Why is setInterval() not working in my ES6 code? [duplicate] - javascript

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JavaScript - SetInterval doesn't function properly
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a class named main with a method called setDate(). In the constructor method I put the line: setInterval(main.setDate(), 10000) and it only runs the initial time the object is instatiated. If I put the line as a tail call in the setDate() method, it runs infinitely & breaks the browser session.

Try to pass the function reference,
setInterval(main.setDate, 10000);
You are calling it. So that function will be called and its returning value will be passed as the first parameter to setInterval.
You could also achieve the required effect by passing the function call as a string,
setInterval("main.setDate()", 10000);
But passing string is not recommended as it would be evaluated under the hood in window scope.


Difference between the ways of function calls [duplicate]

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React Function Calling Methods
(3 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have noticed that (at least in React) there are different ways to call a function. I'd say:
onClick={()=>myFunction()} /*Not sure if I've seen this type*/
Being the case all are correct, what are the difference between them?
Assigns myFunction to onClick.
Calls myFunction immediately and assigns the return value (which needs to be another function) to onClick.
This is often an error caused by people not understanding how () works and wanting the previous syntax.
Creates a new function and assigns it to onClick.
The new function mentions myFunction but doesn't do anything with it. It is a noop.
It is always a mistake.
Creates a new function, which calls myFunction, and assigns it to onClick.
This is usually a waste of resources. It is useful only if myFunction would do something with the event object that onClick passes to the event handler when called and you want to prevent that.
If you were to pass arguments to myFunction (which this example does not) then it would be more generally useful.

JavaScript setInterval callback before defining function? [duplicate]

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Why can I use a function before it's defined in JavaScript?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm currently a teacher's assistant in a web development course. Today, a student asked for help with his homework, in which he'd used setInterval, passing as the first parameter a function which he didn't define until a few lines of code later. I told him that wouldn't work, as the function would be undefined by the time the interval setting code was reached.
To my surprise, it worked perfectly. I've been trying to research this and am coming up blank: does JavaScript actually wait until the first execution of the callback to even see if the function name passed to it exists? That seems so counter-intuitive, but I can't imagine any other reason it would have worked. Where can I find out more about this unexpected behavior?
It depends:
If its a function expression :
//callback not defined ( exists but undefined)
var callback=function(){};
//callback defined
If its a function declaration :
//callback is defined
function callback(){}
//callback is defined
This is called hoisting, so vars and functions are moved to the top.
It also depends on the passed function too:
setInterval(callback,0);//doesnt work, callback is *undefined* in this moment
setInterval(function(){ callback();},100);//does work as callback is just called before being referenced.
var callback=function(){};

What is the difference between writing a function with or without parentheses inside a function in jQuery? [duplicate]

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When to use () after a callback function name? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Well I'm starting with jQuery and I'm wondering what is the difference between writing a function with or without parentheses inside a function.
For example if I have the following function:
function test(){
alert("pen pineapple apple pen");
and this:
both show the same result: "pen pineapple apple pen"
Putting parentheses () at the end of a function causes that function to be invoked immediately, and use its return value in the expression.
This code $(document).ready(test); is using test as a callback function. It essentially says: when the document becomes ready, call the function that I'm providing you with (test).
This code $(document).ready(test()); is immediately invoking the function test, having it return a value, and then passing that value to the ready method. It's possible that test is returning a different function here, which in turn will act as the required callback function. It could also just be an error though, with someone inadvertently including the parentheses when they shouldn't have.

typescript window.setInterval() not working properly [duplicate]

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Referencing "this" inside setInterval/setTimeout within object prototype methods [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm having issues with the window.setInterval() method. Below is an example of the structure, the method "repeat" is called repeatedly, however I cannot call any methods inside "repeat". In the example when I instantiate manager (let m = new manager()) it will print "Before Print", but will not print out the log from the printStuff method, or the "After Print" message.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Obviously this isn't my actual code as it's simple enough to not be in separate functions, however my actual code needs to call many functions in the "repeat" function and it will stop execution when it finds a call to another function.
class manager{
window.setInterval(this.repeat, 5000);
console.log("Before Print");
console.log("After Print");
console.log("Print Stuff");
Set interval will take take the this.repeat out of the context you need to either explicitly 'bind' the method using
setInterval(this.repeat.bind(this), 5000)
setInterval(()=>this.repeat(), 5000)

Repeating a script using setInterval() [duplicate]

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setTimeout ignores timeout? (Fires immediately) [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm working on a Chrome extension to fetch tweets and I figured that I could use the setInterval() function to make the script run every minute. First I tried giving it the function like this:
setInterval(myFunction(), interval);
But it would only execute my script once.
Then out of curiosity I tried declaring the function in the setInterval() function like so:
setInterval(function() {body of my function}, interval);
And that works, but is not a very pretty solution, does anybody any other way of doing this or am I just going to have to deal with it?
Just remove the brackets from the first call. The reason for this is that you need to pass in the function, not the result of the function (what it returns).
When you write the function's name with brackets, it calls the function. When you exclude the brackets, it simply refers to the function like a variable, and so you can pass in your function to the setInterval() function.
setInterval(myFunction, interval);

