How to dynamically increment the limit on a collection cursor - javascript

I'm currently trying to implement a "Load more" button on a simple news page.
I've got the search working, thanks to Meteor Chef, and I followed the same principles to implement a "Load more" button. The relevant code is as follows:
Template.listAllNews.onCreated(function() {
template.limit = new ReactiveVar(10);
Tracker.autorun( () => {
template.subscribe( 'news.all', template.searchQuery.get(), template.limit.get(), () => {
setTimeout( () => {
template.searching.set( false );
}, 300 );
'click .load-more-button': function (event, template) {
var limit = template.limit.get();
limit += 10;
template.limit.set( limit );
let query = {},
projection = { limit: limit, sort: { submitted: -1 } };
if ( search ) {
let regex = new RegExp( search, 'i' );
query = {
$or: [
{ title: regex }
projection.limit = 100;
return News.find( query, projection );
This works. The problem is: it refreshes all the data instead of just loading the extra 10 news articles. I want it to only load the extra 10 articles upon click, and not to "refresh" the subscription.
How can I do that?


Error returning value when editing message

I've been thinking about how to do this for days and if you could help me.
I expose you, I have followed the CKEditor 5 tutorial to the point of including the mentions, this is where my problem begins.
Following the tutorial we come to the part of the output of the mention, this as they do in the tutorial I have transformed it from <span> to <a> together with its class, its URL and its data. Well the editor shows it fine until you want to edit the post.
That is, imagine this message:
Hello world I am the first code of #undercover
Well when I include it in the database everything is correct, but when we return that same message to the editor it becomes:
Hello world I am the first code of #undercover
Investigating and as my Javascript is quite low I have been trying things.
The conversion. I've tried but there is something I can't understand and it's like passing the values ​​to the function. Let me explain, when I pass that <a> that I save in the database, if I transform it into a <span> and then insert it if it tries to make the change to mention but the class attribute and the href attribute are "orphaned".
Well, I have 3 ideas and I can't do any of them at some point I get stuck, so I ask you for help.
My idea is to return the text I have in the database and the editor reads it fine.
Idea 1: Put the text in Javascript and identify and exchange the mentions that are in the database by the function of the mentions command, this is really complicated for me because it is very abstract, even so I am still looking for how to do it.
Idea 2: Save the value in the database in another way, this has been a last idea, how to search and put the of the mention but with the custom values. Even if {mention: {id: #undercover}} were saved in the database, I wouldn't care as long as it was later transformed correctly in the editor.
Idea 3: The use of conversions, I have managed to understand this and it has cost me that its function is to identify the mention within the editor and exchange it for the data you want. In this idea I can't understand how to pass the values ​​other than manually, that is, how to pass the class and href attributes.
Here I leave you the section of the code, I hope you can give me a hand and thank you very much.
function MentionCustomization( editor ) {
// The upcast converter will convert <a class="mention" href="" data-user-id="">
// elements to the model 'mention' attribute.
editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).elementToAttribute( {
view: {
name: 'a',
key: 'data-mention',
classes: 'mention',
attributes: {
href: true,
'data-user-id': true,
model: {
key: 'mention',
value: viewItem => {
// The mention feature expects that the mention attribute value
// in the model is a plain object with a set of additional attributes.
// In order to create a proper object, use the toMentionAttribute helper method:
const mentionAttribute = editor.plugins.get( 'Mention' ).toMentionAttribute( viewItem, {
// Add any other properties that you need.
link: viewItem.getAttribute( 'href' ),
userId: viewItem.getAttribute( 'data-user-id' )
} );
return mentionAttribute;
converterPriority: 'high'
} );
// Downcast the model 'mention' text attribute to a view <a> element.
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).attributeToElement( {
model: 'mention',
view: ( modelAttributeValue, { writer } ) => {
// Do not convert empty attributes (lack of value means no mention).
if ( !modelAttributeValue ) {
return writer.createAttributeElement( 'a', {
class: 'group-color-',
// 'data-user-id': modelAttributeValue.userId,
'href': '/member/profile/'+modelAttributeValue.user_id,
}, {
// Make mention attribute to be wrapped by other attribute elements.
priority: 20,
// Prevent merging mentions together.
id: modelAttributeValue.uid,
} );
converterPriority: 'high'
} );
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
url: "/members/list_json",
success: function(info){
.create( document.querySelector( '#comment' ), {
extraPlugins: [ MentionCustomization ],
updateSourceElementOnDestroy: true,
language: 'es',
toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', '|' , 'link', '|', 'bulletedList'],
mention: {
feeds: [
marker: '#',
feed: getFeedItems,
minimumCharacters: 2,
itemRenderer: customItemRenderer,
} )
.then( editor => {
window.editor = editor;
} )
.catch( err => {
console.error( err.stack );
} );
let list_members = [];
for(let i = 0; i < info.length; i++){
var member = info[i];
function getFeedItems( queryText ) {
return new Promise( resolve => {
setTimeout( () => {
const itemsToDisplay = list_members
.filter( isItemMatching )
.slice( 0, 10 );
resolve( itemsToDisplay );
}, 100 );
} );
function isItemMatching( item ) {
const searchString = queryText.toLowerCase();
return (
item.username.toLowerCase().includes( searchString )
function customItemRenderer( item ) {
const itemElement = document.createElement( 'span' );
const avatar = document.createElement( 'img' );
const userNameElement = document.createElement( 'span' );
itemElement.classList.add( 'mention__item');
avatar.src = `${ item.avatar }`;
avatar.classList.add('image-fluid', 'img-thumbnail', 'rounded-circle');
userNameElement.classList.add( 'mention__item__user-name' ); = 'color: '+ item.group_color +';';
userNameElement.textContent =;
itemElement.appendChild( avatar );
itemElement.appendChild( userNameElement );
return itemElement;

