. How can I make it so I can enter the url and run as a client.
[EDIT]: When I try to start without debugging, I get the options select enviornment - Chrome or Node.js. Also, I went to the terminal and typed node app(file name is App.js), and I get the error in the terminal - module.js: 471. throw err. Error: cannot find module at C:Users\Name\App
Thank you.

node js fails to serve mobile clients only

I have a node js server on a docker container runing on digital ocean, that serve an angular 2 application bundeled and traspiled with webpack.
When I try to get the application from any computer it works, but if I try to get it from my android device or ipad it fails to load the js files.
The browsers shows this errors:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED common.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED vendor.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED app.js
Again it works on desktop chrome/firefox/safari.
Did you check if you has AdBlock or something similar in your devices? Sometimes it can cause errors like this.
Check too if you are using a proxy in the devices connection.
I hope my answer will be helpfulp!

nodejs mobwrite on windows

I'm trying to setup nodejs mobwrite. I have node working & python installed, and I followed the simple setup steps, but I keep getting this console error in the browser.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to nodejs.
Fixed it.
Copy from node_modules/mobwrite/ext/google-mobwrite/daemon, and put it in the directory above it. Dbl click on that to start it in python.
Then start up mobwrite in nodejs. woila!

visual studio 11 javascript metro app deployment error

i am using the windows developer preview with the visual studio 11, when i create a blank javascript project and try to debug it , i got the following deployment error:
Error 1 Error DEP0700 : Registration of the application from layout "C:\Users\dassio\AppxLayouts\164051d0-bdaf-4ccc-b155-6fee67bc3a53VS.Debug.AnyCPU.dassio" failed for the following reason (please check the event viewer for possible additional details): Camera
Error 2 [VisualElements] The notifications helper failed with error : 0x80070490 [ErrorCode] Camera
what is happening here?
Change the Package Identity (open the manifest, go to the package tab and modify the identity).
Hope that helps.