ag-grid: Using Javascript, find the row id for a given data

I have a list of employees and I want to find the “id” of the row where firstName=Bob which is unique. In other words, I know the firstName supplied as “Bob” and now, I just need to find the row id using Javascript for ag-grid.
According to the documentation and I see that the rowNode can be got by using
getRowNodeId: data =>,
But I am just unable to to send the parameters (Bob), so that ag-grid finds and puts the id in some assigned variable. I think foreachloop is unnecessary to iterate each and every row, in case if the dataset is too big, then it will be an overhead.
I have the index.html file and a cellRenderer script as shown below. When the circle icon is clicked, I get the row Id correctly, but I am unable to retrieve the firstName, lastName etc.
I tried in two ways (i) writing the evenlistener inside the cellRenderer class, but most convenient for is to take this event listener as a function out of the cell Renderer file. (ii) So, I added a function called getAlert() which you can see as commented. Nothing works for me.
<div id="myGrid" style="height: 800px; width:100%;" class="ag-theme-alpine"></div>
var colSpan = function (params) {
return === 2 ? 3 : 1;
const columnDefs = [
{ headerName:'FIRST NAME',field: "firstName", width:100, cellClass: 'my-class', colSpan: colSpan,},
{ headerName:'LAST NAME',field: "lastName", cellClass: 'my-class', flex: 6,},
{ headerName:'DESIGNATION (%)',field: "designation", cellClass: 'my-class', flex: 1,},
{ headerName:'INFO', field: "row_id",flex: 2, cellRenderer: 'infoCellRenderer'},
{ headerName:'COMMAND',field: "action",flex: 2,},
// let the grid know which columns and what data to use
const gridOptions = {
defaultColDef: {
resizable: true,
columnDefs: columnDefs,
getRowNodeId: data =>,
onGridReady: event => console.log('The grid is now ready'),
infoCellRenderer: InfoCellRenderer,
/*function getAlert(params)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var gridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
new agGrid.Grid(gridDiv, gridOptions);
url: 'XXXXXXX',
.then((data) => {
cellRenderer class
class InfoCellRenderer {
constructor() {}
// gets called once before the renderer is used
init(params) {
// create the cell
this.eGui = document.createElement('div');
this.eGui.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>';
// get references to the elements we want
this.circleValue = this.eGui.querySelector('.circle');
// add event listener to button
this.cellValue = this.getValueToDisplay(params);
//this.eventListener = () => getAlert('${params}');
this.eventListener = () => console.log(`${},${params.node.firstName},${params.node.row_id}`);
this.circleValue.addEventListener('click', this.eventListener);
getGui() {
return this.eGui;
// gets called whenever the cell refreshes
refresh() {
// set value into cell again
this.cellValue = this.getValueToDisplay(params);
//this.eValue.innerHTML = this.cellValue;
// return true to tell the grid we refreshed successfully
return true;
// gets called when the cell is removed from the grid
destroy() {
// do cleanup, remove event listener from button
if(this.circleValue) {
// check that the button element exists as destroy() can be called before getGui()
this.circleValue.removeEventListener('click', this.eventListener);
getValueToDisplay(params) {
return params.valueFormatted ? params.valueFormatted : params.value;
if firstName is unique you can do as followed:
this.gridOptions.getRowNodeId = data => {
return data.firstName;
this code tells ag-grid to use firstName as its internal row Id. so you can easily get the row by:
const node = this.gridApi.getRowNode('Bob');
see link (note // ********* comments ) for full example
function(rowNode, index){
if ( == "Bob") {
row_index = index;
row = gridOptions.api.getModel().rowsToDisplay[row_index];
data_dict =;
// do something with your row data, data_dict

Meteor Blaze order sub-documents by sub-document property

_id: Pe0t3K8GG8,
videos: [
{id:'HdaZ8rDAmy', url:'VIDURL', rank: 2},
{id:'22vZ8mj9my', url:'VIDURL2', rank: 0},
{id:'8hyTlk8H^6', url:'VIDURL3', rank: 1},
The profile is displayed together with the list of videos. I have a Drag & Drop which updates the videos rank using a Server Method.
1) the database updates correctly on Drop.
2) To sort the videos Array - I declare a helper on the Profile Template and SORT the videos array based on a custom comparison function.
'videosSorted': function(){
let videos = (this.videos);
let videosSorted = videos.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseFloat(a.rank) - parseFloat(b.rank);
return videosSorted;
A) In Blaze the {{#each videosSorted}} does not reactively update.
If I F5 refresh then i can see the new order.
I think the issue is because I am providing videosSorted which does not update on changes to the document in the db.
How can I make videosSorted reactive?
All related code:
Iron Router Controller - I subscribe and set the data context for the layout
ProfileController = RouteController.extend({
subscriptions: function() {
data: function () {
//getting the data from the subscribed collection
return Profiles.findOne({'slug':this.params.slug});
Meteor.publish('profile', function (slug) {
const profile = Profiles.find({"slug":slug});
return profile;
The Profile HTML template:
<template name="Profile">
<ul class="sortlist">
{{#each videosSorted}}
{{> Video}}
I am using mrt:jquery-ui - sortable function
Template.Profile.onRendered(function () {
thisTemplate = this;
stop: function(e, ui) {
el = ui.item.get(0);
before = ui.item.prev().get(0);
after =;
if(!before) {
newRank = Blaze.getData(after).rank - 1
} else if(!after) {
newRank = Blaze.getData(before).rank + 1
else {
newRank = (Blaze.getData(after).rank +
Blaze.getData(before).rank) / 2
let queryData = {
_id:, //the id of the profile record
videos_objId: Blaze.getData(el).objId, //the id of the sub document to update
new_rank: newRank //the new rank to give it
//Update the sub document using a server side call for validation + security"updateVideoPosition", queryData, function (error, result) {
console.log("Not updated");
console.log("successfully updated Individual's Video Position")
And finally the Meteor method that does the updating
'updateVideoPosition': function (queryData){
let result = Individuals.update(
{_id: queryData._id, 'videos.objId': queryData.videos_objId },
{ $set:{ 'videos.$.rank' : queryData.new_rank } }
return result;
Note :
As i mentioned - the database updates correctly - and if i have an Incognito window open to the same page - i see the videos reactivly (magically !) switch to the new order.
The schema
const ProfileSchema = new SimpleSchema({
type: String,
videos: {
type: [Object],
autoform: {
type: "hidden",
autoform: {
type: "hidden",
autoform: {
type: "hidden",
I came up with really crude solution, but I don't see other options right now. The simplest solution I can think of is to rerender template manually:
Template.Profile.onRendered(function () {
var self = this;
var renderedListView;
this.autorun(function () {
var data = Template.currentData(); // depend on tmeplate data
//rerender video list manually
if (renderedListView) {
if (data) {
renderedListView = Blaze.renderWithData(Template.VideoList, data, self.$('.videos-container')[0]);
Template.VideoList.onRendered(function () {
var tmpl = this;
stop: function (e, ui) {
var el = ui.item.get(0);
var before = ui.item.prev().get(0);
var after =;
var newRank;
if (!before) {
newRank = Blaze.getData(after).rank - 1
} else if (!after) {
newRank = Blaze.getData(before).rank + 1
else {
newRank = (Blaze.getData(after).rank +
Blaze.getData(before).rank) / 2
let queryData = {
_id:, //the id of the profile record
videos_objId: Blaze.getData(el).objId, //the id of the sub document to update
new_rank: newRank //the new rank to give it
//Update the sub document using a server side call for validation + security"updateVideoPosition", queryData, function (error, result) {
if (!result) {
console.log("Not updated");
else {
console.log("successfully updated Individual's Video Position")
videosSorted: function () {
return this.videos.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.rank - b.rank;
<template name="Profile">
<div class="videos-container"></div>
<template name="VideoList">
<ul class="sortlist">
{{#each videosSorted}}
Reativeness was lost in your case because of JQuery UI Sortable. It doesn't know anything about Meteor's reactiveness and simply blocks template rerendering.
Probably you should consider using something more adopted for Meteor like this (I am not sure it fits your needs).

Meteor: publish dynamically requested range of items

I have huge collection of over 5000+ records. I want to be able to view records 10 at a time. How can I dynamically publish the data that way?
I've tried this so far:
My server.js file :
publishSongs : function (first, last) {
Meteor.publish('adminSongs', function() {
return Songs.find({}, {
skip : first,
limit : last,
sort : {
date : -1
My client.jsfile :{
'click #previous' : function() {
'click #next' : function() {
Template.admin.onCreated(function() {
Session.setDefault('limit', {
first : 0,
last : 10
function publishSong() {
function updateSession(value) {
Session.set('limit', {
first: Session.get('limit').first + value,
last: Session.get('limit').last + value,
The server is printing this error message:
Ignoring duplicate publish named 'adminSongs'
It seems like I'm using publications wrong and could use some guidance.
It doesn't look like you're never updating your Session.get('limit'). You'll need to update then you press next/previous otherwise you're always going to get the same records. You'll also need to change the way you're doing publications:{
'click #previous' : function() {
'click #next' : function() {
Template.admin.onCreated(function() {
Session.setDefault('limit', {
first : 0,
last : 10
Template.instance().autorun( function() {
Template.instance().subscribe('adminSongs', Session.get('limit').first, Session.get('limit').last);
function updateSession(value) {
Session.set('limit', {
first: Session.get('limit').first + value,
last: Session.get('limit').last + value,
I'm assuming based on your code that you already have a helper defined to return the available songs. The code above makes it so that you have one subscription, and that subscription will update any time your session variable changes.
Your server code will also need to be updated:
Meteor.publish('adminSongs', function(first, last) {
return Songs.find({}, {
skip : first,
limit : last,
sort : {
date : -1
Can be outside of a Meteor.method.

javascript to bring back only a certain portion of text (codeigniter & JQuery)

I have the below syntax:
source: "get_orders_by_order_number",
noResults: '',
results: function() {}
select: function( event, ui )
var selectedObj = ui.item;
//get prices
$.post('get_sku_prices', {data:selectedObj.value},function(result) {
the alert returns, order number: Customer Name for example 10827: Massmart
what I want to do is strip away the : Massmart from selectedObj.value
so I want a new variable(for example) selectedobjectorder = 10827
I can then pass this as the order number to get_sku_prices function.
so something like:
source: "get_orders_by_order_number",
noResults: '',
results: function() {}
select: function( event, ui )
var selectedObj = ui.item;
//how to finx this code...
var selectedobjectorder= anything before :(selectedObj.value);
//get prices
$.post('get_sku_prices', {data:selectedobjectorder},function(result) {
Thanks as always.
JS parseInt() is what you want.
var selectedobjectorder = parseInt(jQuery.trim(selectedObj.value));

